The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History
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.16.8th of December, 1564The Hungarian Mercenaries,Who Served in Moldavia,are witnessing the Capitulationof the Town Suceava in the Year 1563"I, Stanciul, being together day and night with HisHighness Despot as his page, serving him in his house, I'mtelling the truth about everything I have seen and heard there andwhat I know." (Name of the questioned or implied: PetruDevay, Martin Farkas, Petru Szekely, Laurentiu Kis, StefanHorvath, Menhert Balassa, Ioan Sydo, Valentin Nagy, LadislauRadek, Toma Daczo, Simion and Martin Nagy, apprenticeMatias, Nicolae Szabo and Cristofor Polyak).The confessions and witnesses have been given in Hungarian.Rumanian translation by V. Motogna: "Relatiile dintre Moldova si Ardealin veacul al XVIlea", Cluj, 192817. The 5th of December, 1580Report made by the Franciscan Monk JeronimArsengo about his visitsin the Catholic Communitiesin the Rumanian country"Targoviste: (which has) thousand Rumanian orthodoxhouses, 22 Catholic, Saxon houses, 130 people Roman andGerman, Hungarian and Rumanian. They confess that theybelong to the Catholic church, because of lack of priests. Theyhave a Lutheran priest, obliging him to keep the mass in our riteIn that place there are two Catholic churches: one of St.Francis, the monastery has a beautiful garden, the brother livesfrom gifts and with the help of the Lady of Romania. The otherchurch is called St. MariaCampulung: 900 homes, all of them Rumanian, there areSaxon Catholic houses with 400 souls living in, (all togetherthere are 250, it has a Franciscan monastery, mostly in ruins,and another church, in which lives the Lutheran chaplain. Hespeaks German, Hungarian and Rumanian. Even so people are

saying that they are Roman, keeping a Lutheran chaplainbecause of not having anybody else and being simple people).Ramnic: Three days of walking from Targoviste, 20houses of catholics, 180 souls, they declare themselves RomaniCatholics, but they have a Lutheran priest, not having a catholicone, simple men like the above."Original version in Italian: Fr. Eusebiu Fermendzin, "Acta Bulgariaeecclesiastica ab 1565 usque ad 1799", XVIII. , from the collection"Monumenta spectantia Historiam Slavorum Meridionalium" Zagreb 1887,page 10-1118. Between years 1538-1586Report of a Jesuit Missionary, Giulio Mancinelli,about the Catholic Communities in MoldaviaIasi, with Armenians, many and rich, who are living in thattown and they are catholics.That almost every catholic Christian, who were numeroussome years ago, in the two principalities Moldavia and theRumanian Country, they all turned into orthodox, because of nothaving a catholic priest; a Roman catholic church was foundabused by Lutheran priests, who were coming often to thatplace to keep their masses for the craftsmen, who are mostlyGerman, Hungarian or LutheranHe went to the Armenian's church, keeping their counselthere, they told him that the church is at his disposal and theyare, too. They showed him affection, due to the talks of anArmenian, who came from Rome and talked to them about thePope's love for that nation and about the good reputation of theJesuit Society"Original version in Italian: "Vita de padre Giulio Mancinelli", publishedin "Documente" Hurmuzaki, IX, page 116.19. Iasi. September 5th, 1587Letter of the Captain of Lapusna Castle and HisGrace Bartolomeo Brutti, Albenise Italienised

saying that they are Roman, keeping a Lutheran chaplainbecause <strong>of</strong> not having anybody else and being simple people).Ramnic: Three days <strong>of</strong> walking from Targoviste, 20houses <strong>of</strong> catholics, 180 souls, they declare themselves RomaniCatholics, but they have a Lutheran priest, not having a catholicone, simple men like the above."Original version in Italian: Fr. Eusebiu Fermendzin, "Acta Bulgariaeecclesiastica ab 1565 usque ad 1799", XVIII. , from the collection"Monumenta spectantia Historiam Slavorum Meridionalium" Zagreb 1887,page 10-1118. Between years 1538-1586Report <strong>of</strong> a Jesuit Missionary, Giulio Mancinelli,about the Catholic Communities in MoldaviaIasi, with Armenians, many and rich, who are living in thattown and they are catholics.That almost every catholic Christian, who were numeroussome years ago, in the two principalities Moldavia and theRumanian Country, they all turned into orthodox, because <strong>of</strong> nothaving a catholic priest; a Roman catholic church was foundabused by Lutheran priests, who were coming <strong>of</strong>ten to thatplace to keep their masses for the craftsmen, who are mostlyGerman, <strong>Hungarian</strong> or LutheranHe went to the Armenian's church, keeping their counselthere, they told him that the church is at his disposal and theyare, too. <strong>The</strong>y showed him affection, due to the talks <strong>of</strong> anArmenian, who came from Rome and talked to them about thePope's love for that nation and about the good reputation <strong>of</strong> theJesuit Society"Original version in Italian: "Vita de padre Giulio Mancinelli", publishedin "Documente" Hurmuzaki, IX, page 116.19. Iasi. September 5th, 1587Letter <strong>of</strong> the Captain <strong>of</strong> Lapusna Castle and HisGrace Bartolomeo Brutti, Albenise Italienised

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