The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History
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Year 12271. The Pope's letter to theHungarian Dominican SuperiorCUM VENERABILI FRATRI NOSTRO PRIORI ORDINISPRAEDICATORIUM DE UNGARIA" For that the Lord's will was to fulfill the wish of ourhonored brother, the Prayers' Order's Superior from Hungary,Archbishop and Envoy to the Apostlic Holy See, giving him, asa result of his work, the conversion of many Cumanis from thatregion; and that for the same Archbishop ordained throughChrist's gift our Theodoric brother from Your order into bishop,you and your brothers in this order have the responsibility forredeeming souls, and, following the spirit of your affection,you have to be prepared for taking part and cooperate with thementioned archbishop, in the work of promoting a holy anddevout aim. For that, with this apostolic letter, regarding thedelegation of brothers to the Cumani - who seem to be more ablefor this work - following the opinion of the archbishop and thebishop, who was superior for five years in Hungary -, we orderyour piety to be helpful and not difficult, all the more, becausewe've learnt that many of these brothers are offering themselvesto Christ. Dated in Lateran, on the twelfth day before April, inthe second year of our papal service."The original version in the Vatican, at the Papal Archive First edition in:"Edes hazamnak akartam szolgalni", page 36, by Domokos P. P. Translation toRumanian by Tyukodi MihalyYEAR 12272. POPE'S LETTER TO PRINCE BELA,SON OF KING ANDREW THE SECOND-B. NATO CARISSIMII IN XO FILII NOSTRI

ILLUSTRIS REGIS UNGARIAE"To Bela, first born child of our eminent son, the king ofHungary. We bring grateful thanks to the Creator, who grantedyou the pious vocation of converting the Cumanis, doing ittogether with our honored brother, the archbishop ofStrigonium and our apostolic delegate. Entering in theircountry, in your position of a catholic prince and educated inhonest piety, you wished with all your power to bring them intothe catholic religion and by thus, increase the people of the Lord.You hadn't mistaken in your wish, because the Creator watchedyour intention with benevolent eyes, giving you the result of thework you did from your own will for Him, according to yourexpectations: the spiritual renewal of the Cumani people.The original version in the Vatican, at the Papal Archive First editionin: "Edes hazamnak akartam szolgalni", page 37, by Domokos P. P.Translation in Rumanian by Tyukodi MihalyYEAR 12273. Pope's Letter to the Primate of Hungary,Legate to the Holy SeeSTRIGONIENSI ARCHIEPISCOPO APOSTOLICESEDIS LEGATO"We rejoyce in the Lord for that He gave you the expectedresults in your work: the spiritual renewal of the Cumanipeople, as well as the ordaining into bishop of our honoredTheodoric brother from the Preacher's Order, who wasschooled in the Lord's law. And you have done that with theLord's mercy and on behalf of us. That for the mentionedpeople - who were nomads, herdsmen and homeless, nowliving in towns and villages - want to build new churches, welisten to your request, for those believers who help personallyor who send gifts for the building of new churches and otherneeded buildings will obtain absolution."The original version in the Vatican, at the Papal Archive First editionin: "Edes hazamnak akartam szolgalni", page 39, by Domokos P. P.Translation in Rumanian by Tyukodi Mihaly

ILLUSTRIS REGIS UNGARIAE"To Bela, first born child <strong>of</strong> our eminent son, the king <strong>of</strong>Hungary. We bring grateful thanks to the Creator, who grantedyou the pious vocation <strong>of</strong> converting the Cumanis, doing ittogether with our honored brother, the archbishop <strong>of</strong>Strigonium and our apostolic delegate. Entering in theircountry, in your position <strong>of</strong> a catholic prince and educated inhonest piety, you wished with all your power to bring them intothe catholic religion and by thus, increase the people <strong>of</strong> the Lord.You hadn't mistaken in your wish, because the Creator watchedyour intention with benevolent eyes, giving you the result <strong>of</strong> thework you did from your own will for Him, according to yourexpectations: the spiritual renewal <strong>of</strong> the Cumani people.<strong>The</strong> original version in the Vatican, at the Papal Archive First editionin: "Edes hazamnak akartam szolgalni", page 37, by Domokos P. P.Translation in Rumanian by Tyukodi MihalyYEAR 12273. Pope's Letter to the Primate <strong>of</strong> Hungary,Legate to the Holy SeeSTRIGONIENSI ARCHIEPISCOPO APOSTOLICESEDIS LEGATO"We rejoyce in the Lord for that He gave you the expectedresults in your work: the spiritual renewal <strong>of</strong> the Cumanipeople, as well as the ordaining into bishop <strong>of</strong> our honored<strong>The</strong>odoric brother from the Preacher's Order, who wasschooled in the Lord's law. And you have done that with theLord's mercy and on behalf <strong>of</strong> us. That for the mentionedpeople - who were nomads, herdsmen and homeless, nowliving in towns and villages - want to build new churches, welisten to your request, for those believers who help personallyor who send gifts for the building <strong>of</strong> new churches and otherneeded buildings will obtain absolution."<strong>The</strong> original version in the Vatican, at the Papal Archive First editionin: "Edes hazamnak akartam szolgalni", page 39, by Domokos P. P.Translation in Rumanian by Tyukodi Mihaly

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