Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp

Sustainability r e p o r t - Sabesp


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The concession agreement renewal goal reached 14 executed agreements.However, in 2009, 40 authorization acts were approved by city councils, includingthe São Paulo City Council, which represented a major step for the renewal ofthe concession agreements. Table 1 lists the ten main 2009 goals and the resultsreached by the Company.The process continues to be improved, with equally challenging goals. The tenmain goals for 2010 (Table 2) have only one change in relation to 2009, which isthe replacement of the formal contracting with cities by the number of complaintsfiled with the consumer protection agency (Procon), an item which was part of the2008 ten main goals. The inclusion of two goals measuring customer satisfactionis a way to show that this factor is one of our priorities.Table 1: The ten main 2009 goalsDescription Goal CompletionWater supply service rateTrend to universalserviceTrend to universalserviceNew Water Connections (in thousands) 158.8 200.9Sewage Collection Service Rate 80.1% 80.2%New Sewage Connections (thousands) 160 184.1Collected Sewage Treatment Rate 73.7% 74.3%Revenue Loss rate 26% 26%Metering Losses (liters per connection x day) 397 402Customer Satisfaction Rate (1) 80% 76%Reduction in Number of Occupational Accidents (2) 177 143EBITDA Margin 47.1% 40.7%Units with implemented Environmental Management System(SGA) (number of business units)26 26Investments (in billions of reais) (3) 1.650 1.726Formal Contracting with Cities (number of cities) (4) 89 14(1) Customer satisfaction survey.(2) Excludes commuting accidents and occupational diseases.(3) Excludes PPP, arrangement with PMSP, and lease of assets.(4) This year, 40 authorization acts were approved, including by the São Paulo City Council.Table 2: The ten main 2010 goalsDescriptionWater supply service rateGoalTrend to universalserviceNew Water Connections (connections) 148,460Sewage Collection Service Rate (%) 81.2New Sewage Connections (connections) 180,013Collected Sewage Treatment Rate (%) 75.3Revenue Loss Rate (%) 24Metering Losses (liters per connection x day) 373Customer Satisfaction Rate (%) 80Complaints with PROCON (complaints/million of customers) 2.25Maximum number of occupational accidents 120(1)EBITDA Margin (%) 44.4(2)Increase in Billed Sales Volume (m3/million) 3,316.9ISO 14001 Certified Units 65Investments (in billions of reais) 1.767 (3)(1) does not include commuting accidents and accidents without leave of absence.(2) Excludes reversal of PMSP’s allowance for doubtful accounts.(3) Excludes PPP, arrangement with PMSP, and lease of assets.26 Relatório de Sustentabilidade 2009 27

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