HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

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HINA u t o m a t e d C i v i l E n g i n e e r i n gS y s t e m – F i r e D e p a r t m e n t( A C E S – F D )ACES – FD provides support to facilitate efficient emergency vehicle dispatchingand supports a Data Management System.M I S S I O NP r o v i d e s t h e m a n a g e m e n t o fi n f o r m a t i o n s u p p o r t i n g t h eC i v i l E n g i n e e r ( C E ) m i s s i o n sf r o m s q u a d r o n t o A i r F o r c el e v e lP r o v i d e s c o m m a n d e r s a n dm a n a g e r s , b o t h i n t e r n a l a n de x t e r n a l t o t h e C E c o m m u n i t y ,c u r r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n f o r u s e i np e a c e o r w a r t i m e d e c i s i o nm a k i n gPROGRAM CAPABILITIES• Provides 6,500 users access to fire and incident data hosted in a client/server environment• Provides fire fighters the ability to facilitate efficient emergency responses through computeraideddispatching• Provides a data management system to accommodate pre-planning, asset management andpersonnel support–Includes facility pre-fire plans, facility inspection records, personal protection equipment,station and vehicle equipment, duty rosters, individual training and certifications andmetrics• Provides single point of entry for after actions reporting to the National Fire IncidentReporting System owned by the Federal Emergency Management AgencyBENEFIT/VALUE TO WARFIGHTER• Direct explosive ordnance disposal and improvised explosive device identification andreporting• Provide identification for all services supporting the Very Important Person ProtectionSupport Activity (VIPPSA)• Protection of President and other VIPs• Emergency dispatch services for structural, crash and medical incidentsCONTRACT VEHICLESFA8771-04-D-0007 (General Dynamics Information Technology)Task order under the NETCENTS vehicle as a FFP/Cost, hybrid contract typeCONTACTMr. Gerry Smothers, Deputy Program Manager, robert.smothers@gunter.af.mil78

E x p l o s i v e O r d i n a n c e D i s p o s a lI n f o r m a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m( E O D I M S )HINEODIMS provides support to units, Major Commands (MAJCOMS), Joint forcesJoint Digital Gathering System (JDIGS), Very Important Person Protection SupportActivity (VIPPSA), bulletin board and event log modules.M I S S I O NP r o v i d e s t h e m a n a g e m e n t o fi n f o r m a t i o n s u p p o r t i n g t h eC i v i l E n g i n e e r ( C E ) m i s s i o n sf r o m s q u a d r o n t o A i r F o r c el e v e lP r o v i d e s c o m m a n d e r s a n dm a n a g e r s , b o t h i n t e r n a l a n de x t e r n a l t o t h e C E c o m m u n i t y ,c u r r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n f o r u s e i np e a c e o r w a r t i m e d e c i s i o n -m a k i n gPROGRAM CAPABILITIES• Provides 1,500 users access to explosive incident management data hosted at Global CombatSupport System-Air Force (GCSS-AF), both classified and unclassified• Critical multimedia classified/unclassified incident reporting system that allows worldwiderapid information sharing and operational coordination among units, MAJCOMS andinterfacing with Joint Forces Joint Digital Gathering System (JDIGS) when responding toweapons of mass destruction incidents• Very Important Person Protection Support Activity (VIPPSA) module is used to identifyavailable explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) teams and schedule missions for the protectionof the President, Vice President, First Lady and other dignitaries• Bulletin board module is an instant message center to inform the commanders and the EODcommunity of insurgent/terrorist activity in the area of responsibility. The module is used byEOD personnel all over the world to train on the activities of the insurgent/ terrorists priorto rotations• Event log module is used to track minute-by-minute actions of EOD teams in the fieldby the Crisis Action Team with an upward visual capability to commanders through e-mailBENEFIT/VALUE TO WARFIGHTER• Direct EOD and IED identification and reporting• Provide identification for all services supporting the VIPPSA• Protection of President and other VIPs• Emergency dispatch services for structural, crash and medical incidentsCONTRACT VEHICLESFA8771-04-D-0007 (General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT)CONTACTMr. Gerry Smothers, Deputy Program Manager, robert.smothers@gunter.af.mil79

E x p l o s i v e O r d i n a n c e D i s p o s a lI n f o r m a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m( E O D I M S )HINEODIMS provides support to units, Major Commands (MAJCOMS), Joint forcesJoint Digital Gathering System (JDIGS), Very Important Person Protection SupportActivity (VIPPSA), bulletin board and event log modules.M I S S I O NP r o v i d e s t h e m a n a g e m e n t o fi n f o r m a t i o n s u p p o r t i n g t h eC i v i l E n g i n e e r ( C E ) m i s s i o n sf r o m s q u a d r o n t o A i r F o r c el e v e lP r o v i d e s c o m m a n d e r s a n dm a n a g e r s , b o t h i n t e r n a l a n de x t e r n a l t o t h e C E c o m m u n i t y ,c u r r e n t i n f o r m a t i o n f o r u s e i np e a c e o r w a r t i m e d e c i s i o n -m a k i n gPROGRAM CAPABILITIES• Provides 1,500 users access to explosive incident management data hosted at Global CombatSupport System-Air Force (GCSS-AF), both classified and unclassified• Critical multimedia classified/unclassified incident reporting system that allows worldwiderapid information sharing and operational coordination among units, MAJCOMS andinterfacing with Joint Forces Joint Digital Gathering System (JDIGS) when responding toweapons of mass destruction incidents• Very Important Person Protection Support Activity (VIPPSA) module is used to identifyavailable explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) teams and schedule missions for the protectionof the President, Vice President, First Lady and other dignitaries• Bulletin board module is an instant message center to inform the commanders and the EODcommunity of insurgent/terrorist activity in the area of responsibility. The module is used byEOD personnel all over the world to train on the activities of the insurgent/ terrorists priorto rotations• Event log module is used to track minute-by-minute actions of EOD teams in the fieldby the Crisis Action Team with an upward visual capability to commanders through e-mailBENEFIT/VALUE TO WARFIGHTER• Direct EOD and IED identification and reporting• Provide identification for all services supporting the VIPPSA• Protection of President and other VIPs• Emergency dispatch services for structural, crash and medical incidentsCONTRACT VEHICLESFA8771-04-D-0007 (General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT)CONTACTMr. Gerry Smothers, Deputy Program Manager, robert.smothers@gunter.af.mil79

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