Apprenticeship Application form. - Trafford College

Apprenticeship Application form. - Trafford College

Apprenticeship Application form. - Trafford College


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APPRENTICESHIPSat <strong>Trafford</strong> <strong>College</strong>APPLICATION FORM FOR APPRENTICESHIPSSection 1: Personal Details Please complete this <strong>form</strong> in black ink & BLOCK CAPITALSSurname:First name(s):Date of Birth: Are you: Male FemaleAddress:Postcode:Mobile:School:Nationality:Home Tel:Email:Have you lived in the UK or European Union for the last 3 years or more? Yes NoPersonal Identity – How would you describe your ethnic origin or personal identity?Asian/British-Bangladeshi Mixed / multiple Asian/British-Indian ethnicAsian/British-Pakistani Black / African / Any other Asian/Asian BritishWhiteBlack/British-AfricangroupAsian / Asian British Caribbean / Black British Other ethnic groupBlack/British-Caribbean Any other Black/Black British Chinese English/Welsh/Scottish White & Black Caribbean Indian African ArabMixed-White & Asian Mixed-White & Black African Mixed-White & Black Caribbean Any other mixed background/Northern Irish/British White & Black African Pakistani Caribbean Any other ethnic group White Irish British White & White AsianIrish Bangladeshi Any other White Any background other Black/African Not known/Other Gypsy or Irish Traveller Any other whitebackground Any other mixed/multiple ethnicbackground Chinese Any other Asianbackground/Caribbean backgroundCurrent Situation: Please indicate your current circumstances In year 11 Post-16 Education Employed Unemployed Other (please state)Section 2: Additional SupportDo you have any disability or learning difficulty requiring special consideration or support? Yes No Are you currently in receipt of additional support at school? Yes No If ‘Yes’ please give details<strong>Trafford</strong> <strong>College</strong> is committed to the implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act. This in<strong>form</strong>ation about learning needs will helpus to provide the support you require. If you would like to discuss any of these matters with a designated member of <strong>College</strong> staff, pleaseindicate in the box or boxes below. Please tick as appropriate: Learning difficulties Visual impairment Difficulty because English is not your first language Difficulty reading or writing Dyslexia Mental health difficulties Speech impairment Mobility difficulties Medical condition (e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy) Hearing impairment Multiple disabilities Other, please specifySection 3: Choice of <strong>Apprenticeship</strong>Please check our website for the current apprenticeship programmes we have available at www.trafford.ac.uk<strong>Apprenticeship</strong> you are interested in:Website checked on (please complete date):Guidance If you would like help in deciding which course is right for you, please tick this box for a careers interview.For more in<strong>form</strong>ation about <strong>Apprenticeship</strong>s visit www.trafford.ac.uk or call 0161 886 7070

Section 4: Qualification DetailsExamination Results. Please note you will require a minimum of GCSE grade D in Maths and English.(Please state predicted or achieved grades as accurately as possible as this in<strong>form</strong>ation is needed to process your application)Subject Level e.g. GCSE/AS Grade Year of ExamSection 5: Employment History/Voluntary Work/Work ExperiencePlease provide in<strong>form</strong>ation about any employment / voluntary work / work experience to support your applicationEmployer Details Job Title From ToSection 6: EmploymentIf you have secured paid employment (more than 30 hours per week) and wish to do your apprenticeship with this company please provide details:Employer name:Contact Person:Telephone number:Address:For more in<strong>form</strong>ation about <strong>Apprenticeship</strong>s visit www.trafford.ac.uk or call 0161 886 7007For more in<strong>form</strong>ation about <strong>Apprenticeship</strong>s visit www.trafford.ac.uk or call 0161 886 7070

Section 7: Personal StatementTHIS SECTION MUST BE HANDWRITTEN (Min 200 words). Any typed Personal Statements will be returned.Please use the available space to give your reasons for applying for your chosen course and any relevant in<strong>form</strong>ation about yourself. Rememberyour personal statement is your chance to tell us about yourself and why you think you are suitable for this course. Please attach continuationsheets if necessary.Please note: We will only be able to offer you an interview once you have completed your personal statement.For more in<strong>form</strong>ation about <strong>Apprenticeship</strong>s visit www.trafford.ac.uk or call 0161 886 7007For more in<strong>form</strong>ation about <strong>Apprenticeship</strong>s visit www.trafford.ac.uk or call 0161 886 7070

Signature*:Date:* I am happy for the in<strong>form</strong>ation provided to be shared and used as part of my application to the <strong>College</strong>.For Office Use OnlyDate:Staff Initials:AcknowledgementDOCUMENT GENERATEDThank you for submitting your application. Your application will be acknowledged on receipt.Send your completed application <strong>form</strong> to:Admissions, <strong>Trafford</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0XH

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