Peer Review Guide

Peer Review Guide Peer Review Guide
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Select a deadline from the pop­up calendar.You can navigate to other months using the black arrows in the top corners. You can edit what isdue on that date in the text field to the right.The description field allows you to provide a complete description of the assignment. Whenstudents are writing they will be able to see this description on screen.NOTE: While you can paste in from a text editor such as Word this field does not support richtext formatting. If your description has formatting in Word, be sure to read over it again afterpasting to make sure all characters are appearing properly and things look appropriate in thedescription field.When you have completed the assignment, click . Some fields are mandatory including:title, deadline and description. If these are not changed from their default settings, the system willprompt you to complete them. After you have edited the fields, click "save" again.Once saved the assignment will appear as a Writing Assignment on the left of your home pagesorted by due date. It also now appears on your students' Home Pages. As new students join theclass, they will also see this assignment on their home pages.To edit an assignment, click on the title of the assignment as listed on your home page, and theWriting Assignment editor will open again. Edit and save.To delete an assignment, click the name of the assignment to open the panel, then click.REVIEW ASSIGNMENTSTo create a Review Assignment, start by clickingOn the left hand side of your screen a form loads. Clickto name your assignment.This is the text students will see when the assignment appears on their home page.Each Review Assignment is an assignment for students to review a specific writing assignment.Use theto select the specific Writing to which thisReview applies. This is a mandatory field, so you'll need to create the Writing Assignment first.Peer Review | 4

Select a deadline from the pop­up calendar.You can navigate to other months using the black arrows in the top corners. You can edit what isdue on that date in the text field to the right.You are not required to use any prompts as students can comment without specific prompts. Butif you do want students to respond to specific questions or critera, you'll want to use prompts. Tocreate a new prompt click . Delete the default text of "insert prompt" and type the questionyou want students to consider. (e.g.; Can you identify the thesis statement?)When you have completed the assignment, click . The assignment now appears on theright, sorted by due date. It also now appears on your student's Home Pages.To edit a Review Assignment, click on the name of the assignment and it will open in the ReviewAssignment panel. Edit and save. To delete an assignment, click the name of the assignment toopen the panel, then click .SEEING STUDENT WORKTo see Student Writing in response to an assignment, click the adjacent to the WritingAssignment title to reveal a list of students who have published their papers. Click the name of apaper to review the writing and the comments made on that writing.Peer Review | 5

Select a deadline from the pop­up calendar.You can navigate to other months using the black arrows in the top corners. You can edit what isdue on that date in the text field to the right.The description field allows you to provide a complete description of the assignment. Whenstudents are writing they will be able to see this description on screen.NOTE: While you can paste in from a text editor such as Word this field does not support richtext formatting. If your description has formatting in Word, be sure to read over it again afterpasting to make sure all characters are appearing properly and things look appropriate in thedescription field.When you have completed the assignment, click . Some fields are mandatory including:title, deadline and description. If these are not changed from their default settings, the system willprompt you to complete them. After you have edited the fields, click "save" again.Once saved the assignment will appear as a Writing Assignment on the left of your home pagesorted by due date. It also now appears on your students' Home Pages. As new students join theclass, they will also see this assignment on their home pages.To edit an assignment, click on the title of the assignment as listed on your home page, and theWriting Assignment editor will open again. Edit and save.To delete an assignment, click the name of the assignment to open the panel, then click.REVIEW ASSIGNMENTSTo create a <strong>Review</strong> Assignment, start by clickingOn the left hand side of your screen a form loads. Clickto name your assignment.This is the text students will see when the assignment appears on their home page.Each <strong>Review</strong> Assignment is an assignment for students to review a specific writing assignment.Use theto select the specific Writing to which this<strong>Review</strong> applies. This is a mandatory field, so you'll need to create the Writing Assignment first.<strong>Peer</strong> <strong>Review</strong> | 4

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