Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp


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GRI G3 IndicatorPageGRI G3 IndicatorPageGRI G3 IndicatorPageGRI G3 IndicatorPageHR1 Percentage and total numberof significant investmentagreements that includehuman rights clauses or thathave undergone human rightsscreening.HR2 Percentage of significantsuppliers and contractors thathave undergone screeningon human rights and actionstaken.HR3 Total hours of employeetraining on policies andprocedures concerningaspects of human rights thatare relevant to operations,including the percentage ofemployees trained.HR4 Total number of incidents ofdiscrimination and actionstaken.HR5 Operations identified inwhich the right to exercisefreedom of association andcollective bargaining may beat significant risk, and actionstaken to support these rights.HR6 Operations identified ashaving significant risk forincidents of child labor, andmeasures taken to contributeto the elimination of childlabor.HR7 Operations identified ashaving significant riskfor incidents of forced orcompulsory labor, andmeasures to contribute tothe elimination of forced orcompulsory labor.Principles 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.Our significant investmentagreements include human rightsclauses.Principles 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.We do not carry out screeningson human rights of significantsuppliers and/or contractors. Wecreated an action plan to addressthis indicator in 2009:Page 132 – Principles 1, 4 and 5.Page 81 – Principles 1 and 6.Page 130 – Principles 1 and 3.Page 126 – Principles 1 and 5.Page 126 – Principles 1, 2 and 4.SO3Percentage of employeestrained in organization’santicorruption policies andprocedures.SO4 Actions taken in response toincidents of corruption.SO5 Public policy positions andparticipation in public policydevelopment and lobbying.SO6 Total value of financial and inkindcontributions to politicalparties, politicians, and relatedinstitutions by country.SO7 Total number of legal actionsfor anticompetitive behavior,anti-trust, and monopolypractices and their outcomes.SO8 Monetary value of significantfines and total number ofnonmonetary sanctions fornoncompliance with laws andregulations.PR1 Life cycle stages in whichhealth and safety impactsof products and services areassessed for improvement,and percentage of significantproducts and servicescategories subject to suchprocedures.Page 81 – Principle 10.Page 81 – Principle 10.Principles 7, 8 and 9.We operate pursuant to theenvironmental sustainabilitypolicies and objectives and thepublic policies on this topic. We areactively involved in the National andState Water Resources ManagementSystems at all levels, and we haverepresentatives in the São PauloState Hydrographic Basin TechnicalChambers, Committees andSubcommittees.<strong>Sabesp</strong> does not adopt this practice.In 2009 no incidents of this typewere recorded.Principle 10.In 2009, we paid 954 labor lawsuitstotaling approximately R$11 million,which were duly accrued. Thereis no final decision of the moralharassment legal actions filedagainst us.Page 134 – Principle 8.PR5 Practices related to customersatisfaction, including resultsof surveys measuring customersatisfaction.PR6 Programs for adherence tolaws, standards, and voluntarycodes related to marketingcommunications, includingadvertising, promotion, andsponsorship.PR7 Total number of incidentsof non-compliance withregulations and voluntarycodes concerning marketingcommunications, includingadvertising, promotion,and sponsorship by type ofoutcomes.Page 125.<strong>Sabesp</strong> complies with relevantlegislation and the standardsenacted by the National AdvertisingSelf-regulation Council (CONAR).In 2009, in addition to complyingwith marketing, advertising,promotion, and sponsorship codesand legislation, in line with thehigher transparency guidelines,we prepared a Guidance andimplemented a new systemto select projects applying forinstitutional and financial support,which are available on our websiteand are open three times a year,which are also submitted to theanalysis of an internal committeeformed by <strong>Sabesp</strong> employee andan external committee formed byState Government representatives,NGOs and scholars, includingrepresentatives of SOS MataAtlântica and the State PublicProsecution Office.PR8 Total number of substantiatedcomplaints regarding breachesof customer privacy and lossesof customer data.PR9 Monetary value of significantfines for noncompliancewith laws and regulationsconcerning the provision anduse of products and services.Principle 2.In 2009 there were no complaintsrelated to breaches of customerprivacy and losses of customerdata. We do not use customer datafor sales and operational actionspurposes, but property data.Principle 8.We do not have this data in systems.HR8 Percentage of securitypersonnel trained in theorganization’s policies orprocedures concerning aspectsof human rights that arerelevant to operations.HR9 Total number of incidents ofviolations involving rights ofindigenous people and actionstaken.SO1 Nature, scope, andeffectiveness of any programsand practices that assessand manage the impacts ofoperations on communities,including entering, operating,and exiting.SO2 Percentage and total numberof business units analyzed forrisks related to corruption.Page 132 – Principles 1 and 2.Principles 1 and 2.In 2009 no incidents of this typewere recorded.Pages 140 and 142 – Principles 1, 7,8 and 9.Page 81 – Principles 2 and 10.PR2 Total number of incidentsof noncompliance withregulations and voluntarycodes concerning health andsafety impacts of products andservices during their life cycle,by type of outcomes.PR3 Type of product and serviceinformation required byprocedures, and percentageof significant products andservices subject to suchinformation requirements.PR4 Total number of incidentsof non-compliance withregulations and voluntarycodes concerning productand service information andlabeling, by type of outcomes.Page 136 – Principle 8.Page 125 – Principle 8.Page 125 – Principle 8.160 Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2009 161View of Alto Cotia WTPx

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