The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History
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priests to their own people.In this catholic town there is another church, but its roof hasfallen down and also the gallery, only the walls are remaining.It was built in the honor of St.Elisabeth, the Queen of Hungary,(the daughter of King Andrew the second, beatified in 1235)and the monastery, together with the church belongs to theFranciscan monks, the oldest ones came to me, asking me tobless them, telling me: "We wanted to pray that you wouldcome out in the city dressed in your pontifical robes, thatRumanians could see it, because they despise us in our belief,saying that our religion is worse than that of the others and ourlaw being the worst of all."These catholics are different from the Rumanians, becausetheir women wear other kind of dresses and they make bread ina different way, better and whiter, in another shape.Arges: in this town lived catholics from the same nation(Saxon) and step by step, being without priest, they becameheretics and schismatics All these towns are near the mountainsand the Hungarian border, and because they came from thoseregions, they long for that country.Targoviste: in this town there is a church and the Franciscanmonastery, in the honor of Our Lady, it is 20 feet long and 10feet wideIt is said that they were Franciscan monks, from Hungaryand Dominican monks as well, and I remember the time, whenthose from Bulgaria lived here, being now monastic Minoritefathers. In this locality there are nearly a hundred catholic souls,who take communion. All of them are in the employ of theruler, some are soldiers, others are merchants. They are fromdifferent nations: Polish, Hungarians, Slavs, Serbians andothersNear the marketplace there is another church,big andbeautiful, which belongs to our catholics, in the honor of St.Francis. But it is ruined, it has only the walls standing. It islonger than 40 feet and wider than 14 feet, it has hugewindows, made of white stone, having the cross-form and a bigbell-tower, like a fortress There are over 4,000 houses ofschismatics, which means over 20,000 souls of differentnations.Bucharest: the catholics have a church, built up by a fewmerchants, there are two catholic families, 10 souls in all."

The Apostolic visit of Moldavia 1641In this town (Galati) we find 43 catholics and 8children, they are originally Hungarians but just a very few ofthem still know Hungarian, they speak Rumanian. They have awooden church.There are over 100 Rumanian or Moldavian families,counting over 2600 souls, all of them schismatics.Birlad: 140 catholics are in this town and 20 children,Hungarians, but only a few of them know the Hungarianlanguage; they have a wooden church.Husi: 400 catholics and 95 children; Hungarians, they speakHungarian and Rumanian as well. They have a wooden Churchwhere they sing in Hungarian the Glory, Credo and otherreligious songs.All the inhabitants are catholics (in the translator's note byBandini it is written, they are the majority but not the entiretown)In the neighborhood of this town, in two villages there areabout 12 catholic families: Hungarians, about 70 in number arevery poor, they have no priest and they can't listen to a liturgy.Even so, they are so strong in their catholic faith that they neverlisten to the schismatic priests and they don't even want tobaptize their children by these priests, they always wait for thecatholic priest.The priest of Cotnari, a very old and good man told me.This is a really good and educated man, knowing Latin,Hungarian German and Rumanian languages. And that's why Ileft him in his parish, where I found him, because the believerstrust him first of all because he is one of them (by language) andsecond, because he is an old man, very wise and after their willand they can't find another one, the country having lack ofpriests.Ciubarciu: where live some Hungarian catholics and Polishslaves3rd of October, 1641, IasiThere are 160 souls and 42 children, practicing catholicHungarians, they have a priest from the same nation and amissionary. They have a wooden church

<strong>The</strong> Apostolic visit <strong>of</strong> Moldavia 1641In this town (Galati) we find 43 catholics and 8children, they are originally <strong>Hungarian</strong>s but just a very few <strong>of</strong>them still know <strong>Hungarian</strong>, they speak Rumanian. <strong>The</strong>y have awooden church.<strong>The</strong>re are over 100 Rumanian or Moldavian families,counting over 2600 souls, all <strong>of</strong> them schismatics.Birlad: 140 catholics are in this town and 20 children,<strong>Hungarian</strong>s, but only a few <strong>of</strong> them know the <strong>Hungarian</strong>language; they have a wooden church.Husi: 400 catholics and 95 children; <strong>Hungarian</strong>s, they speak<strong>Hungarian</strong> and Rumanian as well. <strong>The</strong>y have a wooden Churchwhere they sing in <strong>Hungarian</strong> the Glory, Credo and otherreligious songs.All the inhabitants are catholics (in the translator's note byBandini it is written, they are the majority but not the entiretown)In the neighborhood <strong>of</strong> this town, in two villages there areabout 12 catholic families: <strong>Hungarian</strong>s, about 70 in number arevery poor, they have no priest and they can't listen to a liturgy.Even so, they are so strong in their catholic faith that they neverlisten to the schismatic priests and they don't even want tobaptize their children by these priests, they always wait for thecatholic priest.<strong>The</strong> priest <strong>of</strong> Cotnari, a very old and good man told me.This is a really good and educated man, knowing Latin,<strong>Hungarian</strong> German and Rumanian languages. And that's why Ileft him in his parish, where I found him, because the believerstrust him first <strong>of</strong> all because he is one <strong>of</strong> them (by language) andsecond, because he is an old man, very wise and after their willand they can't find another one, the country having lack <strong>of</strong>priests.Ciubarciu: where live some <strong>Hungarian</strong> catholics and Polishslaves3rd <strong>of</strong> October, 1641, Iasi<strong>The</strong>re are 160 souls and 42 children, practicing catholic<strong>Hungarian</strong>s, they have a priest from the same nation and amissionary. <strong>The</strong>y have a wooden church

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