Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp


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Asset Base OptimizationThe optimization of the asset base is one of our goals. In 2009, we sold aboutR$27 million in nonoperating properties. We also identified an additional 183potentially nonoperating properties, and the proceeds from their sale will be usedin investments.Revenue IncreaseThe efforts to ensure the increase in revenue, through our <strong>Sabesp</strong> EnvironmentalSolutions program, have already paid off. The 159 loyalty agreements (firmdemand) entered into in 2009 represent an annual revenue of R$196 million.Another example is the Non-Domestic Wastewater (END) collection program,through which we receive and treat industrial wastewater, which generated R$125million in revenue for 2009.Environmental SolutionsThe <strong>Sabesp</strong> Environmental Solutions program consists of a platform of products andservices offered to achieve customer loyalty and broaden our large customers’ base.By using our new services, customers benefit from our expertise and technology insustainability, environmental preservation and water resources management areas.Therefore, we have been increasing, for example, our competitive capacity in thesegments the most targeted by alternative water suppliers. The main results for 2009are as follows:••Loyalty Contracts: under a take-or-pay contract, companies benefit fromdifferentiated rates and consumption management systems, thus, cutting theircosts. In 2009, we entered into 56 new contracts, which when added to the 103existing contracts generate firm revenue of R$196 million/year.••Program for the Rational Use of Water (PURA): The solutions to reduce waterconsumption involve a number of actions, such as leak detection and repair,replacement of conventional equipment with water saving devices, studiesrelated to the reuse of water, and educational lectures. PURA is specificallyfocused on government bodies and agencies. In 2009, 644 public schools in thecity of São Paulo joined the program, generating savings of 70 million liters ofwater per month (an average monthly reduction of 37 percent).••EN21 Water Reuse: treated wastewater that can be used in equipment cooling,manufacturing processes, and other nondrinking uses. Our reclaimed waterproduction process is certified by the ISO 9001:2000 quality managementsystem in conformity with strict quality standards. Currently, our largestcustomers are Coats Corrente, which consumes 75,000 m³/month, a Santher,which consumes 40,000 m³/month in pulp and paper production, and theCity of São Paulo, which consumes 20,000 m³/month reclaimed water instreet and monument cleansing, green area irrigation, and to unclog rainwaterharvesting systems.••Individualized water metering in condominiums: In 2008, we launched atechnology that allows to separately measure the individual consumption of eachapartment. Named “individual water metering”, the new technology meets anold request of many condominiums and may become an important economicincentive to rational water use.••Telemetering: this service allows for the web-based tracking of consumptionregistered in the water meter, in real time. Consumption history is presented incharts, according to the period requested by the costumer. Additionally, the systemcan send warning flags about leaks and consumption peaks, via e-mail and cellphone messages. Initiated in May 2007 as a pilot project, the system posts thefollowing results: 120 private customers, 2,458 City buildings in São Paulo, and309 schools of the State Board of Education, totaling 2,887 properties.••Non-Domestic Effluents (END): currently one of our greatest concerns is the finaldisposal of industrial effluents. To meet such need, we are prepared to acceptand treat non-domestic effluents generated by industries. In 2009, we collected16.9 million cubic meters of effluents, generating revenue of R$125 million.52 Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2009 53

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