HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex


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HIQI n t e g r a t e d A c c o u n t s P a y a b l eS y s t e m ( I A P S )IAPS processes payment for both commercial services and materiel/supplyaccounts payable by automating accounting and payment functions related topayments to commercial vendors. It provides automatic payment voucher creationand follow-up for missing documents (contract, invoice, receiving reports, etc.).IAPS also computes payment due dates, disbursement amounts and interestpayments (if applicable).M I S S I O NP r o v i d e s s o f t w a r e d e v e l o p m e n ta n d f i e l d m a i n t e n a n c e s u p p o r t f o rt h e f u l l y o p e r a t i o n a l I A P S f o rt i m e l y a n d a c c u r a t e v e n d o rp a y m e n t s e x c e e d i n g $ 1 1 7 Ba n n u a l l y f o r D F A S , t h e A i r F o r c ea n d o t h e r D O D a c t i v i t i e sPROGRAM CAPABILITIES• Serves all base-level accounting and finance office needs worldwide• Automates input of contracting data, disbursement data, receiving reports andaccounting data• Interfaces automatically from the ABSS, CEFT, EDI, GAFS, MART, MEDLOG, PRISM,SBSS, SMAS, SPS, WRRS or DO35 Systems• Computes payment due dates and amounts, creates vouchers and produces associateddisbursement and management reports• Produces CDS, CEFT, EDI, EDMS, FIABS, GAFS, IRS, Operation Seaside, SBSS,SMAS accounting, response and or inventory transactions• Interfaces payment data into CDS, which accounts for vouchers, voids anddisbursement entities as well as creating disbursement to payees in the form of checkor EFT• Returns check data from CDS to IAPS to update disbursement voucher records, whichproduces MAFR and SMAS transactions• Provides payment update information to the SBSS, receipt, accrual and paymentinformation for update of the GAFS system• Interfaces with the SPS, WRRS, MART, ABSS, PRISM, EDMS, IRS, FIABS, OperationSeaside, CEFT, EDI, CDS/TT, GAFS/BQ, SBSS/GV, SMAS/BJ and MEDLOG/AJBENEFIT/VALUE TO THE WARFIGHTER• Processes disbursement vouchers for vendors who supply the majority of day-to-dayoperations and maintenance supplies/services directly to the warfighter and to thosewho support it• Provides management reports to financial managers and commanders in direct supportof all warfighter operations and resource decisions• Processes all payments for the government purchase card, legal claims, suggestionawards, PowerTrack freight and household goods invoices, medical payments andeducational benefitsCONTACTMr. Robert Chaney, IAPS CDA Program Manager, robert.chaney@gunter.af.mil88

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