HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex


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A i r F o r c e P r o g r a m E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e rB u s i n e s s a n d E n t e r p r i s e S y s t e m sBRIGADIER GENERAL CRAIG S. OLSONBrig. Gen. Craig S. Olson is the Program Executive Officer for the Business andEnterprise Systems (BES) portfolio. This portfolio is comprised of the EnterpriseInformation Systems (EIS) Directorate, <strong>Maxwell</strong> Air Force Base, <strong>Gunter</strong> <strong>Annex</strong>,Alabama, and the Enterprise Logistics (ELS) Directorate, Wright-Patterson AirForce Base, Ohio. The EIS Directorate has more than 1,500 military, civil serviceand contractor support personnel located at four bases throughout the UnitedStates with total funding exceeding $820 million. The organization designs,acquires, installs, and maintains operations support systems for the Air Force andthe Department of Defense.General Olson was commissioned in 1982 following graduation from the U.S. AirForce Academy. He has extensive operational, flight test and acquisitionexperience. The general has flown operationally as a weapon systems officer andelectronic warfare officer in the F-4E and F-4G, and as a flight test weapon systemsofficer in the F-15E. His acquisition tours include the JSTARS Joint Program Office,the Air Staff Special Programs Directorate, and the Navy-led V-22 Joint ProgramOffice. He has commanded at the group and wing levels.Prior to his current assignment, General Olson was Chief, Office of SecurityCooperation, U.S. Forces-Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq. He is a master navigator with morethan 1,900 flying hours in more than 20 different aircraft.4

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