HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex


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A i r F o r c e E n t e r p r i s e I n f o r m a t i o nS y s t e m s D i r e c t o r a t e HIOUR HISTORYIn a 3 September 2009 memorandum, the Secretary of the Air Force and the AirForce Chief of Staff announced the realignment of many acquisition wings withinthe Air Force from the Wing/Group/Squadron structure to aDirectorate/Division/Branch structure. This restructure embraces “the differencesbetween the acquisition and operational missions in the Air Force.” TheDirectorate/Division/Branch structure is designed to establish clear lines ofauthority and accountability within acquisition organizations and was part of thecommitment to recapture acquisition excellence (as stated in the Air ForceAcquisition Improvement Plan released 4 May 2009). The realignment also involvesthe approval of several new Program Executive Officer positions to provide agreater number of experienced, senior leaders to oversee the execution of the AirForce’s major acquisition programs and address span of control concernsassociated with programs being aligned under product center commanders.This established the Air Force Enterprise Information Systems Directorate whichstood up on 20 May, 2011. It is led by a Program Executive Officer, BrigadierGeneral Craig S. Olson.5

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