The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History
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a church, a priest and a school. The church is in ruins now, 4houses are here with 16 catholic souls, Rumanians have 300houses and the Armenians 1003.Barlad (Barlad). The inhabitants are Rumanian,Armenian, Hungarian in 30 houses, there are 150 catholicsouls, schismatic have 600 houses, 5000 souls.4. Galati. (Galacz). The inhabitants are Rumanian,Armenian and Greek ... round about 15,000, 12 houses with70 souls are Hungarian catholics, they need a priest, who knowsHungarian, Turkish and Rumanian.5. Tecuci (Takucs). In older times Hungarian lived herein more than 200 houses, had a church, a priest and a teacher,but there's nobody now, their church has been destroyed by theschismatics.6. Bogdana (Bogdana) was inhabited once byHungarians, and now there are 6 houses with 18 souls, theothers turned to the schismatics.7. Stanesti. (Stanfalva). They have a wooden church,cared for by the priest from Trotus, but they have a teacher, too.150 Hungarian souls are living there, Bishop Zamoyski visitedthem and nearby there is a village, nearby Hilip, with a woodenchurch, in the honor of St. Cosma and Damian, where manymiracles happened, the schismatics destroyed the church8. Moinesti: (Manfalva) is a Hungarian village "inManfalvam, valachice Maneste, pagus ungaricus, " they have awalled church. Once it was a big town, but now there are only 9houses with 48 souls, and they have to guard their traditions.9. Grozesti (Grozafalva), the Rumanians are call itGodzeste, Hungarian village with 14 houses, 69 souls, togetherwith the babies.10. Valea Seaca (Volcsok). The Valachian call itBalana, it has 12 houses, 87 souls with children,..11. Slobozia (Ujfalu), in the Eastern part Rumaniansare living, in the Western part, Hungarians, numbering 49 souls12. Trotus (Tatros). In old times the inhabitants wereHungarians, but now there are only 30 houses, catholics, withchildren they total 125, the churches are built of stone , erectedby the Hungarian Princess Margareta .. The first judge of thisyear was a catholic.13. Lucacesti (Lukacsfalva) I came to the Hungarianvillage, called by the Rumanians Lucacesti, by the HungariansLukacsfalva. Once there were over 100 houses here, but now

there are only 15, with 86 souls14. Satul de Jos: (Alfalu) Before it was a well-knownvillage of the Hungarians, now it is totally destroyed, it had astone church with three altars, 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, weprayed for the dead people resting here, and left for theneighboring village.15. Solont: (Soloncza). We came to Solont, aHungarian village of 35 houses 175 person is living. Thechurch is wooden, and here is teacher-cantor, who announcesthe feasts and sings16. Faraoani: (Forrofalva) only Hungarians live heretogether with the children their number is 400, have a woodenchurch.17. Pascani: (Paskan) once it was a pure Hungarianvillage, now the majority is Roman Catholic, in 6 houses with30 souls.18. Valea Seaca (Bogdanfalva). 55 Hungarians areliving here, fewer Rumanians, they don't even have a chapel.19. Fantanele: (Hidegkut), 58 Hungarians live in 12houses, Rumanians, in 100 houses, over 400 souls.20. Trebes: (Terebes) is the village of the CatholicBishopric from Bacau, with 35 houses, 155 persons.21. Bacau: (Bacovia) (Bako) the first parish of thecatholics from Moldavia, one time 12 Hungarian monks livedhere, .. the first bishop of Bacau Quirini, the second Arsengo,the third Valerianus, etc (Then later he describes the unsuitablebehavior of bishop Gorski, priests Bogoslavici, Gabriel Fedro,Gyurgyei, Balthasar) In Bacau there are two catholic churches,one walled, the other is in honor of St. Nicholas, covered withplank. 680 Catholic souls are here. Rumanians are fewer innumber. The leaders of the town were Hungarians in a year,Rumanians in the next. The prefect named by the Prince hadpermanent residence here" * So the Holy Catholic Church whichis guided by the assistance of the Holy Spirit and is a ProtectingMother, has to provide a shepherd of the souls from their ownnation and language, both bishops and priests, as well asmissionaries."22. Piatra: (Karacsonyko). Before it was inhabited byHungarians only, now there are 3 Hungarian houses left with16 souls. Rumanians are 800 souls in over 300 houses. Thecatholic church, totally ruined, the parish house and theteacher's one are occupied by the schismatics.

there are only 15, with 86 souls14. Satul de Jos: (Alfalu) Before it was a well-knownvillage <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Hungarian</strong>s, now it is totally destroyed, it had astone church with three altars, 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, weprayed for the dead people resting here, and left for theneighboring village.15. Solont: (Soloncza). We came to Solont, a<strong>Hungarian</strong> village <strong>of</strong> 35 houses 175 person is living. <strong>The</strong>church is wooden, and here is teacher-cantor, who announcesthe feasts and sings16. Faraoani: (Forr<strong>of</strong>alva) only <strong>Hungarian</strong>s live heretogether with the children their number is 400, have a woodenchurch.17. Pascani: (Paskan) once it was a pure <strong>Hungarian</strong>village, now the majority is Roman Catholic, in 6 houses with30 souls.18. Valea Seaca (Bogdanfalva). 55 <strong>Hungarian</strong>s areliving here, fewer Rumanians, they don't even have a chapel.19. Fantanele: (Hidegkut), 58 <strong>Hungarian</strong>s live in 12houses, Rumanians, in 100 houses, over 400 souls.20. Trebes: (Terebes) is the village <strong>of</strong> the CatholicBishopric from Bacau, with 35 houses, 155 persons.21. Bacau: (Bacovia) (Bako) the first parish <strong>of</strong> thecatholics from Moldavia, one time 12 <strong>Hungarian</strong> monks livedhere, .. the first bishop <strong>of</strong> Bacau Quirini, the second Arsengo,the third Valerianus, etc (<strong>The</strong>n later he describes the unsuitablebehavior <strong>of</strong> bishop Gorski, priests Bogoslavici, Gabriel Fedro,Gyurgyei, Balthasar) In Bacau there are two catholic churches,one walled, the other is in honor <strong>of</strong> St. Nicholas, covered withplank. 680 Catholic souls are here. Rumanians are fewer innumber. <strong>The</strong> leaders <strong>of</strong> the town were <strong>Hungarian</strong>s in a year,Rumanians in the next. <strong>The</strong> prefect named by the Prince hadpermanent residence here" * So the Holy Catholic Church whichis guided by the assistance <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit and is a ProtectingMother, has to provide a shepherd <strong>of</strong> the souls from their ownnation and language, both bishops and priests, as well asmissionaries."22. Piatra: (Karacsonyko). Before it was inhabited by<strong>Hungarian</strong>s only, now there are 3 <strong>Hungarian</strong> houses left with16 souls. Rumanians are 800 souls in over 300 houses. <strong>The</strong>catholic church, totally ruined, the parish house and theteacher's one are occupied by the schismatics.

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