GBC TITAN 1264WF/1244WF - Net

GBC TITAN 1264WF/1244WF - Net

GBC TITAN 1264WF/1244WF - Net


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<strong>GBC</strong> <strong>1264WF</strong>/<strong>1244WF</strong>Operation ManualSection 8: SafetyThe 1244Wf & 1264 WF have numerous safety features that will help keep the operator safefrom harm. But for these features to work correctly, the user must become familiar with each ofthe safety mechanisms as well as never override a safety feature.Emergency Stop/E-StopTwo Emergency Stops (Sometimes referredto as E-Stops) are located on the 1244 WF &1264 WF laminators. See the “Know yourLaminator” section for the locations.Pressing any one of the two EmergencyStops will immediately stop all rollermotion.To reset the Emergency Stop, simply rotatethe red top clockwise; this will cause the redtop to pop upward and allow the rollers toturn again.Safety ShieldThe Safety Shield aids in preventing theoperators fingers from becoming pinched orburned in the heat rollers of the laminator.With the Safety Shield raised or removed,the machine goes into the safety mode thatprevents the RUN button on the controlpanel from starting the rollers to turn. Thefoot pedal must be used when the SafetyShield is raised or removed. Use cautionwhen operating the unit with the shieldremoved.© 2006 General Binding Corporation Page 20

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