C.J Strike Birding Checklist - Idaho Power

C.J Strike Birding Checklist - Idaho Power

C.J Strike Birding Checklist - Idaho Power


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<strong>Birding</strong> <strong>Checklist</strong>C.J. <strong>Strike</strong>

Bird-Watcher’s <strong>Checklist</strong>For C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> AreaWelcome to C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Wildlife Management Area (WMA).These publicly accessible lands are set aside for multipurposerecreational uses. They are managed by <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong> and the<strong>Idaho</strong> Department of Fish and Game to provide and enhancehabitat for game and nongame wildlife. At C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> WMA,you will experience the important ways in which <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong>manages wildlife habitat, cares for the environment, andpartners with you.Whether you’re new to bird watching or a veteran of manyseasons in the field, this checklist will be a useful tool duringyour visit to C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Wildlife Management Area. The checklistnotes which birds are most likely to be observed during the year’sseasons and in which habitats.We compiled the checklist using:information from published bird guides;data that <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong> biologists collectedfrom avian surveys; andChristmas bird-count data that theGolden Eagle Audubon Society providedto <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong>.Western KingbirdBalancing Recreation And ResourcesWe are committed to responsible environmental stewardship andto providing quality outdoor-recreation opportunities for anglers,hunters, campers and birding enthusiasts like you. Balancedmanagement of more than 3,300 of the WMA’s 13,508 acres isan obligation of our current federal license, issued in 2004, tooperate the C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Hydroelectric Project.To accomplish these important goals, we are enhancing riparianareas and planting wildlife “shelter belts.” We’ve improved andadded recreational access points, day-use areas and campingfacilities. About 40 acres of agricultural food plots are cultivatedand managed for the benefit of wildlife and upland game-birdhunters. We have implemented these management activities toprovide habitat to game and nongame birds and other wildlifeat C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Wildlife Management Area, and to help assure thatvisitors like you have a rewarding and memorable experience.

C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Wildlife Management Area includes <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong>’sC.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Reservoir and associated <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong>-owned lands,overlapping parts of the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of PreyNational Conservation Area, other state and federal lands andthe Snake River. The Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey Areaprovides opportunities to observe a variety of raptors, especially inspring and fall.AccessVarious graveled roads lead to the reservoir from state Route78, along the south side of the reservoir, and provide access toviewing areas.Birds You’ll SeeWaterfowl concentrate at C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> WMA in fall and winter. Thereare two particularly popular viewing locales at the dam, which islocated at the west end of the reservoir. One is the spillway belowthe dam; the other is the park on the north side of the dam.Diving ducks can be seen at the spillway. Bufflehead, commongoldeneye, and the common merganser are regulars here. Redbreastedmerganser, hooded merganser and Barrow’s goldeneyeare rarer. Waterfowl can be seen, often up close, at the reservoir’sshallow east end.Shorebirds may be found in early fall at the access provided byJack’s Creek Road. Access points on the north and south sidesof the river at Loveridge Bridge, as well as the overlook at theBruneau duck ponds, provide opportunities to watch shorebirdsin spring and summer. American avocet, black-necked stilts,greater and lesser yellowlegs, great egrets and cattle egrets alsoare seen regularly in the Loveridge Bridge and Bruneau DuckPonds areas.Neo-tropical migrant songbirds can be seen and heard in riparianhabitat at <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong>’s Turner Ranch and Bruneau Floodplainproperties. Both have access points. Spotted sandpipers areregulars on the Bruneau River shoreline. These areas are open towalk-in access from Aug. 1 through Jan. 31.ClosuresMost <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong> land at C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Wildlife Management Area isopen to the public for recreational use. Some areas are closed to thepublic for safety reasons. Other areas are closed seasonally, from Feb.1 through July 31. The closures help us protect nesting waterfowl

and upland game birds. With these goals in mind, we ask visitors tocomply with signs that mark the boundaries of closed areas.Please be aware that hunters regularly use this areafrom late September through Jan. 31.Since its earliest days, <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong> has embraced the philosophyof operating its projects for public benefit. We appreciate the trustthe public has granted, and we recognize the important role weplay as one of the many stewards of <strong>Idaho</strong>’s natural resources.To learn more about the recreational opportunities we provide,and <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong>’s initiatives to protect our natural and culturalheritage, visit “Our Environment” online at:www.<strong>Idaho</strong>power.com.Western Tanager<strong>Birding</strong> EtiquetteStay on designated roads and trailsObey all laws, including those that apply to roads,trails and the rights of othersRespect private propertyBe courteous to othersKeep groups small (4-8 people)Minimize stress on birds by keeping yourdistance while viewing, photographing or filmingStay back from nests and display areas

C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Area MapBoiseC.J. <strong>Strike</strong>Wildlife Management AreaIDAHON84Morley NelsonSnake RiverBirds of Prey N.C.A.Mountain Home206778Grand ViewC. J. STRIKEDAMW.M.A.Headquarters51LoveridgeBridgeNorthLoveridgeBridge SouthBruneauTurner RanchMerganser

Common NameSpringFallWinterSummerA-Abundant, C-Common, U-Uncommon, R-RareLoons__ Common Loon R R R R__ Pacific Loon R R R RGrebes__ Pied-billed Grebe r u r c__ Western Grebe c u C__ Clark’s Grebe R R C__ Eared Grebe R R__ Horned Grebe R R RPelicans__ American White Pelican c c c cCormorants__ Double-crested Cormorant u u r aHerons, Egrets, Ibis, Bitterns__ American Bittern R R__ Great Blue Heron c u u c__ Green Heron R R__ Black-crowned Night Heron u u__ Snowy Egret R R__ Great Egret R R R__ Cattle Egret R R__ White-faced Ibis R RSwans, Geese, Ducks__ Tundra Swan r r r__ Trumpeter Swan R R__ Canada Goose c a a c__ Greater White-fronted Goose r r u__ Ross’s GooseR__ Cackling GooseR__ Snow Goose r r r__ Mallard a a a a__ Wood Duck u u u r__ Northern Shoveler u r u__ Green-winged Teal u c c u__ Cinnamon Teal c u u__ Blue-winged Teal u u r__ American Wigeon c c a u__ Northern Pintail r r r__ Gadwall c u u r__ Common Goldeneye u c c u__ Barrow’s Goldeneye u u__ Bufflehead r r u__ Common Merganser u u c u__ Hooded MerganserR__ Red-breasted Merganser R R__ Greater Scaup r r__ Lesser Scaup r u r__ Ring-necked Duck r r r__ CanvasbackR__ Redhead u r r

Common NameSpringFallWinterSummerSwans, Geese, Ducks (cont’d)__ Ruddy Duck r u r__ White-winged ScoterR__ Surf ScoterRVultures__ Turkey Vulture u uEagles, Hawks, Falcons__ Bald EagleR__ Golden Eagle r u r r__ Red-tailed Hawk u u u u__ Ferruginous Hawk r r r__ Swainson’s Hawk u u u__ Rough-legged Hawk r r__ Sharp-shinned Hawk r r r r__ Cooper’s Hawk r r r r__ Northern Goshawk R R__ Northern Harrier u u u u__ Osprey u R R__ American Kestrel u u r r__ MerlinR__ Prairie Falcon u u r u__ Peregrine FalconRQuail, Grouse, Partridge__ California Quail c c c c__ Gray Partridge u u u u__ Chukar u u u uTurkey, Pheasant__ Ring-necked Pheasant u u u uCoots, Rails__ American Coot c c c c__ Sora Rail R R__ Virginia Rail u r r rAvocets, Stilts__ American Avocetu__ Black-necked Stilt R RPlovers__ Semipalmated PloverR__ Killdeer u u r uSandpipers, Phalaropes__ Semipalmated Sandpiper u R__ Solitary Sandpiper R R__ Least Sandpiper r r r__ Spotted Sandpiper u r r u__ Stilt Sandpiper R R__ Wilson’s PhalaropeR__ Greater Yellowlegs R R__ Lesser Yellowlegs R R

Common NameSpringFallWinterSummerSandpipers, Phalaropes (cont’d)__ Long-billed Curlew u u u__ Wilson’s Snipe r r r r__ Western Sandpiper R R__ Willet R R__ Long-billed Dowitcher R R__ Marbled GodwitRGulls, Terns__ California Gull c c c c__ Ring-billed Gull R R__ Franklin’s GullR__ Bonaparte’s GullR__ Herring GullR__ Glaucous-winged Gull R R__ Forster’s Tern u u u__ Black Tern R R R__ Caspian Tern u u u__ Common Tern R R RDoves__ Rock Dove c c c c__ Mourning Dove c u r c__ Eurasian Collared Dove c c c cOwls__ Barn Owl r r r r__ Great Horned Owl r r r r__ Western Screech Owl r r r r__ Long-eared Owl r r r r__ Short-eared Owl r r r r__ Northern Saw-whet Owl r r r r__ Burrowing Owl r r r rNighthawks, Poorwills__ Common Nighthawk u C CSwifts__ White-throated Swift u R RHummingbirds__ Calliope Hummingbird R R__ Black-chinned Hummingbird R RKingfishers__ Belted Kingfisher u u r cWoodpeckers__ Downy Woodpecker r r r__ Hairy Woodpecker r r r r__ Northern Flicker c c c c__ Lewis’ WoodpeckerR__ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker R R

Common NameSpringFallWinterSummerPipits__ American Pipit r r r rWaxwings__ Bohemian Waxwing u u__ Cedar Waxwing c u c cShrikes__ Loggerhead Shrike R R R__ Northern Shrike R RStarlings__ European Starling a a c cVireos__ Warbling VireoRWarblers__ Yellow-rumped Warbler A C C__ Yellow Warbler c u u__ Wilson’s Warbler u u u__ Orange-crowned Warbler R R__ Nashville Warbler u R u__ Tennessee Warbler R R__ MacGillivray’s Warbler r u u u__ Common Yellowthroat u u u__ Yellow-breasted Chat u R uTanagers__ Western Tanager u u uBuntings, Grosbeaks__ Lazuli Bunting u u u__ Black-headed Grosbeak u R RSparrows, Towhees__ Song Sparrow c c c c__ American Tree Sparrow r r r__ Black-throated SparrowR__ Sage SparrowR__ Savannah SparrowR__ White-crowned Sparrow c a a c__ Chipping Sparrow u a c c__ Lark Sparrow u u u__ Brewer’s Sparrow R R R__ Lincoln’s SparrowR__ Fox Sparrow R R__ Golden-crowned SparrowR__ Grasshopper SparrowR__ Swamp SparrowR__ House Sparrow u u u u__ Dark-eyed Junco r u c__ Spotted Towhee R R R

Common NameSpringFallBlackbirds, Orioles__ Red-winged Blackbird c c c c__ Yellow-headed Blackbird c u C__ Brewer’s Blackbird C R C__ Brown-headed Cowbird c u C__ Western Meadowlark c u u c__ Northern Oriole C R CWinterSummerFinches__ American Goldfinch u u c u__ Cassin’s Finch R R__ House Finch r r r r__ Evening Grosbeak r r r rBird species observed and their relative abundance,C.J. <strong>Strike</strong> Study Area, 1988-1994.A - AbundantC - CommonU - UncommonR - Rare(> 100 observations)(26-99 observations)(6-25 observations)(< 5 observations)24-hour Recreation Report1-800-422-3143www.idahopower.comTree Swallow

C.J. <strong>Strike</strong>Bird <strong>Checklist</strong> NotesDateCover Photo: Ferruginous HawkPrinted on recycled paper.CID#50480/1k/01-11© 2011 <strong>Idaho</strong> <strong>Power</strong>

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