Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp


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People ManagementOur people management policy reflects our commitment to responsibleoperations and assuring the upholding of human rights in our relations withour internal stakeholders. These assumptions were put into practice as shownbelow.The collective bargaining process is an important tool used in <strong>Sabesp</strong>’sparticipative management. We encourage and support our employees to beinvolved in any type of entities and associations, as is their right and helpsin their individual development and the improvement of the organizationalclimate. All our employees are entitled to freedom of association, arerepresented by a union, and are parties to collective labor agreements.LA4 We negotiate with trade unions because we consider this is a way toreach consensus between the employees’ wishes and our capacity to meetthem. The mission that guides this relationship seeks to establish permanentdialogue and interaction with trade union representatives, by listeningto complaints, clarifying doubts, and facilitating a relationship based ontransparency, respect, and proactive action from the parties. The collectivebargaining agreement currently in force is applicable to all active employees.The collective bargaining process for 2009-2010, which is a major participativemanagement tool, was completed in May and involved the main trade unionsthat represent our employees, resulting in the Collective Labor Agreement. In2009, there were not situations in which this right to freedom of associationand negotiation were at risk. HR5EC3 In 2009, our contributions to the <strong>Sabesp</strong>rev pension plan amounted to2.1 percent of monthly payroll, thus ensuring our employees the possibilityof enjoying pension benefits supplementary to the benefits granted by theNational Institute of Social Security. As a way to resolve its current actuarialdeficit, in September 2009, <strong>Sabesp</strong>rev sent to the National Pension PlanAuthority (“Previc”) a proposal for the creation of a new defined contributionpension plan, with the grant of an 11.9 percent contribution, as a form toencourage migration to the new plan. Thus, we will assume 60 percent of theplan’s deficit and the participants and beneficiaries will fund the remaining 40percent. After approval, employees and retirees/survivors will have 120 daysto join the new plan, and during this period we will launch a publicity andclarification campaign, which will even have a simulator so that everyone canmake informed decisions.LA12 Changes in personnel, involving promotions, transfers and assignmentof employees to their positions, are part of the people management modeladopted, and are crucial to grant us the independence, flexibility and agilityrequired to meet the employees’ career expectations, which result in modernand efficient service to our customers. In 2009, changes totaled 4,463.The Profit Sharing Plan (PPR), prepared with theinvolvement of all Business Units and Superintendencies,recognizes the efforts of our employees to attain the goalsand indicators set out in the Corporate Strategic Planning. Thisprogram was structured using indicators that comprise thebusiness dimension, whose goals are corporate goals that and have a weightof 50 percent, and required a companywide effort to be accomplished. Thegoals that represent the departmental dimension are divided into two groups,one for the back-office and the other for the front-office, with a weight of 50percent each. Payment of up to one base salary is contingent to the attainmentof these goals.The Employee and Entrepreneurship Support Program (PAEE) wascreated in 2009 for the purpose of supporting our retired employees in theirsearch for new job opportunities. When a retiree is terminated, we offer him orher outplacement assistance though this program Several actions were initiatedto provide support during this transition phase in a retiree’s life, including,the association with businesses and suppliers to create job opportunities (forexample: outplacement of 45 retirees in monitoring actions and at the GB2consortium, which manages the Clean Wave Program). LA11Profit Sharing Planrecognizes employeesefforts130 Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2009 131

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