IQL15+ LonMark Terminal Unit Controller - Trend Controls

IQL15+ LonMark Terminal Unit Controller - Trend Controls IQL15+ LonMark Terminal Unit Controller - Trend Controls
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Data SheetIQL15+LONMARK ® Terminal Unit ControllerIQL15+ LONMARK Terminal Unit ControllerDescriptionThe IQL15+ is a terminal unit controller which can be networkedusing a LONWORKS ® network. It can communicate with other IQLsand LONMARK devices using a LONWORKS network, and with IQsystem networked devices using 3xtend/EINC L or LINC. It has3 relay outputs (normally to control fan speed), and 4 triacoutputs (normally to control valves or dampers). A fourth relayis used either as an electric heater output (/E version) or as anauxiliary contact output (/AUX version). It has 3 variable resistanceinputs of which the first is normally a thermistor temperaturesensor.There are also 2 digital inputs for monitoring manualbuttons or alarm contacts; one of these (IN4) can be used toconnect a Room Display.Features• Low cost terminal unit controller.• Fully compatible with the IQ system.• *LONMARK certified.• No binding for network of only IQ system devices.• Non-volatile memory, no battery required.• 230 Vac or 24 Vac input power versions.• Compatible with Room Display (RD-IQL).• *Conforms to LONMARK profile 8501.* Note that LONMARK certification does not apply to custom strategies.Physicalsurfacemounting 4holesdia 6 mm(0.24”)# 205 mm (8.07”)hinged frontcover ) 5 JH= JA C O 1,5 A HE= 5127 mm (5”)129 mm (5.08”)AC inputpowerrelay output(/E, electric heater)(/AUX, auxiliaryrelay)relay outputslabel! 8 = ? !&- 4 triacDIN rail clipoutputs ! # " $ %" # $ % & ' ! " # $ % & ' " 8 " 8 + inputsservice button ! " #+ ! " # $ % &+5 4 82 1 Lon OKLED ' ! ! !LONWORKSnetwork59 mm (2.32”)63 mm (2.48”)IQL15+ LonMark Terminal Unit Controller Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/081

Data Sheet<strong>IQL15+</strong>LONMARK ® <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong><strong>IQL15+</strong> LONMARK <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong>DescriptionThe <strong>IQL15+</strong> is a terminal unit controller which can be networkedusing a LONWORKS ® network. It can communicate with other IQLsand LONMARK devices using a LONWORKS network, and with IQsystem networked devices using 3xtend/EINC L or LINC. It has3 relay outputs (normally to control fan speed), and 4 triacoutputs (normally to control valves or dampers). A fourth relayis used either as an electric heater output (/E version) or as anauxiliary contact output (/AUX version). It has 3 variable resistanceinputs of which the first is normally a thermistor temperaturesensor.There are also 2 digital inputs for monitoring manualbuttons or alarm contacts; one of these (IN4) can be used toconnect a Room Display.Features• Low cost terminal unit controller.• Fully compatible with the IQ system.• *LONMARK certified.• No binding for network of only IQ system devices.• Non-volatile memory, no battery required.• 230 Vac or 24 Vac input power versions.• Compatible with Room Display (RD-IQL).• *Conforms to LONMARK profile 8501.* Note that LONMARK certification does not apply to custom strategies.Physicalsurfacemounting 4holesdia 6 mm(0.24”)# 205 mm (8.07”)hinged frontcover ) 5 JH= JA C O 1,5 A HE= 5127 mm (5”)129 mm (5.08”)AC inputpowerrelay output(/E, electric heater)(/AUX, auxiliaryrelay)relay outputslabel! 8 = ? !&- 4 triacDIN rail clipoutputs ! # " $ %" # $ % & ' ! " # $ % & ' " 8 " 8 + inputsservice button ! " #+ ! " # $ % &+5 4 82 1 Lon OKLED ' ! ! !LONWORKSnetwork59 mm (2.32”)63 mm (2.48”)<strong>IQL15+</strong> <strong>LonMark</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong> Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/081

<strong>IQL15+</strong>Data SheetFUNCTIONALITYThe <strong>IQL15+</strong> consists of a generic IQL series shell (core hardware and firmware) with specific additional hardware. It is suppliedcomplete with a pre-programmed strategy which defines its HVAC equipment interaction. If the unit is ordered with a standardstrategy (e.g. <strong>IQL15+</strong>/WR4), the standard generic strategy is installed and configured for the required standard strategy; this canbe changed to one of the other standard strategies using text communications. The generic strategy is defined in the <strong>IQL15+</strong>/xxxStandard Strategies Data Sheet, TA200367.FIRMWAREThe following modules are available for configuration by terse text comms. They are described in the IQ System LonWorks ProductsEngineering Manual TE200292.Core modulesAddress module (R); Analogue array (A); Digital array (B)Time (T)Strategy modulesSensor (S), (analogue - thermistor, potentiometer, or fanspeed switch); Sensor (S), (internal); Loop (L); User (U)Logic (G), (combination, timer, hours run)Function (F), (hysteresis, gate, multiplier, adder, A to D,square root, filter, rescale to, comparator)Switch (W); Knob (K); Driver (D), (digital, raise/lower,time prop., multi state relay and cascade relay); DigitalInput (I)IC Comms (N); Plot channel (P); Display (~); Directory (@)CompatibilityThe IQL will identify itself as an IQL to w comms. The 945 shouldbe set up to detect it as an IQ151 V7.AlarmsThe IQ system LONWORKS Products Engineering Manual fullydescribes alarms.The IQL generates network alarms as follows (if appropriatealarm target address and Lan number are set up in addressmodule):“IQL -Rem LAN From yyy on Lan xxx-LON LAN Broken NKBK” - a break in Lan communicationsLON LAN Changed NKCH”- a node has gone from or beenadded to the LanLON LAN OK NKOK”- Lan communications are restored“IQL - Int’wrk From yyy on Lan xxx-LON Iwrk Broken NKBK” - a break in internetworkcommunicationsLON Iwrk Changed NKCH” - a node has gone from or beenadded to the internetworkLON Iwrk OK NKOK”- internetwork communications arerestoredThe IQL generates the following input alarms. They will be sentto Own Lan alarm reporting address and Lan number if these areset up in the address module:Sensor alarms:SENSOR FAIL occurred (OUTL),SENSOR FAIL cleared (COUT),INPUT ERROR occurred (READ),INPUT ERROR cleared (O/K).Digital input alarms:DIGIN OFF occurred (DI=0)DIGIN OFF cleared (CDI0)DIGIN ON occurred (DI=1)DIGIN ON cleared (CDI1)They are same format as IQ alarms except that time and datefields are filled with spaces.2 <strong>IQL15+</strong> <strong>LonMark</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong> Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/08

<strong>IQL15+</strong>Data SheetHARDWARE (continued)InputsIN1 Resistance Input(normally thermistor)IN2 Resistance Input(normally potentiometer)IN3 Resistance InputIN4 Digital InputIN5 Digital InputIQL21 IN122 COM23 IN224 COM25 IN326 IN427 C28 IN5terminal numbersThe SDU-LON (Smart Display <strong>Unit</strong>) is a wall mountingelectroluminescent display that can be connected to the LONWORKSbus and ‘attached’ to its IQL. It enables the user to view and adjustselected parameters within the controller. The SDU-LON has areal time clock that can set the controller’s time, it also providesit with a time zone and calendar features (see SDU data sheetTA200559).SensorsThe TB/TS provides a wall mounting thermistor space sensorthat can be connected to the <strong>IQL15+</strong> input 1 (see TB/TS datasheet TA200603). The TB/TS/K also provides setpoint adjustmentto connect to input 2. The TB/TS/KE has the TB/TS/K featuresplus an occupation override pushbutton to connect to input 4.The TB/TS/KEF has the TB/TS/KE features plus a fan speedcontrol switch to connect to input 3.Inputs 1, 2, 3Variable resistance (analogue) inputs, 0 to 29 kΩ. The use of theinputs is defined by the strategy; the following are examples.Thermistor temperature sensor input (normallyinput 1). Thermistor inputs are scaled for a standard IQsystem thermistor (10 kΩ at 25 °C, 77 °F). Scaling range2.5 °C to 60 °C (36.5 °F to 116 °F). Conversion accuracy±0.25 °C (±0.45 °F) over range (10 °C to 30 °C, 50 °F to86 °F).Potentiometer input (normally input 2). Scaled forstandard IQ system potentiometer (1 kΩ to 11 kΩ). Apotentiometer input is automatically self calibrating togive 0% to 100% of adjustment over full range ofpotentiometer. If required calibration may be set by turningpotentiometer to both ends of range, and waiting 6 secsat each endpoint.Fan Speed Control input (normally input 3). Inputresistance is set to one of five values by an externalswitch and decoded to give required fan speed selection(Off, Low manual, Medium manual, High manual, andAuto).Inputs 4, 5Volt free contact (digital) inputs. 5 Vdc supply via 10 kΩ. Wettingcurrent 0.5 mA. Input 4 provides a TBus connection for use bythe RD-IQL (room display).DisplaysThe RD-IQL/K (Room Display) is a wall mounting temperaturesensor and 3 digit display with control and indication of setpoint.The RD-IQL/KOS also provides an occupation override switchand indication. The RD-IQL/KOSF also provides fan speed controland indication. The RD is connected to IN4. Some IQL configurationparameters must be changed for an RD-IQL to operate with theIQL (see strategy data sheet).Connecting an RD renders some of the normal featuresinoperative:RD-IQL/K: The RD’s potentiometer must be used, not IN2(if a potentiometer is required). A separate sensorconnected to IN1 may be used instead of the RD’s; thisis achieved by maintaining the normal sensor type forIN1. There will be no PIR or pushbutton input. A fan speedswitch connected to IN3 may be used.RD-IQL/KOS: The same as for RD-IQL/K but the /KOSgives use of its pushbutton.RD-IQL/KOSF: The same as for RD-IQL/KOS but the/KOSF gives use of its fan speed switch. A separate fanspeed switch connected to IN3 may be used instead ofthe RD’s; this is achieved by maintaining the normalsensor type for IN3.4 <strong>IQL15+</strong> <strong>LonMark</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong> Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/08

<strong>IQL15+</strong>Data SheetINSTALLATIONThe <strong>IQL15+</strong> must be installed inside a protective case if not installed well outside normal reach (e.g. behind a false ceiling).The /USA/UL/ 24VAC unit is rated as ‘UL916 listed open energy management equipment’.It should be mounted either on DIN rail or flat surface (via 4 hole mounting). The installation involves the following procedure:Mount the unit in positionConnect input power (do not switch on)Earth (ground) unitConnect LONWORKS networkConnect I/OSwitch on power to unitCheck IQ system communicationsConfigure core module parameters if requiredInstall on LONWORKS Management Tool if required (see LONWORKS integration above) and bind any network variables.Configure strategy parameters if requiredConfigure rest of systemTest systemNote: If installation on a LONWORKS ManagementTool is required, the installer must have LONWORKS engineerng expertiseThe installation procedure is coverd by <strong>IQL15+</strong>/xxx Installation Instructions, TG200344. If supplied with a custom strategy, also seeappropriate strategy installation instructions.6 <strong>IQL15+</strong> <strong>LonMark</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong> Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/08

Data Sheet<strong>IQL15+</strong>CONNECTIONSLONWORKS networkThe LONWORKS network has free bus topologyLON*Terminate LONWORKSbus at one end only*6 A H E = J HInput Power/230! 8 = ? ! L N E20 21 22 23LONWORKS LONWORKSnetworknetworkpolarity independentTerminatore.g.LONTERMINATORRecommended cables shown in specificationsection below. Do not use screened cable.*100 F, 50 V min100 F, 50 V min6 A H E = J H*6 A H E = J HDo not allowwires tocross on aloopWARNING: This apparatusmust be earthed, grounded.(using earth, ground, terminal)Clean earths, grounds,consisting of short =1.5 mm, 16 AWG) wired toa substantial earthed,grounded, point (e.g. cabletray) are recommended.# ) 5 JH= JA C O 1,5 A HE= 5/24VAC" 8 = ?1 2 3InputsClass 224Vac ! " #+ + +Earth, ground, 24 Vac supplyneutral at transformer ! " # $ % &Relay OutputA room display (RD) can beconnected to IN4.&- 4 (10 A max.)Note that terminal types COM andC should not be connectedtogether." # Electric Heater (/E only)If switching an electric heater, asuitably rated thermal cutout shouldbe fitted in series with the heatersupply.Auxiliary Relay Output(/AUX only)Relay Outputs (5 A max.)!$ % & ' ! "Triac Outputs400 mA max. shared beween all triacoutputs used" # $ % " 8 " 8 # $ % & ' See strategy data sheet for input/output connection details.<strong>IQL15+</strong> <strong>LonMark</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong> Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/087

<strong>IQL15+</strong>Data SheetDISPOSALCOSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health - UKGovernment Regulations 2002) ASSESSMENT FOR DISPOSALOF IQL CONTROLLER. No parts affected.RECYCLING .All plastic and metal parts are recyclable. The printed circuitboard may be sent to any PCB recovery contractor to recoversome of the components for any metals such as gold and silver.WEEE Directive :At the end of their useful life the packaging andproduct should be disposed of by a suitablerecycling centre.Do not dispose of with normal household waste.Do not burn.8 <strong>IQL15+</strong> <strong>LonMark</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong> Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/08

Data Sheet<strong>IQL15+</strong>ORDER CODESUK Order CodesUSA Order Codes<strong>IQL15+</strong>/[strategy]/[option]/[power]e.g. <strong>IQL15+</strong>/WR4/E/24VAC : not available in USA <strong>IQL15+</strong> controller with 24 Vac supply and generic strategy set forWater Side, 4 Pipe, Raise/Lower (floating) with Electric Heateroutput.<strong>IQL15+</strong>/[strategy]/E/USA/UL/24VAC 882001292<strong>IQL15+</strong> controller with 24 Vac supply and [strategy], with electricheater output for USA. UL rated.[ strategy][ option][power]For standard strategies and options, see <strong>IQL15+</strong>/xxxStandard Strategies Data Sheet TA200367/ E ElectricHeater output/ 24VAC24 Vac Supply/ AUX AuxiliaryRelay output/ 230230 Vac SupplyLONTERMINATOR 882000350 Universal LONWORKS terminator (see LONTERMINATOR data sheetTA200229)SDU-LON not available in USA Wall mounting Smart Display unit enables display and adjustmentof control parameters. Connects to a LONWORKS network.SDU-LON/WSA/USA 882001470 Wall mounting Smart Display unit enables display and adjustmentof control parameters, with wall sensor adaptor plate. Connectsto a LONWORKS network.IQLROUTER/24VAC not available in USA IQL Router with 24Vac power option.IQLROUTER/230 not available in USA IQL Router with 230 Vac power option.IQLROUTER/USA/UL/24V 882001300 IQL Router with 24Vac power option.TB/TS 882000540 Wall mounting thermistor space temperature sensorTB/TS/K 882000560 As TB/TS plus setpoint adjustmentTB/TS/KE 882000580 As TB/TS/K pus occupation override push buttonTB/TS/KEF not available in USA As TB/TS/KE plus fan speed control switchRD-IQL/K 882001530 Wall mounting Room Display comprising temperature sensor, 3 digitdisplay with control and indication of setpointRD-IQL/KOS 882001540 As RD-IQL/K plus occupation override switch and indicatorRD-IQL/KOSF 882001550 As RD-IQL/KOS plus fan speed control and indicatorNETB/LONC/[version]/FTT/230 not available in USA LONMARK Object Node <strong>Controller</strong> enables communication with otherLONMARK devices, 230 Vac supplyNETB/LONC/[version]/FTT/24 not available in USA LONMARK Object Node <strong>Controller</strong> enables communication withother LONMARK devices, 24 Vac supplyVersion/ EN48A/FTT48 enumerated inputs/ IN48A/FTT48 integer inputs/ FL48A/FTT48 floating inputs/ EN48S/FTT48 enumerated outputs/ IN48S/FTT48 integer outputs/ FL48S/FTT48 floating outputs/GEN/FTTinputs/outputs8 integer, + 8 floating, + 8 enumerated inputs,+ 8 integer, +8 floating + 8 enumerated outputsNETB/LONC/GEN/FTT/USA/UL/24 882000290 UL rated boxed version of LONC requiring 24 Vac input power.*3XTEND/EINC L/230 not available in USA Node controller which enables LONWORKS bus to be used as partof IQ System. Connects IQLs to IQ System current loop networkand Ethernet. 230Vac power.*3XTEND/EINC L/24 not available in USA Node controller which enables LONWORKS bus to be used as partof IQ System. Connects IQLs to IQ System current loop networkand Ethernet. 24 Vac power.*3XTEND/EINC L/USA/UL/24 882001600 UL rated node controller which enables LONWORKS bus to be usedas part of IQ System. Connects IQLs to IQ System current loopnetwork and Ethernet. 24 Vac power.*NETB/LINC/FTT/USA/UL/24 882000280 UL rated node controller which enables LONWORKS bus to be usedas part of IQ System. Connects IQLs to IQ System current loopnetwork. 24 Vac power.*NETB/LINC/FTT/230 not available in USA Node controller which enables LONWORKS bus to be used as partof IQ System. Connects IQLs to IQ System current loop network,230 Vac power.*NETB/LINC/FTT/24 not available in USA Node controller which enables LONWORKS bus to be used as partof IQ System. Connects IQLs to IQ System current loop network,24 Vac power.*Note that the 3xtend/EINC L should be used as preference; LINC must be used if system installed on a LONWORKS Management ToolPACK/LNC2/LONFTT/230 882000310 LanCard node controller providing an RS232 to IQ system currentloop Lan node and then to a LONWORKS network using the Lan (LNC/Lan/LINC function) on a PCI bus card. Includes wallbox and 2adapter cablesLCI/USB 882001300 LONWORKS Commissioning Interface. Portable LONWORKS nodewhich connects to PC to LonWorks using a USB connection.TP/1/0/16/HF/200 not available in USA 200 metres (218 yds) unscreened single twisted pair cable suitablefor wiring LONWORKS bus.<strong>IQL15+</strong> <strong>LonMark</strong> <strong>Terminal</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> <strong>Controller</strong> Data Sheet TA200341 Issue 3 07/05/089

<strong>IQL15+</strong>Data SheetSPECIFICATIONSElectricalInput Power Supply/230 :230 Vac -10% +15%, 50/60 Hz/24VAC:24 Vac ±15%, 50/60 HzInput Power Supply Consumption/230 :Up to 13 VA which consists of 3 VA internalpower plus power to triac outputs./24VAC:Up to 12.1 VA which consists of 2.5 VAinternal power plus power to triac outputs.In both cases the maximum current sharedbetween the triac outputs is 400 mA.CPU:3 processor Neuron chipMemory:64 kbytes flash memory, 8 kbytes RAMBattery:no battery required (data stored in flashmemory)Clock:software clock (1 minute resolution)LONWORKS network :FTT - Free topology, 78 k baud, transformerisolated. Single termination (RC network).Can also use loop powered free topology,LPT.LONWORKS FTTdistance:Maximum bus length, node to node distancedepends on cable type:Recommended CablesMax bus lengthMax nodenode500 m (545B elden 85102500m (545 yds)yds)IQ SystemTP/1/0/16/HF/200 500m (545 yds) 400 m (430 yds)(Belden 8471)U L Level IV, 22 AWG 500m (545 yds)400 m (430 yds)J Y(St) Y2 x 2 x 0.8 500m (545 yds)320 m (350 yds)T IA568A Cat. 5, 24 AWG 450m (490 yds)250 m (270 yds)toMechanicalDimensionsMaterialBox<strong>Terminal</strong> CoverWeightConnectorsEnvironmental:205 mm (8.07”) x 129 mm (5.08”) x 63 mm(2.48”):Flame retardant ABS:Clear polycarbonate flap:896 g (1lb 15.5 oz):two part for 0.5 to 2.55 mm 2 cross sectionarea (14 to 20 AWG) cable.EMC Emmission :EN50081-1EMC Immunity :EN50082-1SafetyEU:EN61010USA Canada :(/USA/UL/24VAC only) UL rated as‘UL916 listed open energy managementequipment’.Ambient limitsstorage:-10 °C (14 °F) to 50 °C (122 °F)operating :0 °C (32 °F) to 45 °C (113 °F)humidity:0 to 95 %RH non-condensingProtection :IP20, NEMA 1VersionFirmware :Version 5.1 or laterBoard:AM104252v6©Echelon, LON, Neuron, LONWORKS and LONMARK are trademarksof Echelon Corporation registered in the <strong>Unit</strong>ed States and othercountries.Note that this does not include cable recommended for the IQ systemcurrent loop Lan.Fuse:Solid state self-resetting, protects at 500 mA.InputsIN1, 2, 3:Variable resistance inputs, 0 to 29 kΩ, Bridgesupply 5 Vdc.IN4, 5:Volt free contact inputs. 5 Vdc supply through10 kΩ. Wetting current 0.5 mA. IN4 providesTBus for connection of RD.OutputsOUT1, 2, 3OUT4/OUT5OUT6/OUT7OUT8:Digital outputs: Changeover relay contacts.Output rated at 5 A maximum at 240 Vac(cosø>=0.4), and 24 Vdc (resistive load).Reduce to 2 A for 24 Vdc (inductive load,T=0.4), and 28 Vdc (resistive load).Reduce to 2 A for 24 Vdc (inductive load,T

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