Designs by H. R. Giger: The Tourist - the little HR Giger Page

Designs by H. R. Giger: The Tourist - the little HR Giger Page

Designs by H. R. Giger: The Tourist - the little HR Giger Page


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"Initially Mr. Sloan'shead would explode.<strong>The</strong>n crabs and o<strong>the</strong>rkinds of vermin wouldscuttle out from <strong>the</strong>ruptured skull." <strong>The</strong>scene from <strong>the</strong> scriptthat initially inspired<strong>Giger</strong>'s design work.Below: Clinic cases.

<strong>The</strong> complete scenario of Noto's scriptthat is still way ahead of its time.During one of Frogner'sweak moments,Grace discovers that he isa Dual; able to be a woman.Sexual arousal is amorphing technique tohim. Grace finds him in apainful transition state;with male and femalecharacteristics. Utilizingone of her earlier abilities—adeep, unearthlysound that she whispersinto his ear—grace helpsFrogner complete histransformation from womanto man. This causesGrace to have a briefflashback—rememberingherself on her home worldas <strong>the</strong> wormlike slug shereally is, being raped <strong>by</strong>humanoid aliens.Now in his male form,Frogner tells her of Sloane'streachery; using her to findTaiga so he can be killed while<strong>the</strong> search and its frustrationswould also kill her.Later, Grace discovers thatFrogner had gone through heroffice, finding Taiga's formeraddress. She rushes <strong>the</strong>re to find<strong>the</strong> mutilated bodies of <strong>the</strong>mo<strong>the</strong>r and daughter Taiga hadlived wi th. She also, finally,finds Taiga. He tells her thatSloane probably killed <strong>the</strong>mand that, during his last seclusionfrom humans, which he hasto take or <strong>the</strong> anxiety <strong>the</strong>y createin him would surely killhim, Taiga had built a transportthat could get <strong>the</strong> two of <strong>the</strong>moff Earth once and for all. Hegives Grace a hotel key, tellingher to meet him <strong>the</strong>re later.Frogner later meets withSloane, refusing to help him52Hanna Schygulla, <strong>the</strong> actress originally cast asGrace Ripley, <strong>the</strong> stranded alien In a human skin.find Taiga or trap Grace anymore.He guns Sloane down onlyto find him still alive and incontrol of <strong>the</strong> Corridor. Realizingthat his time is short, Frognergets suicide pills from analien in <strong>the</strong> Corridor and receivesa message from SpiderO'Toole with Grace's name onit. She wants to find out what ishappening to Grace, but in doingso, accidentally leads Frognerto a confrontation witSloane. Frogner takes <strong>the</strong> suicidepills, which cause him toexplode, and when Spider refusesto give him Grace'swhereabouts, Sloane shoots her,leaving her for dead.Grace returns to her office tofind a message from Spider explainingher trick to meet withFrogner. She rushes to Frogner'soffice to find Spider dying. <strong>The</strong>girl, realizing <strong>the</strong> alien forcesaround her, begs Grace toreveal her true form.Grace takes Spider to <strong>the</strong>Corridor, where <strong>the</strong> girldies content amidst <strong>the</strong>swarm of alien faces shealways wanted to believeexisted.Grace goes to Sloane'sGrief Clinic and <strong>the</strong>y battlewith <strong>the</strong>ir hidden powers.As he begins to faulterunder Grace's whisperedtones inducingpain, he tries to buy timetelling her of a largetransport in Marrakesh,but she continues hertonal assault as Sloanemetamorphoses into histrue form—an entire raceof thousands of wormlikefragments with probing,snapping mouths. <strong>The</strong>ylatch onto Grace as she sets fire to<strong>the</strong> office. <strong>The</strong> fragments thataren't consumed in <strong>the</strong> conflagrationescape outside to be trampledunder <strong>the</strong> unsympa<strong>the</strong>ticNew York traffic.Grace returns to New Jerseyfor her meeting with Taiga, whohad revealed his true from toher—that of <strong>the</strong> alien humanoidrace that raped and enslaved herkind. Altering to variations of<strong>the</strong>ir alien forms, <strong>the</strong>y wage aprivate war that Grace wins <strong>by</strong>draining Taiga of his life fluids,leaving a dead, dried-out husk.Leaving his body behind,Grace searches for <strong>the</strong> transportTaiga had shown her earlier, butit is gone. Exhausted once shereverts to her human form,Grace finds <strong>the</strong> nearest payphone and makes a reservationon <strong>the</strong> next plane to Marrakesh.Fred Szebinwanted to use."Unfortunately for Gibsonand Missell, Clair Noto had thatrare clause in her contract-forhirecalled turnaround, in which<strong>the</strong> author receives a year-longoption on <strong>the</strong> work, should <strong>the</strong>original production deal fallthrough, which this one did,once Universal pulled <strong>the</strong> plug.<strong>The</strong> first to go was Renee Missell,as well as Gibson, whowent on to direct POLTER-GEIST II: THE OTHER SIDEand <strong>the</strong> cable TV bio THEJOSEPHINE BAKER STORY.Noto took <strong>the</strong> script to UnitedArtists, who would have refusedto allow her to work on it.From <strong>the</strong>re she went to FrancisFord Coppola's Zoetrope Studio,one of <strong>the</strong> grandest failedexperiments in excessive powerin Hollywood history.By <strong>the</strong> early 1980s, Coppolahad transmuted his incrediblesuccess from his GODFATHERfilms and APOCALYPSENOW into Zoetrope, which wasto be <strong>the</strong> one place filmmakerscould come to create <strong>the</strong>ir cinematicvisions with total freedom,under contract in <strong>the</strong> mannerof <strong>the</strong> old studios of Hollywood'sGolden Age. Unfortunately,Coppola's grand dreamcrumbled under <strong>the</strong> financialexcesses of his failed epic ONEFROM THE HEART, a $23million bomb that left nothingfor <strong>the</strong> talent signed to Zoetropeand created a bankrupt messwithin a few years.One of <strong>the</strong> directors signedwith Coppola's dream wasFranc Roddam, a personableBrit who was hot off his 1979hit QUADROPHENIA. WithNoto back on <strong>the</strong> project, Roddamwas brought onto <strong>the</strong> film<strong>by</strong> a mention from its former director,Brian Gibson. AfterQUADROPHENIA, Roddamspent two years trying to get hisenvironmentally conscious projectRAINFOREST off <strong>the</strong>ground. But even with <strong>the</strong> pull ofheavyweight Robert Redford involved,RAINFOREST seemeda doomed project. Gibson mentionedTHE TOURIST to Roddamwhile playing tennis withhim and fellow director Adrian(FATAL ATTRACTION) Lyne.Producer Michael (A FISHCALLED WANDA) Shambergalso brought <strong>the</strong> script up a fewweeks later and said that he nowcontrolled it with Noto. At

Frank Roddam directs Jennifer Beals in THE BRIDE. Roddam tried to launch THE TOURIST at American Zoetrope.she did, but it's quite commonthat a producer will take a pieceand just say, 'I own it and I'm goingto do what I like with it.' Andthat wasn't <strong>the</strong> original deal."Although he didn't have <strong>the</strong>opportunity to create <strong>the</strong> film,Roddam's involvement withTHE TOURIST mess did put<strong>the</strong> director in <strong>the</strong> middle of abonafide Hollywood legend.<strong>The</strong> story, as it goes, involves afistfight between Roddam andformer TOURIST director BrianGibson on a plane over <strong>the</strong>rights to Noto's script. Neverhappened, said Roddam. "<strong>The</strong>fight was between Brian andAdrian Lyne at Morton's overwho would pick up <strong>the</strong> checkfor <strong>the</strong>ir meal. I just happenedto be <strong>the</strong>re."Despite bad memories of adeal never completed, Roddamhas fond memories of <strong>the</strong> scriptand his chance to work with itswriter. "Clair is an extraordinaryperson,"he said. "I oftenthink of Clair as being one of<strong>the</strong> greatest cinematic talentswho one doesn't hear of."I think a lot of directors readTHE TOURIST and have raidedit You'll see elements of it in o<strong>the</strong>rpeople's movies. <strong>The</strong> tragedywas that THE TOURIST couldhave been a film way ahead of itstime, fantastically hip, totallycool. It's been out <strong>the</strong>re in <strong>the</strong>open air in Hollywood and had itsbones picked. If THE TOURISThad broken through, if Francishadn't been such an asshole, itwould have been a great movie, Ithink. It was a project I felt veryclose to and, when it fell through,it was a project that I very reluctantlyput out of my life."By <strong>the</strong> time Zoetrope went under,Coppola had Noto's turnaroundoption. THE TOURISTeventually found its way back toUniversal and to <strong>the</strong> desk of ReneeMissell. From that point on,Noto was not allowed near itagain. Brian Gibson, againnamed director, wanted her totake ano<strong>the</strong>r stab at <strong>the</strong> script, butMissell would not hear of it. Asindividual studios continued tomake money off <strong>the</strong> optioningand reoptioning of <strong>the</strong> script, Notowouldn't see a dime.ne reason, Notobelieves, that <strong>the</strong>various rewritesof THE TOUR-IST have failed to find favor is<strong>the</strong>ir lack of <strong>the</strong> original author'svoice. "It's a very idiosyncraticscript," she said. "Ithink that o<strong>the</strong>r writers can hearthose voices. Those voices arefrom my past. Every time somebodytries to rewrite it, <strong>the</strong>script just doesn't come toge<strong>the</strong>r.That's been part of <strong>the</strong> problem."Every time somebody got ahold of <strong>the</strong> script," Noto continued,"<strong>the</strong>y just held onto it.Warner Bros had it for seven oreight years, optioning it after<strong>the</strong>y knew <strong>the</strong>y weren't going tomake it. <strong>The</strong>y didn't want tohave it back to Universal andhave <strong>the</strong>m make it into a successfulpicture, which wouldhave made Warner Bros lookbad. It's like a stupid chessgame. Universal spent a shitloadof money because of <strong>the</strong><strong>Giger</strong> designs and paid for severalrewrites with different writers,and I think <strong>the</strong>y had morethan one director on it. THETOURIST has always had incrediblesupporters and incredibledetractors. Right from <strong>the</strong>very beginning it aroused verystrong feelings one way or ano<strong>the</strong>r.People were ei<strong>the</strong>r verytaken <strong>by</strong> it or felt it was <strong>the</strong> Antichrist. I still don't, to this day,really comprehend what all <strong>the</strong>fuss was about. I think THETOURIST is an interesting story,but I don't see <strong>the</strong> degree towhich people have responded toit."To date, ownership of THETOURIST remains with Universal,which is currently beingwooed <strong>by</strong> heavyweight producerJoel (DIE HARD) Silver,who wants to produce <strong>the</strong> filmand has been offering largeamounts of money for <strong>the</strong>rights. Noto believes Universalis reluctant to release <strong>the</strong> propertyfor <strong>the</strong> same reason Warnerskept such a tight hold on itfor so long, fear of looking foolishif it should become a hit forano<strong>the</strong>r studio.THE TOURIST is a unique,original work that has yet, 14years after being written, to fall<strong>by</strong> <strong>the</strong> wayside. "<strong>The</strong>re is somethingabout that script," Notosaid with incredulity. "It has alife of its own. I don't get it.Something that <strong>Giger</strong> couldhave been involved with, thato<strong>the</strong>r people were involved withon such an emotional level.Millions of dollars spent; optionmoney paid year after year andit all comes to nothing. It's likeCITIZEN KANE, for crying outloud!"•Below: Noto's suggestions for <strong>the</strong> part of Grace Ripley, <strong>the</strong> script's strong female lead. Turner was suggested <strong>by</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs and Madonna was sent <strong>the</strong> script.54Kim Basinger <strong>The</strong>resa Russell Sharon Stone Michelle Pfeiffer Kathleen Turner Madonna

<strong>Giger</strong>'s "TentacledCreature" design forTHE TOURIST. <strong>Giger</strong>worked with directorBrian Gibson andUniversal producerRenee Missell, notwith Noto, but plansto get in touch with<strong>the</strong> writer to revive<strong>the</strong> dormant project.

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