HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex


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HIJI n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g yC o m m o d i t y C o u n c i l ( I T C C )ITCC develops and oversees the execution of IT commodity buying, contractingand life cycle strategies that leverage the buying power of the Air Force andincrease standardization reducing the overall cost of IT ownership. The Council isa cross-functional sourcing team with representatives from the Air Staff and eachMajor Command (MAJCOM). The ITCC consists of three programs: ClientComputing and Servers (CCS), Cellular Services and Devices (CSD) and DigitalPrinting and Imaging (DPI).M I S S I O N• D e v e l o p s I n f o r m a t i o nT e c h n o l o g y ( I T ) c o m m o d i t ys t r a t e g i e s t o s h a p ec o m m o d i t y m a n a g e m e n tb e h a v i o r a n d l e v e r a g e A i rF o r c e b u y i n g p o w e r• R e d u c e s t h e t o t a l c o s t o fo w n e r s h i p f o r c o m m e r c i a lI T p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s• I m p r o v e s I T i n f r a s t r u c t u r ef o r C y b e r s p a c e o p e r a t i o n s• I m p r o v e s w a r f i g h t i n gc a p a b i l i t i e sPROGRAM CAPABILITIES• CCS is the Air Force ITCC’s commodity sourcing strategy for the acquisition of desktop,laptop and server computer platforms of which the Quantum Enterprise Buy (QEB) is acornerstone element.The Air Force QEB is designed to leverage the Air Force’s buyingpower and standardize the hardware configurations of Air Force mainstream PersonalComputers (PCs)• CSD is the Air Force ITCC’s Enterprise-wide commodity strategy for cellular servicesand devices, to include cell phones, email enabled devices, services and accessories• DPI is the Air Force ITCC’s Enterprise-wide commodity strategy for digital printing andimaging devices, to include multi-function devices, printers, copiers, scanners, faxmachines, and consumables (excluding paper)BENEFIT/VALUE TO THE WARFIGHTERThe ITCC engages the warfighter by providing Enterprise-wide procurement strategies.Since the inception of the ITCC, the Air Force has a cost avoidance of $359M onstrategically sourced commodities (Client Computing and Servers, Digital Printing andImaging and Cellular Services and Devices). In addition, soft savings of labor, training andsecurity have been achieved. ITCC efforts have driven commonality and standardization ofIT products and services and have also brought faster and negotiated pricing forcommercially available IT products to the warfighter with centralized strategies anddecentralized execution of purchases.58

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