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Turfgrass Weed Research at NCSUTN Turfgrass Association ConferenceJanuary 13, 2004

NCSU Turf Websitewww.turffiles.ncsu.edu

TopicsCrabgrass/goosegrass HerbicidePerformanceNew Herbicides for 2003-2004Roundup Ready Creeping BentgrassBermudagrass Control in Zoysiagrass

Transgenic turfgrasses are here:Roundup Ready Creeping BentgrassRoundup Ready St. Augustinegrass

12 MAP

% ControlPRE Control of Crabgrass100806050969086 85Pendimeth DG 3 lb aiPendimeth G 3 lb aiBarricade WG .75 lb aiRonstar WP 3 lb ai40Ronstar G 3 lb ai200Ratings taken Sept 19. Rates are per acre applied 3-1.Thorndale CC, 2002

% ControlPRE Control of Crabgrass1008075 768691Surflan L 3 lb aiDimension Ultra .5 lb aiRegalstar 200 lb604054Regalstar II 200 lbTeam Pro G 3 lb ai200Ratings taken Sept 19. Rates are per acre applied 3-1.Thorndale CC, 2002

% ControlPRE Control of Crabgrass10080918510083Team Pro 2 lb ai +Surflan 1.5 lb aiTeam Pro 2+2 lb ai6040Pendimeth G 1.5+1.5 lb aiPendimeth 1.5+1.5 lb ai200Ratings taken Sept 19. Rates are per acre applied 3-1.Thorndale CC, 2002

New & ExperimentalHerbicidesforamsulfuron (Revolver)– Bayerrimsulfuron (Tranxit) – Griffinsulfosulfuron – MonsantoTrifloxysulfuron (Monument) – SyngentaFlazasulfuron – ISK BiotechVelocity – ValentCarentrazone (Quicksilver) - FMC

New Herbicideforamsulfuron – BayerTrade Name - Revolver

Foramsulfuron - RevolverWeeds Controlled:Perennial ryegrass, Poaannua, goosegrass,Maybe: Dallisgrass????

Dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum)

Foramsulfuron - RevolverDallisgrass:Apply MSMA 2 lbs ai/aApply Revolver at the spotspray rate 2 wks after MSMAApply MSMA 2 lbs ai/a whendallisgrass starts to regrow

Velocity – bispyribac sodiumRemoval of Poa annua in cool-seasonturf????Lots of additional work needs to be done.

New HerbicideCarfentrazone - FMCTrade Name - Quicksilver

Silvery thread moss(Bryum argenteum)

Difficult to Control WeedsSilvery thread moss (Bryum argenteum)Control. Daconil WS applied at 4 oz/M in 5 galwater/M when temps > 80 degrees. QuicksilverT&O provided excellent control at 7 oz/a applied in100 gal water/M at 75 degrees.

Trifloxysulfuron - MonumentWeeds Controlled:Yellow nutsedge, purple nutsedge,green kyllinga, Poa annua,Perennial ryegrass, dollarweed,Virginia buttonweed, Lawnburweed, wild violet

Spurweed (Soliva pterosperma)

MonumentActive ingridient: trifloxysulfuronSulfonylurea developed by Syngenta75WG formulation“Caution” signal word

MonumentCurrently labelled for bermudagrass,zoysiagrass, buffalograss, and St.Augustinegrass grown on golf courses, sodfarms, athlethic fields, and other non-cropareas including airports and cemetariesApplications include:POST control of many perennial and annualgrasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds

MonumentApplications include:POST control of selected annual grassesTransition in spring from overseededperennial ryegrass to bermudagrass

Turfgrass Tolerance to TrifloxysulfuronCommon bermudagrass„Tifway‟ bermudagrass„El Toro‟ & „Meyer‟ zoysiagrassHighly TolerantCommon centipedegrassSusceptible

And very phytotoxicto perennial ryegrassMetsulfuron ishighly water soluble

Herbicide Comparisons forEnvironmental Fate*prodiamine Simazine Metsulfuron RimsulfuronWatersolubility 0.013 ppm 84 ppm 2,790 ppm 7,300 ppmKoc 13,000 mL/g 130 mL/g 35 mL/g 51 mL/gSoil ½life120 days 60 days 30 d (1-6wk)11 days* Herbicide Handbook and DuPont

Sedge Control With NewHerbicidesSulfonylurea herbicides included:Flazasulfuron (ISK)ManageMonumentSulfosulfuron (Monsanto)

Research TrialsFalse green kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima)Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus)Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus)

Purple and Yellow Nutsedge andFalse Green KyllingaRapidly spreading perennialweed speciesCommonly found in moist areas

Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus)

Yellow Nutsedge(Cyperus esculentus)

% ControlPurple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) Control10096a8080b86ab86ab84abMonument .35 oz60402065cMonument .47 ozMonument .59 ozMonument .35 oz +Bueno 6 1.33ptManage 1.27 oz02 WAITImage 2.67 ptRates are per acre. Trial initiated 6-21. All treatments received sequential applied 8-2.

% ControlPurple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) Control10080604020078bc85ab94a63d14 WAITMonument .35 ozMonument .47 ozMonument .59 ozMonument .35 oz +Bueno 6 1.33ptManage 1.27 ozImage 2.67 ptRates are per acre. Trial initiated 6-21. All treatments received sequential applied 8-2.69cd63d

# Shoots/FT²Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) Control10080604020092a40b18bc 16bc5c14 WAIT38b35bNontreatedMonument .35 ozMonument .47 ozMonument .59 ozMonument .35 oz +Bueno 6 1.33ptManage 1.27 ozImage 2.67 ptRates are per acre. Trial initiated 6-21. All treatments received sequential applied 8-2.

Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus)

% ControlPurple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) Control with Single Application1008091 a60402044 bMonument .56 ozManage 1.33 oz012 WATRates are per acre. All trts included 0.25% v/v NIS. Trial initiated 6-21.

Green Kyllinga (Kyllinga brevifolia) &False Green Kyllinga (K. gracillima)

% ControlFalse Green Kyllinga (Kyllinga gracillima) Control1008097 a87 abMonument .47 oz604020056 b18 WATManage 1.33 ozImage + MSMA .5 fb 2 lb ai

% ControlPerennial Ryegrass Control forTransition1008689100 100858060402049585550402310 96045for 9 fl ozfor 18 fl ozfor 28 fl ozManor .5 ozKerb .5 lb ai02 WAT 4 WAT 8 WATRates are per acre applied 5-7-01. Prestonwood CC, 2001

Foramsulfuron 9 fl oz/aForamsulfuron 18 fl oz/a3 WAT

Foramsulfuron 28 fl oz/aManor .5 oz/a3 WAT

Kerb .5 lb ai/aNontreated3 WAT

Perennial Ryegrass(Lolium perenne)

utcRevolver 0.4 oz

Perennial Ryegrass(Lolium perenne)

% ControlClumpy Ryegrass Control1008060403480837488959593for 4 fl ozfor 9 fl ozfor 18 fl ozManor 1 oz20000 0 02 WAT 4 WAT 6 WATRates are per acre applied 7-13-01.

The best way to control clumpy ryegrass is to preventit from establishing in nonoverseeded areas

Barricade applied at 0.5 lbs ai/a the daybefore overseeding.

Bermudagrass Control in Zoysiagrass

Materials and Methods Treatments included:Fusilade II (3.5 or 4 oz) repeated every 4 wksFusilade II (3.5 or 4 oz) repeated every 8 wksAcclaim Extra (AE) (1.25 pt) repeated every 4 wksAcclaim Extra (AE) (1.25 pt) repeated every 8 wksFusilade II + Turflon Ester (TE) (3.5 or 4 oz + 1 qt) repeated every 4 wksFusilade II + Turflon Ester (TE) (3.5 or 4 oz + 1 qt) repeated every 8 wksAcclaim Extra (AE) + Turflon Ester (TE) (1.25 pt + 1 qt) repeated every 4 wksAcclaim Extra (AE) + Turflon Ester (TE) (1.25 pt + 1 qt) repeated every 8 wks

% Control„Tifway 419‟ Control in „El Toro‟Zoysiagrass (12 WAIT)10080Fus II 4 oz 4wksFus II 4 oz 8 wks604045 de53 cdAE 1.25 pt 4 wksAE 1.25 pt 8 wksNontreated2000 f0 f0 fRates are product / acre, data collected 9-29-03, Sandhills Research Station

% Control„Tifway 419‟ Control in „El Toro‟Zoysiagrass (12 WAIT)1008084 ab88 aFus II 4 oz + TE 1 qt 4wksFus II 4 oz + TE 1 qt 8wks6060 bcdAE 1.25 pt + TE 1 qt 4wksAE 1.25 pt + TE 1 qt 8wks4038 deNontreated2000 fRates are product / acre, data collected 9-29-03, Sandhills Research Station

% Phyto„El Toro‟ Zoysiagrass Phytotoxicity (2 WAIT)1008060Fus II 4 oz 4wksFus II 4 oz 8 wksAE 1.25 pt 4 wks40AE 1.25 pt 8 wksNontreated20010 ab 12 a 10 ab8 bc0 eRates are product / acre, data collected 7-8-03, Sandhills Research Station

% Phyto„El Toro‟ Zoysiagrass Phytotoxicity (2 WAIT)100806040Fus II 4 oz + TE 1 qt 4wksFus II 4 oz + TE 1 qt 8wksAE 1.25 pt + TE 1 qt 4wksAE 1.25 pt + TE 1 qt 8wksNontreated2005 cd 5 cd8 bc 6 bc0 eRates are product / acre, data collected 7-8-03, Sandhills Research Station


Fusilade II (4oz)

Acclaim Extra 1.25 pt

Fusilade II (4 oz) + Turflon Ester (1 qt)

Acclaim Extra (1.25 pt) + Turflon Ester (1 qt)

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