The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History

The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History The Tsangos of Romania - Corvinus Library - Hungarian History
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pop up like Nádas, Szöcs, Karácsonykö, Tamás, Ravaszfalva,and Lukácsfalva in the documents. From 1510, Tatros becamethe centre of the Moldavian bishopric since that is the first townwhere the catholic religion is reestablished. The city of Bakósoon took over and from the 16th century, it became thereligious centre while most of the bishoprics had vanished bythis time.In 1571, Mihály Thabuk , the Franciscan priest ofTatros, who originaly came from Szeged (Hungary), succeededin converting 2000 Hussites in the towns of Husz and Románback to catholicism. Till the 17th century, catholicism was themajor religion in both Transylvania and Moldavia, but after thatReformation appeared and while Moldavia remained catholic,Transylvania was overrun with it.In 1591, a census is held by the Voivode of Moldavia,Ferenc Sánta, and according to his calculations 497,000 peoplelived in the country and out of those 15,000-20,000 werecatholics which means either Hungarian or German. (InMoldavia being a catholic automatically means that the person iseither a Hungarian or a German.) In 1590, Bernát Quirinibecomes the head of the Moldavian church. He was aconscientious priest and tried to help his people but in 1603,wrote in despair: "The Tartans have destroyed most of ourchurches", then in 1604, "The Tartars have captured over100,000 men from Transylvania and the number of the fallen inthe battles is innumerable". Quirini also became the victim ofone of these raids by the Tartans in 1604.There is a document in the hands of the RumanianAcademy from 1605, in which an anonymous writer listed 15parishes in Moldavia:1 Szucsava: two catholic churches from stone, two priests2 Jászvásár: one stone and one wooden church3 Kotnár: three stone and two wooden churches, one germanpriest4 Szeret: one church5 Herló: one stone church6 Moldvabánya: two stone churches7 Németvásár: one church one german priest8 Karácsonykö: one church9 Bákó: two churches there is a franciscan cloister1o Forrófalva: one church

11 Tatros: one church no priest12 Román: one church13 Szabófalva one church14 Husz: two churches one priest15 Coccino: with a chapelThe people of Moldavia were always asking for priestsand, since they were cut off from Hungary, their plea was notanswered, and as in the 15th century, there were very fewpriests and wandering brethren, Poland sent missionaries. From1611, for two hundred years, Polish bishops headed thebishoprics who neglected the people and their needs." SACRA CONGREGATION DEPROPAGANDA FIDE"The year 1622, was an important date in the lives of theCsángós, since that was the year in which Rome founded the dePropaganda Fide, an organization which sent missionaries outinto the world to stop the spreading of Protestanism. Moldaviawas also part of the missionary area. The Italian missionarieshad great difficulties among the Moldavian Hungarians sincethey did not speak the language. In the years between 1622, and1812, we know the names of 54 missionary prefects and not oneof them was Hungarian.The first missionary, a certain András Bogoslavich,collected data about Moldavia and looking at his documents wefind that he mentioned 15 catholic parishes 1010 catholic housesand 26,63o inhabitants. In most of the villages he did not findpriests and in many parts he found a phenomena which wouldbecome more and more frequent as time went by, that manypeople had forgotten their mother tongue and instead spokeRumanian. Here is a chart that was compiled in 1643, byBassetti:village house people church: stone wood priestBákó 112 380 1 1 yesJassi 60 222 1Husi 81 480 1 yesAlbalfalo 10 57Vasalo 6 25 1Berlád 25 120 1

11 Tatros: one church no priest12 Román: one church13 Szabófalva one church14 Husz: two churches one priest15 Coccino: with a chapel<strong>The</strong> people <strong>of</strong> Moldavia were always asking for priestsand, since they were cut <strong>of</strong>f from Hungary, their plea was notanswered, and as in the 15th century, there were very fewpriests and wandering brethren, Poland sent missionaries. From1611, for two hundred years, Polish bishops headed thebishoprics who neglected the people and their needs." SACRA CONGREGATION DEPROPAGANDA FIDE"<strong>The</strong> year 1622, was an important date in the lives <strong>of</strong> theCsángós, since that was the year in which Rome founded the dePropaganda Fide, an organization which sent missionaries outinto the world to stop the spreading <strong>of</strong> Protestanism. Moldaviawas also part <strong>of</strong> the missionary area. <strong>The</strong> Italian missionarieshad great difficulties among the Moldavian <strong>Hungarian</strong>s sincethey did not speak the language. In the years between 1622, and1812, we know the names <strong>of</strong> 54 missionary prefects and not one<strong>of</strong> them was <strong>Hungarian</strong>.<strong>The</strong> first missionary, a certain András Bogoslavich,collected data about Moldavia and looking at his documents wefind that he mentioned 15 catholic parishes 1010 catholic housesand 26,63o inhabitants. In most <strong>of</strong> the villages he did not findpriests and in many parts he found a phenomena which wouldbecome more and more frequent as time went by, that manypeople had forgotten their mother tongue and instead spokeRumanian. Here is a chart that was compiled in 1643, byBassetti:village house people church: stone wood priestBákó 112 380 1 1 yesJassi 60 222 1Husi 81 480 1 yesAlbalfalo 10 57Vasalo 6 25 1Berlád 25 120 1

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