PE 185 Lifetime Wellness Instructor - Campbell University

PE 185 Lifetime Wellness Instructor - Campbell University

PE 185 Lifetime Wellness Instructor - Campbell University


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<strong>PE</strong> <strong>185</strong> <strong>Lifetime</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong><strong>Instructor</strong>: Eileen BarbourPhone: (910) 485-8038--home; (910) 609-4041--workE-mail: eileenbarbour@nc.rr.comCOURSE REQUIREMENTSCourse Description: <strong>Lifetime</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> guides the student in leading a healthier life.Class materials cover topics that include nutrition, the relationship between fitnessand wellness, cardiovascular diseaase risk management, cancer risk management,stress management techniques, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, smokingcessation, cardiovascular assessment and exercise prescription, body compositionassessment and weight control, and other relevant wellness and fitness issues.Weekly reading are supplemented by exercise activities.Text: Concepts of Fitness and <strong>Wellness</strong>, 8th Edition; Author: Corbin,Welk,Corbin and WelkLearning Outcomes: By the end of this course, the students will understand thebasic components of wellness. The students will be able to design and implementtheir own wellness plan, incorporating newly learned information regarding stressmanagement, healthy eating, etc.Expectations of Students:Students are expected to participate in all phases of the class, including personalwellness activities. Homework, wellness chats, quizzes and logs are due on thedates (Thursdays) noted in the course documents.All students are subject to the academic integrity and behavioral expectations of the<strong>University</strong>.Grading Criteria: Submission of all graded items is required to pass the course:<strong>Wellness</strong> Logs...............15%<strong>Wellness</strong> Assignments........25%Quizzes.....................25%Article Reviews.............15%<strong>Wellness</strong> Chats..............20%All course work should be placed in the Student Dropb Box or mailed directly toeileenbarbour@nc.rr.com. All assignments are due by Thursday of each week.Please note: COURSEWORK SUBMITTED AFTER TUESDAY WILL NOT BEGRADED!

**<strong>Wellness</strong> Logs--Record your wellness activities on a daily or weekly basis,describing them in detail (what you ate, how much water your drank, whether or notyou cut back on caffeine or tobacco, how you managed your stress, etc.). Also,include your response to your wellness sessions, being as descriptive as possible. Atotal of 7 logs will be turned in for <strong>PE</strong> <strong>185</strong>.**<strong>Wellness</strong> Assignments--A total of 14 assignments will be due Thursdays.**Quizzes--A total of 4 quizzes are given during the semester. When taking thequizzes, the quizzes have to be be completed once they are opened. Be prepared tocomplete the quiz once it is opened.**Article Reviews--A total of 4 reviews are due throughout the semester. Thearticles may come from websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. and can be related toany of the components of wellness. It is required that you include in your summarya brief description of how you can apply the information or findings to your lifenow and/or in the future. Your opinion of the article can also be included.**<strong>Wellness</strong> Chats/Discussions--A total of 8 wellness chats are placed on theDiscussion Board. New topics/questions will be placed on the Discussion Board andmust be addressed by Thursday each week. Students are encouraged to makeseveral responses throughout the week, responding directly to other students'statements.CAMPUS REQUIREMENTS<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong>'s Statement of Purpose:<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a university of the liberal arts, sciences, and professionswhich is committed to helping students develop an integrated Christian personalitycharacterized by a wholeness that includes: a method of critical judgment; anappreciation of our intellectual, cultural, and religious heritage; and a sensitiveawareness of the world and society in which they live and work with persons.<strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> is a Baptist university affiliated with the Baptist StateConvention of North Carolina. Both in and out of the classroom, the <strong>University</strong>endeavors to present Christian principles to students and to foster their applicationto daily life.This course is consistent with the aforementioned purpose and provides students apositive environment for learning.ADA Statement: Students with documented disabilities who desire modifications oraccommodations should contact the Office of Student Support Services located inthe <strong>University</strong>'s Hight House.Attendance: <strong>Campbell</strong>'s attendance policy states that regular attendance ismandatory. Students may miss only 15% of classes. Any student missing more than15% of classes may fail the course due to a lack of attendance.

Grading Policy: Official grades are issued for each student at the end of each term.Students will be graded by the letter grade system shown below.A 90-100 ExcellentB 80-89 GoodC 70-79 AverageD 60-69 Below AverageF Below 60 UnsatisfactoryMissed Classes: Students who are aware that they will miss a class should informthe instructor before class. Scheduled class assignments may be made-up only witha prearranged, excused absence.Incomplete Work: <strong>Instructor</strong>s will issue grades of incomplete in conjunction with the Directorof Distance Education,(coordination) and the guidelines provided in the <strong>University</strong> Catalog .Internet/Email Requirements: This course utilizes email, and the Blackboard Learningsystem. Students are required to have and regularly monitor a valid email address and internetservice provider. A <strong>Campbell</strong> <strong>University</strong> email account is preferred. Students will be contacted inmost cases via the Blackboard platform. Students are directed to ensure that the email addressentered in the Blackboard system is functional.

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