Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp


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The target employee are professionals with the profile and potential to assumemanagerial positions in the future, who must undergo all the development stepsset out in the plan. In addition to a corporate MBA, selected employees will allundergo professional coaching, and attend language and specific training in theareas of interest of each professional. The second step of the program is a jobrotation initiative, and another qualification stage, including post-grad programs.First, we will select 40 employees and in another 80 in the future.One of the greatest challenges for 2010, the new Jobs and Salaries Plan approvedby the São Paulo State Government Salary Policy Committee (CPS), will allow usto resume career advances. Its positive features include:i. Job grouping, which creates more career advance prospects;ii. Promotion according to the progress of individual skill set and performance;iii. Increase in the staff salary ceiling, which creates better salary progressconditions for those who invest in improving their skill set;iv. Equalization of managerial positions that permits managers in the samehierarchical level to receive the same overall compensation.Strategic PlanningWe have a strong culture in the definitions of corporate goals, disclosed duringthe Strategic Planning seminars periodically organized by <strong>Sabesp</strong>. During theseevents, managers discuss <strong>Sabesp</strong>’s course for the coming year based on theguidelines of our controlling shareholder. In 2008, strategic planning horizon wasexpanded to 10 years, allowing that the Future Vision defines 2018 as the yearuniversal water and sewage services will be ensured in our area of operation. Weuse the Balanced ScoreCard (BSC) concepts to translate this corporate strategyinto operating goals and follow up their progress. Based on this information, thegoals are revised annually to incorporate prior-year accomplishments and possiblechanges in the domestic and foreign scenarios. Integrated and challenging goalsprovide a focus for our employees’ work to accelerate progress toward universalwater and sewage services and make us stronger and more efficient.Clean Wave STPs diffusers and floating spillways. Aerial view of the Guaraú STP.58 Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2009 59

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