Motion Planning for a Rhombic-Like Vehicle Operating in ITER ...

Motion Planning for a Rhombic-Like Vehicle Operating in ITER ... Motion Planning for a Rhombic-Like Vehicle Operating in ITER ...


Motion Planning for a Rhombic-Like VehicleOperating in ITER ScenariosDaniel Alexandre Leal Espinha FonteDissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre emEngenharia MecânicaJúriPresidente:Orientador:Co-Orientador:Vogal:Prof. Doutor João Rogério Caldas PintoDoutor Alberto Manuel Martinho ValeProf. Doutor Miguel Ayala BottoProf. Doutor Jorge Manuel Mateus MartinsLisboa, Junho de 2011

<strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>for</strong> a <strong>Rhombic</strong>-<strong>Like</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong><strong>Operat<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>ITER</strong> ScenariosDaniel Alexandre Leal Esp<strong>in</strong>ha FonteDissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre emEngenharia MecânicaJúriPresidente:Orientador:Co-Orientador:Vogal:Prof. Doutor João Rogério Caldas P<strong>in</strong>toDoutor Alberto Manuel Mart<strong>in</strong>ho ValeProf. Doutor Miguel Ayala BottoProf. Doutor Jorge Manuel Mateus Mart<strong>in</strong>sLisboa, Junho de 2011

À NôAos meus pais

AbstractThe dissertation addresses the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem stated <strong>for</strong> an autonomous rhombic vehicle thatwill operate <strong>in</strong> the build<strong>in</strong>gs of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (<strong>ITER</strong>). Theproblem is addressed follow<strong>in</strong>g two dist<strong>in</strong>ct head<strong>in</strong>gs. A complete ref<strong>in</strong>ement plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy is firstpresented that decouples the big motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>in</strong>to modules that are easier to solve. Thisstrategy heavily relies on path de<strong>for</strong>mation as path optimization techniques <strong>for</strong> which two novel methodsare presented. For the complete def<strong>in</strong>ition of the rhombic vehicle motion, a trajectory design algorithmis also proposed, which takes <strong>in</strong>to account the obstacle clearance and vehicle dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. Thesecond strategy opts <strong>for</strong> a trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g philosophy with focus on a particular randomized plann<strong>in</strong>gtechnique, the Rapidly-explor<strong>in</strong>g Random Tree (RRT). The ma<strong>in</strong> dissertation contribution comprises thecomb<strong>in</strong>ation of a robust RRT-planner with embedded vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematics with the efficiency of a stochasticoptimization method, the Simulated Anneal<strong>in</strong>g (SA).As a requirement <strong>for</strong> the latter approach the dissertation conducts a detailed analysis on the rhombicvehicle motion <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the development of different vehicle behavior models.Gathered simulated results show the advantage of the ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy on handl<strong>in</strong>g feasible andreliable trajectories <strong>in</strong> cluttered scenarios such as those found <strong>in</strong> <strong>ITER</strong>. The trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g strategyreveals some limitations with future perspectives directed to a ref<strong>in</strong>ement-like strategy.The outcome and developments of the dissertation provided a valuable contribute on the area ofoptimization of trajectories <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle, support<strong>in</strong>g the accomplishment and won, by InstitutoSuperior Técnico (IST), of two Fusion <strong>for</strong> Energy (F4E) grants <strong>in</strong> the area of Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g (RH), <strong>in</strong>which the author of the dissertation participates as full active fellowship student.Keywords: <strong>ITER</strong>, Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>Rhombic</strong>, Mathematical Model<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>, MobileRoboticsi

ResumoA tese propõe abordar o problema de planeamento de movimento para um veículo autónomo com configuraçãorômbica que irá operar nos edifícios do <strong>ITER</strong> (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor).Para resolver esta problemática, <strong>for</strong>am seguidas duas estratégias dist<strong>in</strong>tas de planeamento. A primeira,def<strong>in</strong>e-se como uma abordagem de ref<strong>in</strong>amento que divide o problema complexo de planeamento demovimento em subproblemas de solução mais acessível. Esta abordagem assenta <strong>for</strong>temente na aplicaçãode técnicas de optimização baseadas na de<strong>for</strong>mação de cam<strong>in</strong>hos, área em que esta tese apresenta duasnovas contribuições científicas. Para a def<strong>in</strong>ição completa do movimento do veículo ao longo dos cam<strong>in</strong>hos,é proposto um método de avaliação de trajectórias que para além de considerar a proximidade do veículoaos obstáculos, <strong>in</strong>clui também restrições ao nível da d<strong>in</strong>âmica. A segunda estratégia propõe explorara planeamento directo de trajectórias com especial enfoque no algoritmo aleatório, Rapidly-explor<strong>in</strong>gRandom Tree (RRT). A pr<strong>in</strong>cipal contribuição desta tese para esta filosofia de planeamento consiste noacoplamento de um planeador robusto baseado na RRT, que <strong>in</strong>tegra explicitamente a c<strong>in</strong>emática rômbica,com a eficácia de um algoritmo de optimização, o Simulated Anneal<strong>in</strong>g (SA).Como condição necessária para o desenvolvimento desta última abordagem e colmatar a falta dedocumentação acerca da configuração rômbica, a tese apresenta diferentes modelos comportamentaispara a simulação e análise cuidada do movimento do veículo.Resultados obtidos em simulação, demonstram a vantagem da utilização de uma estratégia faseada deplaneamento para a obtenção de soluções exequíveis para o veículo nos cenários conf<strong>in</strong>ados do InternationalThermonuclear Experimental Reactor (<strong>ITER</strong>). O planeamento directo de trajéctórias revela grandes limitaçõesno âmbito deste projecto, v<strong>in</strong>culando-se o seu desenvolvimento para estratégias mais direccionadaspara o ref<strong>in</strong>amento.Este estudo contribuíu de <strong>for</strong>ma valiosa para a realização e obtenção, por parte do Instituto SuperiorTécnico (IST), de duas grants concedidas pela Fusion <strong>for</strong> Energy (F4E) na área de Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g (RH)na qual o autor da tese participa como <strong>in</strong>vestigador bolseiro.Palavras-Chave:Planeamento do Movimento, Robótica Móvel<strong>ITER</strong>, Manipulação Remota, Configuração Rômbica, Modelação Matemática,iii

AcknowledgmentsMy first word of appreciation goes to my supervisor and responsible <strong>for</strong> this adventure, Doctor AlbertoVale, <strong>for</strong> his <strong>in</strong>sightful suggestions and encouragement dur<strong>in</strong>g this work, <strong>for</strong> all the thesis proof read<strong>in</strong>g,but most of all, <strong>for</strong> always listen<strong>in</strong>g attentively and car<strong>in</strong>g. I also thank to Professor Miguel Ayala Botto,<strong>for</strong> accept<strong>in</strong>g the co-supervision of this dissertation, <strong>for</strong> his concern and helpful comments.My s<strong>in</strong>cere gratitude to the Director of ISR/IST, Professor Victor Barroso, and President of IPFN/IST,Professor Carlos Varandas, <strong>for</strong> all the material and logistic support. This work has also been partiallysupported by the grant project F4E-2008-GRT-016 (MS-RH), which is funded by the European Jo<strong>in</strong>tUndertak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong> <strong>ITER</strong> and the development of F4E. I gratefully acknowledge the support.A special thanks to Professor Jean-Paul Laumond, who, with his geniality, first <strong>in</strong>troduced me to themotion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem and to Professor Isabel Ribeiro, who always pushed me to go further thanks toher passion <strong>for</strong> science and research.Thanks also to my colleague and co-worker, Filipe Valente, <strong>for</strong> his friendship, helpful ideas <strong>in</strong> thisproject and <strong>for</strong> always hav<strong>in</strong>g time to come up with great CAD models.A big thanks to Diogo Silvério and Nelson Homem; I will never <strong>for</strong>get the time we spent together.I owe my parents <strong>for</strong> their <strong>in</strong>term<strong>in</strong>able support, <strong>for</strong> always be<strong>in</strong>g there dur<strong>in</strong>g the good times andbad times.F<strong>in</strong>ally, I want to thank my girlfriend, Nô, <strong>for</strong> always be<strong>in</strong>g there, besides the distance between Parisand Lisbon, <strong>for</strong> always rem<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g me what matters the most and <strong>for</strong> all her patience and love.Thank you all to the others that were important <strong>for</strong> me dur<strong>in</strong>g this period and contributed to mysuccess.v

ContentsAbstractiResumoiiiAcknowledgmentsvList of TablesxiList of FiguresxviiList of AcronymsxixList of Symbolsxxi1 Introduction 11.1 Scientific and Industrial Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.1 Historical Overview of Tokamak-based Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.2 <strong>ITER</strong>, the “Way” to Fusion Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 The Need <strong>for</strong> Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g and Challenges Involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2.1 Cask Transfer Us<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Rhombic</strong>-like <strong>Vehicle</strong>s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.3 Mobile Robotics Challenges <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.4 Novelties and Major Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.5 Dissertation Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Mathematical Model<strong>in</strong>g 112.1 System Def<strong>in</strong>ition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.2 K<strong>in</strong>ematic Model<strong>in</strong>g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.2.1 Nonholonomic Constra<strong>in</strong>ts on Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.2.2 K<strong>in</strong>ematic Model of the Unicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.2.3 K<strong>in</strong>ematic Model of the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.2.4 General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18vii

2.3 Dynamic Model<strong>in</strong>g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.3.1 Pneumatic Model<strong>in</strong>g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222.3.2 Dynamic Model of the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamic Model <strong>in</strong> the Global Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamic Model <strong>in</strong> the Local Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dynamic Model <strong>in</strong> the Velocity Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Implementation Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282.4 Extended K<strong>in</strong>ematic Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> – An Overview 333.1 Problem Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343.1.1 The Configuration Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353.1.2 <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> Under Differential Constra<strong>in</strong>ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363.2 <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.2.1 Classical <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.2.2 Randomized <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393.3 <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> Problem <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 A Ref<strong>in</strong>ement Strategy <strong>for</strong> <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> 454.1 Comb<strong>in</strong>atorial Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.1.1 Constra<strong>in</strong>t Delaunay Triangulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.1.2 Elastic Bands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484.2 Randomized Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.2.1 Rapidly-explor<strong>in</strong>g Random Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.2.2 Path Optimization Based on the Rigid Body Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534.2.2.1 Dynamics of Rigid Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544.2.2.2 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564.2.2.3 A Numerical Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584.3 Trajectory Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594.3.1 <strong>Motion</strong> profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604.3.2 Trajectory Evaluation <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> under Differential Constra<strong>in</strong>ts 655.1 Problem Formulation: <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong> the State Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655.2 RRT-based planners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675.2.1 S<strong>in</strong>gle and Dual-tree RRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675.2.2 RRT-Blossom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68viii

5.2.3 Transition-based RRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.3 A Robust RRT Planner <strong>for</strong> Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Cost Spaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 756 Experiments and Simulation Results 776.1 Simulation Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776.2 Ref<strong>in</strong>ement Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796.2.1 Geometric Path Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796.2.2 Path Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.2.3 Trajectory Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866.3 General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876.4 Trajectory <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907 Conclusions and Future Work 93Bibliography 97A Description of the Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g Systems of <strong>ITER</strong> 107B Topics <strong>for</strong> the Guidance and Navigation of the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong> 111C Chang<strong>in</strong>g the basis of the Null Space 115D <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>: Motivational Examples and Applications 117E Sparse Dissertation Contributions on the Elastic Bands Approach 121ix

List of Tables2.1 Description of the <strong>for</strong>ces applied on the vehicle wheel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234.1 Expected output data <strong>for</strong> the optimization algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.1 <strong>Vehicle</strong> geometric parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786.2 Reference parameters <strong>for</strong> the elastic bands approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836.3 Path optimization per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>for</strong> the elastic bands approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856.4 Reference parameters <strong>for</strong> the rigid body dynamics approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856.5 Path optimization per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>for</strong> the rigid body dynamics approach. . . . . . . . . . . . 856.6 Relevant parameters <strong>for</strong> the trajectory evaluation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876.7 Average computational per<strong>for</strong>mances over 50 runs <strong>for</strong> the s<strong>in</strong>gle and dual-tree RRT (nonholonomicversion). runtime max = 120s and |U d | = 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906.8 Average computational per<strong>for</strong>mances over 50 runs of the dual-tree RRT - Blossom. runtime max =120s and |U d | = 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916.9 Average computational per<strong>for</strong>mances over 50 runs of the T-B - RRT. runtime max = 120s,|U d | = 25, w cl = 1, w l = 1 and w s = 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916.10 Average optimization per<strong>for</strong>mances of the RRT - Blossom and T-B - RRT. runtime max =120s, |U d | = 25, w cl = 1, w l = 1 and w s = 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92xi


List of Figures1.1 Left: first tokamak was developed, <strong>in</strong> the late of 1950s, <strong>in</strong> Russia. Center: view of theJo<strong>in</strong>t European Torus (JET) tokamak, the largest European fusion device. Right: TheTokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) operated from 1982 to 1997. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 Global energy picture: current energy supply policy [URLED] (left); Growth predictions<strong>for</strong> world population and energy demand (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.3 Left-bottom: Computer-Aided Design (CAD) models of the Tokamak Build<strong>in</strong>g (TB) andHot Cell Build<strong>in</strong>g (HCB). Right: an artistic impression of the tokamak device of <strong>ITER</strong>with the Blanket and Divertor modules highlighted <strong>in</strong> black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.4 Left: Maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability of the Cask and Plug Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g System (CPRHS). Right:schematic view of the CPRHS and the Cask Transfer System (CTS) with its rhombicconfiguration and air cushion system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.5 Schematic view of a generic navigation and guidance framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.1 System representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.2 The unicycle system: Generalized coord<strong>in</strong>ates and the Roll<strong>in</strong>g Without Slipp<strong>in</strong>g (RWS)constra<strong>in</strong>t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.3 Generalized coord<strong>in</strong>ates of the rhombic vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.4 <strong>Motion</strong> capabilities of the rhombic vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182.5 Evaluation of the turn<strong>in</strong>g radius: (a) On a car-like configuration. (b)-(c) On the rhombiclikeconfiguration with the wheels turn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the opposite (b) and <strong>in</strong> the same direction(c). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.6 Certa<strong>in</strong> drive configurations must be avoided <strong>in</strong> order to prevent vehicle damage. . . . . . 202.7 S<strong>in</strong>gular drive configurations: <strong>in</strong>sensible drive configurations <strong>for</strong>ces one of the wheels todrag (top); The s<strong>in</strong>gular drive configurations allow the vehicle to rotate <strong>in</strong> place withoutcaus<strong>in</strong>g slippage on wheels (bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.8 Slippage phenomena: (a) on accelerat<strong>in</strong>g and brak<strong>in</strong>g phases and, (b) on turn<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers,where significant wheel slippage may occur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.9 Tire and surface conditions orig<strong>in</strong>ate different types of tire-ground studies. . . . . . . . . . 222.10 Applied <strong>for</strong>ces and moments on a drivable and steerable wheel of the rhombic vehicle. . . 23xiii

2.11 Tire de<strong>for</strong>mation due to: the lateral <strong>for</strong>ce (left) and the wheel supported weight (right). . 242.12 Evolution of the longitud<strong>in</strong>al <strong>for</strong>ce F l and lateral <strong>for</strong>ce F s with the longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratioσ and the slip angle α, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252.13 Dynamics diagram of the rhombic vehicle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262.14 <strong>Rhombic</strong> vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematics diagram on a turn<strong>in</strong>g maneuver and consider<strong>in</strong>g slippage phenomena.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293.1 The basic motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>for</strong> a po<strong>in</strong>t-like Wheeled Mobile Robot (WMR) (<strong>in</strong>blue). The path (<strong>in</strong> yellow) connects the <strong>in</strong>itial (<strong>in</strong> green) to the goal (<strong>in</strong> red) configuration. 353.2 C-space topologies: <strong>for</strong> a po<strong>in</strong>t-like WMR (left) and <strong>for</strong> a rigid WMR that can only translate(right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363.3 Left: exact Cell Decomposition (CD) us<strong>in</strong>g triangle cells. Right: approximate CD. . . . . 383.4 Left: <strong>in</strong> blue the roadmap obta<strong>in</strong>ed with the Visibility Graph and <strong>in</strong> yellow the roadmapreturned by the Reduced Visibility Graph. Right: the generalized Voronoi diagram yieldsa maximum clearance roadmap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393.5 The potential field, repeals the po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot (<strong>in</strong> black) and conducts it from the <strong>in</strong>itialconfiguration (<strong>in</strong> green) to the attract<strong>in</strong>g goal configuration (<strong>in</strong> red). Possible localm<strong>in</strong>imums (yellow diamonds). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393.6 The Probabilistic Roadmap Method (PRM): collision free samples <strong>in</strong> yellow-⋄, collid<strong>in</strong>gsamples <strong>in</strong> red-⋄ (left) and obta<strong>in</strong>ed roadmap <strong>in</strong> blue (right) dur<strong>in</strong>g the learn<strong>in</strong>g phase. Inthe query phase, the <strong>in</strong>itial and goal configurations are connected via the yellow shortestpath(right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403.7 Left: the RRT algorithm grows a tree (<strong>in</strong> blue) from the <strong>in</strong>itial configuration (green-o)that explores C free on an attempt to reach the goal configuration (red-o). Right: dual-treevariant of the RRT algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413.8 The motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle: 1- rhombic vehicle, 2- pose, 3- startand goal conditions, 4- geometric model (3D and 2D), 5-optimized trajectories <strong>for</strong> eachVacuum Vessel Port Cell (VVPC) <strong>in</strong> the TB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444.1 <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> methodology: a three stage ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454.2 Left: the rhombic vehicle follow<strong>in</strong>g a unique path reference <strong>for</strong> both wheels. Right: executedmotion by the rhombic vehicle while follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dependent references <strong>for</strong> each wheel. 464.3 Triangle CD on a Two Dimensional (2D) map with: the Delaunay Triangulation (DT)(left) and the Constra<strong>in</strong>ed Delaunay Triangulation (CDT) (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.4 Evaluation of the <strong>in</strong>itial geometric path: (a) Triangle CD with <strong>in</strong>itial and goal conditions.(b)−(e) Possible triangle cell sequences. (e) Shortest triangle cell sequence andcorrespond<strong>in</strong>g geometric path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484.5 Elastic band <strong>for</strong>mulation: <strong>in</strong>ternal or elastic and external or repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces. . . . . . . . . 49xiv

4.6 Path optimization with elastic bands: geometric path (left), path de<strong>for</strong>mation (center) andvehicle occupancy area over the optimized path (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.7 Rescue operation: To assist the parked CPRHS, the rescue-like CPRHS must be perfectlyaligned with it (left). Planned solution <strong>for</strong> the same path <strong>for</strong> both wheels (center). Plannedsolution with <strong>in</strong>dependent references <strong>for</strong> each wheel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.8 The RRT quickly expands <strong>in</strong> a few directions to explore the free space of the environment. 544.9 Optimization based on the rigid body dynamics: the elastic <strong>for</strong>ces and torsional torqueshelp to smooth and shorten the path while the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces and torques maximizeclearance from obstacles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554.10 K<strong>in</strong>etics of rigid bodies: the general plane motion of a rigid body can be decomposed ona translation and a rotation about G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554.11 Path optimization flow based on the rigid body dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584.12 Flow diagram of the Leapfrog algorithm: evaluation of a k j and αk jv k+1/2j(left); evaluation ofand ω k+1/2j (center); update of q k+1j(right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594.13 Path optimization based on rigid body dynamics: geometric path returned by the RRT(left), path de<strong>for</strong>mation based on the rigid body motion simulation (center) and f<strong>in</strong>aloptimized path (right). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 604.14 Speed and acceleration profiles: the S-curve (left) and the trapezoidal profile (right). . . . 614.15 Trajectory evaluation: (a) <strong>in</strong>itial speed profile based on safety-obstacle clearance requirements;(b) The <strong>for</strong>ward rout<strong>in</strong>e guarantees dynamic feasible transitions between po<strong>in</strong>ts butis <strong>in</strong>sufficient to guarantee v J = 0; (c) The backward rout<strong>in</strong>e guarantees that all the transitionsare dynamic feasible; (d) The evaluated speed profile may violate the safety-basedspeed profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645.1 Reachability graph <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle consider<strong>in</strong>g |U d | equal to (from left to right):18, 50 and 98. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675.2 S<strong>in</strong>gle-tree expansion <strong>for</strong> |U| = 10 (top) and |U| = 18 (bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695.3 Left: example or a reced<strong>in</strong>g yet useful expansion. The orange half-disk shows the reced<strong>in</strong>gfrom target direction <strong>for</strong> the orange node. The red arrow <strong>in</strong>dicates an useful expansion.Right: the left subfigure shows all possible extensions <strong>for</strong> a particular node; all the dashedexpansions are regress<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>ce other node other than parent are closer to them (<strong>in</strong>dicatedwith loops). In the right subfigure, only the green edges are suitable <strong>for</strong> expansion. . . . . 705.4 Regression constra<strong>in</strong>t; the green-dashed expansion is blocked by an extant nonviable edge. 705.5 F<strong>in</strong>ite-state mach<strong>in</strong>e <strong>for</strong> the evolution of the viability status of an edge. . . . . . . . . . . 725.6 Left: RRT planner blossom<strong>in</strong>g C free . Right: f<strong>in</strong>al generated path with front wheel path <strong>in</strong>red and rear wheel path <strong>in</strong> green. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72xv

5.7 Impact of the m<strong>in</strong>ExpCtrl function on the RRT algorithm; Without control the tree tendsto ref<strong>in</strong>e the search, which slows down the planner per<strong>for</strong>mances (left). With the expansioncontrol activated the planner is <strong>for</strong>ced to explore new regions of the space (right). . . . . . 745.8 F<strong>in</strong>ite-state mach<strong>in</strong>e <strong>for</strong> the T-B - RRT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755.9 Top: T-B - RRT search<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong> a smooth path (w s = 1, w c and w d = 0) on a unobstructedenvironment; Bottom: solution obta<strong>in</strong>ed with w s = 1, w c = 0.8 and w d = 0.2 <strong>for</strong> thegeneral map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 766.1 Impression of the orig<strong>in</strong>al Three Dimensional (3D) CATIA models of the <strong>ITER</strong> build<strong>in</strong>gs(left) and assumed 2D projections of the selected L1-levels of the TB and HCB. . . . . . . 786.2 <strong>Motion</strong> query <strong>for</strong>: a nom<strong>in</strong>al operation <strong>in</strong> the TB (left), a dock<strong>in</strong>g procedure <strong>in</strong> the HCB(center) and <strong>for</strong> a general mission between two arbitrary configurations (right). . . . . . . 796.3 Top: Triangular CD (<strong>in</strong> blue) and shortest cell sequence (<strong>in</strong> magenta) evaluated by the A ∗algorithm <strong>for</strong> Scenario I (left), II (center) and III (right). Bottom: Spanned area by thevehicle over the geometric path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 806.4 S<strong>in</strong>gle and dual-tree RRT algorithm runtimes <strong>in</strong> seconds, over 50 runs and consider<strong>in</strong>g amaximum runtime of 60 seconds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.5 Geometric path yielded by the dual-tree RRT planner <strong>for</strong> a motion query def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> theTB; Spanned area by the vehicle <strong>in</strong> blue and path described by the center of the vehicle<strong>in</strong> black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.6 Path optimization with elastic bands: the rough and low quality paths (left) are optimizedthrough a de<strong>for</strong>mation process lead<strong>in</strong>g to the generation of smoother, shorter and saferpaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846.7 Geometric path yielded by the dual-tree RRT planner <strong>for</strong> a motion query def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> theTB; Spanned area by the vehicle <strong>in</strong> blue and path described by the center of the vehicle<strong>in</strong> black. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866.8 (a) Provided geometric path by the RRT algorithm. (b) Optimized path. (c) Local stretch<strong>in</strong>gof the path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876.9 Trajectory evaluation: evolution of path clearance (upper plot); Speed profile based on thepath clearance (second plot); Speed profile with and without vehicle dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts(third plot); Acceleration profile with and without dynamic considerations (bottom plot). 886.10 Speed vehicle map <strong>for</strong> a journey to a VVPC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896.11 Trajectory generated by the dual-tree T-B - RRT planner <strong>for</strong> the motion query def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>the TB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92A.1 Top: In-Vessel Transporter (IVT) and the manipulator system. Bottom: the Divertorcassette RH equipment deployed <strong>in</strong> the Vacuum Vessel (VV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108xvi

A.2 Some of the RH operations and equipment needed <strong>in</strong> the HCB: (a) divertor cassetterefurbishment; (b) Refurbishment plugs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109A.3 (a) The In-Vessel View<strong>in</strong>g System (IVVS) probes <strong>in</strong>side the VV; There will be available6 equal units disposed equatorially with directions converg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> pairs. (b) Neutral Beam(NB) cell with a rail crane system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110B.1 Schematic view of a generic navigation and guidance framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112D.1 Left: the Rubik’s cube. Right: the Alpha 1.0 Puzzle was posted as a research benchmarkby Nancy Amato at Texas Agricultural and Mechanics (A&M) University. . . . . . . . . . 117D.2 Left: motion plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms were used to compute the motion of 100 digital actorscross<strong>in</strong>g a scenario with different types of obstacles [LK05]. Right: HRP-2 humanoidper<strong>for</strong>m<strong>in</strong>g bar-carry<strong>in</strong>g task and locomotion with stable collision free planned motions. . 118D.3 An automotive assembly task, which <strong>in</strong>volves <strong>in</strong>sert<strong>in</strong>g a seat <strong>in</strong> the car body cavity. . . . 119D.4 Snapshots of fold<strong>in</strong>g paths found by a motion planner [GA03] <strong>for</strong> the prote<strong>in</strong> A. . . . . . 119E.1 Evaluation of repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces: rear wheel <strong>in</strong> p j (left) and front wheel <strong>in</strong> p j (right). Dot blueand dot orange po<strong>in</strong>ts represent the closest vehicle surface and obstacle po<strong>in</strong>ts, respectively.122E.2 <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> maneuvers: problem <strong>for</strong>mulation; q I <strong>in</strong> green, q G <strong>in</strong> red and maneuver po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong>blue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123E.3 Geometric path plann<strong>in</strong>g: triangle CD (orange), first segment roadmap (black) and secondsegment roadmap (dashed black) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123E.4 Example of a maneuver, from left to right: a path, splitt<strong>in</strong>g the path <strong>in</strong> two sub-paths withthe wheelbase geometric constra<strong>in</strong>t, and the path described by the front and rear wheels. 124E.5 Path optimization with maneuver <strong>in</strong>cluded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124xvii


List of Acronyms2D3D4WSAIAGVCADCDCDTCoGCPRHSCTSDoFDPDTEKMHCBICRIOIST<strong>ITER</strong>OPPRTwo DimensionalThree DimensionalFour-Wheel Steer<strong>in</strong>gArtificial IntelligenceAutomated Guided <strong>Vehicle</strong>Computer-Aided DesignCell DecompositionConstra<strong>in</strong>ed Delaunay TriangulationCenter of GravityCask and Plug Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g SystemCask Transfer SystemDegrees of FreedomDock<strong>in</strong>g PortDelaunay TriangulationExtended K<strong>in</strong>ematic ModelHot Cell Build<strong>in</strong>gInstantaneous Center of Rotation<strong>ITER</strong> OrganizationInstituto Superior TécnicoInternational Thermonuclear Experimental ReactorObstacle Po<strong>in</strong>tPure Roll<strong>in</strong>gxix

RHRRTRWSSATBTESVVVVPCWMRWVRemote Handl<strong>in</strong>gRapidly-explor<strong>in</strong>g Random TreeRoll<strong>in</strong>g Without Slipp<strong>in</strong>gSimulated Anneal<strong>in</strong>gTokamak Build<strong>in</strong>gTrajectory Evaluator and SimulatorVacuum VesselVacuum Vessel Port CellWheeled Mobile RobotWheeled <strong>Vehicle</strong>xx

List of SymbolsACC freeC obstC liC siset notation <strong>for</strong> robotconfiguration spacefree spaceobstacle space or obstacle regionlongitud<strong>in</strong>al ith wheel stiffnesslateral/corner<strong>in</strong>g ith wheel stiffnesse n vector position of F n , n = {1, · · · , N}FF eF rfront wheel <strong>in</strong>dexelastic <strong>for</strong>cerepulsive <strong>for</strong>ceF n nth external <strong>for</strong>ce act<strong>in</strong>g on the rigid body, n = {1, · · · , N}F liF siGGlongitud<strong>in</strong>al <strong>for</strong>ce of the ith wheellateral/side <strong>for</strong>ce of the ith wheelvehicle Center of Gravity (CoG)graph that captures the structure of C freei front or rear wheel <strong>in</strong>dex, i = {F, R}I zJKerK dK eK tK r<strong>in</strong>ertia moment around the CoG of the vehicle/rigid bodyjerkkernel or null space of a matrixdamp<strong>in</strong>g ga<strong>in</strong>elastic ga<strong>in</strong>torsional ga<strong>in</strong>repulsive ga<strong>in</strong>xxi

mM sM dMM iN iOp jqq I , q Gq jrr ′Rs jmass of the vehicle or rigid bodysteer<strong>in</strong>g wheel torquedriv<strong>in</strong>g wheel torquevehicle wheel base ≡ distance between the front and rear wheeldistance between the ith wheel and the vehicle CoGnormal reaction of the ground on the ith wheelobstacle regionjth path po<strong>in</strong>t/poseconfiguration of the vehicle/robot/rigid body, q ∈ C<strong>in</strong>itial and goal configuration that def<strong>in</strong>e the motion queryjth path posewheel radiusvehicle turn<strong>in</strong>g radiusrear wheel <strong>in</strong>dexspeed at the jth path po<strong>in</strong>tS h hth triangle cell sequence, h = {1, · · · , H}T n nth triangle cell, n = {1, · · · , N}vv iv effiv lv sWWxx I , x Gvehicle l<strong>in</strong>ear velocityl<strong>in</strong>ear velocity of the ith wheeleffective l<strong>in</strong>ear velocity of the ith wheelwheel longitud<strong>in</strong>al l<strong>in</strong>ear velocitywheel lateral l<strong>in</strong>ear velocityweight <strong>for</strong>ce applied on the wheelset notation <strong>for</strong> world, space where the robot movessate of the vehicle/robot, x ∈ X<strong>in</strong>itial and goal state that def<strong>in</strong>e the motion queryxxii

α iλββ iπ l , π sΣσslip angle of the ith wheelvehicle yaw rate ≡ vehicle angular accelerationvehicle side-slip angleside-slip angle of the ith wheellongitud<strong>in</strong>al and lateral wheel planewheel longitud<strong>in</strong>al slipwheel longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratioµ wheel coefficient of frictionττ sθ iθϕcont<strong>in</strong>uous pathsampled pathsteer<strong>in</strong>g angle of the ith wheelvehicle/rigid body orientationwheel angular velocityxxiii


Chapter 1IntroductionThe theme of the dissertation is <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong> the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor(<strong>ITER</strong>) project, a world - wide research experiment that aims to explore nuclear fusion as a viable resourceof energy <strong>for</strong> the com<strong>in</strong>g years. Besides this major scientific objective, <strong>ITER</strong> aims to demonstrate thatthe future fusion power plants can be safely and effectively ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed through Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g (RH)techniques, due to the restrictive presence of humans <strong>in</strong> activated areas.Among the various RH systems that are expected to operate <strong>in</strong> <strong>ITER</strong>, the dissertation focus on a largeand complex transporter unit that was chosen <strong>for</strong> the transfer of heavy and contam<strong>in</strong>ated loads betweenthe two ma<strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>ITER</strong>, the Tokamak Build<strong>in</strong>g (TB) and the Hot Cell Build<strong>in</strong>g (HCB). Theoverall transporter is moved by a air-cushioned vehicle that has autonomous capabilities and a k<strong>in</strong>ematicrhombic configuration.This chapter describes <strong>in</strong> more depth this large-scale project, provid<strong>in</strong>g the required <strong>in</strong>sight on fusionenergy. It underl<strong>in</strong>es the major challenges <strong>in</strong>volved, with particular <strong>in</strong>terest on mobile robotics aspectsissued to the above referred RH system. The chapter f<strong>in</strong>ishes by present<strong>in</strong>g the ma<strong>in</strong> objectives andcontributions of the dissertation.1.1 Scientific and Industrial Context1.1.1 Historical Overview of Tokamak-based FusionThe research on fusion energy has begun approximately <strong>in</strong> the mid of 1950s, when fusion mach<strong>in</strong>es startedto be used as an experimental tool to control fusion reactions, <strong>in</strong> countries such as the Soviet Union or theUnited States of America (USA). By that time, the practical application of the fusion power was thoughtas a challeng<strong>in</strong>g and distant realization. A few years later <strong>in</strong> the Soviet Union, experiments with tokamak– a doughnut shaped magnetic chamber – devices begun, predict<strong>in</strong>g a possible successful application offusion energy <strong>in</strong> a period of 20 years (see Figure 1.1-left).Experiments cont<strong>in</strong>ued to be per<strong>for</strong>med and <strong>in</strong> 1991, the Jo<strong>in</strong>t European Torus (JET), depicted<strong>in</strong> Figure 1.1-center, achieved the world’s first controlled release of fusion energy, us<strong>in</strong>g a mixture of1

Deuterium and Tritium as the fuel<strong>in</strong>g gas [Wes00], [PS03]. Also, important experiments were conductedat the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) <strong>in</strong> Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton, USA (see see Figure 1.1-right). Together,JET and TFTR were important projects on the development of fusion power <strong>in</strong> a tokamak conf<strong>in</strong>ementbasis, by show<strong>in</strong>g that significant amounts of it could be produced. Other devices such as, the Tore SupraTokamak [HMB + 04] and the TRIAM-1M (Tokamak of the Research Institute <strong>for</strong> Applied Mechanics) <strong>in</strong>Japan [ISN + 99], produce exceptional results by provid<strong>in</strong>g long-duration fusion experiments.It is worth not<strong>in</strong>g that the majority of magnetic fusion research to this day has followed the tokamakapproach [URLFP], but other approaches exist, such as the concept of “mechanical fusion” through theuse of lasers, which is not covered here.Figure 1.1: Left: first tokamak was developed, <strong>in</strong> the late of 1950s, <strong>in</strong> Russia. Center: view of the JETtokamak, the largest European fusion device. Right: The TFTR operated from 1982 to 1997.1.1.2 <strong>ITER</strong>, the “Way” to Fusion EnergyBesides the scientific <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> all the previous referred experiments, there is a practical need <strong>for</strong> develop<strong>in</strong>gand explor<strong>in</strong>g fusion as a source of energy <strong>for</strong> the humank<strong>in</strong>d benefit. The shortage predictionson liquid fuels, especially with the <strong>in</strong>evitable oil extraction decl<strong>in</strong>e, require an urgent development andexploration of new sources of energy. As illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 1.2-left the current energy supply policyis mostly based on fossil fuels — oil, coal an natural gas — represent<strong>in</strong>g almost 80% of the total energyconsumption. To worsen this scenario, the world population is expected to growth from 6 to 9 billionpeople until 2050 [URLWP] result<strong>in</strong>g on an expressive raise of the energy demand (see Figure 1.2-right).Accord<strong>in</strong>g to [Sch06], no s<strong>in</strong>gle technology is likely to provide all of the world’s future energy needs andreplace the actual oil-based energy <strong>in</strong>frastructure. It is important to achieve a more susta<strong>in</strong>able mix offossil fuels but, more importantly, develop an energy consumption-frame based on new technologies andalternative energies such as solar, geothermal and nuclear, fission and fusion, power.In this context fusion energy may play a major rule <strong>in</strong> the future. Future fusion plants will need fuel towork and produce energy. This fuel will be based on a mixture of Deuterium and Tritium, two hydrogenisotopes, which are readily available on earth; The Deuterium is extracted from the sea water and Tritiumwill be produced through Lithium, which exists <strong>in</strong> abundance on the earth’s crust. The basic pr<strong>in</strong>ciplethe fusion reaction consists <strong>in</strong> “fus<strong>in</strong>g” these two hydrogen isotopes. As products, this reaction will releaseHelium nucleus, neutrons and a big amount of energy. This fusion reaction, will be <strong>in</strong>herently safe, withno possibility of “meltdown” or “runaway reactions”, two possible accidental situations that may arise <strong>in</strong>2

01#2*3$4'$-*.$+%'$Global Energy Usage!5623$7'$!"#$%&'$2010WorldPopulation6 BilionWorld EnergyDemand~16 TW()*#$+,'$2050~30 TW9 BilionFigure 1.2: Global energy picture: current energy supply policy [URLED] (left); Growth predictions <strong>for</strong>world population and energy demand (right).the traditional fission power plants. Also, when look<strong>in</strong>g at long term radioactive decay of the material,it can be affirmed, and now cit<strong>in</strong>g [URLIO], that “the fusion reaction will produce no long-lived waste;with<strong>in</strong> 100 years, the radioactivity of the materials will have dim<strong>in</strong>ished <strong>in</strong> such a significant way, thatthe materials can be recycled <strong>for</strong> use <strong>in</strong> future fusion plants”.There<strong>for</strong>e, fusion energy can be presented as a susta<strong>in</strong>able, environmentally acceptable and safe energy.In a long term, it will likely be a viable alternative <strong>for</strong> carbon-free production of large scale energy source.The only drawback of fusion power is that it still requires further development to become reality.A major project pursu<strong>in</strong>g the fusion dream is the <strong>ITER</strong>, which <strong>in</strong> Lat<strong>in</strong> means “the way”, a metaphorthat truly demonstrates the ambitions of this project.The idea of <strong>ITER</strong> orig<strong>in</strong>ally appeared on the Geneva superpower summit <strong>in</strong> 1985. Currently composedof seven different members (European Union (EU), Japan, USA, Russian Federation, India, Ch<strong>in</strong>a and theRepublic of Korea), <strong>ITER</strong> represents the largest scientific <strong>in</strong>ternational project <strong>in</strong> the earth [URLF4Eb,URLCor]. The plant construction has already begun at the selected site of Cadarache, <strong>in</strong> the south ofFrance. The first plasma operations expected to be per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>in</strong> 2018.One of the <strong>ITER</strong>’s objectives, is to release 10 times as much energy as it will use to <strong>in</strong>itiate the fusionreaction. For 50 MW of <strong>in</strong>put power, <strong>ITER</strong> will generate 500 MW of output power, work<strong>in</strong>g on pulses ofaround 7 m<strong>in</strong>utes. With non-commercial purposes, <strong>ITER</strong> will provide design basis <strong>for</strong> the technology tobe used <strong>in</strong> the Demonstration Power Plant (DEMO) <strong>in</strong> 2030, a project that will bridge the gap between<strong>ITER</strong> and the first Fusion plant.1.2 The Need <strong>for</strong> Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g and Challenges InvolvedThe <strong>ITER</strong> will be composed by two ma<strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>gs, the TB lodg<strong>in</strong>g the tokamak reactor and the HCB,which will work ma<strong>in</strong>ly as a support area. Figure 1.3-left gives an impression of these build<strong>in</strong>gs.Dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ITER</strong> lifetime, the <strong>in</strong>ternal components of the Vacuum Vessel (VV) of the reactor, such as theBlanket and Divertor modules detached <strong>in</strong> Figure 1.3-right, will become activated due to the expositionto highly energetic neutrons released dur<strong>in</strong>g the fusion reaction. Also, these <strong>in</strong>-vessel materials might getcontam<strong>in</strong>ated with small amounts of radioactive dust like Tritium radwaste. Hence, the components thatprovide the base functions <strong>for</strong> the <strong>ITER</strong> mach<strong>in</strong>ery will need to be periodically upgraded and <strong>in</strong>spected.To manage such operations and provid<strong>in</strong>g that human presence will be not authorized <strong>in</strong> activated areas,3

the <strong>ITER</strong> ma<strong>in</strong>tenance system will mostly rely on RH devices.Blanket ModulesTokamak Build<strong>in</strong>gHot CellBuild<strong>in</strong>gDivertor ModulesFigure 1.3: Left-bottom: CAD models of the TB and HCB. Right: an artistic impression of the tokamakdevice of <strong>ITER</strong> with the Blanket and Divertor modules highlighted <strong>in</strong> black.The <strong>for</strong>eseen RH equipment will have a great impact on the design and assembly of the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g#$%"&'!'"!""()**)+",)-.)/0)1"2.3+"&'!'"<strong>ITER</strong> components, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, on build<strong>in</strong>g structural aspects and <strong>in</strong>terfaces. Dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ITER</strong> operation,the RH equipment will be required to operate under specific and adverse conditions that are characterizedby high gamma radiation, poor visibility spaces, some level of magnetic field and <strong>in</strong> some cases, ultrahighvacuum clean conditions. These conditions will significantly compromise the correct function<strong>in</strong>g anddurability of fixed and mobile electronic devices (e.g. sensors). Moreover, the cluttered and geometricallycomplex environment and the particular nature of the RH problem, with heavy and large components tobe handled, make the <strong>ITER</strong>’s RH a unique challenge with an unprecedented complexity.The development and test of reliable RH equipments is important so to guarantee a timely <strong>in</strong>tegrationof this key technology on the overall project conclusion. For this reason the <strong>ITER</strong> Organization (IO) hasdistributed different RH procurement packages among its domestic agencies to hasten this develop<strong>in</strong>gprocess. Each procurement package refers to a particular RH system as described <strong>in</strong> detail <strong>in</strong> AppendixA.The dissertation focus on aspects related to a particular RH system, a large transporter that willtransfer components <strong>in</strong>side the build<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>ITER</strong> and is presented next with extended considerations.1.2.1 Cask Transfer Us<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Rhombic</strong>-like <strong>Vehicle</strong>sThe Cask and Plug Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g System (CPRHS) represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 1.4-left, is a large and complextransport unit that has been adopted as the reference solution to transport heavy and contam<strong>in</strong>atedcomponents between the TB and the HCB. These components <strong>in</strong>clude the already mentioned Divertorcassettes and the Blanket modules from the <strong>in</strong>terior of the reactor, but also some of the RH systems listed<strong>in</strong> Appendix A, such as the In-Vessel View<strong>in</strong>g System (IVVS) and the In-Vessel Transporter (IVT).Each CPRHS is composed by three sub-systems:• The cask envelope – Conta<strong>in</strong>er that enclosures the <strong>in</strong>-vessel components and the RH tools tobe transported. This “transporter cas<strong>in</strong>g” also embodies additional equipments like an handl<strong>in</strong>g4

tractor to lift and position the load and a manipulator <strong>for</strong> bolt<strong>in</strong>g, cutt<strong>in</strong>g and weld<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>spections;• The pallet – This component serves as <strong>in</strong>terface between the cask and the Cask Transfer System(CTS), which is described next. The pallet is also equipped with an handl<strong>in</strong>g plat<strong>for</strong>m to supportthe cask load and help on dock<strong>in</strong>g procedures;• The Cask Transfer System – The CTS, which can act as an autonomous vehicle, is composed bya set of air casters, which provide high load capacity to the overall transporter. When underneaththe pallet the CTS transports the entire CPRHS but it can also move <strong>in</strong>dependently of the palletand cask.From past studies related to the CTS design [RLAF97], a decision was made to adopt this vehicle witha rhombic k<strong>in</strong>ematic configuration with two pairs (one <strong>for</strong> spare purposes) of drivable and steerable wheelspositioned on the front and rear of the vehicle and two swivel wheels on the sides (see Fig.1.4-right). Thisk<strong>in</strong>ematic configuration endows the transporter with an high maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability and flexibility, which arekey traits when consider<strong>in</strong>g the cluttered nature of the <strong>ITER</strong> environments, as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Fig.1.4-left.Cask and Plug Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>gSystem (CPRHS)High Maneuver<strong>in</strong>gAbility3,62 mCaskEnvelopePalletCask Transfer System (CTS)with <strong>Rhombic</strong> ConfigurationAir CasterSwivel WheelsBottomview2,16 m8,5 mDrivable/SteerableWheelsFigure 1.4: Left: Maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability of the CPRHS. Right: schematic view of the CPRHS and the CTSwith its rhombic configuration and air cushion system.The geometry of the CPRHS and payload vary accord<strong>in</strong>g to the cask and components to be transported.As a reference, the largest CPRHS dimensions are 8.5m x 2.62m x 3.62m (length x width xheight).From this time <strong>for</strong>ward, the term “rhombic vehicle” is used whenever the presented considerations canbe used <strong>in</strong>differently <strong>for</strong> the CPRHS or the CTS. This unified designation is clarified later <strong>in</strong> Section 2.1with a precise system def<strong>in</strong>ition.1.3 Mobile Robotics Challenges <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>Dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ITER</strong> operation, the rhombic vehicle is expected to per<strong>for</strong>m different missions, which <strong>in</strong>clude thetransfer of <strong>in</strong>-vessel components and RH tools between the TB and the HCB, the rescue and recover of5

other rhombic vehicles and also park<strong>in</strong>g operations <strong>in</strong> the HCB to exchange casks.The above listed missions may be per<strong>for</strong>med autonomously requir<strong>in</strong>g the vehicle to move along optimizedprescribed routes. So far, the <strong>in</strong>-charge RH teams of IO have decided <strong>for</strong> a flexible guidance solutionas opposed to rails or any other hard-guidance solutions. A question rema<strong>in</strong>s whether these routes willbe implemented on the floor, or, <strong>in</strong>stead, used as virtual trajectories on a non contact guidance.Guidance and navigation issues are discussed <strong>in</strong> more detail <strong>in</strong> Appendix A. As later expla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>Chapter 3 and without loss of generality, the dissertation considers the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem asf<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g a trajectory regardless of the system guidance used.Mov<strong>in</strong>g an autonomous vehicle <strong>in</strong> a particular environment is known to be a complex and <strong>in</strong>terdiscipl<strong>in</strong>aryproblem that has been broadly addressed both by robotics and control research communities. Forthe specific case of the rhombic vehicle and regardless off the flexible guidance solution to be adopted <strong>in</strong>the future, its navigation and guidance system can be described with<strong>in</strong> the same <strong>in</strong>tegrated framework,as depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 1.5.WorldModel<strong>Motion</strong><strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>DesiredPath orTrajectoryGuidanceActuatorControlActuatorsSensorsObstacleDetectionEstimatedPoseNavigationSensorDataFigure 1.5: Schematic view of a generic navigation and guidance framework.With<strong>in</strong> this framework three different problems can be stated correspond<strong>in</strong>g to the follow<strong>in</strong>g systemsor modules:1 – <strong>Motion</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g – Refers both to the evaluation of a path or trajectory connect<strong>in</strong>g a start andgoal vehicle configuration and that must be followed by the vehicle. In addition to these configurationsthe motion plann<strong>in</strong>g module also receives as <strong>in</strong>put the geometric model of the environment. <strong>Motion</strong> plansare evaluated resort<strong>in</strong>g to proper motion plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques [Lat91, Lav03] and may be required tocomply with different optimization requirements, such as obstacle clearance, length of the plan or evenvehicle differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts (com<strong>in</strong>g from its k<strong>in</strong>ematics or dynamics);2 – Guidance – The guidance system receives as <strong>in</strong>put the motion plan evaluated <strong>in</strong> the previousplann<strong>in</strong>g stage. Work<strong>in</strong>g as an on-l<strong>in</strong>e application, this module is responsible <strong>for</strong> determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the appropriatefeedback control law (suppos<strong>in</strong>g a feedback scheme) that enables the vehicle to correctly trackthe provided reference and still avoid the obstacles. Once the control law is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the guidancesystem, it must be “translated” to a lower level controller. For <strong>in</strong>stance, to achieve a specific wheel velocityand steer<strong>in</strong>g angle, the actuators of the vehicle wheels must be actuated by driv<strong>in</strong>g and steer<strong>in</strong>g torques.3 – Navigation – The per<strong>for</strong>mances of the guidance system highly depend on the navigation module,which resort<strong>in</strong>g on the raw data from sensors, provides the means to: (1) estimate the vehicle pose6

(position plus the orientation), with respect to a given environment frame or reference (e.g. the path).This is usually per<strong>for</strong>med by a localization system; (2) Avoid obstacles dur<strong>in</strong>g motion. This is possibleby us<strong>in</strong>g adequate collision avoidance features based on sensory fusion capabilities or anti-collision alarmsystems based on hardware applications (e.g., <strong>in</strong>frared light curta<strong>in</strong>s);Mapp<strong>in</strong>g capabilities were not referred s<strong>in</strong>ce <strong>ITER</strong> environments are fairly static and map <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mationis know a priori. Another important issue that is convenient to refer is that the harsh environments of<strong>ITER</strong>, due to the high radiation levels, will reduced the spectrum of applicable electronic sensors andactuators thus requir<strong>in</strong>g adequate procurement. For <strong>in</strong>stance, consider<strong>in</strong>g that the rhombic vehicle isonly partially shielded with respect to radiation, the placement of dedicate localization sensors may berequired <strong>in</strong> the build<strong>in</strong>g rather on the vehicle (see the call <strong>for</strong> attention <strong>in</strong> Figure 1.5).1.4 Novelties and Major ContributionsThe dissertation focus on the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>in</strong>herent to the autonomous navigation problemof the rhombic vehicle. As underl<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the last section, the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g comprises only one of therequired stages to achieve a full autonomous level. Even though, it will allow to tackle important issues<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the challeng<strong>in</strong>g assignment of mov<strong>in</strong>g a large and heavy duty vehicle <strong>in</strong> the conf<strong>in</strong>ed scenariosof <strong>ITER</strong>.To handle this general problem, the dissertation has been roughly structured <strong>in</strong>to two different partscorrespond<strong>in</strong>g to two major dissertation objectives:• <strong>Vehicle</strong> Model<strong>in</strong>g AnalysisThe first part of the dissertation addresses the mathematical model<strong>in</strong>g of the rhombic vehicle, whichdesign is still <strong>in</strong> a very early stage, account<strong>in</strong>g only with virtual mock-up designs. To achieve amore comprehensive understand<strong>in</strong>g of the vehicle capabilities one needs to develop simulation toolscapable of captur<strong>in</strong>g the behavior of this RH unit. Moreover, the atypical rhombic configurationof this vehicle turns out to be barely described <strong>in</strong> the literature. Research has been per<strong>for</strong>medmostly on Four-Wheel Steer<strong>in</strong>g (4WS) vehicles whose mechanical configuration may be simplifiedto the bicycle model, which is close to the rhombic configuration. Consider<strong>in</strong>g the lack of dedicatedbibliography, the dissertation carries out a complete study regard<strong>in</strong>g the k<strong>in</strong>ematic and dynamicbehavior of the rhombic vehicle.• Development of motion plannersThis part aims to develop motion planners, capable of handl<strong>in</strong>g the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problemof the rhombic vehicle, which is <strong>for</strong>mulated <strong>in</strong> Section 3.3 . For that and after provid<strong>in</strong>g thesufficient <strong>in</strong>sight on the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g subject, two different approaches are pursued each onefollow<strong>in</strong>g a specific plann<strong>in</strong>g methodology: (1) us<strong>in</strong>g a decoupled ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy, composed ofa path plann<strong>in</strong>g, path optimization and trajectory design stages. This approach heavily relies onpath de<strong>for</strong>mation techniques to obta<strong>in</strong> feasible and optimized trajectories and present two novelmethods with<strong>in</strong> the scope of path optimization; (2) Benefit<strong>in</strong>g from the model<strong>in</strong>g analysis carried7

out <strong>in</strong> the first part, the second approach follows a trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g philosophy us<strong>in</strong>g a particularrandomized plann<strong>in</strong>g technique, the Rapidly-explor<strong>in</strong>g Random Tree (RRT). The planners here<strong>in</strong>developed are able to explicitly handle the vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematic and dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. The ma<strong>in</strong>dissertation contribution of this second part comprises the comb<strong>in</strong>ation of a RRT-planner withembedded vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematic simulator with the Simulated Anneal<strong>in</strong>g (SA) optimization method.As expla<strong>in</strong>ed later <strong>in</strong> Chapter 3, more precisely <strong>in</strong> Subsection 3.1.2, this consists on plann<strong>in</strong>g underdifferential constra<strong>in</strong>ts, an higher <strong>in</strong>stance of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g also referred to as trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g.Some of the developments presented <strong>in</strong> the dissertation have been presented <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternationalevents:• 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous <strong>Vehicle</strong>s (IAV 2010), September 2010, Lecce, Italy,with the presentation of an authored scientific publication [FVVR10];• 1st IPFN Workshop, <strong>in</strong> Lisbon, Portugal, with a poster presentation entitled of “A motion plann<strong>in</strong>gmethodology <strong>for</strong> rhombic-like vehicles <strong>for</strong> <strong>ITER</strong> remote handl<strong>in</strong>g operation”;• 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2010), <strong>in</strong> October 2010, Porto, Portugal with aco-authored scientific publication [VVFR10].An additional authored work entitled of “Path Optimization <strong>for</strong> <strong>Rhombic</strong>-<strong>Like</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>s: An ApproachBased on Rigid Body Dynamics” [FVVR11], was recently accepted <strong>for</strong> publication <strong>in</strong> the Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs ofthe 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2011), to be held <strong>in</strong> Tall<strong>in</strong>n,Estonia, on June 20-23, 2011.1.5 Dissertation OrganizationThe dissertation is structured as follows. Chapter 2 presents an extended analysis on the motion behaviorof the rhombic vehicle, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the development of different simulation models. In Section 2.2 a purek<strong>in</strong>ematic model is developed based on the wheel k<strong>in</strong>ematic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. In Section 2.3, the analysis isextended to a dynamic po<strong>in</strong>t of view <strong>in</strong> an attempt to construct a more reliable and realist simulationmodel. This chapter closes with Section 2.4, with an alternative model<strong>in</strong>g approach, which allows toachieve a trade-off between model accuracy and complexity.Chapter 3 discusses the need and <strong>in</strong>terest of the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g. The <strong>for</strong>mulation of the generalmotion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem comprises Section 3.1. A survey on the available techniques <strong>for</strong> solv<strong>in</strong>g motionplann<strong>in</strong>g problems is presented <strong>in</strong> Section 3.2. Section 3.3 comprises the end of this chapter by concretely<strong>for</strong>mulat<strong>in</strong>g the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle.Introduced the theoretical basis of the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 thenpresent the developed plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques based on two different plann<strong>in</strong>g strategies.Chapter 4 covers a decoupled and ref<strong>in</strong>ement plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy compris<strong>in</strong>g three plann<strong>in</strong>g stages:the path plann<strong>in</strong>g, path optimization and trajectory evaluation. This strategy encloses two differentapproaches. Section 4.1 presents a comb<strong>in</strong>atorial-based approach, which comb<strong>in</strong>es the Constra<strong>in</strong>ed De-8

launay Triangulation (CDT) (Subsection 4.1.1) with a new path optimization grounded on the elasticbands concept (Subsection 4.1.2). Section 4.2, follow<strong>in</strong>g a randomized approach, first presents the RRTalgorithm <strong>in</strong> subsection 4.2.1 and f<strong>in</strong>ishes with the presentation of a novel path optimization method<strong>in</strong> Subsection 4.2.2 that fully explores the rhombic vehicle capabilities. F<strong>in</strong>ally, Section 4.3 handles thetrajectory evaluation problem, by present<strong>in</strong>g a method that considers both safety constra<strong>in</strong>ts (from theobstacle proximity) and vehicle dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts on the evaluation of speed profiles <strong>for</strong> the optimizedpaths.Chapter 5 proposes to tackle the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem of the rhombic vehicle by follow<strong>in</strong>g atrajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g approach and rely<strong>in</strong>g on the RRT algorithm. The general problem of trajectoryplann<strong>in</strong>g is <strong>for</strong>mulated <strong>in</strong> Section 5.1. Different RRT-based planners, available <strong>in</strong> the literature, arepresented and discussed <strong>in</strong> Section 5.2. This chapter closes by propos<strong>in</strong>g a new RRT-based plannerthat is capable of yield<strong>in</strong>g both differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts and optimization requirements <strong>in</strong> the search <strong>for</strong> afeasible plann<strong>in</strong>g solution.Chapter 6 presents the outcome of the simulated results on <strong>ITER</strong> and other simulated environments.The dissertation is concluded <strong>in</strong> Chapter 7 with a critical discussion on the presented model<strong>in</strong>g andplann<strong>in</strong>g approaches. The chapter closes by underly<strong>in</strong>g relevant issues and referr<strong>in</strong>g future work perspectives.9

Chapter 2Mathematical Model<strong>in</strong>gA necessary and important step <strong>in</strong> simulation and control oriented studies is the design of a modelcaptur<strong>in</strong>g the behavior of the systems be<strong>in</strong>g studied. For <strong>in</strong>stance, plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques developed <strong>in</strong>Chapter 5 require the explicit use of system simulators to predict and plan feasible trajectories. Thisprelim<strong>in</strong>ary stage is usually referred to as mathematical model<strong>in</strong>g or system model<strong>in</strong>g and comprises thesubject of this chapter.2.1 System Def<strong>in</strong>itionA system usually comprises a component or a group of <strong>in</strong>teract<strong>in</strong>g components. There<strong>for</strong>e, an importantstep that usually precedes the model<strong>in</strong>g phase, is the system def<strong>in</strong>ition, i.e., the def<strong>in</strong>ition of the componentor group of components whose properties required to be modeled. This step is rather important whenlead<strong>in</strong>g with complex systems as it is the case of the CPRHS and comprises the def<strong>in</strong>ition of: (1) thesystems boundaries def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the virtual or physical limits of the system and <strong>in</strong>herent components and (2)the system states, which described the system condition and provide useful <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> its monitor<strong>in</strong>g,simulation or even control.In the model develop<strong>in</strong>g process, we are concerned about know<strong>in</strong>g how the <strong>in</strong>puts act<strong>in</strong>g on the system<strong>for</strong>ce the system states (some chosen as outputs) to behave and f<strong>in</strong>d a mathematical description <strong>for</strong> theserelations.As referred <strong>in</strong> Chapter 1, the dissertation focuses on aspects related with the motion of the CPRHS,a complex assembly system composed by three different modules which will have putative contributionson the overall behavior of the rhombic vehicle. Furthermore, different configurations may appear such asdifferent cask and CTS dimensions, the CTS operat<strong>in</strong>g alone or <strong>in</strong> the CPRHS mode.Without loss of generality and to avoid mis<strong>in</strong>terpretations and tedious specifications, the dissertationassumes a s<strong>in</strong>gle system representation <strong>for</strong> the model<strong>in</strong>g process, which is represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.1. Thisplanar representation works well s<strong>in</strong>ce the model<strong>in</strong>g process will be carried accord<strong>in</strong>g to Two Dimensional(2D) perspective of the rhombic vehicle motion. As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.1, the adopted system def<strong>in</strong>itionrelies on a set of reference parameters which def<strong>in</strong>e (without freez<strong>in</strong>g) the system boundaries enabl<strong>in</strong>g an11

easy system <strong>in</strong>terchangeability (CPRHS/CTS, different types of CTS or casks) and operat<strong>in</strong>g conditions(e.g., transported load, Center of Gravity (CoG) position).Geometric Parameters:G ! CoGF ! front wheelDynamic Parameters:R ! rear wheelm ! mass of the vehicleL ! vehicle lengthI Z! moment of <strong>in</strong>ertiaW ! vehicle widthM F! distance of the front wheel to the CoGM R! distance of the rear wheel to the CoGInputs:Outputs:v F! Front wheel velocity x G! CoG x-coord<strong>in</strong>atev R! Rear wheel velocity y G! CoG y-coord<strong>in</strong>ate! F! Front wheel steer<strong>in</strong>g ! ! <strong>Vehicle</strong> orientation! R! Rear wheel steer<strong>in</strong>gYy GWMM Rv RRM FF! R !GLx Gv F!! FFigure 2.1: System representation.Figure 2.1 also unveils the chosen <strong>in</strong>puts <strong>for</strong> the model<strong>in</strong>g process which are the l<strong>in</strong>ear velocities onthe front and rear wheels (i.e., steer<strong>in</strong>g plus the wheel l<strong>in</strong>ear speed). The systems states vary depend<strong>in</strong>gon the model<strong>in</strong>g perspective (e.g. k<strong>in</strong>ematic or dynamic aspects, chosen frame) and will be referred atthe proper time. In what concerns the outputs, it can be stated that the objective of this chapter is todevelop different mathematical models capable of describ<strong>in</strong>g the evolution of a vehicle reference po<strong>in</strong>t(e.g., the CoG) and the vehicle orientation, or <strong>in</strong> other words, the vehicle’s pose, as function of the chosen<strong>in</strong>puts.The follow<strong>in</strong>g basic assumptions are also valid <strong>for</strong> this system def<strong>in</strong>ition:• The vehicle is considered to be a solid rigid body. The only movable parts are the wheels, whichare considered to be unde<strong>for</strong>mable;• The vehicle moves on a hard, flat surface; Its motion is characterized only on two dimensions(position and orientation);• The vehicle is considered to be symmetric with respect to its longitud<strong>in</strong>al and lateral axes;Another substantial matter concern<strong>in</strong>g the model<strong>in</strong>g process is the model complexity. The mathematicalmodel has to be detailed as possible to represent accurately and completely all the essential propertiesof the vehicle system. On the other hand, simplicity is required <strong>for</strong> efficient and fast simulations and toguarantee model tractability, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>for</strong> future control purposes. A strategy commonly found <strong>in</strong>the literature and that is followed <strong>in</strong> this dissertation, consists on beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g with a simple model thatcaptures the essential of the system behavior. Then, after this first model analysis it may be desirableto construct a more accurate one, <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>for</strong> example, more realistic assumptions and consider<strong>in</strong>gdifferent behavioral aspects.In accordance to what was stated above, this chapter is organized as follows. The k<strong>in</strong>ematic modelof the rhombic vehicle is first derived <strong>in</strong> Section 2.2, based on the assumption that the Roll<strong>in</strong>g WithoutSlipp<strong>in</strong>g (RWS) constra<strong>in</strong>t affect<strong>in</strong>g the vehicle wheels is satisfied. Tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to consideration the nature of12

the transportation problem and characteristics of the rhombic vehicle, the model<strong>in</strong>g process is extended toa dynamical po<strong>in</strong>t of view <strong>in</strong> Section 2.3, br<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g slippage phenomena <strong>in</strong>to discussion. Section 2.4 closesthis chapter by propos<strong>in</strong>g an alternative model, an extended version of the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model proposed<strong>in</strong> Section 2.2, which too accounts <strong>for</strong> slippage phenomena and provides a good tradeoff between modelaccuracy and simplicity.2.2 K<strong>in</strong>ematic Model<strong>in</strong>gThis section is devoted to the derivation of the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model of the rhombic vehicle and analysis of itsmotion capabilities and s<strong>in</strong>gularities. The purpose of this k<strong>in</strong>ematic study is to establish the mathematicalequations describ<strong>in</strong>g the relationship between the temporal variations of the vehicle pose (remember,position and orientation) and the l<strong>in</strong>ear velocities on the wheels. It consists on a pure geometrical studythat is carried out without consider<strong>in</strong>g vehicle dynamic properties such as mass, <strong>in</strong>ertia or friction. Also,at this po<strong>in</strong>t, <strong>for</strong>ces or torque <strong>in</strong>puts are not considered.2.2.1 Nonholonomic Constra<strong>in</strong>ts on WheelsThe system def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the previous section can be decomposed <strong>in</strong> two primary elements or subsystems:the vehicle body, which is the dissertation primary <strong>in</strong>terest and whose motion is desirable to simulate andthe wheels that through the contact <strong>for</strong>ces with the ground, provide the means to generate the vehiclemotion.The overall vehicle motion depends heavily on the k<strong>in</strong>ematics beh<strong>in</strong>d of these two subsystems, namelyon the wheels. A ma<strong>in</strong> feature of the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model of the Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMRs) andthe Wheeled <strong>Vehicle</strong>s (WVs), is the presence of nonholonomic constra<strong>in</strong>ts due to the RWS and PureRoll<strong>in</strong>g (PR) conditions between the wheels and the ground. Be<strong>for</strong>e unveil the importance of theseconstra<strong>in</strong>ts to the task of k<strong>in</strong>ematic model<strong>in</strong>g, the mean<strong>in</strong>g of nonholonomic constra<strong>in</strong>t shall first beexpla<strong>in</strong>ed.One of the first aspects <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> books about WMRs is the term “constra<strong>in</strong>ts” (refer, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance,to [Lau98] and [SK08]). These constra<strong>in</strong>s are mathematical <strong>for</strong>mulas describ<strong>in</strong>g the limitations of thesystem and are typically divided on the two follow<strong>in</strong>g types:• Nonholonomic constra<strong>in</strong>ts – Constra<strong>in</strong>ts that appear <strong>in</strong> the velocity space of the system andcannot be <strong>in</strong>tegrated to position or configurations constra<strong>in</strong>ts. These constra<strong>in</strong>ts limit the space ofpossible velocities and can also be referred to as velocity or k<strong>in</strong>ematic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. These constra<strong>in</strong>tslimit the <strong>in</strong>stantaneous admissible motions of the wheeled system, but they do not restrict thepossible achievable configurations;• Holonomic constra<strong>in</strong>ts – This type of constra<strong>in</strong>ts usually leads to a loss of the system’s Degreesof Freedom (DoF). They are also referred to as configuration constra<strong>in</strong>ts.The most familiar example of a nonholonomic system – system with more than one nonholonomicconstra<strong>in</strong>t – is demonstrated by a parallel park<strong>in</strong>g maneuver with a car-like vehicle. When park<strong>in</strong>g, the13

car is not capable of slid<strong>in</strong>g sideways due to velocity restrictions on the wheels. However, by a comb<strong>in</strong>ationof driv<strong>in</strong>g and steer<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers, it can be correctly placed <strong>in</strong> the park<strong>in</strong>g space. If the restrictionscaused by the environment obstacles are ignored, the car can be placed <strong>in</strong> any configuration, despite itsreduced maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability.The rhombic vehicle is also an nonholonomic vehicle with velocity restrictions on the wheels. However,as discusses <strong>in</strong> Subsection 2.2.4, it presents an <strong>in</strong>creased maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability when compared to therema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g nonholonomic vehicles.The RWS and the PR conditions, which are assumed to be satisfied, restrict the mobility of thewheeled system with respect to velocities, result<strong>in</strong>g on nonholonomic constra<strong>in</strong>ts and, there<strong>for</strong>e, enclose<strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the overall system’s motion. Hence, it seems appropriate to base the <strong>for</strong>mulation ofthe system’s k<strong>in</strong>ematic model on these constra<strong>in</strong>ts. This idea was first presented <strong>in</strong> [ACB91]. In thiswork the authors proposed a general framework <strong>for</strong> model<strong>in</strong>g WMRs with different wheel configurations.Together with [CBA96], these are among the first studies to address the topic of WMR model<strong>in</strong>g based onnonholonomic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. The developments presented <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>for</strong> the unicycle and the rhombicvehicle, are based on the general framework proposed <strong>in</strong> [ACB91].2.2.2 K<strong>in</strong>ematic Model of the UnicycleThe equations of motion <strong>for</strong> the roll<strong>in</strong>g disk, also referred to as unicycle, are readily available <strong>in</strong> theliterature. For the completeness of the dissertation and s<strong>in</strong>ce it is an important element of the systemdef<strong>in</strong>ition established <strong>in</strong> Section 2.1, its k<strong>in</strong>ematics is presented here, unfold<strong>in</strong>g the general frameworklater used <strong>in</strong> Subsection 2.2.3 to determ<strong>in</strong>e the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model of the rhombic vehicle.The unicycle system, represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.2, can be described by the follow<strong>in</strong>g configuration (state)vector :⎡ ⎤xq = ⎢ y ⎥⎣ ⎦ , (2.1)θwhere (x, y) are the Cartesian coord<strong>in</strong>ates and θ, the orientation of the wheel with respect to the x-axis.! 0 !O!Y!!!! l ! ! s !!r!X!Y!y!y! "cos(!)Ox! "s<strong>in</strong>(!)v = ! ! rv!x!X!Figure 2.2: The unicycle system: Generalized coord<strong>in</strong>ates and the RWS constra<strong>in</strong>t.14

The unicycle system is subjected to the follow<strong>in</strong>g RWS constra<strong>in</strong>t,ẋ · s<strong>in</strong> θ − ẏ · cos θ = 0 (2.2)which entails that the l<strong>in</strong>ear velocity of the contact po<strong>in</strong>t of the wheel has zero component <strong>in</strong> the orthogonaldirection (π s ) to the vertical wheel plane (π l ). Constra<strong>in</strong>t 2.2 can be written under a matrix<strong>for</strong>mulation as presented next.⎡ ⎤ẋ[]s<strong>in</strong> θ − cos θ 0 · ⎢ ẏ ⎥ = 0 ⇒ A · ˙q = 0 (2.3)⎣ ⎦˙θAccord<strong>in</strong>g to [ACB91], the homogeneous system just presented can be used to <strong>for</strong>mulate a k<strong>in</strong>ematicmodel of the unicycle system. All the admissible generalized velocities <strong>for</strong> the unicycle are constra<strong>in</strong>ed tobelong to a reduced subset of solutions, which is given by the kernel (Ker) or null space of the constra<strong>in</strong>tmatrix A. In other words, the movement of the unicycle is hidden <strong>in</strong> the null space of the constra<strong>in</strong>tmatrix A. In a more <strong>for</strong>mal way it can be stated:For a specific homogeneous system Ax = 0 (with A be<strong>in</strong>g a mxn matrix), the subset of vectors(column vector with n entries), solution to this system, is given by the null space of the matrix A. Thenull space is thus be def<strong>in</strong>ed asKer(A) = {x ∈ R n | Ax = 0}, (2.4)<strong>for</strong> which the follow<strong>in</strong>g prepositions are valid:P1: 0 ∈ Ker(A)P2: V , U, ∈ Ker(A) ⇒ V + U ∈ Ker(A)P3: C ∈ R n , V ∈ Ker(A) ⇒ C · V ∈ Ker(A)In this case, the null space of the matrix A is given by⎡cos θ 0Ker(A(q)) = ⎢ s<strong>in</strong> θ 0⎣0 1⎤⎥⎦ , (2.5)and all the generalized velocities (i.e., all the solutions of Ax = 0) are given by the follow<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>earcomb<strong>in</strong>ation:⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤cos θ0˙q = ⎢ s<strong>in</strong> θ ⎥⎣ ⎦ · ι 1 + ⎢ 0 ⎥⎣ ⎦ · ι 2 (2.6)11where, ι 1 and ι 2 , are any real scalars. In this case, these scalars can be def<strong>in</strong>ed as, ι 1 = v and ι 2 = ϕ,which are the l<strong>in</strong>ear and angular velocities of the unicycle, respectively, yield<strong>in</strong>g⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤cos θ0˙q = ⎢ s<strong>in</strong> θ ⎥⎣ ⎦ · v + ⎢ 0 ⎥⎣ ⎦ · ϕ (2.7)11The system of equations <strong>in</strong> (2.7) completely def<strong>in</strong>e the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model of the unicycle.15

2.2.3 K<strong>in</strong>ematic Model of the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>The procedure just presented can be used to establish the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle system.For the purposes of the dissertation and as discussed <strong>in</strong> Section 2.1, it would be desirable to develop ak<strong>in</strong>ematic description of the rhombic vehicle motion with an explicit representation of the l<strong>in</strong>ear speeds(v F , v R ) and steer<strong>in</strong>g angles (θ F , θ R ) of the front (F) and rear (R) wheels, as represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.3.The state vector chosen to be the output <strong>for</strong> this model should represent the temporal variations of theMM Fv v FM R!F! FYv RR! R !G!"Figure 2.3: Generalized coord<strong>in</strong>ates of the rhombic vehicle.vehicle pose <strong>for</strong> a specific po<strong>in</strong>t reference. Without loss of generality, the position of the CoG of thevehicle is chosen as the reference po<strong>in</strong>t, as detailed schematically <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.3. The chosen state vector<strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle’s pose is then,⎡q = ⎢ y⎣ Gθx G⎤⎥(2.8)⎦Under the RWS assumption, the system is subjected to the follow<strong>in</strong>g two nonholonomic constra<strong>in</strong>ts, one<strong>for</strong> each wheel:ẋ F · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ F ) − ẏ F · cos(θ + θ F ) = 0ẋ R · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ R ) − ẏ R · cos(θ + θ R ) = 0(2.9a)(2.9b)with (x F , y F ) and (x R , y R ), be<strong>in</strong>g the Cartesian coord<strong>in</strong>ates of the front and rear wheel, respectively.Us<strong>in</strong>g the rigid body geometric constra<strong>in</strong>ts the follow<strong>in</strong>g equations can be established:x F = x G + M F · cos θ ⇒ d dt ⇒ ẋ F = ẋ G − M F · s<strong>in</strong> θ · ˙θy F = y G + M F · s<strong>in</strong> θ ⇒ d dt ⇒ ẏ F = ẏ G + M F · cos θ · ˙θx R = x G − M R · cos θ ⇒ d dt ⇒ ẋ R = ẋ G + M R · s<strong>in</strong> θ · ˙θy R = y G − M R · s<strong>in</strong> θ ⇒ d dt ⇒ ẏ R = ẏ G − M R · cos θ · ˙θ(2.10a)(2.10b)(2.10c)(2.10d)16

Us<strong>in</strong>g the geometric constra<strong>in</strong>ts (2.10), the nonholonomic equations (2.9) becomeẋ G · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ F ) − ẏ G · cos(θ + θ F ) − M F · cos θ F · ˙θ = 0ẋ G · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ R ) − ẏ G · cos(θ + θ R ) + M R · cos θ R · ˙θ = 0,(2.11a)(2.11b)⎤which <strong>in</strong> the matrix is the same as hav<strong>in</strong>g⎡s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ R ) − cos(θ + θ R ) +M R · cos θ R⎣ s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ F ) − cos(θ + θ F ) −M F · cos θ F⎦ · ˙q =⎡⎣ 0 0⎤⎦ ⇒ C(q) · ˙q = 0. (2.12)As <strong>for</strong> the case of the unicycle, solv<strong>in</strong>g the null space of the constra<strong>in</strong>t matrix C allows to determ<strong>in</strong>ethe set of admissible generalized velocities <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle, i.e., all the atta<strong>in</strong>able values <strong>for</strong> ˙q.The null space of C is given by (computed with MATHEMATICA software application [URLMat])⎡Ker(C(q)) = ⎢⎣M R·cos θ R·cos(θ+θ F )+M F ·cos θ F ·cos(θ+θ R )s<strong>in</strong>(θ F −θ R )M R·cos θ R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )+M F ·cos θ F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )s<strong>in</strong>(θ F −θ R )1⎤⎥⎦ , (2.13)which can be seen as a basis <strong>for</strong> the null space of C. Us<strong>in</strong>g the properties (P 1, P 2 and P 3) previously<strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> Subsection 2.2.2 and as it is demonstrated <strong>in</strong> Appendix C, the follow<strong>in</strong>g vector⎡⎤ ⎡⎤T = ⎢⎣M R·cos θ R·cos(θ+θ F )MM R·cos θ R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )Ms<strong>in</strong> θ F ·cos θ RM⎥⎦ · ι 1 + ⎢⎣M F ·cos θ F ·cos(θ+θ R )MM F ·cos θ F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )M− s<strong>in</strong> θ R·cos θ FMwhere, ι 1 = ι 2 , also belongs to the null space of the constra<strong>in</strong>t matrix C.The longitud<strong>in</strong>al components of v Fthe vehicle chassis.⎥⎦ · ι 2, (2.14)and v R must be equal, s<strong>in</strong>ce they are rigidly connected throughv F · cos θ F = v R · cos θ R ⇒v F=v R(2.15)cos θ R cos θ FThere<strong>for</strong>e, the real scalars, ι 1 and ι 2 , can be chosen as to match available vehicle <strong>in</strong>puts as follows.ι 1 =v Fcos θ Rand ι 2 = v Rcos θ F(2.16)Introduc<strong>in</strong>g (2.16) <strong>in</strong>to (2.14), T simplifies to⎡T = ⎢⎣M R·cos(θ+θ F )MM R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )Ms<strong>in</strong> θ FM⎤⎡⎥⎦ · v F + ⎢⎣M F ·cos(θ+θ R )MM F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )M− s<strong>in</strong> θ RM⎤⎥⎦ · v R, (2.17)Recall<strong>in</strong>g that T ∈ Ker(C) , it can be stated that C(q)Ker(q) = C(q)T = 0 and the sate vector ˙qcan be described as⎡ẋ G⎢ ẏ⎣ Ġθ⎤ ⎡⎥⎦ = ⎢⎣M R·cos(θ+θ F )MM R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )Ms<strong>in</strong> θ FM⎤⎡⎥⎦ · v F + ⎢⎣M F ·cos(θ+θ R )MM F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )M− s<strong>in</strong> θ RM⎤⎥⎦ · v R. (2.18)17

The scalars ι 1 and ι 2 <strong>in</strong> Equation (2.14) may assume different mean<strong>in</strong>gs or have no relation with theactual control <strong>in</strong>puts available. For this reason, the system of equations <strong>in</strong> (2.18) is called the k<strong>in</strong>ematicmodel of the rhombic vehicle.Another <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g structure <strong>for</strong> the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model was found <strong>in</strong> [WQ01], <strong>for</strong> an equivalent vehicleconfiguration (4WS vehicle). The proposed model is the follow<strong>in</strong>g⎡ ⎤ ⎡⎤ẋ Gcos(θ + β)⎢ ẏ⎣ Ġ ⎥⎦ = ⎢ s<strong>in</strong>(θ + β) ⎥ · v, (2.19)⎣⎦cos β · [tan θ F − tan θ R ]θMwhere,is the side-slip angle of the vehicle and( )MR · tan θ F + M F · tan θ Rβ = arctan, (2.20)Mv = v F · cos θ F + v R · cos θ R. (2.21)2 · cos βThe ma<strong>in</strong> feature dist<strong>in</strong>guish<strong>in</strong>g this model from the one presented <strong>in</strong> (2.18), is the fact that it allowsthe simulation of the vehicle motion directly through the desired longitud<strong>in</strong>al vehicle speed (v) <strong>in</strong>steadof impos<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dividual l<strong>in</strong>ear speed <strong>for</strong> each wheel.2.2.4 General ConsiderationsS<strong>in</strong>ce the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model of the rhombic vehicle has already been presented, it is now appropriate toextend some considerations about the rhombic vehicle motion.1. <strong>Motion</strong> capabilities and maneuver<strong>in</strong>g abilityDepend<strong>in</strong>g on the steer<strong>in</strong>g and driv<strong>in</strong>g configurations, the rhombic vehicle is able to per<strong>for</strong>m differenttypes of motion (see Figure 2.4): (a) Crab-like motion or crab steer<strong>in</strong>g, i.e., wheels steered <strong>in</strong> equalangles, <strong>in</strong> x-direction and (b) <strong>in</strong> y-direction, (c) turn<strong>in</strong>g on spot, with both wheels <strong>in</strong> the perpendicular(90 ◦ ) position and, (d) any comb<strong>in</strong>ation of these types of motion, i.e., rotation around the InstantaneousCenter of Rotation (ICR) denoted with an “I” from now on.(a)!x! x!(c)!y!I!(b)!(d)!Figure 2.4: <strong>Motion</strong> capabilities of the rhombic vehicle.Moreover, the mentioned rhombic configuration allows the vehicle to change not only its curvatureradius but also the location of ICR. In fact, the variety of possible drive configurations endows this18

mobile plat<strong>for</strong>m with an <strong>in</strong>creased flexibility and maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability. These are important traits, whenconsider<strong>in</strong>g the complexity and the cluttered nature of some environments, such as those found <strong>in</strong> <strong>ITER</strong>.The maneuver<strong>in</strong>g advantage of the rhombic configuration becomes even clearer when it is comparedwith car-like plat<strong>for</strong>m as presented next.Rv RFv F! FRv R! RFv F! FPRv R! RFv F! F! Fr car!! FIcar! R P rhomba! Rr ! rhomba I!(a)! (b)! (c)!! FI rhombar rhombaFigure 2.5: Evaluation of the turn<strong>in</strong>g radius: (a) On a car-like configuration. (b)-(c) On the rhombic-likeconfiguration with the wheels turn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the opposite (b) and <strong>in</strong> the same direction (c).Observ<strong>in</strong>g Figure 2.5 and consider<strong>in</strong>g the triangles (I car , R, F ) and (I rhomba , R, F ), the turn<strong>in</strong>g radiusof the car-like vehicle can be def<strong>in</strong>es asr ′ car =RFtan θ F, (2.22)whereas the turn<strong>in</strong>g radius of the rhombic vehicle can be expressed as function of θ F as followsr ′ rhomba =P Ftan θ F .(2.23)The relation (2.23) is valid, when the wheels turn <strong>in</strong> the same or <strong>in</strong> opposite directions. However,it should be mentioned that the length P F varies accord<strong>in</strong>gly to these two situations. Tak<strong>in</strong>g this <strong>in</strong>toaccount, the follow<strong>in</strong>g comparison can be established:• r ′ rhomba < r ′ car : when the rear wheels of the rhombic vehicle turn <strong>in</strong> the opposite direction to thefront ones (see Figure 2.5-b),• r ′ rhomba > r ′ car : when the rear wheels of the rhombic vehicle turn <strong>in</strong> the same direction than thefront ones (see Figure 2.5-c).Hence, the rhombic vehicle presents a maneuver<strong>in</strong>g advantage over the car-like vehicle when the twowheels are turned <strong>in</strong> opposite directions. Remember, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, the illustrative case given <strong>in</strong> the leftpart of Figure 1.4. The relative reduction of the turn<strong>in</strong>g radius can be expressed as(2.24)|r ′ rhomba − r ′ car|/r ′ rhomba = ∣ [ P F − RF ] ∣/ tan θ F /r ′ rhomba= ∣ [ P F − L ] ∣/ tan θ F /r′ rhomba= ∣ [ ] ∣RP · tan θ R / tan θF /r′ rhomba= tanθ R / tan θ F= |r ′ rhomba/ tan θ F | /r ′ rhomba19

2. S<strong>in</strong>gularities and sensible drive configurationsThe multitude of steer<strong>in</strong>g and driv<strong>in</strong>g configurations of the rhombic vehicle requires a strict coord<strong>in</strong>ation<strong>in</strong> order to achieve a sensible driv<strong>in</strong>g and prevent vehicle physical damage. For <strong>in</strong>stance, the twoconfigurations presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.6, are not sensible and will ultimately result <strong>in</strong> sideways dragg<strong>in</strong>g ofone of the wheels or even maybe structural damage of the vehicle (components). It is up to the guidancesystem (recall Figure 1.5) to ensure that the mechanical constra<strong>in</strong>ts are satisfied and these s<strong>in</strong>gularitiesare replaced by sensible steer<strong>in</strong>g and velocity <strong>in</strong>puts." "(a)!(b)!Figure 2.6: Certa<strong>in</strong> drive configurations must be avoided <strong>in</strong> order to prevent vehicle damage.Other s<strong>in</strong>gularities may appear when the drive configuration br<strong>in</strong>gs the ICR of the vehicle to thecenter of a steer<strong>in</strong>g wheel. When this condition is verified, one of the wheels may skid the other one,violat<strong>in</strong>g the RWS condition, as it can be observed <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.7-top. Notice, however, that the twoconfigurations presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.7-bottom, shall not be considered as a s<strong>in</strong>gularity, s<strong>in</strong>ce the driv<strong>in</strong>gwheel <strong>for</strong>ces the other wheel to rotate <strong>in</strong> place and wheel slippage does not occur.ICR Ly<strong>in</strong>g on the RearWheelI!SlippageICR Ly<strong>in</strong>g on the FrontWheelI!I!I!Figure 2.7: S<strong>in</strong>gular drive configurations: <strong>in</strong>sensible drive configurations <strong>for</strong>ces one of the wheels to drag(top); The s<strong>in</strong>gular drive configurations allow the vehicle to rotate <strong>in</strong> place without caus<strong>in</strong>g slippage onwheels (bottom).2.3 Dynamic Model<strong>in</strong>gThe k<strong>in</strong>ematic models (2.18) and (2.19) presented <strong>in</strong> the previous section, capture the essential of therhombic vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematics and are well suited <strong>for</strong> control and simulation purposes. However, the nonslipp<strong>in</strong>gassumptions <strong>in</strong> which the derivation of the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model was based, will hardly be satisfied <strong>in</strong>reality, specially when tire de<strong>for</strong>mation occurs. Consequently, every time the vehicle experiences slippagephenomena, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>in</strong> brak<strong>in</strong>g and acceleration phases (Figure 2.8-a) or <strong>in</strong> turn<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers(Figure 2.8-b), the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model will not be able to correctly predict the system behavior provid<strong>in</strong>g alow simulation accuracy.20

AccelerationPhaseStart of Brak<strong>in</strong>gFull StopSlippage(a)!SlippageReal BehaviorPure K<strong>in</strong>ematicDescription(b)!SlippageFigure 2.8: Slippage phenomena: (a) on accelerat<strong>in</strong>g and brak<strong>in</strong>g phases and, (b) on turn<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers,where significant wheel slippage may occur.Most part of simulation and motion control related studies use a simple k<strong>in</strong>ematic model to describethe movable system motion. The argument is usually based on the low speeds, low accelerations and thelightly loaded conditions under which these vehicles operate. In fact, the rhombic vehicle will operateunder considerably low velocities, not exceed<strong>in</strong>g the 0, 2 m · s −1 but it will have to per<strong>for</strong>m heavy dutywork, which may significantly <strong>in</strong>crease tire de<strong>for</strong>mation and consequently slippage phenomena. In theseconditions, control strategies developed based on the RWS k<strong>in</strong>ematic models such as the one presented <strong>in</strong>(2.18), will hardly meet the requirements <strong>for</strong> the trajectory track<strong>in</strong>g task, encounter<strong>in</strong>g serious difficultiesto ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the vehicle over the reference trajectory. Also, the violation of the RWS constra<strong>in</strong>ts mayhave serious consequences on the accuracy of the localization system 1 .The remote operations related to the rhombic vehicle operation are issued with the typical demand<strong>in</strong>grequirements of nuclear scenarios, which require high per<strong>for</strong>mances and accuracy. All these these factsencourage the author of the dissertation to assess a dynamic model<strong>in</strong>g approach, where wheel an vehicleslippage are taken <strong>in</strong>to consideration as to obta<strong>in</strong> a more accurate simulation model of the rhombicvehicle.Once the RWS condition is no longer respected, it is common to consider the complete or particulardynamics of the vehicle. For <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>in</strong> [OMN96], a focus was given to the vertical motion of thevehicle with the purpose of conceiv<strong>in</strong>g a suspension system. Another area of <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>for</strong> automotivemanufacturers, is the longitud<strong>in</strong>al control of the vehicle, with several systems already implemented <strong>in</strong>nowadays cars such as, the cruise control, anti-lock brake and traction control systems. For such type ofapplications the longitud<strong>in</strong>al description of the vehicle motion is commonly used. Despite these studies,great part of the literature on vehicle dynamics is devoted to the study and analysis of the vehicle motion1 In this case, sensory fusion often appears as a solution to atta<strong>in</strong> the high accuracy mobility requirements, comb<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gexteroceptive based localization systems with <strong>in</strong>ertial sensors such as gyroscopes and accelerometers.21

as a whole.In general, vehicle dynamic approaches, resort on the classic mechanics of the rigid body, namelyus<strong>in</strong>g the Newton-Euler or Lagrange equations, <strong>in</strong> order to develop more realistic models. Us<strong>in</strong>g theseequations it is possible to derive the relations between the applied <strong>for</strong>ces on the vehicle and the producedaccelerations and trajectory motions.2.3.1 Pneumatic Model<strong>in</strong>gThe knowledge of the <strong>for</strong>ces and moments generated at the tire-ground contact area is essential <strong>for</strong> thecompleteness of any vehicle dynamic study. In fact, the vehicle motion is a consequence of the emergenceof lateral and longitud<strong>in</strong>al <strong>for</strong>ces on the vehicle tires. This type of phenomena comprises the scope ofpneumatic model<strong>in</strong>g. For a comprehensive understand<strong>in</strong>g of this subject, the reader is referred to [Pac06],a complete book about tire mechanics and model<strong>in</strong>g.The <strong>in</strong>teraction between a tire and the ground is characterized accord<strong>in</strong>gly to the de<strong>for</strong>mations ofthese bodies <strong>in</strong> the contact area, usually referred to as contact patch area. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the type ofde<strong>for</strong>mation, four different cases can be established, with different targeted applications, as shown <strong>in</strong>Figure 2.9:1. Flexible tire on a de<strong>for</strong>mable surface – allow<strong>in</strong>g the study of the motion of off-road vehicles, <strong>for</strong><strong>in</strong>stance on loose soil terra<strong>in</strong>s;2. Rigid tire on a de<strong>for</strong>mable surface – adequate <strong>for</strong> study<strong>in</strong>g the high pressure tire per<strong>for</strong>mances ona de<strong>for</strong>mable terra<strong>in</strong>;3. Rigid tire on a hard surface – mostly applied on railways vehicles;4. Flexible tire on a hard surface – mostly applied on studies address<strong>in</strong>g the motion of ground vehicleson hard surfaces.The latter case is assumed <strong>in</strong> the dissertation.1Tire ConditionsSurface Conditions4Flexible12 De<strong>for</strong>mable42 3Rigid3 HardFigure 2.9: Tire and surface conditions orig<strong>in</strong>ate different types of tire-ground studies.For the case of a drivable and steerable wheels such as those found <strong>in</strong> the rhombic vehicle, tire-ground<strong>in</strong>teractions orig<strong>in</strong>ate the appearance of different moments and <strong>for</strong>ces, which are illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.10and listed <strong>in</strong> Table 2.1:22

Z!M sM dW!l!F l !O!N!F s !s!Figure 2.10: Applied <strong>for</strong>ces and moments on a drivable and steerable wheel of the rhombic vehicle.Table 2.1: Description of the <strong>for</strong>ces applied on the vehicle wheel.Parameter DescriptionM dM sWF lF sNDriv<strong>in</strong>g torqueSteer<strong>in</strong>g/align<strong>in</strong>g torqueWeight <strong>for</strong>ce applied on wheelLongitud<strong>in</strong>al tire <strong>for</strong>ceLateral/side tire <strong>for</strong>ceNormal reaction of the groundSeveral approaches have been proposed to extract these ef<strong>for</strong>ts result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> different dynamic contactmodels. However, two ma<strong>in</strong> references shall be referred here: the well known Pacejka’s model [BNP87],which is based on an empiric approach and the LuGre’s model [CL97], this one, based on an analyticapproach. For a survey on the different pneumatic models it is recommended [SCM01]. Despite thediversity of models, the majority of the approaches use the same variables to deduce these ef<strong>for</strong>ts and aspecial attention is given to the def<strong>in</strong>ition of the longitud<strong>in</strong>al F l and lateral or side F s <strong>for</strong>ces act<strong>in</strong>g onthe wheel as function of slippage phenomena that occurs on the the wheel.In what concerns wheel slip motion, there are two important phenomena to reta<strong>in</strong>:• Lateral slip – As illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.11-a, when the wheel negotiates turn, the lateral <strong>for</strong>ce F sgenerated by the <strong>in</strong>teraction between the tire and the ground, causes the wheel to transverse alonga direction away from the wheel’s plane. The angle between the wheel’s direction and the wheel’smovement plane is known as slip angle (α) and measures the wheel lateral slip.• Longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip – Besides the lateral slip, the tire de<strong>for</strong>mation (due to W ) shown <strong>in</strong> Figure2.11-b, causes the wheel to slippage. Under the PR assumption, the wheel’s l<strong>in</strong>ear velocity is givenbyv l = r · ϕ.However, this is not the case of a de<strong>for</strong>med wheel, i.e, v l ≠ r · ϕ. Hence, the longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip, here23

denoted by Σ, is equal toΣ = r · ϕ − v l , (2.25)which can also be characterized by the longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratio def<strong>in</strong>ed asσ =r · ϕ − v lmax (|r · ϕ|, |v l |)with σ ∈ [−1, 1] . (2.26)In the previous equation, σ = 0 <strong>in</strong>dicates no wheel slippage whereas |σ| = 1 means complete slippage,i.e., the wheel is not mov<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>early despite of its angular rotation (σ = 1) or the wheel is blocked(σ = −1). On an acceleration phase, the wheel angular velocity is <strong>in</strong>creased and r · ϕ >> v l yield<strong>in</strong>ga positive longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratio(σ > 0).When brak<strong>in</strong>g, r · ϕ

where the constants C l and C s are the longitud<strong>in</strong>al and corner<strong>in</strong>g stiffnesses, respectively. These twoconstants are def<strong>in</strong>ed as the slope at vanish<strong>in</strong>g slip values and are determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g parameters <strong>for</strong> the basicl<strong>in</strong>ear handl<strong>in</strong>g and stability behavior of ground vehicles. The values of C l and C s depend on the tire andthe ground conditions, vehicle load and other properties. These two parameters should be determ<strong>in</strong>edbe<strong>for</strong>ehand or estimated on-l<strong>in</strong>e with appropriate estimation algorithms. Due to the limitations of thisstudy, constant contact stiffnesses is assumed <strong>for</strong> the front and rear wheel. This assumption can beconsidered reasonable, s<strong>in</strong>ce dur<strong>in</strong>g the rhombic vehicle journeys dramatic changes on the ground andtire conditions are not expected.Longitud<strong>in</strong>al Force F l (N)W = 6000NLateral Force F s (N)C !C !Longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip Ratio - ! Side slip angle – " [º]Figure 2.12: Evolution of the longitud<strong>in</strong>al <strong>for</strong>ce F l and lateral <strong>for</strong>ce F s with the longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratio σand the slip angle α, respectively.2.3.2 Dynamic Model of the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>Once determ<strong>in</strong>e the <strong>in</strong>teraction <strong>for</strong>ces between the wheels and the ground the assessment of the globalvehicle motion behavior can now proceed under a dynamic perspective. In addition to the previously(Section 2.1) presented assumptions, the derivation of the dynamic model of the rhombic vehicle is basedon the follow<strong>in</strong>g new or redef<strong>in</strong>ed hypotheses:• The wheels are no longer considered as an unde<strong>for</strong>mable solid; slippage phenomena is <strong>in</strong>cluded onthe dynamic analysis;• The adhesion conditions on the rear and front wheels are considered to be equal;• The CoG of the vehicle is located along its longitud<strong>in</strong>al axis and it is taken as reference po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>for</strong>the vehicle state vector;• The vehicle suspension system is not considered. For this reason, the effects of roll<strong>in</strong>g, pitch<strong>in</strong>g andload transfer are not <strong>in</strong>cluded;• Both longitud<strong>in</strong>al and lateral motions are considered to provide an accurate location of the vehicle;• Counter-clockwise angles and torques are considered to be positive;• The dynamic model is derived follow<strong>in</strong>g the Newton-Euler <strong>for</strong>mulation.The vehicle dynamics with the <strong>for</strong>ces act<strong>in</strong>g on it is represented <strong>in</strong> 2.13. From now on, the <strong>in</strong>dexi = {F, R} refers to the front and rear wheel, respectively. In the diagram of Figure 2.13, β i denotes theside-slip angles of the wheels.25

!"F lF! FY#"RF lRF sR! R G v"F!F sF$"Figure 2.13: Dynamics diagram of the rhombic vehicle.The derivation of the dynamic model is given <strong>in</strong> three different sets of coord<strong>in</strong>ate frames (three differentmodels), the global coord<strong>in</strong>ate frame (X, Y ), the local vehicle frame (q, p) and the vehicle velocity frame(n, t). Dynamic Model <strong>in</strong> the Global FrameIn the global coord<strong>in</strong>ate frame, the motion of the CoG of the vehicle along the X-axis is given byF x = m · ẍ G . (2.28)Sett<strong>in</strong>g up the equilibrium of <strong>for</strong>ces along the X-axis yields,m · ẍ G = F lF · cos(θ + θ F ) − F sF · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ F )+F lR · cos(θ + θ R ) − F sR · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ R ).(2.29)Similarly, along the Y -axis the vehicle motion is described asF y = m · ÿ G , (2.30)with the vertical <strong>for</strong>ces summ<strong>in</strong>g up tom · ÿ G = F lF · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ F ) + F sF · cos(θ + θ F )+F lR · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ R ) + F sR · cos(θ + θ R ).(2.31)Sett<strong>in</strong>g up the equilibrium of momentum about the vertical axis ate the CoG of the vehicle chassis,we obta<strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>gI z ¨θ = FlF · s<strong>in</strong> θ F · L F + F sF · cos θ F · L F−F lR · s<strong>in</strong> θ R · L R − F sR · cos θ R · L R .(2.32)26

The equations (2.29), (2.31) and (2.32), can be assembled on a matrix <strong>for</strong>m as follows.⎡ẍ G⎢ ÿ⎣ G¨θ⎤ ⎡⎥⎦ = ⎢⎣⎡⎢⎣cos(θ+θ F )ms<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )ms<strong>in</strong> θ F ·L FI zcos(θ+θ R )ms<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )m− s<strong>in</strong> θ R·L RI z− s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )m− s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R)mcos(θ+θ F ) cos(θ+θ R )mmcos θ F ·L FI z− cos θ R·L RI z⎤⎡⎥⎦ ·⎤⎡ ⎤⎥⎦ · ⎣ F lF⎦ +F lR⎣ F sFF sR⎤⎦(2.33) Dynamic Model <strong>in</strong> the Local FrameFor the vehicle coord<strong>in</strong>ate frame (p,q), attached at the CoG of the vehicle, the follow<strong>in</strong>g expressions canbe established:m · ¨p = F x · cos θ + F y · s<strong>in</strong> θ; (2.34)m · ¨q = −F x · s<strong>in</strong> θ + F y · cos θ. (2.35)Us<strong>in</strong>g (2.29) and (2.31), equations (2.34) and (2.35) can be rewritten asm · ¨q = F lF · cos θ F − F sF · s<strong>in</strong> θ F + F lR · cos θ R − F sR · s<strong>in</strong> θ R (2.36)andm · ¨p = F lF · s<strong>in</strong> θ F + F sF · cos θ F + F lR · s<strong>in</strong> θ R + F sR · cos θ R (2.37)Equations (2.36) and (2.37) together with (2.32) comprise the vehicle dynamics on the local vehiclecoord<strong>in</strong>ate frame. The same model can be represented <strong>in</strong> a more convenient way as follows.⎡ ⎤ ⎡¨q⎢ ¨p ⎥⎣ ⎦ = ⎢⎣¨θ⎡⎢⎣− s<strong>in</strong> θ Fmcos θ Fmcos θ F ·L FI zcos θ Fms<strong>in</strong> θ Fms<strong>in</strong> θ F ·L FI zcos θ Rms<strong>in</strong> θ Rm− s<strong>in</strong> θ R·L RI z− s<strong>in</strong> θ Rmcos θ Rm− cos θ R·L RI z⎤⎡ ⎤⎥⎦ · ⎣ F lF⎦ +F lR⎤⎡ ⎤⎥⎦ · ⎣ F sF⎦F sR(2.38) Dynamic Model <strong>in</strong> the Velocity FrameSometimes it is useful to derive the dynamic model of the vehicle <strong>in</strong> the velocity coord<strong>in</strong>ate frame (n,t)which <strong>in</strong> terms of coord<strong>in</strong>ates can be def<strong>in</strong>ed as (v, β, λ). To develop this last dynamic model, thesame reason<strong>in</strong>g developed to achieve (2.33) and (2.38) is followed here, now consider<strong>in</strong>g the normal andtangential directions of the velocity vehicle frame (n,t). Note that the vehicle motion along the axes27

def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g this frame, can be expressed as 2F n = m · ¨n = m · v2r ′ = m · v · ( ˙β + λ), (2.39)andF t = m · ẗ = m · v. (2.40)Consider<strong>in</strong>g this, the equilibrium of <strong>for</strong>ces along the n-axis and the t-axis yields,and˙v = 1 m · [F lF · cos(θ F − β) − F sF · s<strong>in</strong>(θ F − β)+F lR · cos(β − θ R ) + F sR · s<strong>in</strong>(β − θ R )]˙β =1m·v · [F lF · s<strong>in</strong>(θ F − β) + F sF · cos(θ F − β)−F lR · s<strong>in</strong>(β − θ R ) + F sR · cos(β − θ R )] − λ.(2.41)(2.42)Not<strong>in</strong>g the correspondency between ¨θ and ˙λ, Equation (2.35) leads to˙λ = 1I z· [F lF · s<strong>in</strong> θ F · L F + F sF · cos θ F · L F−F lR · s<strong>in</strong> θ R · L R − F sR · cos θ R · L R ].(2.43)Equations (2.41)-(2.43) <strong>for</strong>m the vehicle dynamics <strong>in</strong> the coord<strong>in</strong>ate frame (n,t). Rearrang<strong>in</strong>g terms,the follow<strong>in</strong>g matrix representation can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed:⎡ ⎤ ⎡cos(θ˙vF −β)m⎢ ˙β ⎥⎣ ⎦ = ⎢⎣˙λ⎡+ ⎢⎣− s<strong>in</strong>(θ F −β)mcos(θ F −β)m·vcos θ F ·L FI zcos(β−θ R )ms<strong>in</strong>(θ F −β)m·v− s<strong>in</strong>(β−θ R)m·vs<strong>in</strong> θ F ·L FI zs<strong>in</strong>(β−θ R )mcos(β−θ R )m·v− cos θ R·L RI z− s<strong>in</strong> θ R·L RI z⎤⎡⎥⎦ ·⎣ F lFF lR⎤⎦⎤⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤⎥⎦ · ⎣ F 0sF⎦ − λ · ⎢ 1 ⎥F sR⎣ ⎦0(2.44) Implementation DetailsOne of the issues that rema<strong>in</strong>s to expla<strong>in</strong> is how to per<strong>for</strong>m the evaluation of the longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratioand slip angle <strong>for</strong> the specific simulation requirements of the rhombic vehicle. As discussed <strong>in</strong> Subsection2.3.1, slippage phenomena causes the wheels to roll with l<strong>in</strong>ear velocities that are usually <strong>in</strong> directionswhich slightly deviate from the longitud<strong>in</strong>al axes of the wheels, giv<strong>in</strong>g rise to the side-slip angles, α Fand α R .These effective velocities, here <strong>in</strong> denoted as, v effFand v effR, <strong>for</strong> the front and rear wheel,respectively, and the wheel slip angles, are depicted <strong>in</strong> the auxiliary k<strong>in</strong>ematic diagram illustrated <strong>in</strong>Figure 2.14.The relation between the wheel slip and steer<strong>in</strong>g angles and side-slip of the front an rear chassis(β F , β R ) is promptly extracted us<strong>in</strong>g the pure geometric relations as follows.2 This term corresponds to the centripetal <strong>for</strong>ce. By differentiat<strong>in</strong>g the relation of the arc length s = r ′ · (θ + β) withrespect to time, yields v = r ′ · ( ˙θ + ˙β). Remember that the angle (θ + β) corresponds to the angle between the vehiclevelocity, v, at the CoG and the global fixed coord<strong>in</strong>ate system (X, Y ).28

! FI! Rv!v F! F effv F! FYrRv Rv ReffG!F!"! R! RFigure 2.14: <strong>Rhombic</strong> vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematics diagram on a turn<strong>in</strong>g maneuver and consider<strong>in</strong>g slippage phenomena.where,α i = θ i − β i , (2.45)β F = arctanβ R = arctan[v+MF · ˙θu[v−MR· ˙θu]] (2.46)The longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratio <strong>for</strong> the front and rear wheel is evaluated with the follow<strong>in</strong>g equationσ i =v i − v effi · cosα imax(|v i |, |v effi · cosα i |) . (2.47)Should be noted that Equation (2.47) slightly differs from the one presented <strong>in</strong> (2.26). Accord<strong>in</strong>g tothe system def<strong>in</strong>ition presented <strong>in</strong> Section 2.1, the aim is to simulate the vehicle motion through the <strong>in</strong>putof the l<strong>in</strong>ear speeds on the wheels (v F , v R ), rather than us<strong>in</strong>g the wheel angular speed. Hence, <strong>in</strong> (2.47)the term v i refers to the <strong>in</strong>puted wheel l<strong>in</strong>ear speed, whereas v effiis the effective roll<strong>in</strong>g wheel speed.To evaluate the longitud<strong>in</strong>al wheel slip ration, only the longitud<strong>in</strong>al component of the wheel effectivevelocity (v effi· cosα i ) is taken <strong>in</strong>to account. The modulus of the effective wheel velocity can be evaluatedthrough the follow<strong>in</strong>g expressions,<strong>for</strong> the front and rear wheel, respectively.√v effF= u 2 + (v + M F · ˙θ) 2(2.48a)v effR = √u 2 + (v − M R · ˙θ) 2 (2.48b)In (2.46) and (2.48), u and v refer to the longitud<strong>in</strong>al and lateral vehicle velocity, respectively, andare accessed through the dynamic model on the vehicle frame. If other frame is chosen, the follow<strong>in</strong>gcorrespondency shall be considered,u = ẋ G · cos θ + ẏ G · s<strong>in</strong> θ = v · cos βv = −ẋ G · s<strong>in</strong> θ + ẏ G · cos θ = v · s<strong>in</strong> β.(2.49a)(2.49b)For the evaluation of the longitud<strong>in</strong>al and lateral <strong>for</strong>ces recall the simplified l<strong>in</strong>ear assumption toapproximate the nonl<strong>in</strong>ear tire characteristics (2.27). Consider<strong>in</strong>g equal corner<strong>in</strong>g stiffnesses (C s ) andlongitud<strong>in</strong>al stiffness (C l ) <strong>for</strong> the front and the rear wheels the evaluation of these <strong>for</strong>ces is given by29

and⎧⎨ C si · α if C si · α ≤ µ · N iF si =⎩ µ · N i otherwise⎧⎨ C li · σ if C li · σ ≤ µ · N iF li =⎩ µ · N i otherwise(2.50). (2.51)F s and F l are clipped to the maximum allowable friction <strong>for</strong>ce given by the static coefficient of friction µmultiplied by the wheel normal <strong>for</strong>ce N i .2.4 Extended K<strong>in</strong>ematic ModelThe dynamic model presented <strong>in</strong> the previous section provides a more truthful description of the rhombicvehicle behavior and shall be adopted <strong>in</strong> preference to the simpler k<strong>in</strong>ematic one, whenever high accuracysimulations are needed. A shortcom<strong>in</strong>g of this model is that it does not provide sufficient <strong>in</strong>sight <strong>for</strong>control design due to its <strong>in</strong>creased complexity. The motion control problem of the rhombic vehicle doesnot <strong>in</strong>tegrate the objectives of the dissertation. However, one of the stated purposes <strong>for</strong> this model<strong>in</strong>g stagewas to follow an alternative model<strong>in</strong>g approach that could provide a trade-off between model accuracyand simplicity <strong>for</strong> possible <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g control oriented studies.To handle this objective, the philosophy of the Extended K<strong>in</strong>ematic Models (EKMs) is explored <strong>in</strong>this section on an attempt to explicitly model vehicle slippage phenomena on a k<strong>in</strong>ematic framework. Itwas shown <strong>in</strong> Section 2.3 that tire <strong>in</strong>teraction <strong>for</strong>ces are evaluated as function of two ma<strong>in</strong> parameters,the longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip ratio (σ) and the slip angle (α). In this section and by rely<strong>in</strong>g on simple mechanicconsiderations, this slippage phenomena is <strong>in</strong>troduced as perturbations to the system on a k<strong>in</strong>ematicbasis.In Section 2.2, the nonholonomic RWS assumption was used to derive the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model, entail<strong>in</strong>gthat the l<strong>in</strong>ear velocity of the contact po<strong>in</strong>t of the wheel is perfectly aligned with the wheel plane. However,<strong>in</strong> situations where the slippage phenomena is not negligible, the direction of the real wheel velocity isno longer aligned with the wheel’s plane (recall Figure 2.14). In order to take slippage phenomenathe new EKM has to consider the real directions of the rear and front wheels velocities. Thus, the<strong>for</strong>mulation presented <strong>in</strong> Section 2.2 will be extended here, <strong>for</strong> the creation of the EKM model, <strong>in</strong> whichthe nonholonomy is no longer respected <strong>in</strong> its strictly sense.Recall<strong>in</strong>g the equations <strong>in</strong> (2.9) and follow<strong>in</strong>g the vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematic diagram <strong>in</strong> Figure 2.14, <strong>in</strong> thepresence of wheel slippage, the system is subjected to the follow<strong>in</strong>g two “nonholonomic constra<strong>in</strong>ts”, one<strong>for</strong> each wheelẋ F · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ F + α F ) − ẏ F · cos(θ + θ F + α R ) = 0(2.52a)andẋ R · s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ R + α F ) − ẏ R · cos(θ + θ R + α R ) = 0.(2.52b)Apply<strong>in</strong>g the geometric constra<strong>in</strong>ts def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> (2.10), the equations <strong>in</strong> (2.52) can be organized <strong>in</strong> the30

follow<strong>in</strong>g matrix <strong>for</strong>m,⎡⎣ s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ F + α F ) − cos(θ + θ F + α F ) −M F · cos(θ F + α F )s<strong>in</strong>(θ + θ R + α R ) − cos(θ + θ R + α R ) M R · cos(θ R + α R )⎡⎤⎦ · ˙q = ⎢⎣000⎤⎥ ⇒ H(q) · ˙q = 0. (2.53)⎦The null space of the constra<strong>in</strong>t matrix H, Ker(H(q)), conta<strong>in</strong>s all the admissible values <strong>for</strong> ˙q =[ẋ G ẏ G ˙θ] T . Per<strong>for</strong>m<strong>in</strong>g the same steps as <strong>in</strong> Appendix C <strong>for</strong> the constra<strong>in</strong>t matrix C, the Ker(H(q))can be represented <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g matrix <strong>for</strong>m⎡ ⎤ ⎡⎤ẋ G⎢ ẏ⎣ Ġ ⎥⎦ = ⎢⎥⎣⎦ · veffθM R·cos(θ+θ F +α F )MM R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F +α F )Ms<strong>in</strong>(θ F +α F )MRedef<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the longitud<strong>in</strong>al slip <strong>in</strong> (2.25) toF+⎡⎢⎣M F ·cos(θ+θ R +α R )MM F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R +α R )M− s<strong>in</strong>(θ R +α R )M⎤⎥⎦ · veff R , (2.54)Σ i = v i − v effi cos α i , (2.55)the EKM model <strong>in</strong> (2.54) can be rewritten as⎡ ⎤ ⎡⎤⎡ẋ G⎢ ẏ⎣ Ġ ⎥⎦ = ⎢⎥⎣⎦ · (v F δ 1 − δ 2 ) + ⎢⎣θM R·cos(θ+θ F +δ 5)MM R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F +δ 5)Ms<strong>in</strong>(θ F +δ 5)MM F ·cos(θ+θ R +δ 6)Ms<strong>in</strong>(M F ·θ+θ R +δ 6)M− s<strong>in</strong>(θ R +δ 6)M⎤⎥⎦ · (v Rδ 3 − δ 4 ), (2.56)where {δ 1 , δ 2 , δ 3 , δ 4 , δ 5 , δ 6 } are model disturbance perturbations def<strong>in</strong>ed asδ 1 = 1cos δ 5, δ 2 = Σ Fcos δ 6, δ 3 = 1cos δ 6, δ 4 = Σ Rcos δ 6, δ 5 = α F , δ 6 = α R . (2.57)This EKM model provides the means to simulate the vehicle motion consider<strong>in</strong>g slippage phenomena,whenever slippage disturbances, i.e., α i and Σ i are accessible provid<strong>in</strong>g a good trade-off between modelaccuracy and simplicity.31

Chapter 3<strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> – An OverviewDur<strong>in</strong>g the last decades, motion plann<strong>in</strong>g has emerged as an important and productive research topic <strong>in</strong>different research communities. The mean<strong>in</strong>g of the term “plann<strong>in</strong>g” may vary depend<strong>in</strong>g on the fieldwhere it is applied. For <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>in</strong> Artificial Intelligence (AI), plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques are often used to solvediscrete and cont<strong>in</strong>uous problems (e.g. puzzles and bra<strong>in</strong> teasers), or with<strong>in</strong> the control communities,where motion plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques arouse <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>in</strong> the design of algorithms to f<strong>in</strong>d open loop strategies<strong>for</strong> nonl<strong>in</strong>ear systems.Also <strong>in</strong> robotics, the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g is a fundamental issue, <strong>in</strong> particular with<strong>in</strong> the WMRs field,<strong>in</strong> which the dissertation is <strong>in</strong>serted. Many WMRs, such as the rhombic vehicle, are designed to moveautonomously around its environment. To per<strong>for</strong>m this task, the WMR needs to know how to move <strong>in</strong>its environment <strong>in</strong> order to achieve one or multiple specified goal locations without collid<strong>in</strong>g with theobstacles. As shown <strong>in</strong> Section 3.1 this is exactly the problem that motion plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques try tosolve.The history of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g is quite recent. The first known published work address<strong>in</strong>g a motionplann<strong>in</strong>g technique appears <strong>in</strong> the AI field, <strong>in</strong> 1969 with [Nil69]. The Visibility Graphs were <strong>in</strong>troducedlater [Loz78], on a later pursuit of this work. The notion of configuration space, which is explored <strong>in</strong>Subsection 3.1.1, was <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the 80s [Loz83], provid<strong>in</strong>g an unified geometrical<strong>for</strong>mulation <strong>for</strong> the development of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms. Still <strong>in</strong> the 80’s, the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g isfirst <strong>for</strong>mulated <strong>in</strong> the robotics field, appear<strong>in</strong>g related to a benchmark problem known as “The PianoMover’s Problem” [SS83, SS84], which was concerned with the follow<strong>in</strong>g task: how to move a piano fromon room to another without hitt<strong>in</strong>g the obstacles. Due to its challeng<strong>in</strong>g nature, this problem attractedthe attention of many scientists over the next years. Hence, up until 1990 a large number of plann<strong>in</strong>gtechniques have been proposed, some of them provid<strong>in</strong>g exact solutions [Can88, Lat91]. Latombe’s book[Lat91], constitutes an excellent survey on the progress and developed approaches dur<strong>in</strong>g the mentionedperiod.For the most part of the problems, the suitability of exact algorithms is limited due to its computationalcomplexity. To overcome this <strong>in</strong>convenience, several approaches have been proposed, rely<strong>in</strong>g mostly onapproximate cell decompositions and on heuristic approaches (refer to Chapters 6 and 7 <strong>in</strong> [Lat91]).33

Randomized approaches appear later <strong>in</strong> the 90’s with more practical planners [BL91, KSLO96, Lav98].Most of the recent work has been focused on the study of the ma<strong>in</strong> properties of these randomized techniques[KKL98, SO98] with several applications developed to solve difficult problems [HKL + 98, ADS02].A complete survey on randomized algorithms can be found <strong>in</strong> [MR95]. Section 3.3 addresses some of thesetechniques while, <strong>in</strong> Chapter 5 a focus is given to a particular randomized planner, the RRT [Lav98].Similar works to the Latombe’s book, survey<strong>in</strong>g the techniques and topics on motion plann<strong>in</strong>g, canbe found <strong>in</strong> [Lau98, Lav03]. For a thorough overview on more recent research on mobile robots pleaserefer to [J<strong>in</strong>g08].<strong>Motion</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g problems exist <strong>in</strong> abundance and as po<strong>in</strong>ted out <strong>in</strong> [Lav03], “these are excit<strong>in</strong>g timesto study plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms and contribute to their development and use”. For some motivationalexamples refer to Appendix D.3.1 Problem FormulationDespite the broad class of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problems, they are closely connected at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and canbe uni<strong>for</strong>mly <strong>for</strong>malized. In the follow<strong>in</strong>g, some basic <strong>in</strong>gredients aris<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> nearly every type of motionplann<strong>in</strong>g problem:• Agent – It refers to different th<strong>in</strong>gs depend<strong>in</strong>g on the application; The agent can be a robot, adecision maker, the controller, the digital actor, the molecule or even a person if apply<strong>in</strong>g a planned<strong>in</strong>vestment strategy.• Configuration – <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong>volves search<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a configuration space that captures all the possibilitiesthat can arise. The configuration usually provides specific <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the agent(e.g., robot pose (position + orientation) or the location of a tile <strong>in</strong> a puzzle).• Initial and goal states – A motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>in</strong>volves mov<strong>in</strong>g from a specified <strong>in</strong>itialconfiguration, to a desired goal configuration, the “frontier conditions” that <strong>for</strong>m the motion queryto planner.• Geometric model of the World –To solve the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem, the world W <strong>in</strong> whichthe plan is applied, must be classified and modeled. Typically motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problems are solved<strong>in</strong> 2D or Three Dimensional (3D) worlds, i.e, W = R 2 or W = R 3 , respectively.• Plan – Comprises the solution of the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem. It usually specifies a sequence ofactions, a strategy to be carried out that br<strong>in</strong>gs the agent from the <strong>in</strong>itial configuration to the goalconfiguration (e.g, open loop control law, a path to be followed, a strategy of <strong>in</strong>vestment).• Optimization Criteria – The plan shall comply with some requirements; At a first <strong>in</strong>stance, theoutput plan should cause the arrival of the agent to the goal configuration. This ma<strong>in</strong> concern isrelated to the geometric feasibility of the solution found. Then at a second stage, it is possible toentail higher level requirements such as optimized per<strong>for</strong>mances dur<strong>in</strong>g the execution of the plan.The motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem can be mathematically <strong>for</strong>malized <strong>for</strong> WMRs as follows. Consider apo<strong>in</strong>t-like WMR, A, <strong>in</strong> an environment composed by a set of obstacles O = {O 1 ...O n }. Given the <strong>in</strong>itial34

and desired goal configuration <strong>for</strong> A <strong>in</strong> the W = R 2 , f<strong>in</strong>d a collision free path τ, specify<strong>in</strong>g a sequence of<strong>in</strong>termediate configurations connect<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>itial and goal configurations, or report failure if there is nosolution.This basic <strong>for</strong>mulation corresponds to “The Piano Mover’s Problem” [SS83, SS84] mentioned earlierand is represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.1.O 1!goal!OO23<strong>in</strong>itialO 1Figure 3.1: The basic motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>for</strong> a po<strong>in</strong>t-like WMR (<strong>in</strong> blue). The path (<strong>in</strong> yellow)connects the <strong>in</strong>itial (<strong>in</strong> green) to the goal (<strong>in</strong> red) configuration.3.1.1 The Configuration SpaceLet C, denote the the configuration space [Loz83], which is the state space, <strong>in</strong> control term<strong>in</strong>ology, aris<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g.Us<strong>in</strong>g C-space notions, assume q ∈ C, as the configuration of A <strong>in</strong> W. The path, τ, can thus bedef<strong>in</strong>ed as a cont<strong>in</strong>uous map τ : [0, 1] → C, where τ(0) = q I and τ(1) = q G , are the <strong>in</strong>itial and goalconfigurations <strong>for</strong> A, respectively. To be consider a viable solution, τ must be collision-free.The collision-free requirement can be easily understood by <strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g the notion of configurationobstacle-space,C obst . C obst basically represents a transcription of the obstacles O ⊂ W <strong>for</strong> A, such that,C obst ⊆ C. A configuration q is said to be “<strong>in</strong> collid<strong>in</strong>g‘” if it <strong>in</strong>tersects at least one obstacle <strong>in</strong> W. C obstcan thus be def<strong>in</strong>ed as all the collid<strong>in</strong>g configurations <strong>in</strong> C,C obst = {q ∈ C ; A(q) ∩ O ≠ ∅} (3.1)and the collision-free configuration space or “free space”, simply def<strong>in</strong>ed as,C free = C \ C obst (3.2)Consider<strong>in</strong>g the same W presented <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2 conceptually illustrates the basic motionplann<strong>in</strong>g problem and the result<strong>in</strong>g topologies <strong>for</strong> the different C-spaces. As it can be seen, the topologyof the C obst changes if the geometry of A is considered. It also gives an idea about the complexity of anexplicit representation of C obst or C free <strong>for</strong> WMRs with more DoFs (e.g, translation plus rotation).It is important to know that some algorithms depend on the explicit representation of C obst , namelythe exact or comb<strong>in</strong>atorial methods presented <strong>in</strong> Subsection 3.2.1. Other plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques, as the35

C freeC free!( n ! ( 1) ( 1) = q! q ) = q!( qGGn )Cobst!!( q 2 )CobstC obst!C obst!( q 2 )!( 0) = qI!( q 1 )C free!( 0) = qI!( q 1 )C obstC obstFigure 3.2: C-space topologies: <strong>for</strong> a po<strong>in</strong>t-like WMR (left) and <strong>for</strong> a rigid WMR that can only translate(right).sampl<strong>in</strong>g-based plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> 3.2.2, evade the complexity of construct<strong>in</strong>g C obst , byimplicit represent<strong>in</strong>g the environment and the robot model resort<strong>in</strong>g on collision detection modules.Nevertheless, C-space notions are important. They provide a certa<strong>in</strong> level of abstraction, allow<strong>in</strong>g to usethe same <strong>for</strong>mulation <strong>for</strong> different problems and sometimes solve them with the same plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms.3.1.2 <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> Under Differential Constra<strong>in</strong>tsIn the above <strong>for</strong>mulation, time dimension is only implicitly modeled by determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g that the successiveconfigurations have to be per<strong>for</strong>med one after another. Moreover, the WMR is allowed to move freely <strong>in</strong>any direction aside from the C obts . This <strong>for</strong>mulation is referred to as holonomic motion plann<strong>in</strong>g.Besides the global constra<strong>in</strong>ts that arise from obstacles and restrict the set of allowable configurations,other constra<strong>in</strong>ts exist that that bound the allowable velocities or accelerations <strong>for</strong> the WMR at eachpo<strong>in</strong>t. These restrictions can be considered as local constra<strong>in</strong>ts and are usually referred to as differentialconstra<strong>in</strong>ts. There<strong>for</strong>e, the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem has to be brought to an higher <strong>in</strong>stance, whereboth, global and local constra<strong>in</strong>ts are considered. The motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem correspond thus to asearch <strong>in</strong> a feasible configuration space C feas (i.e., the space of feasible velocities and/or accelerations)rather than <strong>in</strong> C free .With<strong>in</strong> this higher <strong>in</strong>stance of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g, two different problems can be presented:• Nonholonomic motion plann<strong>in</strong>gThe notion of nonholonomic motion plann<strong>in</strong>g, was <strong>in</strong>troduce <strong>in</strong> 1986 by J-P. Laumond [Lau86], todescribe the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem of WMRs <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g non <strong>in</strong>tegrable constra<strong>in</strong>ts on the statevelocities as the ones <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> Subsection 2.2.1. The plann<strong>in</strong>g methods applied to nonholonomicsystems are usually referred to as steer<strong>in</strong>g methods [Dub57, RS90, ST91, SL90].• K<strong>in</strong>odynamic 1 motion plann<strong>in</strong>gBeyond the k<strong>in</strong>ematic restrictions sometimes it is necessary to consider dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts whichrestrict the robot motion <strong>in</strong> the accelerations space. This leaded to the emergence of k<strong>in</strong>odynamic1 In the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g literature, nonholonomic plann<strong>in</strong>g is mostly concerned with the k<strong>in</strong>ematic (nonholonomic)constra<strong>in</strong>ts and k<strong>in</strong>odynamic plann<strong>in</strong>g with nonholonomic dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. However, <strong>in</strong> nonl<strong>in</strong>ear control term<strong>in</strong>ology,k<strong>in</strong>odynamic plann<strong>in</strong>g is encompassed by the def<strong>in</strong>ition of nonholonomic plann<strong>in</strong>g.36

motion plann<strong>in</strong>g, which consists on solv<strong>in</strong>g the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g while satisfy<strong>in</strong>g both k<strong>in</strong>ematicand dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts associated with the WMR.Planners address<strong>in</strong>g these two problems output plans <strong>in</strong> <strong>for</strong>m of trajectories (<strong>in</strong>stead of simple paths)that directly comply with the natural and feasible motions of the WMR. For this reason this plann<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>stance is often referred to as trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g, which is covered <strong>in</strong> Chapter 5. Notice the differenceto the classic trajectory design, which has commonly been divided <strong>in</strong>to two separated problems: (1)determ<strong>in</strong>e a collision free path, which ignores differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts; (2) apply a trajectory evaluatorthat parameterizes the path <strong>in</strong> terms of time or velocities and fulfills the WMR differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts.Chapter 4 closely follows this approach. For further details please refer to Section 3.3, where it is<strong>for</strong>mulated the complete motion problem <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle as well the proposed methodologies tosolve it.3.2 <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> AlgorithmsThis section starts by review<strong>in</strong>g some of the most used classical motion plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms. The secondpart is dedicated to randomized motion plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms, with focus on two approaches that havedrawn more attention <strong>in</strong> the plann<strong>in</strong>g-algorithm community. For each algorithm, the basic concepts areexpla<strong>in</strong>ed together with illustrative examples.3.2.1 Classical <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>These classical motion plann<strong>in</strong>g methods presented here are based on an explicit representation of theenvironment. Most part of low dimensional motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problems (e.g. the 2D problem presented <strong>in</strong>Section 3.1), can be solved us<strong>in</strong>g these approaches. Yet, the cost of an explicit representation of C obst itis not always worthy. The use of the methods described below is not exclusive and can be comb<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> as<strong>in</strong>gle architecture such as <strong>in</strong> [MN04]. Three classical methods are presented here:1- Cell DecompositionThe ma<strong>in</strong> idea beh<strong>in</strong>d the Cell Decomposition (CD) methods, is to divide or decompose C free , <strong>in</strong>toa f<strong>in</strong>ite number of regions, called cells. CD algorithms are classified accord<strong>in</strong>g to the nature of the CDyielded: (1) Exact Cell Decomposition; these methods generate an exact decomposition of C free and canalternatively be referred to as complete algorithms, s<strong>in</strong>ce their either f<strong>in</strong>d a solution or correctly reportfailure. Figure 3.3-left provides depicts a triangle CD. (2) Approximate approaches; the CD is based ona discretization of C free . These algorithms are referred to as resolution complete, i.e., the completenessof the solution is only guaranteed <strong>for</strong> a given resolution of the C free . If a solution exists, the algorithmwill f<strong>in</strong>d it <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ite time. However, if a solution does not exist, the algorithm may run <strong>for</strong>ever. Theresult<strong>in</strong>g cells have a simple and predef<strong>in</strong>ed shape such as the quadratic shape used <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.3-rightto exemplify an approximate CD.As shown later <strong>in</strong> Chapter 4, where it is described <strong>in</strong> more detail triangle CD algorithm, a key elementof the CD methods is the connectivity graph G of the cells, which allows to efficiently capture the structure37

C free!( q n )! ( 1) = qGC obst!C obst!( 0) = qI!( q 1)!( q 2)C obstFigure 3.3: Left: exact CD us<strong>in</strong>g triangle cells. Right: approximate CD.of C free and solve the motion query as a graph search problem.2 – Roadmap methodsUnlike the CD methods that try to reach the C free shape by decompos<strong>in</strong>g it <strong>in</strong>to a group of cells,the roadmap based methods, as the name suggests, try to reach the connectivity C free by creat<strong>in</strong>g aroadmap, i.e., topological graphs. Once the roadmap is def<strong>in</strong>ed, the query motion is solved as a graphsearch problem. The exist<strong>in</strong>g approaches differ <strong>in</strong> the way this roadmap is constructed, which is usuallyl<strong>in</strong>ked to a specific criterion that shall be optimized. For <strong>in</strong>stance, the shortest-path roadmap can beevaluated by means of the Reduced Visibility Graph [Lat91], which is an improved version of the VisibilityGraphs <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> 1978 by Lozano [Loz78]. In Figure 3.4-left, the Reduced Visibility Graph returnsthe yellow shortest roadmap by connect<strong>in</strong>g the obstacle tangent edges and the edges that are <strong>for</strong>med byvertices that are mutually visible from each other (and also tangent to obstacles). The blue roadmapcorresponds to the one returned by the sem<strong>in</strong>al Visibility Graph method. The motion query problem isthen solved by connect<strong>in</strong>g any pair of objective configurations to the closest configuration <strong>in</strong> the roadmap.The solution obta<strong>in</strong>ed with the Reduced Visibility Graph is optimal <strong>in</strong> the sense that it guaranteesthe m<strong>in</strong>imum distance between the start and goal configuration. However, it also presents the m<strong>in</strong>imumclearance possible over the obstacles, which is undesirable <strong>for</strong> the most part of robot applications. Insteadof generat<strong>in</strong>g the shortest path it might be convenient to compute a path that maximizes clearancefrom obstacles. This through the use of a different type of roadmap method which is usually called ofGeneralized Voronoi Diagram or Retraction Method [Can85, DY82]. This method returns a roadmap thatis kept as far as possible from C obst , as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.4-right. Note that the set of collision-freeconfigurations compos<strong>in</strong>g this roadmap are obta<strong>in</strong>ed by consider<strong>in</strong>g a po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot approach. What ifthe solution path was followed by a real rigid body? Would it still cont<strong>in</strong>ue to be a maximum clearancepath? This issue is revisited later <strong>in</strong> Chapter 4.3 – Potential fieldsThe potential fields approach [Kha85] is one of the most popular approaches <strong>for</strong> path plann<strong>in</strong>g andalso as collision avoidance method. The concept beh<strong>in</strong>d the potential fields approach is a little differentfrom the approaches that have been describe so far. In this technique, C is modeled as a potential functionand the robot is taken as a po<strong>in</strong>t mov<strong>in</strong>g through the potential descend<strong>in</strong>g gradient. Most <strong>for</strong>mulationsuse an attractive term caus<strong>in</strong>g the movable system to approach the goal and a repulsive term to penalize38

Figure 3.4: Left: <strong>in</strong> blue the roadmap obta<strong>in</strong>ed with the Visibility Graph and <strong>in</strong> yellow the roadmapreturned by the Reduced Visibility Graph. Right: the generalized Voronoi diagram yields a maximumclearance roadmap.configurations closer to obstacles, as depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.5. The pr<strong>in</strong>cipal <strong>in</strong>convenient of this method isto get trapped on a local m<strong>in</strong>imum. This can be avoided by us<strong>in</strong>g harmonic functions that do not allowlocal m<strong>in</strong>ima or simply per<strong>for</strong>m<strong>in</strong>g a random movement to leave the local m<strong>in</strong>imum.Figure 3.5: The potential field, repeals the po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot (<strong>in</strong> black) and conducts it from the <strong>in</strong>itialconfiguration (<strong>in</strong> green) to the attract<strong>in</strong>g goal configuration (<strong>in</strong> red). Possible local m<strong>in</strong>imums (yellowdiamonds).3.2.2 Randomized <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>The randomized approaches start to appear <strong>in</strong> the 90’s with [BL91] and gone through <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g developmentsdur<strong>in</strong>g the next years [KSLO96, MR95, Lav98, HKL + 98, ADS02, Lav03]. In fact, randomizedmethods have proven to be an option that deserves to be considered when tackl<strong>in</strong>g challeng<strong>in</strong>g motionplann<strong>in</strong>g problems. These methods are capable of handl<strong>in</strong>g high-dimensional problems <strong>in</strong> acceptablealgorithmic-execution times and tackle important problem constra<strong>in</strong>ts aside from the geometric onesaris<strong>in</strong>g from obstacles. Even so, these approaches are based on a weaker notion of completeness, which,unlike the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial planners, do not guarantee that the motion problem will be solved. They areusually considered to be probabilistically complete, i.e., theoretically, the probability of f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g a solutionconverges to 1 when the algorithm is given a <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite time.An important characteristic of these methods is that they are based on a sampl<strong>in</strong>g scheme that avoids39

the explicit representation of C, reason why they are alternatively referred to as sampled-based planners.As no explicit representation of C exists, randomized planners make use of a b<strong>in</strong>ary collision checkerto test whether a specified configuration q is feasible (collision-free) or unfeasible (i.e., collid<strong>in</strong>g withobstacles).The two methods that have attracted more attention and have been more successful dur<strong>in</strong>g the lastyears are the Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRMs) [KSLO96] and the RRTs [Lav98], are brieflydescribed <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g.1 – Probabilistic Roadmap MethodDespite be<strong>in</strong>g a roadmap-based method the PRM is completely different from the comb<strong>in</strong>atorialroadmaps referred <strong>in</strong> Subsection 3.2.1. The PRM method is composed of two stages:• Learn<strong>in</strong>g phase: the roadmap is constructed by randomly sampl<strong>in</strong>g C as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.6-left.The roadmap is then constructed by connect<strong>in</strong>g collision-free neighbor vertices, i.e., vertices lay<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> C free that can be connected by a cont<strong>in</strong>uous path <strong>in</strong> C free (this is per<strong>for</strong>med by a local planner);• Query phase: the <strong>in</strong>itial and goal configuration are first connected to the roadmap. The motionquery problem is then solved by search<strong>in</strong>g an admissible solution as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.6-right.When the aim is to choose the shortest-path, this tasks can be carried out us<strong>in</strong>g AI graph searchmethods, such as the Dijkstra [Dij59] or its improved heuristic version A* [HNR68].C free!( q n )! ( 1) = qGC free!( q n )! ( 1) = qGC obst!C obstC obst!C obst!( q 2)!( q 2)!( 0) = qI!( q 1)!( 0) = qI!( q 1)C obstC obstFigure 3.6: The PRM: collision free samples <strong>in</strong> yellow-⋄, collid<strong>in</strong>g samples <strong>in</strong> red-⋄ (left) and obta<strong>in</strong>edroadmap <strong>in</strong> blue (right) dur<strong>in</strong>g the learn<strong>in</strong>g phase. In the query phase, the <strong>in</strong>itial and goal configurationsare connected via the yellow shortest-path (right).For static environments the obta<strong>in</strong>ed roadmap can be reused to process other motion queries. This isthe reason why PRM is sometimes classified as multiple motion query method.The process described above comprise the basic function<strong>in</strong>g of PRM but there are several extensionsof this method. For <strong>in</strong>stance <strong>in</strong> [BK00] a s<strong>in</strong>gle query planner is proposed entitled “Lazy PRM”. In thisplanner a roadmap is built <strong>in</strong> the entire C and not only <strong>in</strong> the free space C free . The idea beh<strong>in</strong>d this“lazy” planner is to reduced the number of collision checks needed <strong>in</strong> the learn<strong>in</strong>g phase, by postpon<strong>in</strong>gthis collision avoidance feature to the query phase when the <strong>in</strong>itial roadmap is already evaluated.One problem may arise when the solution path must pass through narrow corridors or passages. As40

it can be imag<strong>in</strong>ed, the probability of a sample fall <strong>in</strong> this region is very low and the connectivity of theroadmap <strong>in</strong> C free is hard to obta<strong>in</strong>. To cope with this problem, several extensions have been proposedsuch as [HKL + 98] or more recently <strong>in</strong> [MRA03].An important issue when us<strong>in</strong>g the PRMs is concerned with sampl<strong>in</strong>g aspects. Many samples distributed<strong>in</strong> C free do not improve the connectivity of the roadmap and are there<strong>for</strong>e almost useless. Toovercome this issue [SLN99] proposed a PRM based on the Visibility Graph <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> Section 3.2.1.The ma<strong>in</strong> idea is to reta<strong>in</strong> only the collision-free samples that are “visible” by any two other configurations.Other research ef<strong>for</strong>ts try<strong>in</strong>g try to handle up this issue can be found <strong>in</strong> [HJRS03, AKC04, KH04].2 – Rapidly-explor<strong>in</strong>g Random TreeThe RRT first presented <strong>in</strong> [Lav98]. In the basic RRT algorithm, a tree is <strong>in</strong>crementally grown fromthe <strong>in</strong>itial configuration, explor<strong>in</strong>g the C free on an attempt to reach the goal configuration (see Figure3.7-left). In each step, a random sample is taken <strong>in</strong> C. If this sample is collision-free, then the algorithmtries to connect it to the nearest node of the grow<strong>in</strong>g tree.One of the best known variants of the RRT algorithm is the Bi-directional RRT method [LK01]which grows two trees, rooted at the <strong>in</strong>itial and goal configurations, on an attempt to reach the samecollision-free sample. This variant is illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.7-right.C free!( q n )! ( 1) = qGC free!( q n )! ( 1) = qGC obst!C obstC obst!C obst!( q 2)!( q 2)!( 0) = qI!( q 1)!( 0) = qI!( q 1)C obstC obstFigure 3.7: Left: the RRT algorithm grows a tree (<strong>in</strong> blue) from the <strong>in</strong>itial configuration (green-o) thatexplores C free on an attempt to reach the goal configuration (red-o). Right: dual-tree variant of the RRTalgorithm.Be<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>cremental search method, the RRTs algorithm is only capable of solv<strong>in</strong>g s<strong>in</strong>gle motionqueries, i.e., the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g query is def<strong>in</strong>ed with a s<strong>in</strong>gle pair of start and goal configurations.Moreover, the <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation obta<strong>in</strong>ed dur<strong>in</strong>g the search process is unused <strong>for</strong> posterior motion queries.Despite these facts and s<strong>in</strong>ce they do not use preprocess<strong>in</strong>g phase, these methods are generally fasterthan multi-query planners.Further details on this motion plann<strong>in</strong>g method are given later <strong>in</strong> Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, wheredifferent planners are developed to solve the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g of the rhombic vehicle, which is <strong>for</strong>mulatedand described <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g section.41

3.3 <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> Problem <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>So far, this chapter has addressed the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>in</strong> a comprehensive way, given a mathematical<strong>for</strong>mulation <strong>for</strong> the basic motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem, referr<strong>in</strong>g to some motivational applications(Appendix D) and f<strong>in</strong>ally provid<strong>in</strong>g a survey on the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques available <strong>in</strong> the literature.Chapter 1 has also vaguely <strong>in</strong>troduced the need to address the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem, contextualiz<strong>in</strong>git <strong>in</strong> the autonomous navigation task of the rhombic vehicle. Notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g, the concrete motionplann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle as still not been <strong>for</strong>mulated. Thereby, this section impacts the specificmotion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem of the rhombic vehicle with<strong>in</strong> transfer and other operations <strong>in</strong> <strong>ITER</strong>. Themotion problem is completely described and the solutions proposed <strong>in</strong> the dissertation to tackle it, areunveiled.Dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ITER</strong> lifetime, the rhombic vehicle will be frequently asked to move autonomously from itscurrent position to a desired or goal location. These “motion requests”, from now on referred to asmotion queries, will be frequent and might appear <strong>in</strong> different contexts and scenarios, such as <strong>in</strong> nom<strong>in</strong>alcask transfer operations between the Vacuum Vessel Port Cells (VVPCs) <strong>in</strong> the TB and the Dock<strong>in</strong>gPorts (DPs) <strong>in</strong> the HCB, <strong>in</strong> park<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers and also <strong>in</strong> recovery or rescue missions.A common feature with<strong>in</strong> the operations described above, is that they <strong>in</strong>volve an autonomous driv<strong>in</strong>gof the vehicle between two configurations. These operations could equally be per<strong>for</strong>med “manually”by human remote operation. However, the autonomous level is desirable as to provide an <strong>in</strong>creasedreliability to the operations, s<strong>in</strong>ce some of the vehicle configurations are hard to achieve manually due tospace conf<strong>in</strong>ement. This also allows to decrease faults and avoid repetitive human <strong>in</strong>terventions.Presently, a major IO and Fusion <strong>for</strong> Energy (F4E) RH teams concern consists <strong>in</strong> unravel the impact ofthese missions on the design and assembly of the different <strong>ITER</strong> components, as to guarantee a timely andeffective <strong>in</strong>tegration of the rhombic vehicle, as a RH key technology, on the overall project. In particular,it is important to gather <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the space required <strong>for</strong> the safe convey of radioactive material,detect possible conflicts with the current build<strong>in</strong>g design and analyze compromis<strong>in</strong>g and hard-solv<strong>in</strong>gsituations such as rescue or recovery operations.<strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> and analyz<strong>in</strong>g these autonomous missions, either on the present design stage or later dur<strong>in</strong>g<strong>ITER</strong> operation, are hard and time consum<strong>in</strong>g tasks, if per<strong>for</strong>med manually. Computerized techniquesare thus vital to reduce the cost and time and <strong>in</strong>crease the quality of such operations. Moreover, provid<strong>in</strong>gthat CAD models of the <strong>ITER</strong> environments are available as well the <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation about the start andgoal objectives <strong>for</strong> the different rhombic vehicle missions, the employment of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g techniquespreviously presented <strong>in</strong> Section 3.2, appear as a powerful tool to plan and analyze the required motions.The problem and the challenges <strong>in</strong>volved are better understood if grounded <strong>in</strong> the <strong>for</strong>mulation presented<strong>in</strong> Section 3.1 as follows.1. Agent – The agent per<strong>for</strong>mer of the plan, i.e., the solution <strong>for</strong> the motion query, is the rhombicvehicle. The motion plann<strong>in</strong>g module considers this vehicle as a movable system that behaves underthe considerations presented <strong>in</strong> Section 2.1. The plann<strong>in</strong>g solutions depend directly on the rhombic42

vehicle properties (e.g. geometric and k<strong>in</strong>ematics).2. Configuration – The configuration adopted corresponds to the pose of the rhombic vehicle def<strong>in</strong>edwith respect to a global fixed frame as the one def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.8. This configuration comprises thecartesian coord<strong>in</strong>ates of the vehicle center (C) and the vehicle orientation, i.e., q = [x C y C θ] T .Despite be<strong>in</strong>g an important element on the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>for</strong>mulation, not every plannerexplicitly deals with the configuration def<strong>in</strong>ition. For <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>in</strong> the dissertation, this only occurson the plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy followed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 5. Moreover, the motion query may be establishedbased on a smaller configuration def<strong>in</strong>ition compris<strong>in</strong>g only the position of the vehicle.3. Start and goal configurations – def<strong>in</strong>e the start and f<strong>in</strong>al poses <strong>for</strong>m<strong>in</strong>g the motion query tothe vehicle.4. Geometric model of the World – model of the scenario, i.e., the occupied volumes of the scenariowhere the rhombic vehicle has to move and that constitute relevant <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> the def<strong>in</strong>itionof a collision free plans. The motion plann<strong>in</strong>g of the rhombic vehicle is solved <strong>in</strong> a 2D world <strong>for</strong>which the orig<strong>in</strong>al CATIA models, which are <strong>in</strong> 3D, must be converted to 2D projections on thefloor level. Environments such as the ones found <strong>in</strong> the TB or <strong>in</strong> the HCB are well structured andthere<strong>for</strong>e, they can be modeled as a set of planar walls composed of l<strong>in</strong>e segments connected withtwo po<strong>in</strong>ts, as depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.8 <strong>in</strong> item 2.5. Plan - solution to the motion query, this plan must correctly drive the rhombic vehicle from thestart<strong>in</strong>g to the goal pose and without collisions. In the dissertation, and without loss of generality, itis assumed that this plan consist on a trajectory def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>for</strong> the vehicle center, or <strong>in</strong> a complementaryway, <strong>for</strong> each wheel of the vehicle. As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 3.8, different representations can be adopted,such as the spanned area or the occupied volume by the vehicle.6. Optimization Criteria – In addition to the free collision criteria, the trajectory plan shall complywith other requirements. Consider<strong>in</strong>g the large dimensions of the vehicle and the cluttered nature ofthe environments, each planned path shall satisfy the follow<strong>in</strong>g criteria: (1) maximize the clearanceto the obstacles to reduce the risk of collision; (2) m<strong>in</strong>imize the distance traveled to prevent theneed to recharge the on-board batteries dur<strong>in</strong>g the journeys; (3) guarantee smooth transitions toavoid jerky motions and reduce the number of maneuvers.The plann<strong>in</strong>g methods surveyed <strong>in</strong> Section 3.2 provide the means to efficiently solve the basic geometricproblem described <strong>in</strong> Section 3.1. However <strong>for</strong> more concrete and complex scenarios as the one describedabove the same techniques are <strong>in</strong>sufficient to completely solve the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem. For example,a set of free-collision motions can be determ<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle that cause it to arrive to thedesired dest<strong>in</strong>ation. However, feasibility and safety criteria upon execution is not guaranteed. To achievefeasible and optimized solutions <strong>for</strong> rigid bodies such as the rhombic vehicle and account <strong>for</strong> optimizationcriteria the sem<strong>in</strong>al <strong>for</strong>ms of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g methods must be improved and coupled with additionaltechniques.Note that the desired f<strong>in</strong>al output is an optimized trajectory, which entail that vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematic anddynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts are satisfied. One approach is to regard a trajectory as a decoupled solution composed43

#"!"&"! x# C# y C#"#q$&&&%&!"$"%"XYFigure 3.8: The motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle: 1- rhombic vehicle, 2- pose, 3- startand goal conditions, 4- geometric model (3D and 2D), 5-optimized trajectories <strong>for</strong> each VVPC <strong>in</strong> the TB.of a path def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a set of vehicle configurations or po<strong>in</strong>ts that should be followed by the vehicle andassociated velocity profile. This option raises the possibility of us<strong>in</strong>g path plann<strong>in</strong>g methodologies to firstachieve a geometric description of the vehicle motion and then couple it with a time parameterized law thatembeds vehicle dynamic assumptions. This strategy is followed <strong>in</strong> chapter 4 to solve the motion plann<strong>in</strong>gproblem of the rhombic vehicle, with small improvements that <strong>in</strong>clude path optimization techniques. Itwill be referred to as a decoupled or ref<strong>in</strong>ement plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy, s<strong>in</strong>ce the solution plan is progressivelyimproved. The term path is used whenever the velocity component is not relevant.On the other hand, Subsection 3.1.2 discussed the existence of an higher plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stance, whichallows to directly evaluate trajectory solutions that <strong>in</strong>herit vehicle differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts. This alternativeapproach is addressed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 5 and is referred to as trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g.44

Chapter 4A Ref<strong>in</strong>ement Strategy <strong>for</strong> <strong>Motion</strong><strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>This chapter proposes to tackle the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem stated <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle <strong>in</strong> Section3.3, by follow<strong>in</strong>g a decoupled and ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy, which is depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.1 and is composedby the follow<strong>in</strong>g three stages:1. Geometric path evaluation – Provided that the geometric model of the environment and the<strong>in</strong>itial and goal configurations of the vehicle are given, an <strong>in</strong>itial collision-free path connect<strong>in</strong>g thetwo objective configurations is obta<strong>in</strong>ed;2. Path optimization – This stage trans<strong>for</strong>ms the <strong>in</strong>itialization path <strong>in</strong>to an optimized solution thatsatisfies different optimization criteria;3. Trajectory evaluation – The last stage considers how the vehicle should move along the path <strong>in</strong>order to meet time and vehicle differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts.!!GeometricModel!!!!Initial & GoalConditions!!1GeometricPathEvaluationRoughPath2PathOptimization"#$%#&#%'!!()*+#,,!OptimizedPath3TrajectoryEvaluationFigure 4.1: <strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> methodology: a three stage ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy.In the follow<strong>in</strong>g of this chapter two approaches are presented that handle the first and second stageof this general framework. Each approach assumes different assumptions <strong>for</strong> the path generation andoptimization. In particular, they employ techniques with dist<strong>in</strong>ctive algorithmic natures. For this reasonthey are presented <strong>in</strong> separate sections as follows:• Section 4.1 presents a comb<strong>in</strong>atorial based approach, which assumes that the outputted trajectories45

of the plann<strong>in</strong>g stage shall represent a unique reference to be followed by both wheels of the rhombicvehicle, as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.2-left. The geometric path evaluation is carried us<strong>in</strong>g a po<strong>in</strong>tlikerobot approach by means of a comb<strong>in</strong>atorial method named of CDT (Subsection 4.1.2). Adedicated path optimization algorithm is presented <strong>in</strong> Subsection 4.1.2 based on the Elastic Bandsapproach [QK93a, QK93b] which guarantees collision free paths <strong>for</strong> the vehicle, <strong>in</strong> addition to otheroptimiz<strong>in</strong>g criteria. This ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy, has been developed under a procurement grant F4E-2008-GRT-016 (MS-RH), with sparse contributions by the dissertation author. A full description ofthe method is important <strong>for</strong> the understand<strong>in</strong>g and contextualization of the subsequent approach.Hence, a brief description is given <strong>in</strong> this chapter with the ma<strong>in</strong> dissertation contributions, <strong>for</strong> thisapproach, highlighted <strong>in</strong> italics and moved to appendix to save space.• The second approach assumes an <strong>in</strong>creased vehicle flexibility, where the wheels are allowed to follow<strong>in</strong>dependent trajectories (see Figure 4.2-right). The geometric path evaluation is per<strong>for</strong>med us<strong>in</strong>gthe RRT algorithm described <strong>in</strong> Subsection 3.2.2, which explicitly considers the vehicle geometrythus evad<strong>in</strong>g the previous po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot approach and directly return<strong>in</strong>g collision-free paths <strong>for</strong>the vehicle. Draw<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>spiration <strong>in</strong> the <strong>for</strong>mer approach and on rigid body dynamics, a differentpath optimization algorithm is developed (Subsection 4.2.2), which is capable of fully explor<strong>in</strong>g thehigh maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability of the rhombic vehicle. Of particular note the fact that the outcome anddevelopments of this approach has provided a valuable contribute on the area of optimization oftrajectories <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle, support<strong>in</strong>g the won of a procurement grant from F4E F4E-GRT-276-01 (MS-RH), <strong>in</strong> the area of RH.The terms adopted <strong>for</strong> Section 4.1 and 4.2, which are “comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach” and “randomized approach”,respectively, refer to the algorithmic nature of the geometric path evaluation module.Both wheels onthe pathDesired optimizedpath(<strong>for</strong> both wheels)Path describedby the center ofthe vehicleDifferent paths<strong>for</strong> each wheelFigure 4.2: Left: the rhombic vehicle follow<strong>in</strong>g a unique path reference <strong>for</strong> both wheels. Right: executedmotion by the rhombic vehicle while follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dependent references <strong>for</strong> each wheel.Lastly, Section 4.3 presents an algorithm <strong>for</strong> trajectory evaluation to completely def<strong>in</strong>e the rhombicvehicle motion along the obta<strong>in</strong>ed optimized paths <strong>in</strong> stage 2. The proposed algorithm suits any of theapproaches presented <strong>in</strong> Section 4.1 and 4.2.46

4.1 Comb<strong>in</strong>atorial ApproachComb<strong>in</strong>atorial or exact algorithms were vaguely <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> Section 3.2.1. These methods explicitlyrepresent C obst by apply<strong>in</strong>g comb<strong>in</strong>atorial discrete techniques and do not resort to approximations. This isan important property s<strong>in</strong>ce it allows to efficiently determ<strong>in</strong>e if the motion query has a geometric feasible(or collision-free) solution. This is <strong>in</strong> contrast to the sampl<strong>in</strong>g-based plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithm presented <strong>in</strong>Section 4.2.The good geometric properties of the adopted 2D representation of the <strong>ITER</strong> environment models,such as low dimensionality and convexity, allow the use of a comb<strong>in</strong>atorial plann<strong>in</strong>g approach, an optionthat is often left apart due to (explicit) model<strong>in</strong>g issues. There<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>for</strong> the geometric path evaluation,a triangle CD method is adopted, but other comb<strong>in</strong>atorial methods could be used, such as the VoronoiDiagram [Can85, DY82] or other roadmap-based methods.4.1.1 Constra<strong>in</strong>t Delaunay TriangulationFrom the existent CD methods, a triangle cell arrangement was adopted, us<strong>in</strong>g the Delaunay Triangulation(DT). Each triangle cell result<strong>in</strong>g from the DT is composed both by real environment edges (footpr<strong>in</strong>t ofwalls) and virtual edges. However, as represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.3-left, the naive DT algorithm may returnvirtual edges that cross real walls s<strong>in</strong>ce it considers only po<strong>in</strong>ts. To overcome this issue and <strong>in</strong>clude theobstacles constra<strong>in</strong>ts, it is proposed the used of an improved implementation of the DT algorithm, theCDT [Chew87], illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.3-right.Figure 4.3: Triangle CD on a 2D map with: the DT (left) and the CDT (right).The overall procedure to determ<strong>in</strong>e the <strong>in</strong>itial geometric path is represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.4, <strong>for</strong> thereference scenario used <strong>in</strong> Chapter 3, and can be described as follows:1. For a specified scenario, the CDT is applied to the correspond<strong>in</strong>g 2D map yield<strong>in</strong>g the triangleCD, as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.4-a. This corresponds to a connectivity graph G that captures thestructure of C free . Let T denote the set of N triangle cells compos<strong>in</strong>g G,T = {T n | n = 1, . . . , N}; (4.1)2. To handle a specific motion query, i.e., to connect the <strong>in</strong>itial configuration, q I , to the goal configuration,q G , the next step determ<strong>in</strong>es which cells, here<strong>in</strong> denoted by T I and T G , conta<strong>in</strong> these twoconfigurations. Recall that a po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot approach is assumed and there<strong>for</strong>e the orientation ofthe vehicle is ignored; These <strong>in</strong>itial configurations are def<strong>in</strong>ed as simple Cartesian po<strong>in</strong>ts;47

3. Us<strong>in</strong>g the cell adjacency property, all the possible triangle cell sequences (depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.4-e)connect<strong>in</strong>g T I to T G and composed by consecutive cells that do not share a real edge are evaluated.The desired cells <strong>in</strong> the sequences are connected by virtual edges, s<strong>in</strong>ce feasible solutions cannotcross walls represented by real edges. LetS = {S h | h = 1, . . . , H}, (4.2)be the set of all cell sequences. Due to its complete nature, if such a sequence does not exist, thealgorithm states that there is no solution <strong>for</strong> the proposed query;4. Consider<strong>in</strong>g the last approach, the f<strong>in</strong>al step converts the shortest cell sequence <strong>in</strong>to an orderedsequence of po<strong>in</strong>ts connected by l<strong>in</strong>e segments. First, q I is connected to the middle edge po<strong>in</strong>t ofthe two first cells <strong>in</strong> the sequence. Then, the middle edge po<strong>in</strong>ts of two consecutive cells of thesequence are taken as path sample po<strong>in</strong>ts and are l<strong>in</strong>ked by a straight l<strong>in</strong>e. F<strong>in</strong>ally, the middle edgepo<strong>in</strong>t of the last two cells <strong>in</strong> the sequence is connected to q G .To <strong>in</strong>crease the efficiency of the CDT algorithm, the dissertation proposes to use the A ∗ algorithm[HNR68] <strong>in</strong> alternative to the exaustive search per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>in</strong> step 3. Simulations experiments shownhow this algorithm can dramatically fasten the search <strong>for</strong> the shortest triangle cell sequence <strong>in</strong> complexscenarios such as the TB, that are composed off numerous triangle cells.(c)!T IT Gq G(d)!q I(b)!(a)!(e)!Figure 4.4: Evaluation of the <strong>in</strong>itial geometric path: (a) Triangle CD with <strong>in</strong>itial and goal conditions.(b)−(e) Possible triangle cell sequences. (e) Shortest triangle cell sequence and correspond<strong>in</strong>g geometricpath.4.1.2 Elastic BandsThe CDT comb<strong>in</strong>ed with the A ∗ is able to efficiently (regard<strong>in</strong>g the very low computational cost) determ<strong>in</strong>ea geometric path connect<strong>in</strong>g q I to q G . However, the feasibility upon execution is not guaranteed asthe obstacle avoidance <strong>for</strong> a rigid body such as the rhombic vehicle rema<strong>in</strong>s an issue. Note that the comb<strong>in</strong>atorialalgorithm per<strong>for</strong>ms a search on the C free <strong>for</strong> a po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot, which is topologically differentfrom the C free belong<strong>in</strong>g to the rhombic vehicle (recall Figure 3.2). Another undesirable effect result<strong>in</strong>g48

from this geometric solution is the curvature discont<strong>in</strong>uity, which causes the vehicle to stop every time itmets a path discont<strong>in</strong>uity. The geometric solution is thus unfeasible to be followed by the vehicle.The path smoothness constra<strong>in</strong>t can be overcame by apply<strong>in</strong>g a B-spl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>terpolation method [dBo78],yield<strong>in</strong>g a smoother path. Moreover this technique allows to <strong>in</strong>crease the path resolution, which is alsodesirable. However two ma<strong>in</strong> issues rema<strong>in</strong> to be solved <strong>in</strong> order to meet some of the criteria requirementsdef<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Section 3.3:• Guarantee a collision-free path; this requires the improvement of the path clearance, by enlarg<strong>in</strong>gthe m<strong>in</strong>imum distance from the vehicle to obstacles (as a collision avoidance feature);• Reduce path looseness <strong>in</strong> order to get shorter and smoother paths without slacks.To tackle the referred issues, it is proposed the use of an optimization method based on the elasticbands concept. The elastic bands were proposed <strong>in</strong> [QK93a, QK93b], but they are closely related toanother approach that first appear <strong>in</strong> the computer vision field, which was called “snakes” [KWT88].Follow<strong>in</strong>g the elastic bands approach, the path is modeled as an elastic band which can be comparedto a series of connected spr<strong>in</strong>gs subjected to two types of <strong>for</strong>ces as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.5:• Internal or elastic <strong>for</strong>ces (F e ) – These <strong>for</strong>ces simulate the Hooke’s elasticity concept [KZ95, BJdW02].This allows to simulate the path as a stretched band;• External or repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces (F r ) – The obstacle clearance is achieved us<strong>in</strong>g repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces to keepthe path away from obstacles.External or RepulsiveForcesInternal or ElasticForcesp 3p 2p j(k+1)p j(k)pp 64 p j -1(k)p 5q Gp j +1(k)q IGeometric path<strong>in</strong>terpolatedwith a B-spl<strong>in</strong>eFigure 4.5: Elastic band <strong>for</strong>mulation: <strong>in</strong>ternal or elastic and external or repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces.When submitted to these artificial <strong>for</strong>ces, the elastic band is de<strong>for</strong>med over time becom<strong>in</strong>g a shorter andsmoother path, <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g clearance from obstacles.The elastic <strong>for</strong>ce act<strong>in</strong>g on each path po<strong>in</strong>t can be evaluated byF e ( j ) = K e · [(p j−1 − p j ) − (p j − p j+1 )] (4.3)with K e be<strong>in</strong>g the elastic ga<strong>in</strong> and p j , the j th path po<strong>in</strong>t. The path elastic behavior is controlled throughK e ; high values of K e stretch the path while smaller values of K e provide more flexibility to the pathde<strong>for</strong>mation.49

The repulsive contributions from the obstacles can be achieved <strong>in</strong> many different ways. This <strong>in</strong> fact thema<strong>in</strong> issue when adopt<strong>in</strong>g the elastic bands concept and comprises the ma<strong>in</strong> contribution of the dissertation<strong>for</strong> this approach. The simpler approach would evaluate the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ce magnitude as function of thedistance between each path po<strong>in</strong>t and the respective nearest Obstacle Po<strong>in</strong>t (OP). This would effectively<strong>in</strong>crease the path clearance around obstacles but disregard<strong>in</strong>g completely the geometric constra<strong>in</strong>ts of thevehicle as a rigid body. There<strong>for</strong>e, the path optimization presented here and published <strong>in</strong> [FVVR10],proposes the use of an <strong>in</strong>novative repulsive scheme implementation that directly considers the vehiclegeometric constra<strong>in</strong>ts and complies with the constra<strong>in</strong>t of a unique reference <strong>for</strong> both wheels. The details<strong>for</strong> the evaluation of the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces are given <strong>in</strong> Appendix E.With the elastic and repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces evaluated, the path is then iteratively updated accord<strong>in</strong>g to thefollow<strong>in</strong>g equation:p j,new = p j,old + ξ · F total (p j,old ) (4.4)scaled by some factor ξ and where the total <strong>for</strong>ce contribution is given byF total (p j,old ) = F e (p j,old ) + F r (p j,old ) (4.5)The overall path optimization process is illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.6 <strong>for</strong> a motion query request<strong>in</strong>g amotion between the upper and lower opposite corners of the map. Us<strong>in</strong>g a comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach, theshortest feasible triangle cell sequence is evaluated and trans<strong>for</strong>med <strong>in</strong>to a geometric path. This <strong>in</strong>itialsolution is smoothed via the B-spl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>terpolation to satisfy the m<strong>in</strong>imum curvature constra<strong>in</strong>t. As itcan be observed <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.6-left, the vehicle occupancy displays small clearance 1 mak<strong>in</strong>g this solutionpath is unfeasible. To improve obstacle clearance and path smoothness, the solutions must be driventhrough an optimization module where the path is modeled as an elastic band. The path de<strong>for</strong>mationprocess is well illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.6-center with the plot of the evolution of the spanned area by thevehicle. Figure 4.6-right displays the output of this optimization module, a shorter, smoother and saferpath when compared to the <strong>in</strong>itial geometric solution.Figure 4.6: Path optimization with elastic bands: geometric path (left), path de<strong>for</strong>mation (center) andvehicle occupancy area over the optimized path (right).The described plann<strong>in</strong>g and optimization approach does not considers the <strong>in</strong>clusion of maneuvers aspart of the solution path and maneuvers can greatly simplify the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem. Consider<strong>in</strong>gthe large dimensions of the rhombic vehicle, maneuvers frequently arise as the only solution to safely solve1 In this approach, the geometric path may also return collisions with obstacles.50

the space conf<strong>in</strong>ement or even to overcome vehicle orientation constra<strong>in</strong>ts. To handle up these issues,the path plann<strong>in</strong>g and optimization approach here<strong>in</strong> described was extended to <strong>in</strong>corporate the design andplann<strong>in</strong>g of the required maneuvers. Full details are aga<strong>in</strong> remitted to Appendix E and [VVFR10]. Theimportant to reta<strong>in</strong> is that this extended approach still relies on the elastic bands and the optimized path,with maneuvers <strong>in</strong>cluded, ensure obstacle clearance and length optimization of the global solution path.4.2 Randomized ApproachThe path plann<strong>in</strong>g and optimization approach presented so far was applied to evaluate most part of thenom<strong>in</strong>al operations <strong>in</strong> the TB and the HCB show<strong>in</strong>g a good proficiency [VRF + 09, VVFR10, FVVR10].Despite of the good per<strong>for</strong>mances obta<strong>in</strong>ed, this approach presents some limitations, namely:• The geometric path evaluation module does not allow to <strong>in</strong>clude the vehicle orientation <strong>in</strong> themotion query; Consequently, it can not be def<strong>in</strong>ed the exact configuration with which the vehicleshall start and f<strong>in</strong>ish its motion.• Assum<strong>in</strong>g the same reference <strong>for</strong> both vehicle wheels restrict the native rhombic vehicle maneuver<strong>in</strong>gcapabilities, significantly reduc<strong>in</strong>g the advantage of us<strong>in</strong>g such a k<strong>in</strong>ematic configuration.• The vehicle geometry is not explicitly <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> the path optimization module. Dur<strong>in</strong>g the optimizationprocess, the vehicle occupancy area or poses along the path along are determ<strong>in</strong>ed asfunction of the path po<strong>in</strong>ts position<strong>in</strong>g. These raises some issues such as how to de<strong>for</strong>m the pathand how to automatically identify maneuvers as underl<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Appendix E.The importance of these aspects is better realized by draw<strong>in</strong>g a specific example <strong>for</strong> a rhombic vehiclemission. Figure 4.7-left illustrates part of the scenario <strong>in</strong> the TB, where a CPRHS, act<strong>in</strong>g as a rescuevehicle, has to assist another CPRHS that is docked <strong>in</strong> a specific VVPC. For the particular case whereboth wheels are constra<strong>in</strong>ed to follow the same path, the plann<strong>in</strong>g approach of the previous section, withits <strong>in</strong>herent limitations, is not able to found an optimized path that positions the vehicle on the desiredgoal configuration (Figure 4.7-center). However, as shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.7-right, this would be possible bylett<strong>in</strong>g the vehicle wheels to follow <strong>in</strong>dependent references.Parked vehicleGoal <strong>for</strong> rescuevehicleSame path <strong>for</strong>both wheelsFull rhombiccapabilitiesFigure 4.7: Rescue operation: To assist the parked CPRHS, the rescue-like CPRHS must be perfectlyaligned with it (left). Planned solution <strong>for</strong> the same path <strong>for</strong> both wheels (center). Planned solution with<strong>in</strong>dependent references <strong>for</strong> each wheel.51

The same observation is valid <strong>for</strong> other situations, where the exploration of the rhombic vehiclemaneuverability appears as the only option to puzzle out the space conf<strong>in</strong>ement or to simplify the motionproblem, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>in</strong> park<strong>in</strong>g operations where parallel maneuvers can dramatically <strong>in</strong>crease energysav<strong>in</strong>g and ease park<strong>in</strong>g logistics.All these aspects encouraged the development of a new path plann<strong>in</strong>g and optimization approachcapable of profit<strong>in</strong>g from the high maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability of the rhombic vehicle and tackle the limitationsreferred above.The randomized approach proposed <strong>in</strong> this section, aims to handle <strong>in</strong> a different manner the first andsecond stage of the general ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy and is described next.4.2.1 Rapidly-explor<strong>in</strong>g Random TreeTo evaluate the geometric path this new approach uses a randomized method, the RRT algorithm, whichwas only conceptually described <strong>in</strong> Subsection 3.2.2. The RRT algorithm was first presented <strong>in</strong> [Lav98] asrandomized data structure suitable <strong>for</strong> a broad class of motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problems. The adoption of thisplann<strong>in</strong>g technique stems from the fact that it naturally extends to the nonholonomic plann<strong>in</strong>g problem(which is addressed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 5) <strong>in</strong> contrast with other popular randomized approaches such as thePRM [KSLO96] or the Randomized Potential Field [BL91]. Moreover, RRTs explicitly handle the vehiclegeometry dur<strong>in</strong>g the search and are thus able to directly generate collision-free paths <strong>for</strong> rigid bodies (<strong>in</strong>contrast with po<strong>in</strong>t like robot approaches).The sem<strong>in</strong>al <strong>for</strong>m [Lav98] of the RRT algorithm grows a s<strong>in</strong>gle tree from the <strong>in</strong>itial configuration (q I ),until one of its branches reaches the goal configuration (q G ). Algorithm 1 presents the pseudocode <strong>for</strong>this most basic RRT variant <strong>for</strong> an holonomic problem and is described as follows.In each iteration, a configuration is randomly sample yield<strong>in</strong>g q rand . The growTree <strong>in</strong> step 11, selectsthe closest node (or configuration) <strong>in</strong> the tree to the sampled configuration q rand , us<strong>in</strong>g a specifieddistance metric (ρ). The dissertation the most simple and commonly used metric that treats C as Cartesianspace and def<strong>in</strong>es a Euclidean-based metric as follows.ρ(q 1 , q 2 ) = w t · ‖X 1 − X 2 ‖ + w r · F(θ 1 , θ 2 ), (4.6)which is a weighted metric with the translation component ‖X 1 − X 0 ‖ us<strong>in</strong>g a standard Euclidean norm,and the positive scalar function F(R 1 , R 2 ) return<strong>in</strong>g an approximate measure of the distance between tworotations with<strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>terval [−π, π]. The rotation distance is scaled relative to the translation distancevia the weights w t and w r .In step 12, an attempt is made to add a new edge to the tree, from q near towards q rand . These edgesare created us<strong>in</strong>g either a s<strong>in</strong>gle step operation (Extend-variant), i.e., a motion with a <strong>in</strong>crement step ɛ,or by per<strong>for</strong>m<strong>in</strong>g a multistep operation (Connect-variant [KL00b]) where ɛ is iterated until an obstacleor q near is reached. The later approach is favored <strong>in</strong> holonomic problems whereas the Extend-variantis preferred <strong>for</strong> problems that <strong>in</strong>volve differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts. Note that the RRT per<strong>for</strong>ms a sampl<strong>in</strong>gsearch <strong>in</strong> C avoid<strong>in</strong>g an explicitly representation of C free . There<strong>for</strong>e, the last mentioned step <strong>in</strong>herits52

Algorithm 1: s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT1 function: τ ← s<strong>in</strong>gleRRT(q I , q G , C)2 τ ← tree(q I )3 while time ≤ time max do4 q rand ← randomConfig(C)5 q new ← growTree(τ, q rand )6 if q new ∧ ρ(q new , q G ) a < ζ then7 return extractSol(q new ) b8 τ ← tree(q I )9 return failure10 function: growTree(τ,q target )11 q near ← nearestNeighbor(τ, q target )12 τ ← τ+ newEdge(q near , q target ) creturn q newa distance metricb constructs solution by travel<strong>in</strong>g up the treec creates new edge from q near to q randAlgorithm 2: dual-tree RRT1 function: τ ← dualRRT(q I , q G , C) a2 τ a , τ b ← tree(q I ),tree(q G )3 while time ≤ time max do4 q rand ← randomConfig(C)5 q a ← growTree(τ a , q rand )6 if q a then7 q b ← growTree(τ b , q a )8 if q b then9 if ρ(q a , q b ) < ζ then10 returnextractSol(q a , q b )11 τ a , τ b ← τ a , τ b12 return failurea <strong>in</strong>herits growTree and from Algorithm 1a collision avoidance module which allows to determ<strong>in</strong>e wether a given configuration is collision-free ornot. The search process runs until q G is reached (or an ɛ-boundary of q G ) or the time elapsed exceeds aspecified constant.An hasty improvement can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed by replac<strong>in</strong>g q rand <strong>for</strong> q G a certa<strong>in</strong> portion of iterations (5 %or 10%) as to bias the RRT growth. As discussed <strong>in</strong> [LK00], this causes the tree to converge faster to q Gwhen compared to the basic RRT method. Another <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g improvement discussed <strong>in</strong> [KL00b, LK00],consists on grow<strong>in</strong>g two trees, rooted at q I and q G . One tree is grown towards a random configuration,as be<strong>for</strong>e, while the other grows towards any configuration of its counterpart, with the tree switch<strong>in</strong>groles between iterations. This variant is outl<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 2.To ga<strong>in</strong> understand<strong>in</strong>g of the RRTs, Figure 4.8 represents the construction process of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-treeRRT framed at 40 (a), 500 (b) and 2000 (c) samples.4.2.2 Path Optimization Based on the Rigid Body DynamicsThe geometric path evaluation stage previously presented is able to generate collision-free paths thataccount <strong>for</strong> the vehicle geometry. However, as <strong>for</strong> the case of the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach (Section 4.1), itis obta<strong>in</strong>ed a rough and low quality solution, which presents small clearance over the obstacles and <strong>in</strong>ducesjerky motions that do not favor track<strong>in</strong>g purposes. The employment of a path optimization techniqueis thus required as to achieve a feasible solution that can be followed by the rhombic vehicle. Moreover,the limitations of the <strong>for</strong>mer ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy dictated the development of a new path optimizationtechnique able of explor<strong>in</strong>g the high maneuverability of the rhombic vehicle.Tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to consideration all theses aspects, this section proposes a novel path optimization technique,53

(a)(b)(c)Figure 4.8: The RRT quickly expands <strong>in</strong> a few directions to explore the free space of the environment.which conserves the idea of path optimization as path de<strong>for</strong>mation problem from the elastic bands.However, by draw<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>spiration on the dynamics of rigid bodies and tak<strong>in</strong>g advantage of the explicitrepresentation of the rough query path, which def<strong>in</strong>es a set of collision-free vehicle configurations fromq I to q G , this new method evades the <strong>for</strong>mulation of paths as particle systems.This new method is schematized <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.9 and can be summarily described as follows. In the pathoptimization process, each of the consecutive vehicle poses that <strong>for</strong>m the rough query path is treated asa rigid body that is connected with its adjacent poses like a convoy through <strong>in</strong>ternal <strong>in</strong>teractions andsubjected to external-repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces produced by obstacles <strong>in</strong> its vic<strong>in</strong>ity. Hence, the path optimizationbecomes a path de<strong>for</strong>mation problem, which relies on the pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of rigid body dynamics to iterativelysimulate the evolution of each pose on the optimization process. In particular, it is proposed to subjecteach vehicle pose <strong>in</strong> the query path to two types of ef<strong>for</strong>ts:• Internal ef<strong>for</strong>ts – Consecutive poses are kept connected through virtual elastic and torsionalspr<strong>in</strong>gs, which simulate the Hooke’s elasticity concept and orig<strong>in</strong>ate elastic <strong>for</strong>ces and torsionaltorques. These ef<strong>for</strong>ts guarantee smoothness on de<strong>for</strong>mation and help to shorten the path;• External ef<strong>for</strong>ts – Repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces repel the rigid poses from obstacles, act<strong>in</strong>g as a collisionavoidance feature. Moreover, <strong>for</strong>ce eccentricity orig<strong>in</strong>ates repulsive rotat<strong>in</strong>g torques, whichreadapt poses orientation maximiz<strong>in</strong>g clearance over the obstacles.In the follow<strong>in</strong>g some notions on rigid body dynamics are reviewed eas<strong>in</strong>g the ensu<strong>in</strong>g implementationof this method. Dynamics of Rigid BodiesFor this study’s purposes, the use of rigid body dynamics is restricted to the case of general planemotion, i.e., the particles compos<strong>in</strong>g the rigid body move <strong>in</strong> parallel planes and their motion is neither54

Elastic ForcesandTorsional TorquesTorsionalspr<strong>in</strong>gq IRow querypathElasticspr<strong>in</strong>gq GRepulsiveForces and Torques!"Figure 4.9: Optimization based on the rigid body dynamics: the elastic <strong>for</strong>ces and torsional torques helpto smooth and shorten the path while the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces and torques maximize clearance from obstacles.characterized by pure rotational nor pure translational movements.Yp Y! totalpe 1e 2e NF N! = " totalI ZF totalG Gp XGeneral Plane <strong>Motion</strong> Translation RotationFigure 4.10: K<strong>in</strong>etics of rigid bodies: the general plane motion of a rigid body can be decomposed on atranslation and a rotation about G.Consider that a rigid body with a CoG denoted by G, as represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.10, is acted by Nexternal <strong>for</strong>ces, F n , with {n = 1, · · · , N}. Follow<strong>in</strong>g the Newton’s Second Law and tak<strong>in</strong>g the rigid bodyas a system of particles, the dynamics of G, with respect to the <strong>in</strong>ertial frame OXY , is given byN∑F total = F n = ma, (4.7)n=1where m is the mass of the body and a is the l<strong>in</strong>ear acceleration of G. The dynamics of the rigid bodymotion relative to the its body frame, CX ′ Y ′ , is given byN∑τ total = F n × e n = I z α, (4.8)n=1which entails that the resultant torque about G, τ total , is a vector with the direction of the angularacceleration, α, and magnitude I z α. In (4.8), I z is the moment of <strong>in</strong>ertia around the perpendicular axis55

pass<strong>in</strong>g through G, whereas e n corresponds to the position vector of F n relative to the reference frameGX ′ Y ′ . For the case of uni<strong>for</strong>mly accelerated motion, which is adopted <strong>in</strong> this <strong>for</strong>mulation, a and αassume constant values over time.As it is represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.10 and, from the k<strong>in</strong>etics viewpo<strong>in</strong>t, the general plane motion of therigid body can be decomposed as the comb<strong>in</strong>ation of a translation with l<strong>in</strong>ear acceleration, a, and arotation about G with angular acceleration, α, given by (4.7) and (4.8), respectively. The l<strong>in</strong>ear, v, andangular, ω, velocities of the rigid body’s CoG can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed through <strong>in</strong>tegration of a and α over time,t, as follows,v = v 0 + at (4.9)ω = ω 0 + αt (4.10)where v 0 and ω 0 are the <strong>in</strong>itial l<strong>in</strong>ear and angular velocities.The position, p, and orientation, θ, of the rigid body can be accessed through the <strong>in</strong>tegration of (4.8)and (4.9), yield<strong>in</strong>gp = p 0 + v 0 t + 1 2 at2 (4.11)θ = θ 0 + ω 0 t + 1 2 αt2 , (4.12)where p 0 and θ 0 are the <strong>in</strong>itial position and orientation of the rigid body’s CoG. Equations (4.7) -(4.12) completely describe the general plane motion of a rigid body, relat<strong>in</strong>g displacement, velocity andacceleration to the external <strong>for</strong>ces, which are the cause of motion. ImplementationLet j = {1, . . . , J} be the <strong>in</strong>dex of the consecutive vehicle poses compos<strong>in</strong>g the query path, each def<strong>in</strong>edby a configuration vector⎡ ⎤q j = ⎣ p j⎦ , (4.13)where p j and θ j denote the position and the orientation of the pose q j relative to a fixed reference frame,respectively. It is stated that q 1 = q I and q J = q G .The elastic <strong>for</strong>ce, F e , and the torsional torque, τ t , evaluated <strong>for</strong> the vehicle pose at q j are:θ jF e (q j ) = K e · [(p j+1 − p j ) + (p j−1 − p j )] (4.14)τ t (q j ) = K t · [(θ j+1 − θ j ) + (θ j−1 − θ j )], (4.15)where K e , the elasticity ga<strong>in</strong> and, K t , the torsional ga<strong>in</strong>, control the elastic and torsional avoidancebehavior on the path de<strong>for</strong>mation, respectively.The evaluation of the external ef<strong>for</strong>ts due to obstacle proximity relies on a heuristic-based collisiondetector module, which is capable of determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the set of i-nearest OPs to each sampled pose q j . Theoverall procedure to handle the evaluation of the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces and torques is illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.11and can be described as follows:56

1. Let i = {1, . . . , I} denote the <strong>in</strong>dex of the i-th OP relative to a specific pose q j . Let u j,i be thevectoru j,i = V j,i − O j,i , (4.16)taken from each OP, O j,i , and the correspond<strong>in</strong>g vehicle nearest po<strong>in</strong>t, V j,i .2. To improve clearance dur<strong>in</strong>g path de<strong>for</strong>mation, distance-dependent repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces are def<strong>in</strong>ed,where each pair of po<strong>in</strong>ts (O j,i , V j,i ) determ<strong>in</strong>es a repulsive contribution. For a specific vehiclepose, q j , the repulsive contributions are def<strong>in</strong>ed aswhere,r j,i =u j,i‖u j,i ‖ · f(‖u j,i‖) (4.17)f(‖u j,i ‖) = max(0, F max − F maxd max· ‖u j,i ‖). (4.18)In (4.19), a maximum allowable magnitude, F max , is assigned to avoid outsized values <strong>in</strong> the closevic<strong>in</strong>ity of the obstacles. d max denotes the distance up to which the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ce is applied.3. For each pose q j , the total repulsive <strong>for</strong>ce is def<strong>in</strong>ed asF r (q j ) =I∑r j,i . (4.19)Us<strong>in</strong>g (4.7), the net repulsive torque around the j-th pose CoG is def<strong>in</strong>ed asτ r (q j ) =The repulsive and elastic <strong>for</strong>ces are comb<strong>in</strong>ed on a total <strong>for</strong>ce contribution as,i=1I∑r j,i × e j,i . (4.20)i=1F total (q j ) = F r (q j ) + F r (q j ). (4.21)Similar approach is valid <strong>for</strong> the torsional and repulsive torques act<strong>in</strong>g on each pose q j . This leads to thedef<strong>in</strong>ition of a net torque expressed as,τ total (q j ) = τ t (q j ) + τ r (q j ). (4.22)The total <strong>for</strong>ce and the total torque are represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.11.Once determ<strong>in</strong>ed the ef<strong>for</strong>ts act<strong>in</strong>g on each pose, the ensued motion is evaluated through the pr<strong>in</strong>ciplesof rigid body. Equations (4.7) and (4.8), are rewritten asa j = F total(q j )m− K d v j (4.23)α j = τ total(q j )I z− K d ω j , (4.24)which provide the l<strong>in</strong>ear and angular accelerations <strong>for</strong> a specific pose q j . The last term <strong>in</strong> the right handside of (4.23) and (4.24) represent damp<strong>in</strong>g effects <strong>in</strong>troduced to reduce the oscillatory motion dur<strong>in</strong>gpath de<strong>for</strong>mation. They are controlled through K D , here<strong>in</strong> set equally <strong>for</strong> both the translational andthe rotational motion components. Notice that both m and I z <strong>in</strong> (4.23)-(4.24), do not refer to real57

V j,iO j,iRepulsive ForcesComputationr j,i! totalPoseDynamics!aUpdate PoseConfigurationF totalFigure 4.11: Path optimization flow based on the rigid body dynamics.vehicle parameters but rather to simple scalars determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the resistance of each pose to change itsconfiguration.From a start<strong>in</strong>g configuration <strong>in</strong> the query path, q j , this pose is updated iteratively accord<strong>in</strong>g to theset of equations (4.8)-(4.11), where the referred <strong>in</strong>itial conditions are the previous iterated pose <strong>in</strong> thisprocess. The stopp<strong>in</strong>g criteria is def<strong>in</strong>ed by sett<strong>in</strong>g a maximum number of iterations. A Numerical ApproximationTo solve the problem stated above the use of numerical <strong>in</strong>tegration methods is required. The simpler Euler<strong>in</strong>tegration method tends to be numerically unstable and less accurate <strong>for</strong> small rates [AP98], mean<strong>in</strong>gthat the path may oscillate widely and not reach<strong>in</strong>g a stable configuration. This paper proposes the useof the Leapfrog method, which is a modified version of the Verlet method [HLW03] and is nicely discussed<strong>in</strong> [FL63]. The Leapfrog method is commonly used to <strong>in</strong>tegrate Newton’s equations of motion offer<strong>in</strong>g agreater stability when compared to the simpler Euler method.Assume that the time discretization <strong>in</strong>terval is ∆t and represent as v k∆tj= v k jthe value of the l<strong>in</strong>earvelocity of the pose iterated from q j at time <strong>in</strong>stant k∆t. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the flow diagram represented <strong>in</strong>Figure 4.12, the Leapfrog algorithm can be described <strong>for</strong> the previous stated approach as follows: (a) thel<strong>in</strong>ear, a k j , and the angular, αk j , accelerations are evaluated at a given time step k us<strong>in</strong>g (4.23) and (4.24)with v j and ω j given by (4.30) and (4.31) and F total and τ total evaluated at q k j ;(b) the correspond<strong>in</strong>g velocities are calculated <strong>for</strong> the next “half step” (i.e., k + 1 2 ) asv k+1/2j= v k−1/2j+ ∆ta k j , (4.25)ω k+1/2j= ω k−1/2j + ∆tα k j ; (4.26)(c) accord<strong>in</strong>gly, the iterated configuration of the pose q j at time <strong>in</strong>stant k + 1 is then updated from the58

iterated configuration of the pose at time <strong>in</strong>stant k as⎡ ⎤⎡p k+1jq k+1j= ⎢ ⎥⎣ ⎦ = qk j + ∆t ⎢⎣θ k+1jv k+1/2jω k+1/2j⎤⎥⎦(4.27)<strong>for</strong> k ≥ 0. Note that q 0 j = q j, the pose at the query path.It rema<strong>in</strong>s an issue how to evaluate the velocity at the next half-step when only the start<strong>in</strong>g conditionsare given. To get the calculation started and, as suggested <strong>in</strong> [FL63], the follow<strong>in</strong>g simple approximationis usedv 1/2jω 1/2j= v 0 j + ∆t2 a0 j(4.28)= ω 0 j + ∆t2 α0 j. (4.29)k -1 k k + 1k -1 k k + 1k -1 k k + 1s, !v, !a, !k - 1 2k + 1 2(a)!k - 1 2k + 1 2(b)!k - 1 2k + 1 2(c)!Figure 4.12: Flow diagram of the Leapfrog algorithm: evaluation of a k j and αk jand ω k+1/2j (center); update of q k+1j(right).(left); evaluation of vk+1/2jThe velocities at any given <strong>in</strong>stant k are <strong>in</strong>terpolated withv k j = 1 2 [vk+1/2 jω k j = 1 2 [ωk+1/2 j+ v k−1/2j] (4.30)+ ω k−1/2j ]. (4.31)Figure 4.13 unveils a little the per<strong>for</strong>mance of the overall randomized approach <strong>for</strong> the same motionquery used <strong>in</strong> Subsection 4.1.2. Further results and experiments on this approach are given <strong>in</strong> Chapter6.4.3 Trajectory EvaluationThe output of the path optimization module of the plann<strong>in</strong>g methodology is a collision free path suitable<strong>for</strong> execution. However, to achieve a realistic plan, it is necessary to determ<strong>in</strong>e how the rhombic vehicleshould move along the path satisfy<strong>in</strong>g dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. For that purpose the optimized paths shouldbe parameterized <strong>in</strong> terms of velocities, i.e., converted <strong>in</strong>to trajectories.The velocity is an important issue with<strong>in</strong> the rhombic vehicle motion; The designed trajectories mustguarantee that the vehicle per<strong>for</strong>ms its motion <strong>in</strong> the shortest time period satisfy<strong>in</strong>g energy m<strong>in</strong>imization59

Figure 4.13: Path optimization based on rigid body dynamics: geometric path returned by the RRT(left), path de<strong>for</strong>mation based on the rigid body motion simulation (center) and f<strong>in</strong>al optimized path(right).requirements <strong>for</strong> air-cushion system and motor batteries. On the other hand, safety requirements aremandatory and the risk of collision shall be reduced. Given the cluttered environment where the TCSmoves, an <strong>in</strong>itial approach might def<strong>in</strong>e the vehicle velocity profile as a function of the distance to theobstacles. The velocity assumes low values when the vehicle is closer to the obstacles obstacles. Otherwise,the velocity could be greater, under the safety levels. However, this approach would be unable to handlevehicle dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts ignor<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, the constra<strong>in</strong>ts on the admissible accelerations.The purpose of this section is to present a trajectory evaluation method that is able to handle vehicledynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts and also <strong>in</strong>corporate safety requirements. This method <strong>in</strong>tegrates the last stage ofthe ref<strong>in</strong>ement plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy followed <strong>in</strong> this chapter and suits any of the two optimization approachespreviously presented (Section 4.1 and 4.2).In the follow<strong>in</strong>g, and be<strong>for</strong>e unveil<strong>in</strong>g the algorithmic details, some general notions about the mathematicsbeh<strong>in</strong>d motion are presented.4.3.1 <strong>Motion</strong> profilesThe problem of trajectory evaluation is commonly f<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong> a wide variety of applications specially onelectro-mechanical systems. The so-called po<strong>in</strong>t-to-po<strong>in</strong>t motion, is by far the most used technique <strong>for</strong>this purposes [URLMP]. This means that from a stop position, an objet is accelerated to a constantvelocity, and then decelerated till zero acceleration and velocity are reached at the arrival position. Thetwo profiles more commonly used are the S-curve profile and the trapezoidal profile, represented <strong>in</strong> Figure4.14-left and Figure 4.14-right, respectively.As depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.14-left, the S-curve profile consists on 7 different phases, which are describedbelow:• In phase I, motion start from the rest with a l<strong>in</strong>early <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g acceleration until the maximumallowable acceleration is reached;• <strong>Motion</strong> cont<strong>in</strong>ues at constant (maximum) acceleration dur<strong>in</strong>g phase II;• In phase III, comprises a deceleration until the maximum velocity allowed is achieved;• In phase IV, the motion is per<strong>for</strong>med at zero acceleration or constant velocity until decelerationphase beg<strong>in</strong>s;60

"!"!!I II IIIIIV V VI VII" #"&!'!" #"&!I II IIII'!" #$%!" #$%!(!(!( #"&!'!I II IIIIIV V VI VIII II IIII'!)"* ! )+* !Figure 4.14: Speed and acceleration profiles: the S-curve (left) and the trapezoidal profile (right).• The profile is repeated <strong>in</strong> a symmetric way as phases I,II and III.The trapezoidal profile is simpler. As illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.14-right, the acceleration profile correspondsto a subset of the S-curve and it is only composed by phases II (constant acceleration), phaseIV (constant velocity) and phase VI (constant deceleration), imply<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stantaneous transitions betweenphases. In its turn, the S-curve spreads the change of the acceleration over time. The motion parameterthat def<strong>in</strong>es the change <strong>in</strong> the acceleration is usually referred to as “Jerk”. Hence, this value is <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ite <strong>in</strong>the trapezoidal profile while <strong>in</strong> the S-curve profile it assumes a constant value.Note that the Jerk is often ignored <strong>in</strong> the most part of motion related studies s<strong>in</strong>ce it does not assumea usual physical mean<strong>in</strong>g as <strong>for</strong> the case of the acceleration or velocity. However, this parameter canbe extremely useful <strong>for</strong> some k<strong>in</strong>d of applications. For <strong>in</strong>stance, tun<strong>in</strong>g the Jerk to small values mayeffectively prevent vehicle load oscillations, reduce vibrations and <strong>in</strong>crease mach<strong>in</strong>e accuracy.For completeness, the basic math required <strong>for</strong> these two profiles is stated here <strong>for</strong> the 2D case.yields,The motion <strong>for</strong> the trapezoidal profile is described with the equations (4.10) and (4.8).Retyp<strong>in</strong>gp = p 0 + v 0 t + a t 22(4.32)andv = v 0 + at (4.33)For the S-curve profile, the equations are somehow similar but they conta<strong>in</strong> and higher order derivativeas to <strong>in</strong>clude the Jerk (J):p = p 0 + v 0 t + a t 22+ 1 6 Jt3 (4.34)v = v 0 + at + 1 2 Jt2 (4.35)Remember that the zero (upper) <strong>in</strong>dexed variables refer to <strong>in</strong>itial conditions.61

Through the use of these equations, it is possible to determ<strong>in</strong>e the periods of acceleration and/ordeceleration, tune motion per<strong>for</strong>mances or simply determ<strong>in</strong>e the position of the targeted system <strong>in</strong> anyspecific time <strong>in</strong>stant (t).4.3.2 Trajectory Evaluation <strong>for</strong> the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>Be<strong>for</strong>e proceed<strong>in</strong>g with the presentation of the method <strong>for</strong> the trajectory evaluation, consider the follow<strong>in</strong>gassumptions:• The trajectory evaluation task will be treated as a 2D problem. Even though, a 1D approach couldalso have been followed;• The result<strong>in</strong>g set of trajectory po<strong>in</strong>ts, will be given <strong>in</strong> equal number and keep<strong>in</strong>g the same Cartesiancoord<strong>in</strong>ates of the <strong>in</strong>puted path po<strong>in</strong>ts;• It is considered the trapezoidal profile referred <strong>in</strong> Section 4.3.1;• The output from the path optimization module is assumed to comply with the data structurepresented <strong>in</strong> table 4.1:Table 4.1: Expected output data <strong>for</strong> the optimization algorithm.Symbol Descriptionp Fp Rp Cφ Fφ Rφ CCartesian coord<strong>in</strong>ates of the Front wheel path po<strong>in</strong>tsCartesian coord<strong>in</strong>ates of the Rear wheel path po<strong>in</strong>tsCartesian coord<strong>in</strong>ates of the <strong>Vehicle</strong> center path po<strong>in</strong>tsangle between consecutive p F po<strong>in</strong>tsangle between consecutive p R po<strong>in</strong>tsangle between consecutive p C po<strong>in</strong>tsFor redundancy purposes, the trajectory evaluation is per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>in</strong> all the three given references.From now on, and to simplify the <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g equations, consider only the general variables, p and φ.The <strong>in</strong>put data available <strong>for</strong> the trajectory evaluation module, are the reference path po<strong>in</strong>ts:p j , (4.36)with j = {1, ..., J} and J be<strong>in</strong>g the number of reference path po<strong>in</strong>ts.The Equations 4.32 - 4.33 can be presented <strong>in</strong> a discrete <strong>for</strong>m as follows. The velocity <strong>in</strong> each referencepo<strong>in</strong>t, is updated accord<strong>in</strong>g to the acceleration, which, to simplify the computation is kept fixed dur<strong>in</strong>gthe time <strong>in</strong>terval (∆t j ), which is variable and not given as <strong>in</strong>put.v j+1 = v j + ∆t j a j , (4.37)This is commonly referred to as the Euler approximation [URLEI], which was previously (<strong>in</strong> section4.2.2.3) disregarded due to numerical issues.62

The position of the reference po<strong>in</strong>ts is updated by the average velocity dur<strong>in</strong>g the time <strong>in</strong>terval(∆t j ).Us<strong>in</strong>g the Trapezoidal rule [URLTR], which provides better accuracy than the simpler Eulerapproximation, and under the constant acceleration assumption, the average velocity dur<strong>in</strong>g a timeperiod is the average of its beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g velocity and end<strong>in</strong>g velocity as follows,p j+1 = p j + ∆t j ( v j + v j+1). (4.38)2By substitut<strong>in</strong>g Equation 4.37 <strong>in</strong>to Equation 4.38, one def<strong>in</strong>es the updated position <strong>in</strong> terms of theprevious step position, velocity, and acceleration as,p j+1 = p j + ∆t j v j + ∆t2 j2 a j. (4.39)At this po<strong>in</strong>t, we have all the math necessary to elaborate a rout<strong>in</strong>e <strong>for</strong> generat<strong>in</strong>g velocity profiles<strong>for</strong> the reference po<strong>in</strong>ts given <strong>in</strong> table 4.1. The rout<strong>in</strong>e proposed is the follow<strong>in</strong>g:1. To <strong>in</strong>clude obstacle safety requirements, the speed at each reference po<strong>in</strong>t, here denoted as (s j ), isfirstly def<strong>in</strong>ed as the l<strong>in</strong>ear function of the m<strong>in</strong>imum distance (d j ) 2 . A maximum allowable speed(s max ) is set to this profile, so to <strong>in</strong>tegrate k<strong>in</strong>ematic constra<strong>in</strong>ts;⎧s ⎪⎨ m<strong>in</strong> if d j < d safs j = α(d) if d saf < d j < d th(4.40)⎪⎩ s max if d j > d th2. Each reference po<strong>in</strong>t is then updated with the correspond<strong>in</strong>g velocity vector, which can be easilyobta<strong>in</strong>ed through the follow<strong>in</strong>g equation,v j = s j 〈cos φ j , s<strong>in</strong> φ j 〉; (4.41)3. Consider zero <strong>in</strong>itial condition <strong>for</strong> the velocity an acceleration: v 0 = 0 and a 0 = 0;4. For j = {2, ..., J − 1}, the follow<strong>in</strong>g steps are iteratively per<strong>for</strong>med(a) Evaluate ∆t j through Equation 4.38;(b) With ∆t j from (a), evaluate a j us<strong>in</strong>g Equation 4.37;(c) If a j ∈ [a m<strong>in</strong> , a max ] (dynamical feasible transition) proceed to the next iteration from the step(a), otherwise, follow step (d);(d) Us<strong>in</strong>g the correct feasible acceleration (a m<strong>in</strong> or a max ) re-evaluate ∆t j us<strong>in</strong>g Equation 4.39;(e) Update the new velocity, v j+1 , us<strong>in</strong>g ∆t j from (d) and Equation 4.37;5. The evaluated profile is feasible if v J = 0. Otherwise the steps (a) to (e) shall be repeated us<strong>in</strong>g areverse-time approach, i.e., j = {J, ..., 1} and impos<strong>in</strong>g v N to the zero vector;Figure 4.15 illustrates some of the ma<strong>in</strong> steps of this rout<strong>in</strong>e. The <strong>for</strong>ward rout<strong>in</strong>e guarantees dynamicfeasible transitions between po<strong>in</strong>ts but is <strong>in</strong>sufficient to guarantee v J = 0 (Figure 4.15-b). The backwardrout<strong>in</strong>e overcomes this situation and assures v J = 0, and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> all the transitions dynamic feasible2 d j is measured between the vehicle pose relative to j th reference po<strong>in</strong>t and the closest obstacle63

Figure 4.15: Trajectory evaluation: (a) <strong>in</strong>itial speed profile based on safety-obstacle clearance requirements;(b) The <strong>for</strong>ward rout<strong>in</strong>e guarantees dynamic feasible transitions between po<strong>in</strong>ts but is <strong>in</strong>sufficientto guarantee v J = 0; (c) The backward rout<strong>in</strong>e guarantees that all the transitions are dynamic feasible;(d) The evaluated speed profile may violate the safety-based speed profile.(Figure 4.15-c). However, as it is depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 4.15-d the generated profile may violate the safetyrequirements <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong> the speed profile s. This is an undesirable situation that can lead the vehicleto prohibitive velocities with respect to the obstacle proximity.To sidestep this issue, it is proposed the follow<strong>in</strong>g greedy solution; Suppose the existence of D violat<strong>in</strong>gpo<strong>in</strong>ts, with D ⊂ J. For each p d ∈ D the rout<strong>in</strong>e above described is repeated <strong>in</strong> the <strong>for</strong>ward sense fromthe p d to p J (j = {d, ..., J}) and <strong>in</strong> the backward sense from p d to p 1 (j = {d, ..., 1}) and assum<strong>in</strong>g thatv d = s d 〈cos φ j , s<strong>in</strong> φ j 〉 and v given be<strong>in</strong>g the last obta<strong>in</strong>ed velocity profile. The process is repeated tillD = ∅.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to our experiments, whose data is later presented <strong>in</strong> Chapter 6, feasible trajectories can beachieved with<strong>in</strong> a reduced number of iterations and generat<strong>in</strong>g a negligible computational overhead tothe overall ref<strong>in</strong>ement plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy.64

Chapter 5<strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> under DifferentialConstra<strong>in</strong>tsChapter 4 handled the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem of the rhombic vehicle by follow<strong>in</strong>g the classical anddecoupled motion plann<strong>in</strong>g approach that first solves the basic path plann<strong>in</strong>g problem and then designsa velocity profile that satisfies the vehicle differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts. Optimization requirements where<strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong> the solution plan through the employment of path optimization techniques.In the present section, the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem is brought to an higher <strong>in</strong>stance, where both theglobal (from obstacles) and the local (from vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematics and dynamics) constra<strong>in</strong>ts are considered<strong>in</strong> a unified approach that directly yields trajectory plans. To solve this trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g problemthat is <strong>for</strong>mulated <strong>in</strong> Section 5.1 as a plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the state space problem, different RRT-based plannersare presented and discussed <strong>in</strong> Section 5.2. The most popular variations of the RRT method, the s<strong>in</strong>gleand dual-tree RRT, are first extended to fit this new plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>in</strong> Subsection 5.2.1. Despitetheir robustness, RRTs generate low quality solutions due to its random nature and usually per<strong>for</strong>mpoorly <strong>in</strong> constra<strong>in</strong>ed environments. For this reason, Subsection 5.2.2 discusses the implementation ofthe RRT-Blossom [KP06], a novel variation of RRT that is designed to per<strong>for</strong>m well <strong>in</strong> highly constra<strong>in</strong>edenvironments, and the Transition-Based RRT (dim<strong>in</strong>ished to RRT-T) [JCS08] <strong>in</strong> Subsection 5.2.3, whichallows to conduct a search on cont<strong>in</strong>uous cost spaces. The ma<strong>in</strong> dissertation contribution of this chaptercomprises Section 5.3 and consists on the comb<strong>in</strong>ation of the RRT-Blossom and RRT-T <strong>in</strong>to a s<strong>in</strong>gleRRT planner that is capable of yield<strong>in</strong>g both differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts and optimization requirements <strong>in</strong>its search process. The proficiency of this planner with<strong>in</strong> the <strong>ITER</strong> motion plann<strong>in</strong>g framework is onlylater analyzed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 6.5.1 Problem Formulation: <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>in</strong> the State SpaceAs presented <strong>in</strong> [LK00], the trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g problem can be <strong>for</strong>mulated <strong>in</strong> terms of the follow<strong>in</strong>g sixcomponents:65

1. State Space: A topological space, X that somehow serves the same purposes as C (<strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong>Section 3.1). X def<strong>in</strong>es the atta<strong>in</strong>able states by the vehicle and it is def<strong>in</strong>ed as x = (q, ˙q). Notethat the state can <strong>in</strong>clude higher order derivatives if necessary, but such systems are not considered<strong>in</strong> the dissertation.2. Boundary values: x I ∈ X and x G ∈ X , which def<strong>in</strong>e the motion query.3. Inputs: A set, U specify<strong>in</strong>g the complete set of controls or actions that can affect the state. In thediscrete <strong>for</strong>m notation it is used U d .4. Incremental simulator: Given the current state, x(t), and <strong>in</strong>puts applied over a time <strong>in</strong>terval,{u(t ′ )|t ≤ t ′ ≤ t + ∆t}, compute x(t + ∆t).5. Collision detector: A b<strong>in</strong>ary-valued function, E : X → {true, false}, that determ<strong>in</strong>es whetherglobal obstacle constra<strong>in</strong>ts are satisfied from state x(t) to x(t + ∆t).6. Metric: A real-valued function, ρ : X × X → [0, ∞], which specifies the distance between pairs ofpo<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> X .The trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g problem is thus generally viewed as a search <strong>in</strong> the state space X <strong>for</strong> acont<strong>in</strong>uous path from an <strong>in</strong>itial sate x I to a goal state x G or goal region X G ⊂ X . The set of globalobstacle constra<strong>in</strong>ts are imposed <strong>in</strong> X and any solution trajectory must keep the set of states with<strong>in</strong> thisset. The collision detector reports whether a given state, x, satisfies the global constra<strong>in</strong>ts. This set,<strong>for</strong>merly def<strong>in</strong>ed as C free <strong>for</strong> C is now def<strong>in</strong>ed as X free , i.e., the set of all states that satisfies the globalconstra<strong>in</strong>ts. The local differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts, aimed to be handled explicitly <strong>in</strong> this plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stance,are expressed <strong>in</strong> a differential state model or transition equation ẋ = f(x, u) and also effected throughthe def<strong>in</strong>ition of a set of feasible <strong>in</strong>puts <strong>in</strong>tegrated on the system simulator. The trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>gproblem can thus be def<strong>in</strong>ed as a search <strong>in</strong> a feasible state space X feas (i.e., the space of feasible velocitiesand/or accelerations) rather than only <strong>in</strong> X free . The solution path is not directly expressed as as paththrough C free , as <strong>in</strong> Chapter 4, but is <strong>in</strong>stead derived from an the action trajectory via <strong>in</strong>tegration of thestate transition equation.As overviewed <strong>in</strong> Subsection 3.1.2, the <strong>in</strong>troduction of differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> the motion plann<strong>in</strong>gproblem emerges two different plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stances: (1) the nonholonomic plann<strong>in</strong>g, referr<strong>in</strong>g to problemsthat <strong>in</strong>volve non-<strong>in</strong>tegrable constra<strong>in</strong>ts on the state velocities, <strong>in</strong> addition to the global constra<strong>in</strong>ts, andwhere x = q (revisit, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, the state space model <strong>in</strong> (2.18)) <strong>for</strong> q ∈ C, and (2) the k<strong>in</strong>odynamicplann<strong>in</strong>g, which <strong>in</strong>cludes both velocity and acceleration constra<strong>in</strong>ts and the state, x ∈ X , is def<strong>in</strong>ed asx = (q, ˙q) as <strong>in</strong> (2.33).The experiments pursued <strong>in</strong> the dissertation fall <strong>in</strong> the <strong>for</strong>mer plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stance, which could, somehow,prevent the re<strong>for</strong>mulation of the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>in</strong> Section 3.3. However, this new <strong>for</strong>mulationeases the comprehension of the planners presented and developed <strong>in</strong> this chapter and serves asbasis <strong>for</strong> future developments address<strong>in</strong>g the k<strong>in</strong>odynamic problem.66

5.2 RRT-based plannersThe trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g problem presented above follows closely the <strong>in</strong>cremental search paradigm, rais<strong>in</strong>gthe <strong>in</strong>terest on the employment of randomized and sampl<strong>in</strong>g methods such as the RRT to solve thetrajectory design problem. Note that <strong>in</strong> general, it is more challeng<strong>in</strong>g to design a roadmap-based method(e.g., [KSLO96]) due to the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g difficulty of connect<strong>in</strong>g numerous pairs of states <strong>in</strong> the presenceof differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts. Furthermore, very little can be achieved with comb<strong>in</strong>atorial techniques <strong>in</strong>the context of differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts. In its turn, the RRT method, presented <strong>in</strong> Subsection 3.2.2 andexplored <strong>in</strong> Subsection 4.2.1 <strong>for</strong> a holonomic path plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stance, was orig<strong>in</strong>ally developed <strong>for</strong> handl<strong>in</strong>gdifferential constra<strong>in</strong>ts. This encouraged the exam<strong>in</strong>ation of the per<strong>for</strong>mances of the RRT method to thespecific motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem of the rhombic vehicle.5.2.1 S<strong>in</strong>gle and Dual-tree RRTIn fact, the Algorithm 1 and 2, are easily extended to the trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong>mulation previouslypresented as shown <strong>in</strong> the pseudocode <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 3 and 4, where:• pickControl: selects the action control by try<strong>in</strong>g all the possible <strong>in</strong>puts def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> U d and choos<strong>in</strong>gthe one that yields a new state as close as possible (<strong>in</strong> term of ρ) to the target state, x target ;• newEdge: creates a new edge from the state x us<strong>in</strong>g the control <strong>in</strong>put u <strong>for</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle (Extend-variant)or maximal (Connect-variant) number of time steps;• sim(x, u): computes the state x(t + ∆t)of the vehicle after the application of the control <strong>in</strong>put u tothe state x(t) (a constant time step is assumed <strong>in</strong> the dissertation);• failure(x(t), u, x(t + ∆t)): tests whether the transition from x(t) to x(t + ∆t), us<strong>in</strong>g the control<strong>in</strong>put u, <strong>in</strong>curs a collision (collision detection module) or violates the differential vehicle constra<strong>in</strong>ts.Figure 5.1 shows how the reachability graph (i.e., the set of atta<strong>in</strong>able configurations (or states) bythe vehicle) of the rhombic vehicle 1 differ with the number of discretized control actions considered <strong>in</strong>U d .Figure 5.1: Reachability graph <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle consider<strong>in</strong>g |U d | equal to (from left to right): 18,50 and 98.1 The reachability graph differs depend<strong>in</strong>g on the system be<strong>in</strong>g simulated.67

Algorithm 3: s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT (under differentialconstra<strong>in</strong>ts)1 function: τ ← s<strong>in</strong>gleRRT(x I , x G , X )2 τ ← tree(x I )3 while time ≤ time max do4 x rand ← randomConfig(C)5 x new ← growTree(τ, x rand )6 if x new ∧ ρ(x new , x G ) < ζ then7 return extractSol(x new )8 τ ← tree(x I )9 return failure10 function: growTree(τ,x target )11 x near ← nearestNeighbor(τ, x target )12 u best ← pickControl(x near , x target )13 if u best then14 τ ← newEdge(x near , u best ) a15 return x newAlgorithm 4: dual-tree RRT (under differentialconstra<strong>in</strong>ts)1 function: τ ← dualRRT(x I , x G , X ) a2 τ a , τ b ← tree(x I ),tree(x G )3 while time ≤ time max do4 x rand ← randomConfig(X )5 x a ← growTree(τ a , x rand )6 if x a then7 x b ← growTree(τ b , x a )8 if x b then9 if ρ(x a , x b ) < ζ then10 return11 τ a , τ b ← τ a , τ b12 return failureextractSol(x a , x b )a <strong>in</strong>herits growTree and pickControl from Algorithm 316 function: pickControl(x, x target )17 d m<strong>in</strong> , u best ← ρ(x, x target )18 <strong>for</strong> u ∈ U d do19 x new ← sim(x, u)20 if failure(x, u, x new ) then21 cont<strong>in</strong>ue22 d ← ρ(x new , x target )23 if d m<strong>in</strong> < d then24 d m<strong>in</strong> , u best ← d, u25 return u besta us<strong>in</strong>g the Extend variantFor illustrative purposes and to ga<strong>in</strong> understand<strong>in</strong>g of the RRTs with<strong>in</strong> a nonholonomic philosophy,Figure 5.2 represents the construction process of a s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT framed at 20 (left), 100 (center) and500 (right) samples.5.2.2 RRT-BlossomAs shown later on the simulation results provided <strong>in</strong> Chapter 6, the RRT method, under differentialconstra<strong>in</strong>ts, can per<strong>for</strong>m poorly (<strong>in</strong> terms of computational efficiency), specially on highly constra<strong>in</strong>edenvironments. This is an unexpected result s<strong>in</strong>ce highly constra<strong>in</strong>ed environments <strong>in</strong>crease the geometricconstra<strong>in</strong>ts and reduces the search space. The most difficult problems should be the ones that are neither68

Figure 5.2: S<strong>in</strong>gle-tree expansion <strong>for</strong> |U| = 10 (top) and |U| = 18 (bottom).highly-constra<strong>in</strong>ed, or highly under-constra<strong>in</strong>ed, but somewhere <strong>in</strong> the middle of these two extremes.In [KP06], a new RRT variant, called of RRT-Blossom, is presented <strong>for</strong> which the authors claimed an<strong>in</strong>creased robust per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>in</strong> highly constra<strong>in</strong>ed environments, while reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the RRT’s per<strong>for</strong>mance<strong>in</strong> under-constra<strong>in</strong>ed problems. This section explores the implementation of this variant <strong>in</strong> an attemptto <strong>in</strong>crease the robustness of a RRT-based planner <strong>in</strong> a trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>stance.The RRT variations discussed so far share a very useful property that accounts <strong>for</strong> their “rapidlyexplor<strong>in</strong>g”characteristic, which is implicit <strong>in</strong> the basic method of construction. That is, newly addededges never regress <strong>in</strong>to already explored areas. Although reced<strong>in</strong>g edges may seem undesirable becausemany of them will regress to already explored areas, some of these reced<strong>in</strong>g edges may be beneficial. For<strong>in</strong>stance Figure 5.3-left, shows an example of a reced<strong>in</strong>g edge that could be useful to cont<strong>in</strong>ue expand<strong>in</strong>gthe tree. Expand<strong>in</strong>g such edges is beneficial because they provide tree growth <strong>in</strong> iterations that areotherwise wasted, which susta<strong>in</strong>s the rate of node creation.The RRT-Blossom <strong>in</strong>troduces the idea of allow<strong>in</strong>g tree expansions that recede from the target, but donot regress to areas that are already explored by the tree. Furthermore, the algorithm <strong>in</strong>stantiates all theeligible edges 2 when expand<strong>in</strong>g a node and not just the s<strong>in</strong>gle best one, as depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 5.3-rightand Figure 5.4. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to [KP06], this “blossom-like” <strong>in</strong>stantiation has little negative cost, s<strong>in</strong>ce <strong>in</strong>constra<strong>in</strong>ed regions these expansions would eventually be <strong>in</strong>stated anyhow, thus generat<strong>in</strong>g only negligibleoverhead. The regression constra<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> [KP06] is susta<strong>in</strong>ed by us<strong>in</strong>g an approximation, whichassumes that a newly added edge is considered regress<strong>in</strong>g if there is a node other than its parent that iscloser to it. The Figure 5.3-right, excerpted from [KP06], expla<strong>in</strong>s the idea.The pseudocode <strong>for</strong> the RRT-Blossom is presented <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 5. Note that the nodeBlossomfunction iterates over all controls and expands all the neighbor nodes that do not violate the collisiondetection (step 8 <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 5)) and regression constra<strong>in</strong>ts (step 10 <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 5).As reported <strong>in</strong> [KP06], the regression constra<strong>in</strong>t implemented <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 5 can be problematic <strong>for</strong>2 Hence the ‘blossom” moniker.69

#$%&'#"%'(')*+&",'#"-.'/-0"'12$+.*3+"!"Figure 5.3: Left: example or a reced<strong>in</strong>g yet useful expansion. The orange half-disk shows the reced<strong>in</strong>gfrom target direction <strong>for</strong> the orange node. The red arrow <strong>in</strong>dicates an useful expansion. Right: the leftsubfigure shows all possible extensions <strong>for</strong> a particular node; all the dashed expansions are regress<strong>in</strong>gs<strong>in</strong>ce other node other than parent are closer to them (<strong>in</strong>dicated with loops). In the right subfigure, onlythe green edges are suitable <strong>for</strong> expansion.nonholonomic systems as the rhombic vehicle studied <strong>in</strong> the dissertation. This is illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure5.4. The left path of the vehicle is expanded first, but all its follow<strong>in</strong>g paths result <strong>in</strong> collision. Althoughthe middle path would be feasible, it is disallowed because it would cause regression <strong>in</strong>to space alreadyexplored by the left path.!"#!"$$%&'(Figure 5.4: Regression constra<strong>in</strong>t; the green-dashed expansion is blocked by an extant nonviable edge.The solution presented <strong>in</strong> [KP06] to this problem is based on viability concept. A node is consideredviable if the system can evolve from it <strong>in</strong>def<strong>in</strong>itely, or can reach the goal be<strong>for</strong>e failure. There<strong>for</strong>e, given theviability status of each node be<strong>for</strong>ehand, the problem can be solved by prevent<strong>in</strong>g nonviable nodes fromblock<strong>in</strong>g viable expansions <strong>in</strong> the tree. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, the viability of edges is not known be<strong>for</strong>ehand,so it must be deduced while expand<strong>in</strong>g nodes of the tree. This can be achieved by implement<strong>in</strong>g themethod def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>ite-state mach<strong>in</strong>e of Figure 5.5 (extracted from [KP06]). A remann<strong>in</strong>g issue tobe considered <strong>in</strong> this algorithm is the case where a dormant deadlock occurs <strong>in</strong> the tree. The author <strong>in</strong>[KP06] presents a sketched solution <strong>for</strong> it.The implementation of the Algorithm 5 is straight<strong>for</strong>ward, s<strong>in</strong>ce it is a simple extension of the dualtreeRRT. However, the implementation of the viability conditions of Figure 5.5 was vaguely described <strong>in</strong>70

Algorithm 5: RRT-Blossom1 function: growTree(τ, x target , X ) x near ← nearestNeighbor(τ, x target )2 x new ← nodeBlossom(x near , x target , τ)3 return x new4 function: nodeBlossom(x, x target , τ)5 <strong>for</strong> u ∈ U d do6 x new ← sim(x, u)7 if failure(x, u, x new ) then8 cont<strong>in</strong>ue9 if regression(x, x new , τ) then10 cont<strong>in</strong>ue11 τ ← newEdge(x, u)12 return the new node closest to x target13 function: regression(x parent , x new , τ)14 <strong>for</strong> n ∈ τ do15 if ρ(n, x new ) < ρ(x parent , x new ) then16 return True17 return False[KP06]. The author of the dissertation proceed with its own understand<strong>in</strong>g, which <strong>for</strong>tunately producedbetter results, <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the RRT - planner per<strong>for</strong>mances. Figure 5.6 gives an example of the RRT -Blossom per<strong>for</strong>mance under the general map adopted <strong>in</strong> the dissertation.5.2.3 Transition-based RRTAn issue from the employment of the Algorithms 3-5, is the poor quality of the result<strong>in</strong>g trajectories, as aconsequence to the large number of po<strong>in</strong>ts and fluctuations on the <strong>in</strong>puts. Conscious of this problem andon the emerg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terest on the employment of randomized techniques, some authors start to considerthe problem of trajectory ref<strong>in</strong>ement as a post-process<strong>in</strong>g step to the trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g phase [CSL00,LBL02]. Follow<strong>in</strong>g a ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy does not suit the purposes of this chapter, which aims to developan unified trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g approach that could lead to optimized trajectories. Hence, this approachis set aside <strong>for</strong> now.[JCS08] presented an <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g RRT variant, the T-RRT, which comb<strong>in</strong>es the strength of the RRTalgorithm (on rapidly grow<strong>in</strong>g random trees towards unexplored spaces) with the efficiency of optimizationmethods that uses transitions to accept or reject a new potential state. This variant is used <strong>in</strong> a novelRRT-based planner proposed <strong>in</strong> the next section, and <strong>for</strong> that reason it is summarily described <strong>in</strong> thefollow<strong>in</strong>g.71

)**(/1%*'$&"(',$-)"#(',$-)"#(5*,/3%"0(",'&('%&'(,$(/1%*'$&"(2)3&(!4(*%+&($&0$&..%,"(/1%*'$&"()**('&)'(!"#$%&'(.#)$#( /,**%.%,"('&)'(Figure 5.5: F<strong>in</strong>ite-state mach<strong>in</strong>e <strong>for</strong> the evolution of the viability status of an edge.Figure 5.6: Left: RRT planner blossom<strong>in</strong>g C free . Right: f<strong>in</strong>al generated path with front wheel path <strong>in</strong>red and rear wheel path <strong>in</strong> green.Algorithm 6 presents the pseudocode <strong>for</strong> the T-RRT variant. The <strong>in</strong>crement step ɛ on the newEdgefunction, <strong>in</strong> step 6, is chosen small enough to approximate well the cost variation between x near andx new . While the randomConfig function <strong>in</strong> step 4 of Algorithm 4 ensures the bias towards unexploredfree regions of the space, the goal of the transitionTest (steps 8-24 <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 6) is to filter irrelevantexpansions regard<strong>in</strong>g the search of low cost trajectories. Additionally m<strong>in</strong>ExpCtrl <strong>for</strong>ces the planner toma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> a m<strong>in</strong>imal exploration rate avoid<strong>in</strong>g the block<strong>in</strong>g of the search process. In the follow<strong>in</strong>g it isgiven a detail explanation of these two functions.A. Transition TestIn the transitionTest function, starts by filter<strong>in</strong>g the configurations whose cost is higher then a giventhreshold c max . Then, a probability of acceptance of a new configuration is def<strong>in</strong>ed by compar<strong>in</strong>g its costc j relatively to the cost of its parent c i . This transition probability 4 is def<strong>in</strong>ed as⎧⎨ exp( ∆c∗ ijK∗Tp ij =) if ∆c∗ ij > 0⎩ 1 otherwisewhere:(5.1)• ∆c ∗ ij = cj−cid ijdef<strong>in</strong>es the cost variation. Downhill transitions are automatically accepted (step 11<strong>in</strong> Algorithm 6) whereas uphill transitions have lowest chance on be<strong>in</strong>g accepted;• K is a constant that can be used to normalize the cost;4 Us<strong>in</strong>g the Metropolis criterion72

Algorithm 6: Transition-based RRT1 function: growTree(τ,x target ) 32 x near ← nearestNeighbor(τ, x target )3 u best ← pickControl(x near , x target )4 if u best then5 if transitionTest(c near , c new , d near−new ) and m<strong>in</strong>ExpCtrl(τ, x near , x rand )then6 τ ← newEdge(x near , u best )7 return x new8 function: transitionTest(c i , c j , c ij )9 if c j > c max then10 return False11 if c j < c i then12 return True13 p = exp( −(cj−ci)/dijK∗T)14 if rand(1) < p then15 T = T/κ16 nFail = 017 return True18 else19 if nF ail > nF ail max then20 T = T ∗ κ21 nF ail = 022 else23 nF ail = nF ail + 124 return False73

• T is the “temperature” that controls the difficulty level of transition tests; Low temperatures limitthe expansion to low positive variations of cost while high temperatures permit expansions to onhigher cost variations;Also note that the transitionTest function per<strong>for</strong>ms an adaptive tun<strong>in</strong>g of the temperature parameterus<strong>in</strong>g nFail, the number of consecutive the criterion def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> (5.1) discards an expansion (see step 15and 20 <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 6).B. M<strong>in</strong>imum Expansion ControlThe adaptive tun<strong>in</strong>g of the temperature above described can present a side effect, which consist on a atoo slow expansion of the tree and <strong>in</strong> a excessive ref<strong>in</strong>ement. The m<strong>in</strong>ExpCtrl function <strong>for</strong>ces the plannerto keep explor<strong>in</strong>g new regions by controll<strong>in</strong>g the ration between exploration and ref<strong>in</strong>ement steps; A newstate generate x new is considered to participate <strong>in</strong> a ref<strong>in</strong>ement step when ρ(x near , x rand ) is less thatɛ and on the contrary, supposed to participate <strong>in</strong> a exploration step when this distance exceeds ɛ. Thus,m<strong>in</strong>ExpCtrl acts by reject<strong>in</strong>g explorations that make the ratio between exploration and ref<strong>in</strong>ement modelower that a given m<strong>in</strong>imal value. Figure 5.7, nicely illustrates the impact of this function on the treesearch process.Figure 5.7: Impact of the m<strong>in</strong>ExpCtrl function on the RRT algorithm; Without control the tree tends toref<strong>in</strong>e the search, which slows down the planner per<strong>for</strong>mances (left). With the expansion control activatedthe planner is <strong>for</strong>ced to explore new regions of the space (right).It rema<strong>in</strong>s to def<strong>in</strong>e the cost function c that measures the cost associated with the tree expansionfrom x near to x target . Consider<strong>in</strong>g the optimization criteria presented <strong>in</strong> Section 3.3, it was <strong>for</strong>mulatedthe follow<strong>in</strong>g cost functionc = w c · 1C + w s · S + w d · D, (5.2)where, C measures the clearance, S measure the rotational smoothness and D measures the distance orlength, of the tree transition and are def<strong>in</strong>ed as follows.Assume that the expansion, from x near tox target , <strong>in</strong>volves J sampled poses. There<strong>for</strong>e, the total clearance of this expansion can be def<strong>in</strong>es aswhereJ∑C = C(x j ), (5.3)j=1C(x j ) = m<strong>in</strong>(‖u j,i ‖), (5.4)74

with u i,j def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> (4.16).The smoothness of the tree expansion is given byJ−1∑S = ‖F(θ j+1 − θ j )‖, (5.5)j=1where F represents a function that normalizes the twist<strong>in</strong>g angle <strong>in</strong> [−π, π]. S only accounts <strong>for</strong> therotational part of the motion between x near and x target .F<strong>in</strong>ally, D measures the distance travelled between the two configurations and is def<strong>in</strong>ed asD = ρ(x near , x target ), (5.6)with ρ denot<strong>in</strong>g the metric assumed <strong>in</strong> (4.6).In (5.2), w c , w s and w d scale the relative weight of each cost function component.5.3 A Robust RRT Planner <strong>for</strong> Cont<strong>in</strong>uous Cost Spaces.Experiments per<strong>for</strong>med with the T -RRT <strong>in</strong> Algorithm 6, demonstrate that this variant has seriousdifficulties on solv<strong>in</strong>g the nonholonomic plann<strong>in</strong>g problem of the rhombic vehicle, requir<strong>in</strong>g unreasonablerunn<strong>in</strong>g times to solve the motion queries. Intuitively the T- RRT variant could not per<strong>for</strong>m well basedon the simple orig<strong>in</strong>al RRT search structure s<strong>in</strong>ce it successively discards <strong>in</strong>stantiations <strong>in</strong> order to f<strong>in</strong>dcostly acceptable expansions. On the other hand, the RRT - Blossom revealed a good proficiency, withrespect to computational aspects (see the reported data <strong>in</strong> Chapter 6). This encouraged the developmentof a comb<strong>in</strong>ed planner that could merge the ideas of both RRT - Blossom and T-RRT, as to achieve arobust planner that could also met optimization requirements. In the dissertation this new comb<strong>in</strong>edvariant is referred to as T-B -RRT. The changes proposed are best framed on Algorithm 7 and with themodified f<strong>in</strong>ite-state mach<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> Figure 5.8./,.#(',$-)"#(;2

Algorithm 7: T-B - RRT1 function: growTree(τ, x target , X ) 52 x near ← nearestNeighbor(τ, x target )3 x new ← nodeT-Blossom(x near , x target , τ)4 return x new5 function: nodeT-Blossom(x, x target , τ)6 <strong>for</strong> u ∈ U d do7 x new ← sim(x, u)8 if failure(x, u, x new ) then9 cont<strong>in</strong>ue10 if regression(x, x new , τ) then11 cont<strong>in</strong>ue12 if transitionTest(c near , c new , d near−new ) then13 cont<strong>in</strong>ue14 τ ← newEdge(x, u)15 return the new node closest to x targetan attempt to improve both clearance and smoothness of the path. These prelim<strong>in</strong>ary results show thecapacity of this <strong>in</strong>novative RRT-based planner on entail<strong>in</strong>g optimization concerns dur<strong>in</strong>g the search <strong>for</strong> asolution path. But it also anticipates some troubles on annull<strong>in</strong>g the oscillations <strong>in</strong>herent to the randomnature of the RRT algorithm.Figure 5.9: Top: T-B - RRT search<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong> a smooth path (w s = 1, w c and w d = 0) on a unobstructedenvironment; Bottom: solution obta<strong>in</strong>ed with w s = 1, w c = 0.8 and w d = 0.2 <strong>for</strong> the general map.76

Chapter 6Experiments and Simulation ResultsThe dissertation focused on aspects related with the motion of a heavy and large RH vehicle that willoperate <strong>in</strong> the conf<strong>in</strong>ed build<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>ITER</strong>.The unusual k<strong>in</strong>ematic rhombic configuration adopted <strong>for</strong> this vehicle, which is barely described <strong>in</strong> theliterature, susta<strong>in</strong>ed a pioneer analysis on aspects related with its motion, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the development ofsimulation models that follow different levels of abstraction. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, the author of the dissertationhas experienced some difficulties on correctly implement the dynamic model presented <strong>in</strong> Section 2.3. Thiseventuality truly compromises the presentation of relevant results concern<strong>in</strong>g the mathematical model<strong>in</strong>gof the vehicle. In truth to be told, one of the major objectives was to compare the vehicle behavior of thevehicle under a k<strong>in</strong>ematic and dynamic perspective on an attempt to understand and assess the <strong>in</strong>fluenceof dynamic phenomena on the per<strong>for</strong>mances of the vehicle. For this reason, this chapter does not <strong>in</strong>cluderesults concern<strong>in</strong>g the developments presented <strong>in</strong> Chapter 2 and they are postponed as future work.However, the ma<strong>in</strong> focus of this dissertation was the development of plann<strong>in</strong>g strategies that couldtackle the specific motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem of the rhombic vehicle with<strong>in</strong> the <strong>ITER</strong> framework.Along the dissertation, some simulations results were presented, ma<strong>in</strong>ly due to illustrative purposesand to ease the understand<strong>in</strong>g of the concepts presented. This chapter presents <strong>in</strong> a more comprehensiveway the set of per<strong>for</strong>med experiments conduct<strong>in</strong>g a careful analysis on the gathered results. The chapteris roughly organized <strong>in</strong> the same way as the presented concepts. It conducts a per<strong>for</strong>mance analysis on the<strong>in</strong>volved plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques regard<strong>in</strong>g pert<strong>in</strong>ent issues and computational efficiency. Notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g,the ma<strong>in</strong> focus will be given to the quality and feasibility of the obta<strong>in</strong>ed solutions concern<strong>in</strong>g theoptimization requirements specified <strong>in</strong> Section Simulation SetupThe set of conducted experiments and provided illustrations were developed <strong>in</strong> the MATLAB plat<strong>for</strong>m.In particular, it was used a Matlab-based software tool, the Trajectory Evaluator and Simulator (TES),which was developed under the grant F4E-2008-GRT-016 (MS-RH) [RVR + 10] and <strong>in</strong>cludes the plannersdeveloped <strong>in</strong> Chapter 4 and 5 as well the k<strong>in</strong>ematic model def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 2.77

S<strong>in</strong>ce the ma<strong>in</strong> concern of the dissertation is to <strong>in</strong>vestigate the ability of the developed planners togenerate feasible and optimized trajectories under the scope of the RH operations <strong>in</strong> the <strong>ITER</strong>, the def<strong>in</strong>edexperimental setup gives preference to <strong>ITER</strong> simulated environments, more specifically to the levels L1of the TB and HCB represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.1. Illustrative maps are also <strong>in</strong>cluded and are def<strong>in</strong>ed on thebutton to illustrate each problem and to provide an extended and more generalized discussion.Tokamak Build<strong>in</strong>g (TB) andHot Cell Build<strong>in</strong>g (HCB)HCB (L1)TB (L1)Figure 6.1: Impression of the orig<strong>in</strong>al 3D CATIA models of the <strong>ITER</strong> build<strong>in</strong>gs (left) and assumed 2Dprojections of the selected L1-levels of the TB and HCB.Table 6.1 resumes the vehicle configuration assumed <strong>for</strong> the most part of the experiments (recall thesystem def<strong>in</strong>ition <strong>in</strong> Section 2.1), concern<strong>in</strong>g geometric parameters. Additional vehicle configurations arepromptly referred, when necessary.Table 6.1: <strong>Vehicle</strong> geometric parameters.Parameter M M F M R L WValue [m] 3.4 1.7 1.7 8.5 2.62To evaluate the proficiency of the proposed plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques, three scenarios are presented entail<strong>in</strong>gdifferent motions queries, which are depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.2 and described as follows:• Scenario I: given the start<strong>in</strong>g configuration at the lift <strong>in</strong> the TB, the vehicle shall dock <strong>in</strong>side aspecific Vacuum Vessel Port Cell. The mission requires the vehicle to move <strong>in</strong> a highly conf<strong>in</strong>edspace, <strong>in</strong> particular <strong>in</strong> the entrance of the VVPC;• Scenario II: the rhombic vehicle leav<strong>in</strong>g the lift from the TB, must dock <strong>in</strong> a specified DP <strong>in</strong>sidethe HCB, with a specific orientation. This mission <strong>in</strong>volves pass<strong>in</strong>g through a narrow port thatgives entrance to the DP room;• Scenario III: the queried motion consists <strong>in</strong> a simple and general operation between two arbitrary78

configurations on an illustrative map. Note hat the vehicle must start and f<strong>in</strong>ish its motion withopposite directions.Scenario I Scenario II Scenario IIIFigure 6.2: <strong>Motion</strong> query <strong>for</strong>: a nom<strong>in</strong>al operation <strong>in</strong> the TB (left), a dock<strong>in</strong>g procedure <strong>in</strong> the HCB(center) and <strong>for</strong> a general mission between two arbitrary configurations (right).6.2 Ref<strong>in</strong>ement StrategyTwo ref<strong>in</strong>ement approaches were presented <strong>in</strong> Chapter 4: (1) a comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach rely<strong>in</strong>g on thecomb<strong>in</strong>ation of the CDT and the A ∗ with an optimization technique based on the elastic bands concept;(2) a randomized approach that couples the RRT method with a path optimization technique that de<strong>for</strong>msand optimizes the path by explicitly consider<strong>in</strong>g the vehicle geometry.The experiments are partitioned accord<strong>in</strong>g to each plann<strong>in</strong>g stage (geometric path evaluation, pathoptimization and trajectory evaluation) susta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a comparison between the two approaches.6.2.1 Geometric Path Evaluation1- CDT comb<strong>in</strong>ed with the A ∗The evaluation of the geometric path <strong>in</strong> the first approach does not raise any computational issues due tocomplete nature and computational efficiency of both the CDT and A ∗ methods. There<strong>for</strong>e no referencesare given to tim<strong>in</strong>g results. Figure 6.2 illustrates the triangular CD yielded by the CDT, the shortesttriangle cell sequence returned by A ∗ (on the top) and the respective geometric paths (on the bottom).Note that at this stage, and follow<strong>in</strong>g this comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach, the generation of collision-free pathsis not guaranteed. The geometric paths generated by the A ∗ are <strong>in</strong> fact collision-free if consider<strong>in</strong>ga po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot approach. However when sampl<strong>in</strong>g the spanned area by the vehicle envelope, as <strong>in</strong>Figure 6.3-bottom, this is no longer verified. Moreover, the fact that the motion query is def<strong>in</strong>ed throughstart<strong>in</strong>g and end<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>for</strong> the vehicle wheels, rather then the complete vehicle poses, complicates theachievement of the correct vehicle position<strong>in</strong>g, which is required, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, <strong>in</strong> dock<strong>in</strong>g procedures.79

Scenario I Scenario II Scenario IIIFigure 6.3: Top: Triangular CD (<strong>in</strong> blue) and shortest cell sequence (<strong>in</strong> magenta) evaluated by the A ∗algorithm <strong>for</strong> Scenario I (left), II (center) and III (right). Bottom: Spanned area by the vehicle over thegeometric path.2- RRT-based approachThe second approach relies <strong>in</strong> a randomized sampled-based approach, the RRT method, which br<strong>in</strong>gs thecomputational efficiency <strong>in</strong>to play. Section 4.2 presented the s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree and dual-tree holonomic RRT aspossible solutions <strong>for</strong> the geometric path evaluation, anticipat<strong>in</strong>g a better per<strong>for</strong>mance of the dual-treeversion (Algorithm 3). The experiments per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>in</strong> the dissertation corroborate this fact as shownby the run-time results <strong>in</strong> the boxplot of Figure 6.4. The dual-tree presents a clear advantage over thesimpler s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree <strong>in</strong> all the three analyzed scenarios. The sampled runs result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a timeout situation,i.e., when the planner does not solve the motion query with<strong>in</strong> the specified time limit, are excluded fromthe averages. There<strong>for</strong>e, the data presented <strong>for</strong> scenario I, which registered 42 timeouts over the 50 runswith the s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT method, represents an underestimate of the true computational cost. Thisconfirms the difficulty of the s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT on solv<strong>in</strong>g motion queries on highly conf<strong>in</strong>ed spaces such asthe TB.Figure 6.5 shows a geometric path retuned by the dual-tree RRT planner <strong>for</strong> the motion query ofscenario I. A feature that stands out, is the collision-free status of the obta<strong>in</strong>ed geometric path, whichcontrasts with the results <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.3. Another important detail is the precise start<strong>in</strong>g and arrival of thevehicle to the desired goal configurations. As discussed <strong>in</strong> Subsection 4.2.1, these are <strong>in</strong>herent propertiesof the RRT method, which explicitly considers the vehicle geometry dur<strong>in</strong>g the search <strong>for</strong> a solution tothe motion query. Apart from the low quality solution <strong>in</strong> unison with the <strong>for</strong>mer approach, the RRTmethod presents two ma<strong>in</strong> drawbacks:80

Figure 6.4: S<strong>in</strong>gle and dual-tree RRT algorithm runtimes <strong>in</strong> seconds, over 50 runs and consider<strong>in</strong>g amaximum runtime of 60 seconds.• the fact that the solution path may conta<strong>in</strong> unnecessary maneuvers <strong>for</strong> the arrival at the goalconfigurations. This issue is well illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.5 at the exit of the lift and entrance of theVVPC;• the computational cost, which is no longer negligible as <strong>in</strong> the case of the CDT plus A ∗ ; Although,the runtimes are kept acceptable as show <strong>in</strong> figure 6.4, when us<strong>in</strong>g the dual-tree RRT.From now on, the dual-tree RRT is considered as reference <strong>for</strong> the geometric path evaluation, underthe randomized approach.Figure 6.5: Geometric path yielded by the dual-tree RRT planner <strong>for</strong> a motion query def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the TB;Spanned area by the vehicle <strong>in</strong> blue and path described by the center of the vehicle <strong>in</strong> black.6.2.2 Path OptimizationBoth the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial and randomized-based approaches shown to be <strong>in</strong>sufficient to guarantee thegeneration of feasible paths that can be followed by the vehicle. The provided techniques are good atdeliver<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>itial solution, but they must be coupled with more sophisticated methods as to returnhigher quality solutions. For this purpose, two path optimization methods were developed on a pathde<strong>for</strong>mation basis. The ma<strong>in</strong> idea is to improve the clearance over the obstacles, shorten and smooththe obta<strong>in</strong>ed geometric paths. Despite grounded on the same optimization requirements, recall from the81

eg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of Chapter 4, that each method was designed with different assumptions, with the particularitythat the second (randomized-based) bridges some gaps of the <strong>for</strong>mer (comb<strong>in</strong>atorial-based) one.To assess the per<strong>for</strong>mances of each path optimization method a common data framework is def<strong>in</strong>edbased on the follow<strong>in</strong>g three measurements:• Clearance: the clearance <strong>for</strong> a given pose configuration (def<strong>in</strong>ed explicitly or sampled) over thepath, is def<strong>in</strong>ed as the m<strong>in</strong>imum distance between the vehicle at that pose and the obstacles, i.e,C(q j ) = m<strong>in</strong>(‖u j,i ‖). (6.1)The total and average clearance, C and Γ C , are def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>for</strong> a path with J samples as,J∑C = C(q j ), Γ C = C J . (6.2)j=1The bad clearance (BC) is evaluated over a path withJ∑BC = C bad (q j ), (6.3)j=1where C bad (q j ) = C m<strong>in</strong> − C(q j ), if C(q j ) < C m<strong>in</strong> , otherwise C bad equals zero. In the dissertation,and follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>ITER</strong> specifications, C m<strong>in</strong> is set to 0.3 meters.• Length: path length is def<strong>in</strong>ed as the distance travelled by the vehicle center throughout the path.This measure is decomposed <strong>in</strong> a translational component,J−1∑LT = ‖(p j+1 − p j )‖, (6.4)j=1and <strong>in</strong> a rotational component,J−1∑LR = ‖F(θ j+1 − θ j )‖, (6.5)j=1where F represents a function that normalizes the twist<strong>in</strong>g angle <strong>in</strong> [−π, π].• Smoothness: smoothness can be quantified resort<strong>in</strong>g to the path derivate. Us<strong>in</strong>g a simple <strong>for</strong>wardf<strong>in</strong>ite difference to approximate the derivate <strong>in</strong> pose q j both <strong>for</strong> the translational and the rotationalcomponents, asST (q j ) = ‖p j+1 − p j ‖ (6.6)andSR(q j ) = ‖F(θ j+1 − θ j )‖, (6.7)the average and standard deviation <strong>for</strong> the translational and rotational smoothness of the path,denoted as Γ ST , Γ SR , Λ ST and Λ SR , are evaluated.1- Elastic Bands ApproachFor the ensu<strong>in</strong>g experiments consider the parameters <strong>in</strong> table 6.2.82

Table 6.2: Reference parameters <strong>for</strong> the elastic bands approach.Scenario K e K r d max F max iterationsI 0.4 0.1 1.2 1 80II 0.3 0.1 1 1 50III 0.2 0.1 1 1 130The optimization process, us<strong>in</strong>g the elastic bands approach, is well represented <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.6. The<strong>in</strong>itial rough geometric path, which is not collision-free <strong>for</strong> the presented scenarios, is cont<strong>in</strong>uously de<strong>for</strong>med(center column) through the action of repulsive and elastic <strong>for</strong>ces that act on the path po<strong>in</strong>ts. Forthe specific case of scenario I, the path de<strong>for</strong>mation was represented through the evolution of the pathpo<strong>in</strong>ts. This prompts the fact that the de<strong>for</strong>mation acts upon the path po<strong>in</strong>ts and not on vehicle poses;As expla<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> Appendix E, the collision-free status of the path is achieved through implicit considerationson the vehicle geometry. Although, the two others impressions are presented show<strong>in</strong>g directly thevehicle occupancy area mak<strong>in</strong>g the optimization process more perceptible. This iterative process leads toa shorter, smoother and safer path, as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.6 -right and supported by the data presented<strong>in</strong> table 6.3.An attentive analyze of table 6.2 reveals a significative <strong>in</strong>crease of the path clearance, less relevant onscenario III, which is expla<strong>in</strong>ed due to the reduced space on the approach<strong>in</strong>g of the goal configuration.The shorten<strong>in</strong>g of the path is more evident on the rotational component which, together with ΓSR endsup to be a good measure <strong>for</strong> the effectiveness of this approach on handl<strong>in</strong>g smoother paths.Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the experiments per<strong>for</strong>med, should any local m<strong>in</strong>ima occur <strong>in</strong> the elastic band iterativeprocess, this does not trap the robot <strong>in</strong> any fixed configuration. Moreover, smoothness is not compromisedand the output of this optimization is still a shorter, smoother and safer path (as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure6.6-right).The ma<strong>in</strong> shortcom<strong>in</strong>g of this approach arrises from the restriction that obliges both vehicle wheelsto follow the same, which naturally reduces the maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability of the vehicle and consequently theresult<strong>in</strong>g evaluated paths. Also the optimization is unable to solve the issue of the correct position<strong>in</strong>g ofthe vehicle as shown by the <strong>in</strong>itial (<strong>in</strong> green) and goal (<strong>in</strong> red) sampled configurations of the vehicle.2- The Rigid Body Dynamics ApproachFor the optimization method based on the rigid body dynamics, the same data framework is used.The relevant algorithm parameters are given <strong>in</strong> table 6.4 <strong>for</strong> the gathered results here<strong>in</strong> presented.The obta<strong>in</strong>ed geometric paths with the dual-tree RRT algorithm, are depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.7-left. Aspreviously reported <strong>in</strong> Subsection 4.2.1, these <strong>in</strong>itial solutions are collision-free paths that despite theirefficiency, cause the vehicle to achieve the desired goal configuration. The center column of Figure 6.783

Geometric path Path optimization Optimized PathScenario III Scenario II Scenario IFigure 6.6: Path optimization with elastic bands: the rough and low quality paths (left) are optimizedthrough a de<strong>for</strong>mation process lead<strong>in</strong>g to the generation of smoother, shorter and safer paths.provides an impression of the evolution of the consecutive vehicle poses along the path. Each pose treatedas a rigid body is repealed from the obstacles iteratively <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the overall path clearance. Moreover,the elastic and torsional <strong>in</strong>teractions ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the poses connected an ensure smooth transitions betweenvehicle poses.The data presented <strong>in</strong> table 6.5 reveals the effectiveness of this optimization method, with all thereference measurements concurrent to the same traits: reduction of path looseness with the <strong>in</strong>crease ofthe translation and rotational smoothness, path shorten<strong>in</strong>g, annull<strong>in</strong>g the randomness of the RRTs andf<strong>in</strong>ally the augment of path clearance.Figure 6.8 proposes an additional scenario referr<strong>in</strong>g to a park<strong>in</strong>g operation of the rhombic vehicle, <strong>in</strong>the HCB of <strong>ITER</strong>. The environment is less constra<strong>in</strong>ed when compared to the previous examples but it84

Table 6.3: Path optimization per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>for</strong> the elastic bands approach.ScenarioPathClearance Length SmoothnessC BC ΓC LT LR ΓST ΓSR ΛST ΛSRIIIIIIGeometric 36.18 0.42 0.86 42.70 6.37 0.75 0.11 0.37 0.13Optimized 67.30 0.11 1.07 36.71 3.98 0.59 0.06 0.44 0.05Geometric 29.82 0.87 1.07 32.30 6.15 0.83 0.16 0.38 0.22Optimized 67.72 0.18 1.69 29.26 1.94 0.73 0.05 0.46 0.08Geometric 31.25 0.49 1.25 23.27 4.41 0.86 0.16 0.42 0.19Optimized 32.08 0.04 1.19 21.53 1.83 0.77 0.07 0.28 0.08Table 6.4: Reference parameters <strong>for</strong> the rigid body dynamics approachScenario K e K t K d d max F max iterationsI 3 40 1 2 1 90II 1 10 1 1 1 215III 1 20 1 1 1 220Table 6.5: Path optimization per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>for</strong> the rigid body dynamics approach.ScenarioPathClearance Length SmoothnessC BC ΓC LT LR ΓST ΓSR ΛST ΛSRIIIIIIGeometric 25.91 2.44 0.51 43.8 6.85 0.89 0.14 0.23 0.12Optimized 43.88 0.12 0.88 36.70 3.60 0.75 0.07 0.19 0.06Geometric 27.21 3.75 0.53 43.47 2.75 0.87 0.06 0.28 0.08Optimized 82.65 0.06 1.62 32.40 1.69 0.65 0.03 0.17 0.03Geometric 26.19 1.71 0.82 24.65 10.42 0.80 0.34 0.32 1.10Optimized 31.67 0.17 0.99 22.46 8.21 0.72 0.27 0.14 1.10is filled with different parked vehicles that play the role of obstacles <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong> the mission purposed. Theproposed example evidences the ability of this method (comb<strong>in</strong>ed with the RRT algorithm) on explor<strong>in</strong>gthe high maneuverability of the rhombic vehicle, a key trait on park<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers, but it also stresses twoimportant issues: (1) The path reaches a state equilibrium that is loosely shaped by the <strong>in</strong>itial geometricpath <strong>in</strong> shown <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.8 and hence the optimized path may <strong>in</strong>clude unnecessary maneuvers <strong>for</strong> theachievement of the f<strong>in</strong>al goal; (2) The external <strong>for</strong>ces can cont<strong>in</strong>uously push the poses, locally stretch<strong>in</strong>gthe path. This phenomenon makes the optimized path less smooth on some parts and can weaken thecondition of a free-collision path (see Fig. 6.8-c). So far, this issue has been managed by a careful tun<strong>in</strong>gof the spr<strong>in</strong>g ga<strong>in</strong> values, Ke and Kt <strong>in</strong> equations (4.14) and (4.15).85

Geometric path Path optimization Optimized PathScenario III Scenario II Scenario IFigure 6.7: Geometric path yielded by the dual-tree RRT planner <strong>for</strong> a motion query def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the TB;Spanned area by the vehicle <strong>in</strong> blue and path described by the center of the vehicle <strong>in</strong> black.6.2.3 Trajectory EvaluationThe f<strong>in</strong>al step of the above referred ref<strong>in</strong>ement approaches trans<strong>for</strong>ms the optimized paths <strong>in</strong>to trajectories,by associat<strong>in</strong>g a velocity profile to the paths. As referred <strong>in</strong> Section 4.3 this would be carried out <strong>in</strong>agreement with both obstacle clearance and vehicle dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts. For the follow<strong>in</strong>g experimentsconsider the parameters <strong>in</strong> table 6.6.Figure 6.9 refers to a vehicle journey that must be accomplished to a specific VVPC and <strong>for</strong> which anoptimized path was generated us<strong>in</strong>g the the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial-based approach, as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.10.The upper graphic <strong>in</strong> Figure 6.9 shows the evolution of the path clearance, i.e., the m<strong>in</strong>imum distance fromthe vehicle to the obstacles, as a function of the sampled poses. The provided data confirms that the pathis feasible <strong>in</strong> terms of safety constra<strong>in</strong>ts, s<strong>in</strong>ce the clearance trough the path is over the m<strong>in</strong>imum safetydistance, which was set to 0.3 meters. The second plot refers to the speed profile evaluated based on the86

(a)!(c)!(b)!Figure 6.8: (a) Provided geometric path by the RRT algorithm. (b) Optimized path. (c) Local stretch<strong>in</strong>gof the path.Table 6.6: Relevant parameters <strong>for</strong> the trajectory evaluation.d saf [m] d th [m] s m<strong>in</strong> [m.s −1 ] s max [m.s −1 ] a m<strong>in</strong> [m.s −2 ] a max [m.s −2 ]0.3 1 0.05 0.5 0.01 −0.01obstacle clearance, there<strong>for</strong>e, resembl<strong>in</strong>g the clearance path evolution. This speed profile does account<strong>for</strong> vehicle k<strong>in</strong>ematic constra<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g the maximum allowable speed on the wheels s max . This(clearance-based) profile violates the admissible maximum accelerations <strong>for</strong> the vehicle as it illustrated <strong>in</strong>the third plot. To handle vehicle dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts, the specific rout<strong>in</strong>e described <strong>in</strong> Subsection 4.3.2iterates the clearance-based speed profile <strong>in</strong> order to achieve dynamic feasible transitions. As depict <strong>in</strong>the last plot, this operation leads to small corrections <strong>in</strong> the speed profile, which <strong>for</strong> the specified exampleonly happen at the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g and end of the journey.A f<strong>in</strong>al consideration to Figure 6.10, which nicely illustrates the speed evolution along the optimizedpath. Apart from the start<strong>in</strong>g acceleration and f<strong>in</strong>al deceleration phases that <strong>in</strong>herit slow motions, thespeed is also reduced at the exit of the lift and entrance of the VVPC due to the space conf<strong>in</strong>ement. Thisjourney is per<strong>for</strong>med by the vehicle <strong>in</strong> 227 seconds (∼ 3, 7 m<strong>in</strong>utes).6.3 General ConsiderationsQuantitative parallels between the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial and ref<strong>in</strong>ement approach are considered no worthyregard<strong>in</strong>g the different guidance assumptions <strong>in</strong> which they are based. However it is convenient to presenta summary and qualitative evaluation of the two approaches as provided next.A - Comb<strong>in</strong>atorial Approach:87

Figure 6.9: Trajectory evaluation: evolution of path clearance (upper plot); Speed profile based on thepath clearance (second plot); Speed profile with and without vehicle dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts (third plot);Acceleration profile with and without dynamic considerations (bottom plot).• Pos: The geometric path evaluation is fast and does not raise computational issues; The overallapproach is compliant with a guidance constra<strong>in</strong>t, which entails that both wheels should followthe same path. The comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach is thus suitable <strong>for</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e guidance approaches.• Cons: The geometric path evaluation method is unable to handle motion queries that <strong>in</strong>volvethe specification of the vehicle orientation. As a consequence, the f<strong>in</strong>al optimized path does notguarantees that the vehicle starts or f<strong>in</strong>ishes its motion with the desired q I and q G , respectively.The optimized path does not explicitly <strong>in</strong>volves the vehicle geometry, which is only <strong>in</strong>directly88

Figure 6.10: Speed vehicle map <strong>for</strong> a journey to a VVPC.consider on the evaluation of the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces. The compliance with l<strong>in</strong>e guidance requirementslimits the overall approach, which is <strong>in</strong>capable of profit<strong>in</strong>g from the full rhombic vehiclecapabilities.B - Randomized Approach:• Pos: The RRT algorithm handles the geometric path evaluation by explicitly solv<strong>in</strong>g the specifiedmotion queries <strong>in</strong> terms of a set of vehicle configurations connect<strong>in</strong>g q I to q G . Benefit<strong>in</strong>gfrom the en explicit def<strong>in</strong>ition of the vehicle motion, the optimization algorithm fully exploresthe rhombic vehicle maneuver<strong>in</strong>g ability and considers directly the vehicle geometry dur<strong>in</strong>g thepath de<strong>for</strong>mation. Also weak differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts, such as path smoothness, are guaranteed.The outputted optimized trajectories from this approach consist of two <strong>in</strong>dependent references<strong>for</strong> each vehicle wheel to follow or alternatively a reference <strong>for</strong> the vehicle center (which also <strong>in</strong>cludesthe vehicle orientation). Thus, this approach is more suitable <strong>for</strong> a free-roam<strong>in</strong>g approach,where the vehicle is able to track virtual trajectories.• Cons: The <strong>in</strong>herent randomness of the RRT algorithm reflects on the low quality paths, whichmay <strong>in</strong>clusive conta<strong>in</strong> unnecessary movements <strong>for</strong> the achievement of q G . There<strong>for</strong>e, the optimizationalgorithm that post processes these solutions, may not be able to break down theseundesired motions end<strong>in</strong>g up to be loosely shaped by the <strong>in</strong>itial geometric path. Additionally,the local m<strong>in</strong>ima situations may appear weaken<strong>in</strong>g the collision-free status of the path.89

6.4 Trajectory <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>So far, the vehicle differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts have not been explicitly <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong> the plann<strong>in</strong>g phase. In fact,the plann<strong>in</strong>g approaches whose experiments were presented <strong>in</strong> Section 6.2 have decoupled the big problemof motion plann<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to smaller problems that are easier to solve rely<strong>in</strong>g on weaker guarantees that thedifferential constra<strong>in</strong>ts are satisfied. This section is dedicated to the evaluation of the per<strong>for</strong>mances ofthe RRT-based planners developed <strong>in</strong> Chapter 5 which explicitly handle vehicle differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts.Us<strong>in</strong>g the same experimental setup as <strong>in</strong> Section 6.2 (with respect to the chosen scenarios) and to ga<strong>in</strong>some understand<strong>in</strong>g on the complexity of trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g it is proposed a comparisonbetween the s<strong>in</strong>gle and dual-tree RRT algorithms 1 , with average computational per<strong>for</strong>mances presented<strong>in</strong> table 6.7. The data <strong>in</strong> the “NN” and “CC” refer to the number of nearest neighbor searches andchecks <strong>for</strong> collisions with obstacles, respectively. The rows shown <strong>in</strong> italics <strong>in</strong>dicate test cases <strong>for</strong> whichthe averages presented represent significant underestimates of the true costs, consequence of the highernumber of runs that leads to a timeout situation.Table 6.7: Average computational per<strong>for</strong>mances over 50 runs <strong>for</strong> the s<strong>in</strong>gle and dual-tree RRT (nonholonomicversion). runtime max = 120s and |U d | = 25.Scenario Algorithm Runtime Iterations CC NN nodes timeoutsIIIIIIs<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT − − − − − 50dual-tree RRT 63.94 43.63 7094.81 92.61 541.50 14s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT 60 .74 117.01 20285.68 117.01 703.55 28dual-tree RRT 29.23 156.36 20192.57 312.71 1878.28 1s<strong>in</strong>gle-tree RRT 54.36 183.54 35197.15 1102.23 1102.23 37dual-tree RRT 54.13 88.23 15220.41 176.31 1059.7 2The first remark goes to the lead<strong>in</strong>g per<strong>for</strong>mances of the dual-tree RRT which, as <strong>in</strong> the holonomic casereported <strong>in</strong> Subsection 6.2.1, is more effective on solv<strong>in</strong>g the proposed motion queries <strong>for</strong> each scenario.The evidences are found <strong>in</strong> the smaller runn<strong>in</strong>g times of this algorithm comb<strong>in</strong>ed with an <strong>in</strong>creasednumber of runs that succeed on f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g a solution. Notice, however, the difference between these runn<strong>in</strong>gtimes and the ones reported <strong>for</strong> the holonomic dual-tree RRT <strong>in</strong> the boxplot of Figure 6.4. This gives agood idea of the higher complexity of the trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g problem.To further <strong>in</strong>crease the RRT planner per<strong>for</strong>mance, the RRT - Blossom variant was implemented (seeAlgorithm 5) . The average per<strong>for</strong>mances given <strong>in</strong> table 6.8 shown a clear ga<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> time and rate of successof the Blossom planner, register<strong>in</strong>g zero timeouts. Of particular note is how the the RRT - Blossomreduces the number of collision and nearest neighbor checks. The result<strong>in</strong>g augment <strong>in</strong> the number of thetree nodes is due to the <strong>in</strong>stantiation of all eligible edges dur<strong>in</strong>g the search process (recall, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance,1 The implementation <strong>in</strong>cludes some ideas discussed <strong>in</strong> [CL01], as to avoid keep<strong>in</strong>g track<strong>in</strong>g of unsuccessful edge expansions.90

Figures 5.3 and 5.4).Table 6.8:Average computational per<strong>for</strong>mances over 50 runs of the dual-tree RRT - Blossom.runtime max = 120s and |U d | = 25.Scenario Runtime Iterations CC NN RC nodes timeoutsI 13.53 30.56 6522 58.74 576.56 7344.50 0II 36.11 86.50 18886.10 167.73 1882.81 2096.82 0III 20.12 56.20 13441.94 111.62 1475.34 13954.50 0As to assess the per<strong>for</strong>mances of the RRT planners on handl<strong>in</strong>g quality paths, <strong>in</strong> particular consider<strong>in</strong>gthe three established optimization measurements, i.e., clearance, length and smoothness of thesolution plan, Chapter 5 presents another RRT variant, the T-RRT. The experiments per<strong>for</strong>med withthis variant led to poor results with the planner frequently fail<strong>in</strong>g to f<strong>in</strong>d a solution <strong>for</strong> the maximumruntime considered (120 seconds). This allows to conclude that if no improvements are made to theorig<strong>in</strong>al algorithm, which was presented <strong>in</strong> [JCS08] <strong>for</strong> a holonomic plann<strong>in</strong>g problem, the suitability <strong>for</strong>nonholonomic problems, <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g expensive numerical <strong>in</strong>tegration and collision detection, is seriouslycompromised.To overcome this computational issue, Chapter 5 ends up propos<strong>in</strong>g a newer RRT-based plannerthat comb<strong>in</strong>es ideas from both the RRT - Blossom and T - RRT. Table 6.9 refers to the computationalper<strong>for</strong>mances of the T-B -RRT show<strong>in</strong>g that the planner, which <strong>in</strong>tegrates the same optimization concernsof the T-RRT, is able to br<strong>in</strong>g the runn<strong>in</strong>g times to reasonable levels clearly outper<strong>for</strong>m<strong>in</strong>g the T-RRT andreach<strong>in</strong>g per<strong>for</strong>mances comparable to the dual-tree RRT. This is major improvement. When comparedto the per<strong>for</strong>mances of the orig<strong>in</strong>al blossom variant, Table 6.9 shows a decrease of per<strong>for</strong>mance, which iscoherent with the <strong>in</strong>clusion of the optimization considerations.Table 6.9: Average computational per<strong>for</strong>mances over 50 runs of the T-B - RRT. runtime max = 120s,|U d | = 25, w cl = 1, w l = 1 and w s = 1.Scenario Runtime Iterations nodes timeoutsI 37.48 27.04 6697 4I 63.45 53.57 13143 10I 55.23 67.76 16816 9The optimization per<strong>for</strong>mances of this new planner are compared with the ones obta<strong>in</strong>ed with theRRT - Blossom <strong>in</strong> table 6.10. As previewed <strong>in</strong> Section 5.3 with the presentation of some prelim<strong>in</strong>aryresults, the optimization concerns <strong>in</strong>tegrated <strong>in</strong> the T-B - RRT variant endows the planner with somecapabilities to improve the solution quality. The data <strong>in</strong> table 6.9 apparently corroborates this fact bypresent<strong>in</strong>g a notable <strong>in</strong>crease of the path clearance. However, s<strong>in</strong>ce the clearance (C) is a cumulativevalue that depends on the number of poses along the path, this consideration is only valid if consider<strong>in</strong>g91

that <strong>in</strong> both experiments, the number of poses is approximately equal. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, this cannot beenconfirmed s<strong>in</strong>ce the number of poses was not stored dur<strong>in</strong>g the experiments. If <strong>in</strong> on hand, there is noreason to believe on the existence of a relevant difference <strong>in</strong> this number (the planners are similar <strong>in</strong> theiralgorithm nature and used the same per<strong>for</strong>mance values (e.g., ɛ and |U d |)) the values presented <strong>for</strong> LTand LR suggest a poor per<strong>for</strong>mance of the planner <strong>in</strong> terms of length optimization which not comply<strong>in</strong>gwith the expectations. The poor per<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>in</strong> the length optimization may <strong>in</strong> fact be related with an<strong>in</strong>creased number of poses <strong>in</strong> the solutions of the T-B - RRT planner. The only true evidence <strong>in</strong> Table6.9 is ΓC, which is an average value and <strong>in</strong>creases <strong>in</strong> all the three experiments, support<strong>in</strong>g the idea ofa real improvement on path clearance. The rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g data <strong>in</strong> Table 6.9 does not allow to presentTable 6.10: Average optimization per<strong>for</strong>mances of the RRT - Blossom and T-B - RRT. runtime max =120s, |U d | = 25, w cl = 1, w l = 1 and w s = 1.ScenarioAlgorithmClearance Length SmoothnessC BC ΓC LT LR ΓST ΓSR ΛST ΛSRTimeoutsIIIIIIRRT - Blossom 66.21 2.95 0.50 39.69 4.93 0.3 0.04 0.11 0.03 0T-B - RRT 132.5 1.39 0.86 43.93 5.43 0.28 0.04 0.13 0.03 4RRT - Blossom 61.89 7.13 0.48 37.21 4.48 0.29 0.03 0.13 0.04 2T-B - RRT 167.40 2.19 1.27 40.17 3.89 0.31 0.03 0.12 0.03 10RRT - Blossom 73.89 5.18 0.55 30.11 12.74 0.30 0.09 0.12 0.61 0T-B - RRT 186.46 2.21 1.06 46.57 16.89 2.75 0.10 0.13 0.59 9good considerations on the per<strong>for</strong>mances of this planner on the adopted conf<strong>in</strong>ed scenarios suggest<strong>in</strong>gsome limitations of this plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy to generate optimized trajectories. Figure 6.11 confirms thisfact, by present<strong>in</strong>g the generated solution of the T-B - RRT to the motion query <strong>in</strong> scenario I. As it canbe observed, the generated trajectory reveals some optimization concerns but it is far from achieve theoptimization per<strong>for</strong>mances, <strong>in</strong> terms of path clearance and path smoothness, of the solutions provided <strong>in</strong>Section 6.2.Figure 6.11: Trajectory generated by the dual-tree T-B - RRT planner <strong>for</strong> the motion query def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>the TB.92

Chapter 7Conclusions and Future WorkThe dissertation addresses the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem stated <strong>for</strong> an autonomous rhombic vehicle thatwill operate <strong>in</strong> the build<strong>in</strong>gs of the <strong>ITER</strong>. For that purpose, two dist<strong>in</strong>ct strategies were followed withthe objective of f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g feasible and optimized plans <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle motion <strong>in</strong>side the conf<strong>in</strong>edspaces of those build<strong>in</strong>gs.First, a ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy is proposed which divides the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem <strong>in</strong> three differentand successive stages: the geometric path evaluation, the path optimization and the trajectory evaluation.In its turn, the second strategy follows a more direct and unified trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g philosophy thatenables to directly output trajectory solutions as solution <strong>for</strong> the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g problem.In the <strong>for</strong>mer strategy two different approaches are followed that satisfy different guidance requirements<strong>for</strong> the vehicle. These requirements entail that the planned solutions must be either compliantwith the constra<strong>in</strong>t that both wheels must follow the same path or with an alternative solution, whichaccepts that <strong>in</strong>dependent references can be given <strong>for</strong> the vehicle wheels (and achieve an <strong>in</strong>creased maneuver<strong>in</strong>gflexibility). In what concerns the geometric path evaluation and optimization, the two approachesconsider different plann<strong>in</strong>g and optimization techniques.The comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach chooses the CDT as the method to provide a triangle CD and derive asearch graph <strong>for</strong> the specified motion queries. To hasten the search <strong>for</strong> a solution this method is coupledwith the A ∗ algorithm, which allows to quickly evaluate the geometric path even <strong>for</strong> complex scenariossuch as the TB <strong>in</strong> <strong>ITER</strong>. The fact that these methods follow a po<strong>in</strong>t-like robot approach, with the solutionconstitut<strong>in</strong>g a s<strong>in</strong>gle path to be followed by the wheels, restrict the def<strong>in</strong>ition of the motion queries tothe Cartesian po<strong>in</strong>ts of the vehicle <strong>in</strong>itial and goal configurations. Moreover, the solution returned isnot guaranteed to be collision-free <strong>for</strong> a rigid body such as the rhombic vehicle and weak differentialrequirements are not <strong>in</strong>cluded (e.g. path smoothness). Notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g, the approach is complete, whichmeans that <strong>for</strong> any motion query, it either f<strong>in</strong>ds a solution or correctly reports that no solution exists.To <strong>in</strong>crease the path quality a post optimization method is applied to the geometric path solution,that is based on a path de<strong>for</strong>mation technique called of elastic bands. The dissertation works this conceptto achieve an <strong>in</strong>novative de<strong>for</strong>mation scheme that is capable of <strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g the geometric constra<strong>in</strong>ts (<strong>in</strong> aimplicit way) of the vehicle dur<strong>in</strong>g the path de<strong>for</strong>mation and still comply with the l<strong>in</strong>e guidance constra<strong>in</strong>t93

on the wheels. The <strong>in</strong>clusion of maneuvers is also considered with<strong>in</strong> this plann<strong>in</strong>g and optimizationapproach. Note that none of these issues was addressed <strong>in</strong> related studies. Gathered simulated resultswith this approach show that it can be used to determ<strong>in</strong>e feasible optimized paths <strong>in</strong> the very conf<strong>in</strong>edscenarios of <strong>ITER</strong>. The outcome of this work is currently available <strong>in</strong> [FVVR10].To tackle the second guidance requirement, the second approach relies on a randomized technique, theRRT, <strong>for</strong> the evaluation of the geometric path. This plann<strong>in</strong>g technique allows to explicitly determ<strong>in</strong>e thevehicle start and goal configuration <strong>in</strong> the motion query and it generates a collision-free path fully describ<strong>in</strong>gthe vehicle motion <strong>in</strong> terms of consecutive poses. Additionally, maneuvers are automatically <strong>in</strong>cludedas the solution to solve the orientation constra<strong>in</strong>t imposed on both the <strong>in</strong>itial and goal configuration. Thema<strong>in</strong> drawback of the algorithm is the fact that it relies on a weaker notion of completeness, which doesnot guarantee that a solution if found <strong>for</strong> a given f<strong>in</strong>ite time thus rais<strong>in</strong>g computational issues. However,simulated results shown that the dual-tree RRT is able to f<strong>in</strong>d a solution <strong>in</strong> a reasonable amount of time.An extra issue is the <strong>in</strong>clusion of unnecessary maneuvers on the geometric solution path. To handle thisproblem, the author of the dissertation proposes the idea, as future development, of develop<strong>in</strong>g a prun<strong>in</strong>gtechnique that he thoughts that can be developed based on a graph-search - like problem, comb<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g theRRT with the A ∗ algorithm.As <strong>for</strong> the case of the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial geometric stage, this randomized approach is also not able toprovide quality solutions <strong>in</strong> what concerns the smoothness, length and clearance of the path. To overcomethis <strong>in</strong>convenient and fully explore the rhombic vehicle capabilities the dissertation proposes a novel pathoptimization technique, which based on both the elastic bands and rigid body concepts, is able to explicitly<strong>in</strong>clude the vehicle geometry on the path de<strong>for</strong>mation and fully profit from the <strong>in</strong>creased maneuverabilityof the rhombic vehicle. This is possible due to the fact that the proposed method evades the commonapproach that <strong>for</strong>mulates paths as particle-systems and path de<strong>for</strong>mation as a pseudo static simulation.Instead it dynamically simulates the motion of the consecutive poses of the path as rigid body systemsbr<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g the vehicle geometry <strong>in</strong>to play. Gathered results show the good proficiency of this method onhandl<strong>in</strong>g feasible an reliable paths <strong>in</strong> cluttered scenarios such as those <strong>in</strong> <strong>ITER</strong> generat<strong>in</strong>g much moreclearer, smoother and shorter paths when compared to the <strong>in</strong>itial rough geometric ones.The fully determ<strong>in</strong>e the vehicle motion, the dissertation proposes a trajectory evaluation method thatis capable of comb<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g both the proximity of the vehicle to the obstacles and k<strong>in</strong>ematic and dynamicconstra<strong>in</strong>ts of the vehicle. This method is compliant with any of the above referred path plann<strong>in</strong>g andoptimization approaches.These two approaches developed under the ref<strong>in</strong>ement plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy allow to bridge the gapbetween plann<strong>in</strong>g and execution phases provid<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong> a off-l<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>stance, optimized trajectories that willcerta<strong>in</strong>ly ease the task of real-time collision avoidance systems. The ma<strong>in</strong> shortcom<strong>in</strong>g of these approachesis the fact that they are closely related to project requirements. For <strong>in</strong>stance, the second approach,which is strongly l<strong>in</strong>ked to the rhombic capabilities and there<strong>for</strong>e its extension to other configurationsis compromised. The <strong>for</strong>mer approach is suitable <strong>for</strong> other configurations that too use l<strong>in</strong>e guidanceapproaches, even though the satisfaction of the k<strong>in</strong>ematic constra<strong>in</strong>ts must be assessed.94

For future developments, the author recommends or <strong>for</strong>esees the necessity of <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a dynamictun<strong>in</strong>g feature that is capable of optimiz<strong>in</strong>g the ga<strong>in</strong>s associated with the de<strong>for</strong>mation process (K e , K r )<strong>for</strong> the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach and (K e , K t ) <strong>for</strong> the randomized one, which are required to be tuned ontime depend<strong>in</strong>g on the map and vehicle geometry used. So far this issue has been managed manually <strong>for</strong>each studied scenario. In addition this tun<strong>in</strong>g feature shall consider the stretch<strong>in</strong>g phenomenon reported<strong>in</strong> Figure 6.8, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance adapt<strong>in</strong>g locally different ga<strong>in</strong>s wherever the band stretch is abnormal.The outcome from this work was reported <strong>in</strong> two scientific articles [FVVR10, FVVR11] and provideduseful background work on the area of optimization of trajectories <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle, support<strong>in</strong>gthe accomplishment and won, by Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), of two F4E grants <strong>in</strong> the area of RH,<strong>in</strong> which the author of the dissertation participates as full active fellowship student.Dur<strong>in</strong>g the path and optimization process, the ref<strong>in</strong>ement plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy above referred does nottake <strong>in</strong>to consideration the differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts of the vehicle. This means that certa<strong>in</strong> portions of theoutputted paths may not be feasible <strong>for</strong> the vehicle to follow. The trajectory evaluation stage tries tohandled this issue by impos<strong>in</strong>g limits on the actuators. However, if simulat<strong>in</strong>g a trajectory track<strong>in</strong>g withthe outputted trajectories as open loop laws, this would cause the appearance of some slightly deviationsof the ideal path (or trajectory) whenever the limits of the control <strong>in</strong>puts are reached.To handle this issue and further explore the nonholonomic <strong>in</strong>stance of the rhombic vehicle motionplann<strong>in</strong>g problem, Chapter 6, proposes to follow a trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g philosophy by means of the useof the RRT algorithm. Some RRT-based planners are presented always with the purpose of <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gthe computational per<strong>for</strong>mance of the planner and <strong>in</strong>clude optimization concerns dur<strong>in</strong>g the search <strong>for</strong>a solution. The chapter ends up by propos<strong>in</strong>g a novel variant <strong>for</strong> the RRT algorithm, named of T-B- RRT that outper<strong>for</strong>ms the T-RRT [JCS08] <strong>in</strong> computational issues and the RRT-Blossom [KP06] <strong>in</strong>what concerns the quality of the path, the two variants <strong>in</strong> which the new planner drew <strong>in</strong>spiration on.Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, the gathered results on the chosen conf<strong>in</strong>ed scenarios did not provide satisfactory results<strong>in</strong> what concerns the quality of the f<strong>in</strong>al trajectory. In fact, the poor quality solutions result<strong>in</strong>g fromthe fluctuations on the <strong>in</strong>puts and the large number of nodes <strong>in</strong> the tree, is hard to annul even whenconsider<strong>in</strong>g optimization issues. However, it should be po<strong>in</strong>ted out that this second plann<strong>in</strong>g strategywas not so explored as the first one and requires further studies, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, assess the <strong>in</strong>terference ofthe cost function weights and other parameters associated with the SA optimization algorithm <strong>in</strong> theper<strong>for</strong>mance of the planner.Consider<strong>in</strong>g all what was stated above, it can be concluded that the decoupled and ref<strong>in</strong>ement approachis more appeal<strong>in</strong>g because it provides much more reliable results <strong>in</strong> what concerns the quality of thesolutions and there<strong>for</strong>e it must be adopted as the ma<strong>in</strong> reference <strong>for</strong> future <strong>in</strong>com<strong>in</strong>g activities concern<strong>in</strong>gthe evaluation of optimized trajectories <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle. Notwithstand<strong>in</strong>g, the results obta<strong>in</strong>edwith the RRTs <strong>in</strong> the trajectory plann<strong>in</strong>g strategy shall not be ignored.The dissertation’s author believes that the most promis<strong>in</strong>g direction <strong>for</strong> this problem shall pass throughthe comb<strong>in</strong>ation of the exploration strength of the RRT algorithm, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, the RRT - Blossom variant,with trajectory optimization methods (note the difference with path optimization). This way, it95

is possible to conceive a plann<strong>in</strong>g ref<strong>in</strong>ement strategy able to tackle both the vehicle differential constra<strong>in</strong>ts,handled dur<strong>in</strong>g the RRT search and optimization requirements <strong>in</strong>cluded dur<strong>in</strong>g the trajectoryoptimization process.Now consider<strong>in</strong>g the mathematical model<strong>in</strong>g part of the dissertation, a further step <strong>in</strong>volves the accomplishmentof effective simulation experiments <strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g the dynamic model of the rhombic vehicle.As underl<strong>in</strong>ed along the thesis, these experiments will provide a valuable outcome to understand howdynamic phenomena affect the vehicle per<strong>for</strong>mances. For <strong>in</strong>stance, it would be <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g to simulatethe vehicle follow<strong>in</strong>g an optimized trajectory generated with the plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques developed <strong>in</strong> thedissertation, us<strong>in</strong>g both the k<strong>in</strong>ematic and dynamic model and appreciate the differences. These experimentswill determ<strong>in</strong>e the greater or less urgency on develop<strong>in</strong>g a 3D dynamic model captur<strong>in</strong>g the overallvehicle behavior, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g suspension, load transfer and why not, air cushion<strong>in</strong>g phenomena.96

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Appendix ADescription of the Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g Systems of <strong>ITER</strong>In addition to the Cask and Plug Remote Handl<strong>in</strong>g System (CPRHS) described <strong>in</strong> Chapter 1, five otherRemote Handl<strong>in</strong>g (RH) systems are expected to operate <strong>in</strong> International Thermonuclear ExperimentalReactor (<strong>ITER</strong>), which correspond to the follow<strong>in</strong>g procurement packages:• Blanket RH systemAccord<strong>in</strong>g to [NMK + 09], the <strong>ITER</strong> Blanket wall, depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1, will be composed byapproximately 440 modules, 4.5 t each, disposed toroidally <strong>in</strong> the Vacuum Vessel (VV). As alreadydiscussed, these components will have to be periodically replaced and <strong>in</strong>spected. The ma<strong>in</strong>tenance ofthese components will be carried out by a specific RH subsystem, the In-Vessel Transporter (IVT),partially illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1-top. The IVT consists of an articulated r<strong>in</strong>g rail, umbilicallysupported by special IVT transporters placed at specific Vacuum Vessel Port Cells (VVPCs), arail-mounted vehicle and a telescopic arm with proper end-effectors and tools. This RH equipmentis currently under the responsibility of the Japanese Domestic Agency (DA).• Divertor RH systemThe Divertor cassettes are essential components of the <strong>ITER</strong> reactor. They are the only componentsallowed to touch the hot conf<strong>in</strong>ed plasma and are responsible <strong>for</strong> the removal of the helium ashes,which is a harmful product resultant from the fusion reaction. In scheduled <strong>ITER</strong> ma<strong>in</strong>tenance<strong>in</strong>terventions, the Divertor system will also need to be replaced.The Divertor system, comprises 54 cassettes, each weigh<strong>in</strong>g about 9 t [PIJ + 07]. Handl<strong>in</strong>g this typeof components <strong>in</strong> ´the conf<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>terior of the VV will certa<strong>in</strong>ly be an hard RH task.Cont<strong>in</strong>uously developed <strong>in</strong> the European Union (EU)-DA, the handl<strong>in</strong>g equipment <strong>for</strong>eseen <strong>for</strong>these operations is comprised by a Cassette Toroidal Mover (CTM) and a Cassette Multifunctional(CMM), both illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure A.1-bottom. These two modules were designed to remove thecassettes through the VV ports located at the Divertor level. While the CMM will move <strong>in</strong> radialrails to place and remove the cassettes <strong>in</strong> the front of the VV, the CTM will execute toroidalmovements do deliver and collect the cassettes along the VV. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to [PIJ + 07], the CMMwill also be responsible to handle the port closure plate and other diagnostic assemblies.After the developed Divertor Test Plat<strong>for</strong>m (DTP), which aimed to demonstrate the DivertorRH process, the EU-DA has already constructed a new DTP2 at Temper, F<strong>in</strong>land, to prove and107

consolidate the design of this RH subsystem.Blanket RemoteHandl<strong>in</strong>gBlanket ModuleRailRail-Mounted<strong>Vehicle</strong>TelescopicArmIVTSystemCMMVVPCsDivertor RemoteHandl<strong>in</strong>gDivertor ModuleCTMFigure A.1: Top: IVT and the manipulator system.deployed <strong>in</strong> the VV.Bottom: the Divertor cassette RH equipment• Hot Cell RH systemThe RH equipment present <strong>in</strong> the Hot Cell Build<strong>in</strong>g (HCB) (be<strong>in</strong>g procured directly by the <strong>ITER</strong>Organization (IO)), will be responsible <strong>for</strong> the refurbishment, test<strong>in</strong>g, and disposal of componentsthat have become activated by neutron exposure <strong>in</strong> the VV on the Tokamak Build<strong>in</strong>g (TB). Wastematerials will be treated, packaged, and temporarily stored <strong>in</strong> the Hot Cell facility be<strong>for</strong>e be<strong>in</strong>ghanded over to the French authorities. The Hot Cell facilities will also serve as a test stand tovalidate RH procedures and tra<strong>in</strong> RH operators.The Hot Cell RH equipment (see Figure A.2) is composed by several devices:– Boom-style RH transporters;– Jib cranes transporters;– Lift<strong>in</strong>g jigs;– Dexterous tele-manipulators;– View<strong>in</strong>g systems;– Inspection systems;– Clean<strong>in</strong>g equipment.• In-Vessel View<strong>in</strong>g SystemThe In-Vessel View<strong>in</strong>g System (IVVS), will be used to conduct <strong>in</strong>spections on the VV, either afterplasma pulses (1 day) or after an operational week. Even though it can be considered a diagnosticsystem, the IVVS will likely conduct to some RH <strong>in</strong>terventions, reason why it is considered here.108

Figure A.2: Some of the RH operations and equipment needed <strong>in</strong> the HCB: (a) divertor cassette refurbishment;(b) Refurbishment plugs.The IVVS is composed by six identical units of laser scann<strong>in</strong>g probes that can act as a comb<strong>in</strong>edmonitor<strong>in</strong>g system. These units will be disposed along the VV with directions converg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> couples,as depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure A.3-a, to reduce the toroidal distance between pairs (given the non-uni<strong>for</strong>mspac<strong>in</strong>g of the IVVS ports).The <strong>in</strong>spections will be per<strong>for</strong>med there upon plasma pulses, on a non-vented environment, wherethe vacuum, temperature and radiation conditions will be, by far, the most demand<strong>in</strong>g when comparedto the other RH operations.• Neutral Beam (NB) RH systemIn the NB cell, represented <strong>in</strong> Figure A.3-b, rout<strong>in</strong>e remote ma<strong>in</strong>tenance procedures are needed <strong>in</strong>the NB <strong>in</strong>jectors <strong>for</strong> the removal and replacement of– the Cesium oven fuel<strong>in</strong>g system,– the beam source and– the beam l<strong>in</strong>e components.To per<strong>for</strong>m such operations, different RH equipments will be available <strong>in</strong> the NB cell:– (50t) Monorail crane, equipped with special lift<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>terfaces. This system will assure thetransportation of the various components to a specific transfer area <strong>in</strong> order to get out of theNB cell towards the HCB;– Transport cradle, specifically designed <strong>for</strong> the 26 t NB source-accelerator;– Force feedback manipulator arm and various tool<strong>in</strong>g;– Special end-effectors <strong>for</strong> the <strong>in</strong>stallation and removal of the diagnostic tubes located <strong>in</strong> theupper level;– Auxiliary devices <strong>for</strong> temporary storage and transportation.The dimension of the components to be handled <strong>in</strong> the NB are similar to the Divertor cassettes butthey are much more heavier (recall that the NB source-accelerator weights 26 t). The EU-DA iscurrently <strong>in</strong> charge of this RH system.109

Figure A.3: (a) The IVVS probes <strong>in</strong>side the VV; There will be available 6 equal units disposed equatoriallywith directions converg<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> pairs. (b) NB cell with a rail crane system.110

Appendix BTopics <strong>for</strong> the Guidance and Navigation of the <strong>Rhombic</strong> <strong>Vehicle</strong>Dur<strong>in</strong>g International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (<strong>ITER</strong>) operation the rhombic vehicle is expectedto operate <strong>in</strong> three different operational modes 1 :• Automatic – The rhombic vehicle follows autonomously a physical or virtual path or trajectory.The operator can only per<strong>for</strong>m monitor<strong>in</strong>g operations together with basic actions (start and shutdownof the vehicle);• Semi-automatic – The operator is free to control the vehicle velocity, but the vehicle is still <strong>in</strong>charge of autonomously follow a geometric reference by steer<strong>in</strong>g the wheels;• Manual mode – the operator fully controls the vehicle.The transportation system will be based on flexible or non-contact guidance approaches [GDI + 09],as opposed to rails or any other hard-guidance solutions. With<strong>in</strong> the flexible guidance approaches, threedifferent navigation and guidance concepts are possible <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle[RLAF97]:• Automated Guided <strong>Vehicle</strong> (AGV) – the vehicle follows a physical path implemented on thefloor. This is usually refer to as l<strong>in</strong>e guidance approach. Different guided paths can be used such as,optical, magnetic (<strong>in</strong>ductive/active) tapes or buried wired systems. The AGV-like solution wouldpresent simpler control requirements an higher reliability but an undesirable low flexibility, s<strong>in</strong>ceboth vehicle wheels would have to follow the same physical paths;• Mobile robot – act<strong>in</strong>g as a free-roam<strong>in</strong>g plat<strong>for</strong>m, the vehicle is able to operate <strong>in</strong> all the free spaceavailable and follow virtual references. Apart from the <strong>in</strong>creased flexibility, this solution would bemore robust, allow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong> rescue <strong>in</strong>terventions.• Mixed <strong>Vehicle</strong> – the vehicle has the capabilities of normally follow<strong>in</strong>g a physical path but, ifnecessary, it can leave this physical path and switch to a virtual reference, us<strong>in</strong>g appropriate virtualtrack<strong>in</strong>g methodologies. Both the AGV or mobile robot can be used as the primary navigationsolution. This results is a more robust, reliable and flexible mobile plat<strong>for</strong>m.Regardless off the solution that will be adopted <strong>for</strong> the rhombic vehicle, its navigation and guidancesystem can be described with<strong>in</strong> the same <strong>in</strong>tegrated framework, as depicted <strong>in</strong> Figure B.1.1 The view expressed here consists <strong>in</strong> a redef<strong>in</strong>ition of the classification presented <strong>in</strong> [RLA98], and reflects the sole author’sunderstand<strong>in</strong>g on this topic.111

<strong>Motion</strong><strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>DesiredPath orTrajectoryGuidanceActuatorControl<strong>Vehicle</strong>EstimatedPoseNavigationSensorDataFigure B.1: Schematic view of a generic navigation and guidance framework.In particular, three ma<strong>in</strong> problems can be stated:• <strong>Motion</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g – Refers to both the evaluation of a physical path or a virtual reference to befollowed by the vehicle;• Navigation – This stage comprises the estimation of the vehicle pose (position plus the orientation),with respect to a given environment frame. This module can also comprise other features such asmapp<strong>in</strong>g, collision avoidance and sensory fusion capabilities;• Guidance – Consists on follow<strong>in</strong>g a specific reference by means of the appropriate motion controllaws, while avoid<strong>in</strong>g collisions with obstacles.The guidance methodologies used depend on the navigation mode adopted but, two dist<strong>in</strong>ct problems,which are often erroneously used as synonymous, can be stated:• Path Follow<strong>in</strong>g – A path provides a geometric description of the vehicle motion (e.g., Cartesianpo<strong>in</strong>ts or vehicle poses). It is considered to be a sequence of collision-free motions connect<strong>in</strong>g the<strong>in</strong>itial and f<strong>in</strong>al chosen vehicle configurations. In the path follow<strong>in</strong>g problem the vehicle must followthis geometric path, start<strong>in</strong>g from an <strong>in</strong>itial configuration that may be on or off the path. When offthe path and whenever a locally collision-free path exists, the vehicle may reach the path by look<strong>in</strong>g<strong>for</strong> the nearest po<strong>in</strong>t, otherwise a local planner shall be used. The motion control problem consists<strong>in</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g the geometric reference (e.g., a buried wire or a virtual path). It is a time <strong>in</strong>dependenttask, which is only concerned with the geometrical mismatch between the vehicle and the path tobe followed. The vehicle speed is usually provided by a velocity controller.• Trajectory track<strong>in</strong>g – A trajectory can be def<strong>in</strong>ed as a time or velocity parameterized path(i.e., trajectory = path + time/velocity) . Trajectories def<strong>in</strong>e the vehicle motion based on time,on dynamic assumptions (e.g., constra<strong>in</strong>ts on vehicle velocity and acceleration). The problemof trajectory track<strong>in</strong>g can thus be def<strong>in</strong>ed as the follow<strong>in</strong>g of a virtual geometric path with atime function associated. The motion control problem consists on m<strong>in</strong>imiz<strong>in</strong>g a function errorthat <strong>in</strong>cludes the mismatch between the actual vehicle configuration (provided by the localizationsystem) and the virtual vehicle configuration that perfectly follows the desired trajectory.Once the control law is determ<strong>in</strong>ed by the guidance module, it must be “translated” to a lower level,i.e., to achieve a specific wheel velocity or steer<strong>in</strong>g angle, the actuators of the vehicle must receive torque<strong>in</strong>puts, e.g. driv<strong>in</strong>g and steer<strong>in</strong>g torques.112

The per<strong>for</strong>mances of the guidance system highly depend on the navigation system which, resort<strong>in</strong>gon the raw data from sensors, provides the means to:• Estimate the pose of the vehicle – This evaluation is per<strong>for</strong>med based on a localization system. Inthe case of a AGV-type vehicle, and disregard<strong>in</strong>g the case of virtual paths, the localization systemshould evaluate this <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation relatively to the physical path be<strong>in</strong>g followed. In a mobile robotmode, the localization must be made with respect to a given world frame, provid<strong>in</strong>g a periodicestimation of the vehicle’s pose.• Avoid obstacles dur<strong>in</strong>g motion. This is possible by us<strong>in</strong>g adequate collision avoidance features basedon sensor data process<strong>in</strong>g tools or anti-collision alarm systems based on hardware applications suchas <strong>in</strong>frared light curta<strong>in</strong>s.113


Appendix CChang<strong>in</strong>g the basis of the Null SpaceThe null space of C given <strong>in</strong> 2.12 was computed with the MATHEMATICA software application [URLMat]yield<strong>in</strong>g⎡Ker(C(q)) = V = ⎢⎣M R·cos θ R·cos(θ+θ F )+M F ·cos θ F ·cos(θ+θ R )s<strong>in</strong>(θ F −θ R )M R·cos θ R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )+M F ·cos θ F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )s<strong>in</strong>(θ F −θ R )which can be seen as a basis <strong>for</strong> the null space of C. Recall<strong>in</strong>g the properties referred <strong>in</strong> Subsection 2.2.2,the vector V may be multiplied by any real scalar that the result<strong>in</strong>g new vector will still cont<strong>in</strong>ue tobelong to the null space of C(q). It may then be def<strong>in</strong>ed a new vector U ∈ Ker(C) as follows⎡⎤U = s<strong>in</strong>(θ F −θ R )M· V =⎢⎣1M R·cos θ R·cos(θ+θ F )+M F ·cos θ F ·cos(θ+θ R )MM F ·cos θ R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )+M F ·cos θ F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )Ms<strong>in</strong>(θ F −θ R )M⎤⎥⎦ ,⎥⎦ ,(C.1)(C.2)that rearranged results on 1 ,⎡U = ⎢⎣M R·cos θ R·cos(θ+θ F )MM R·cos θ R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )Ms<strong>in</strong> θ F ·cos θ RM]⎤ ⎡⎥⎦ + ⎢⎣M F ·cos θ F ·cos(θ+θ R )MM F ·cos θ F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )M− s<strong>in</strong> θ R·cos θ FM⎤⎥⎦(C.3)C(q)Aga<strong>in</strong>, recall<strong>in</strong>g preposition P 3, notice that the follow<strong>in</strong>g vector T also belongs to the null space ofif ι 1 = ι 2 .⎡T = ⎢⎣M R·cos θ R·cos(θ+θ F )MM R·cos θ R·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ F )Ms<strong>in</strong> θ F ·cos θ RM⎤⎡⎥⎦ · ι 1 + ⎢⎣M F ·cos θ F ·cos(θ+θ R )MM F ·cos θ F ·s<strong>in</strong>(θ+θ R )M− s<strong>in</strong> θ R·cos θ FM⎤⎥⎦ · ι 2(C.4)1 s<strong>in</strong>(θ F − θ R ) = s<strong>in</strong> θ F · cos θ R − s<strong>in</strong> θ R · cos(θ F )115


Appendix D<strong>Motion</strong> <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>: Motivational Examples and Applications<strong>Motion</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques are currently be<strong>in</strong>g applied to solve different problems on different fields ofresearch. Some motivational examples are presented next.Assembly PuzzlesDiscrete and cont<strong>in</strong>uous puzzles have always aroused <strong>in</strong>terest among humans. Can you imag<strong>in</strong>ethese problems be<strong>in</strong>g solved by plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms? In fact, familiar problems such as the Rubik’scube illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure D.1-left, or the slid<strong>in</strong>g-tile puzzle, can be solved by us<strong>in</strong>g discrete plann<strong>in</strong>gtechniques. However, bra<strong>in</strong> teasers such as the one shown <strong>in</strong> Figure D.1-right, were created to frustrateboth humans and plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms s<strong>in</strong>ce they <strong>in</strong>volve an higher level of difficulty and require to betreated at a cont<strong>in</strong>uous <strong>in</strong>stance. Benchmark problems like this are particularly important s<strong>in</strong>ce theyencourage the development of new and more efficient plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms.Figure D.1: Left: the Rubik’s cube. Right: the Alpha 1.0 Puzzle was posted as a research benchmark byNancy Amato at Texas A&M University.Computer Animation and humanoid robotsNowadays, it is common to f<strong>in</strong>d human-like characters exhibit<strong>in</strong>g more and more sophisticated humanbehavior <strong>in</strong> video games. In this field, plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms may soon play a major contribution byallow<strong>in</strong>g to determ<strong>in</strong>e the animation of characters with a higher level of abstraction, i.e., the motionof each character is generated automatically resembl<strong>in</strong>g realistic motions. An illustration of this type ofplann<strong>in</strong>g-based animation is presented <strong>in</strong> Figure D.2-left. Pre-computed animations are often feasible butthey restrict the free hand of the user. Moreover, <strong>in</strong> this type of problems, the game developers deal withperfect world models and are not confronted with sens<strong>in</strong>g and perception problems of mobile robotics,117

eas<strong>in</strong>g the motion plann<strong>in</strong>g task. Nevertheless, there is still a large division among plann<strong>in</strong>g-algorithmand video-game develop<strong>in</strong>g communities and a major ef<strong>for</strong>t must be done to adapt exist<strong>in</strong>g plann<strong>in</strong>gtechniques to video-game animations as <strong>in</strong> [KL00a, PSL02].The <strong>in</strong>terest <strong>for</strong> plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques can also be found <strong>in</strong> the humanoid research area. Apart fromthe huge developments made <strong>in</strong> the automatic control field, which allow <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance, humanoid robotsto ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the equilibrium, recover<strong>in</strong>g from losses of balance or to climb stairs, the development anduse of plann<strong>in</strong>g capabilities towards higher levels of automation are still rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g issues to be solved.Still, some research ef<strong>for</strong>ts can already be found, which give a step <strong>for</strong>ward and tackle these issues. See<strong>for</strong> example [KNII03, YBEL05] or the study [YES + 07], which has an illustration <strong>in</strong> Figure D.2-right.Figure D.2: Left: motion plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms were used to compute the motion of 100 digital actorscross<strong>in</strong>g a scenario with different types of obstacles [LK05]. Right: HRP-2 humanoid per<strong>for</strong>m<strong>in</strong>g barcarry<strong>in</strong>gtask and locomotion with stable collision free planned motions.Assembly <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong>Assembly plann<strong>in</strong>g has several applications, <strong>for</strong> <strong>in</strong>stance <strong>in</strong> automotive (dis)assembly and virtualprototyp<strong>in</strong>g. Here, plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms allow answer<strong>in</strong>g to some questions such as: Is it possible toassemble the motor on the car cavity? In which steps and order should the seat be handled <strong>in</strong> orderto reach the <strong>in</strong>side of the car without collisions? What is the best way to repair a broken piece of anassembled product? If each part of the product is considered as a separated rigid body, then the problemcan be solved by determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the motions that each element shall per<strong>for</strong>m to enable a specific part to reacha desired goal location. As shown <strong>in</strong> Figure D.3 , these applications assume a particular importance <strong>in</strong>the automotive <strong>in</strong>dustry, with big companies like Volvo, Renault, Ford and other corporations benefit<strong>in</strong>gfrom specific motion plann<strong>in</strong>g software such as the one produced at K<strong>in</strong>eo CAM (K<strong>in</strong>eo Computer Aided<strong>Motion</strong>) [URLKK], a sp<strong>in</strong>-off French company founded by important pioneers <strong>in</strong> the motion plann<strong>in</strong>gfield, namely Jean-Paul Laumond, Tierry Simèon and Florence Lamiraux. As it can be imag<strong>in</strong>ed, thesecontributions allow to considerably reduce the time required to simulate the production environment,create new assembly processes and help manufacturers to better analyze the risk <strong>in</strong>volved on cost-sav<strong>in</strong>galternatives.Computational BiologyThis may be one of the farthest fields from the realm of traditional robotics where plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms118

Figure D.3: An automotive assembly task, which <strong>in</strong>volves <strong>in</strong>sert<strong>in</strong>g a seat <strong>in</strong> the car body cavity.are applied. In computational biology, motion plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms are used at a molecular level to solvetwo major problems: the prote<strong>in</strong> fold<strong>in</strong>g illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure D.4 and drug design. For the prote<strong>in</strong> fold<strong>in</strong>gproblem, the aim is to understand better how the molecules behave <strong>in</strong> the fold<strong>in</strong>g process by plann<strong>in</strong>g andanalyz<strong>in</strong>g their motions. Note that many diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Park<strong>in</strong>son’s, are associatedwith prote<strong>in</strong> misfold<strong>in</strong>g and aggregation. Due to the difficulty on experimentally observe these processes,plann<strong>in</strong>g algorithms together <strong>in</strong> cooperation with other computational tools, can drastically hasten thisknowledge process. [CBES09, AS02, YES + 07, TTA10, TTTA10] report some of the latest developments<strong>in</strong> this field.Figure D.4: Snapshots of fold<strong>in</strong>g paths found by a motion planner [GA03] <strong>for</strong> the prote<strong>in</strong> A.Autonomous Robots Nearly every task that an autonomous robot has to accomplish, <strong>in</strong>volves amotion from one configuration to another. However, the problem of mov<strong>in</strong>g autonomously <strong>in</strong> a particularenvironment it is a complex and <strong>in</strong>terdiscipl<strong>in</strong>ary subject. This problematic implies, among other th<strong>in</strong>gs,that the robot is capable of avoid<strong>in</strong>g obstacles, estimate precisely its location and know, where, how andwhen to move somewhere. In the autonomous robotics field, this is valid <strong>for</strong> an <strong>in</strong>door Wheeled MobileRobot (WMR), an <strong>in</strong>dustrial robot like a fixed manipulator arm or even <strong>for</strong> an autonomous underwatervehicle. The motion plann<strong>in</strong>g task does not solve the entire problem but it allows tackl<strong>in</strong>g an importantissue <strong>in</strong>volved on this challeng<strong>in</strong>g assignment: from its <strong>in</strong>itial configuration, how should the robot move<strong>in</strong> order to reach a desired goal configuration while avoid<strong>in</strong>g collisions with obstacles. In fact and as<strong>in</strong>troduced <strong>in</strong> Chapter 1, <strong>for</strong> a given environment and robot model, motion plann<strong>in</strong>g techniques willprovide the means to f<strong>in</strong>d a feasible sequence of motions that assure non-contact with obstacles andguarantee other operat<strong>in</strong>g conditions such as k<strong>in</strong>ematic or even robot dynamic constra<strong>in</strong>ts.119


Appendix ESparse Dissertation Contributions on the Elastic Bands ApproachA - Evaluat<strong>in</strong>g the Repulsive Forces dur<strong>in</strong>g Path De<strong>for</strong>mationThe approaches <strong>for</strong> modell<strong>in</strong>g the elastic contribution are very similar on most of the related publishedstudies [QK93b, GS07]. However, the repulsive <strong>in</strong>teractions with the environment can be achieved <strong>in</strong> manydifferent ways. Here<strong>in</strong> an approach is presented that considers that path optimization must <strong>in</strong>clude bothgeometric and k<strong>in</strong>ematic robot properties. For <strong>in</strong>stance, a feasible and optimized path <strong>for</strong> a specific robotor vehicle configuration may become unfeasible or lead to a reduced path quality, if other configurationsare used. With this purpose, the scheme here<strong>in</strong> proposed <strong>for</strong> the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces computation takesdirectly <strong>in</strong>to account the vehicle configuration.Us<strong>in</strong>g a collision detector algorithm, the nearest Obstacle Po<strong>in</strong>t (OP) to each vehicle pose mightbe considered. The use of a s<strong>in</strong>gle OP as a reference to determ<strong>in</strong>e the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces may not besatisfactory to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> clearance from obstacles, and there<strong>for</strong>e, a larger set of obstacle po<strong>in</strong>ts, such asthe k-nearest (k-OPs), must be considered. This will lead to a more balanced repulsive contributionensur<strong>in</strong>g effectiveness on most situations. Hence<strong>for</strong>th, on this <strong>for</strong>mulation, it is considered the set ofreferences <strong>for</strong>med by the nearest OP to each one of the four vehicle faces as illustrated on Figure E.1.The overall procedure to evaluate the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>for</strong> each path po<strong>in</strong>t Pi is the follow<strong>in</strong>g:1. The <strong>in</strong>itial poses are determ<strong>in</strong>ed based on the constra<strong>in</strong>t of both wheels placed over the path andare sampled consider<strong>in</strong>g:• Forward way: the rear wheel is fixed on each p j . Then, the path po<strong>in</strong>t p j closest to the frontwheel position along the path is determ<strong>in</strong>ed. p ′ j is such that‖p j − p j ′ ‖ ≤ M(E.1)where M, remember, def<strong>in</strong>es the distance between front and rear wheels. The po<strong>in</strong>ts p j andp ′ j def<strong>in</strong>e the vehicle pose;• Backward way: the same procedure is repeated, now fix<strong>in</strong>g the front wheel <strong>for</strong> each p j , as ifthe vehicle was execut<strong>in</strong>g the path mov<strong>in</strong>g backwards. Let l = {1, . . . , L} denote the <strong>in</strong>dexof the lth OP considered on each p j related pose and i = {F, B} referr<strong>in</strong>g to the <strong>for</strong>ward orbackward way. t i,l is the vector def<strong>in</strong>ed by the lth OP (O i,l ) and each wheel po<strong>in</strong>t (W F = rear121

wheel and W B = front wheel), as illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure E.1,t i,l = W i − O i,l .(E.2)2. This vector def<strong>in</strong>es the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ce direction tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to account the position of the wheels. Toma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> clearance from obstacles, the <strong>for</strong>ce magnitude must vary <strong>in</strong>versely with the distance of theposes to the obstacles. To carry out this geometric consideration, let u i,l denote the vector takenfrom the (O i,l ) to the vehicle nearest po<strong>in</strong>t V i,l ,u i,l = V i,l − O i,l .(E.3)3. Each pair of po<strong>in</strong>ts (O i,l , V i,l ) determ<strong>in</strong>es a repulsive contribution def<strong>in</strong>ed on p j given by,r i,l (p j ) =t i,l‖t i,l ‖ · f(‖u i,l‖),(E.4)where,f(‖u i,l ‖) = max(0, F max − F maxd max· ‖u i,l ‖).(E.5)In (E.5), a maximum allowable magnitude, F max , is assigned to avoid outsized values <strong>in</strong> the closevic<strong>in</strong>ity of the obstacles. d max denotes the distance up to which the repulsive <strong>for</strong>ce is applied.ForwardBackwardt B,3 = t B,4V F,1u B,3 = u B,4u F,1 O F,1t F,1p jr F,1 (P i )p jr B,3 (p j )= r B,4 (p j )O B,3 = O B,4V B,3 = V B,4r B (p j )r F,4 (p j )r F (p j )r F,3 (p j )r F,1 (p j )r F,2 (p j )p jr F (p j )F r (p j )p jr B,1 (p j )r B,2 (p j )r B,4 (p j )rB,3 (p j )p jr B (p j )Figure E.1: Evaluation of repulsive <strong>for</strong>ces: rear wheel <strong>in</strong> p j (left) and front wheel <strong>in</strong> p j (right). Dot blueand dot orange po<strong>in</strong>ts represent the closest vehicle surface and obstacle po<strong>in</strong>ts, respectively.122

B - Includ<strong>in</strong>g Maneuvers on Path De<strong>for</strong>mationThe comb<strong>in</strong>atorial path plann<strong>in</strong>g and optimization approach described <strong>in</strong> Section 4.1 must be improvedto support one or multiple maneuvers. As illustrated <strong>in</strong> Figure E.2, a path with a maneuver requiressplitt<strong>in</strong>g the path <strong>in</strong> two other sub-paths with a constra<strong>in</strong>t: the f<strong>in</strong>al po<strong>in</strong>t of the first sub-path mustbe the <strong>in</strong>itial po<strong>in</strong>t of the next sub-path. The po<strong>in</strong>t where the maneuver occurs, i.e., where the path issplitted, def<strong>in</strong>es the location where the vehicle stops and <strong>in</strong>verts its direction of movement.Figure E.2: <strong>Plann<strong>in</strong>g</strong> maneuvers: problem <strong>for</strong>mulation; q I <strong>in</strong> green, q G <strong>in</strong> red and maneuver po<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong>blue.In case n maneuvers are required, the path has to be divided <strong>in</strong> n+1 sub-paths with n stopp<strong>in</strong>g po<strong>in</strong>ts<strong>for</strong> the vehicle to <strong>in</strong>vert its direction of movement. Thus, the solution is apply<strong>in</strong>g the path optimization toeach sub-path. The decision of <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers <strong>in</strong> the path is taken when a path without maneuveris not feasible or does not fulfill the m<strong>in</strong>imum safety distance to the obstacles. The number of po<strong>in</strong>ts ofmaneuver is decided manually. Figure E.3 illustrates an example <strong>for</strong> a maneuver plann<strong>in</strong>g problem.Figure E.3: Geometric path plann<strong>in</strong>g: triangle CD (orange), first segment roadmap (black) and secondsegment roadmap (dashed black)However, there is an additional constra<strong>in</strong>t when consider<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers. As underl<strong>in</strong>ed along Section4.1, the path should be common to both wheels. However, both wheels cannot follow the entire path.If mov<strong>in</strong>g on <strong>for</strong>ward direction, the front wheel only starts few meters ahead from the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g, butf<strong>in</strong>ishes exactly <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al po<strong>in</strong>t. On the other hand, the rear wheel starts <strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>itial po<strong>in</strong>t but f<strong>in</strong>ishesbe<strong>for</strong>e the f<strong>in</strong>al po<strong>in</strong>t. This shift corresponds to the wheelbase (M). Consequently, this constra<strong>in</strong>t should123

also be taken <strong>in</strong>to consideration when evaluat<strong>in</strong>g maneuvers. Between two consecutive sub-paths of amaneuver, there is a co<strong>in</strong>cident segment of both sub-paths with a length greater or equal to the distancebetween the wheels (see Figure E.4).!"#$"%&'()(#*+%&,'*%Figure E.4: Example of a maneuver, from left to right: a path, splitt<strong>in</strong>g the path <strong>in</strong> two sub-paths withthe wheelbase geometric constra<strong>in</strong>t, and the path described by the front and rear wheels.Figure E.5 presents an example and the respective iterations to optimize the trajectory with maneuverbased on the comb<strong>in</strong>atorial approach presented Section 4.1 and us<strong>in</strong>g the above mentioned ideas.Figure E.5: Path optimization with maneuver <strong>in</strong>cluded.A remark should be made say<strong>in</strong>g that each po<strong>in</strong>t of maneuver is common to the consecutive sub-paths,but it is not fixed. The algorithm requires an <strong>in</strong>itial po<strong>in</strong>t of maneuver and then adjusts its position <strong>for</strong>optimiz<strong>in</strong>g the path and reduc<strong>in</strong>g the risk of collision. This po<strong>in</strong>t is manually def<strong>in</strong>ed, similarly to thedef<strong>in</strong>ition of q I and q G <strong>for</strong> the typical motion query.124

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