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234200511384 Chin J Psychiatry, November 2005, Vol. 38, No. 412 (, % )( n = 88)( n = 76)(OR ) (95% CI)OR (95% C I) 15 (17) 40 (53) 110 110 30 (34) 25 (33) 312 (114711) 316 ( 115910) 43 (49) 11 (14) 1014 (4132514) 1217 ( 4163513) 10 (11) 46 (60) 110 110 31 (35) 22 (29) 816 (3152113) 910 ( 3122512) 47 (53) 8 (10) 2617 (9177312) 3815 (111612813)2 55 (63) 5 ( 7) 2216 (8136115) 2610 ( 8187715) 44 (50) 10 (13) 616 (3111415) 810 ( 3131913) 16 (18) 3 ( 4) 514 (1151914) 512 ( 1141914) 3 23 (26) 0 619 (411112 10 25 ) 12 (14) 3 ( 4) 318 (1101410) 410 ( 1101612) 27 (31) 8 (11) 317 (115817) 411 ( 1161015)1(0100)( 70) 11 (12) 35 (46) 110 110(6069) 35 (40) 30 (40) 317 (116816) 312 ( 113810)( < 60) 42 (48) 11 (14) 1211 (4173114) 1216 ( 4153514)1 14 (16) 3 ( 4) 415 (1131615) 410 ( 1101611) 7 ( 8) 9 (12) 016 (012118) 017 ( 012212)1 11 (12) 4 ( 5) 215 (018813) 211 ( 016714)( 1)0 26 (30) 38 (50) 110 11012 35 (40) 28 (37) 118 (019317) 119 ( 018411)3 27 (31) 10 (13) 319 (116915) 316 ( 114915)2 30 (34) 5 ( 7) 713 (2172011) 912 ( 3102810): 3 ,Haldane JBS [ 9 ] OR 95% CI2(2% ) , 1 (1% ) ,2(2% ) ;2 ; 16 (18% ) 6( 8% ) ,2( 3% ) ,1(1% ) logistic,3,21OR ( 95% C I),: 314 ( 019 1314 ) ; : 717 ( 214 2511) ; 2 : 1916 ( 513 7215) ; : 110,: 710(3121513) ,: 4915 (101523310) ;1: 110,: 312 ( 115 618 ) , : 1010(2114613) Nagelkerke R 2= 0175, C= 0195,, 15243, [ 10212 ] , 1524,1524:6, 59%, 88%, 26%, 76%, 6%; 26%, 14%110© 1995-2006 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

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234200511384 Chin J Psychiatry, November 2005, Vol. 38, No. 412 (, % )( n = 88)( n = 76)(OR ) (95% CI)OR (95% C I) 15 (17) 40 (53) 110 110 30 (34) 25 (33) 312 (114711) 316 ( 115910) 43 (49) 11 (14) 1014 (4132514) 1217 ( 4163513) 10 (11) 46 (60) 110 110 31 (35) 22 (29) 816 (3152113) 910 ( 3122512) 47 (53) 8 (10) 2617 (9177312) 3815 (111612813)2 55 (63) 5 ( 7) 2216 (8136115) 2610 ( 8187715) 44 (50) 10 (13) 616 (3111415) 810 ( 3131913) 16 (18) 3 ( 4) 514 (1151914) 512 ( 1141914) 3 23 (26) 0 619 (411112 10 25 ) 12 (14) 3 ( 4) 318 (1101410) 410 ( 1101612) 27 (31) 8 (11) 317 (115817) 411 ( 1161015)1(0100)( 70) 11 (12) 35 (46) 110 110(6069) 35 (40) 30 (40) 317 (116816) 312 ( 113810)( < 60) 42 (48) 11 (14) 1211 (4173114) 1216 ( 4153514)1 14 (16) 3 ( 4) 415 (1131615) 410 ( 1101611) 7 ( 8) 9 (12) 016 (012118) 017 ( 012212)1 11 (12) 4 ( 5) 215 (018813) 211 ( 016714)( 1)0 26 (30) 38 (50) 110 11012 35 (40) 28 (37) 118 (019317) 119 ( 018411)3 27 (31) 10 (13) 319 (116915) 316 ( 114915)2 30 (34) 5 ( 7) 713 (2172011) 912 ( 3102810): 3 ,Haldane JBS [ 9 ] OR 95% CI2(2% ) , 1 (1% ) ,2(2% ) ;2 ; 16 (18% ) 6( 8% ) ,2( 3% ) ,1(1% ) logistic,3,21OR ( 95% C I),: 314 ( 019 1314 ) ; : 717 ( 214 2511) ; 2 : 1916 ( 513 7215) ; : 110,: 710(3121513) ,: 4915 (101523310) ;1: 110,: 312 ( 115 618 ) , : 1010(2114613) Nagelkerke R 2= 0175, C= 0195,, 15243, [ 10212 ] , 1524,1524:6, 59%, 88%, 26%, 76%, 6%; 26%, 14%110© 1995-2006 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

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