The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History


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Aldobrandini, Cardinal and State Secretary <strong>of</strong> theVatican"People have been poor for a long time and they have nopossibility to restore their churches, not even to keep priests, asthe churches have nothing."Original version in Italian: Hasdeu "Documente", page. 300-30138. Iasi, 10 May, 1602Report <strong>of</strong> Bernardino Quirini to thePope Clement the VIIIth"Most <strong>of</strong> the Catholic churches were reduced to ashes, someby Mihai, ruler <strong>of</strong> the Rumanian Countries and the others by theTatars, Heretics from Hungary are always coming to convert "Original version in Italian: Hasdeu, "Documente", page. 302-30439. Iasi, 30th <strong>of</strong> March, 1604Four Priests' Common Letter to the catholics fromMoldavia: Stefan Bahazar from Suceava, LaurentiuDemuth from Cotnari, Iacob Sasu from Baia andStefan Transilvaneanul "Priest <strong>of</strong> Siculi Villagesfrom Moldavia", to the Pope Clement the VIIIth"in Moldavia there are 24 Catholic churches, in two olddioceses, <strong>of</strong> Milcov and <strong>of</strong> Siret, different from the Argesdiocese. <strong>The</strong>se churches are ruined, except three or four <strong>of</strong>them, whether caused by poverty, or by frequent and heavytaxes, and most <strong>of</strong> all because there are no Catholic priests. <strong>The</strong>ycannot be kept in those parts <strong>of</strong> Moldavia because they haven'tan energetic bishop to protect them and to help them against theschismatic Prince. It happens many times, that when we go tosick people in those parts, to bring them the Holy Sacraments,or when we have a baptizm in the parts where there's no priest,the men <strong>of</strong> the Prince take our horses. So we have to leave ourcarts near the road, or to take care <strong>of</strong> its transportation, to avoid

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