HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

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HIGA i r F o r c e H u m a n R e s o u r c e sS y s t e m s D i v i s i o nOur 275 military, civilian and support contractor personnel acquire new applicationsand sustain 79 software capabilities to automate personnel management processes.This portfolio of Air Force legacy and developmental systems supports the totalforce – military and civilian, active duty, guard and reserve. Capabilities include thecentral data system for all Air Force military personnel systems used to promote,assign, support training and retire military personnel. We also maintain the AirForce unique civilian systems that complement support the Department ofDefenses (DoDs ) civilian personnel data systems. In addition, we develop newHuman Resource (HR) applications based on AF/A1 requirements.M I S S I O NA c q u i r e s , f i e l d sa n d s u s t a i n se f f i c i e n t , w o r l dc l a s s a u t o m a t e dh u m a n r e s o u r c e sb u s i n e s s p r o c e s sc a p a b i l i t i e s … o nt i m e , o n c o s tPROGRAM CAPABILITIESWe maintain and develop software needed by AF/A1 to:• Manage the Air Force military and civilian workforce• Automate the assignment and promotion processes for Air Force military personnel• Support military HR systems used by the active duty force plus the Air National Guard andAir Force Reserves• Support a consortium of 10 separate DoD agencies by providing them common systems formanaging civilian benefits and entitlements• Enable self-service personnel transactions on-line vs. standing in-lineBENEFIT/VALUE TO WARFIGHTER• Deliver the software needed by military personnel managers to automate the militarypersonnel life cycle, including accessions, pay data, education and training data, assignmentsand promotions, separations and post-retirement transactions, and tracking and support offamily services• Save time for all personnel by providing on-line software tools for military personnel toupdate their information 24/7, avoiding time consuming visits to military personnel offices onbase• Enable more efficient on-line self-service by our civilians for completing benefits andentitlements training, benefits selection and other civilian personnel transactions• Provide on-line access to personnel records and career development tools for military andcivilian personnel42

A i r F o r c e H u m a n R e s o u r c e sS y s t e m s D i v i s i o nHIGCONTRACT VEHICLESFA8734-07-F-0002 (Northrop Grumman)FA8734-09-F-0001 (GRB)FA8734-10-C-0001 (Diligent)FA8734-10-F-0011 (GRB)FA8734-08-D-0003 (Lockheed Martin)FA8734-10-C-0003 (RNT)FA8734-10-F-0003 (Oracle)CONTACTPersonnel Service Delivery:Ms. Lynne Hamilton, lynne.hamilton@us.af.milLegacy Military Systems:Ms. Bernie Singletary, bernadette.singletary@us.af.milWeb Applications:Ms. Pat Martinez, patricia.martinez@us.af.milLegacy Civilian Systems:Mr. Rob Strange, robert.strange@us.af.mil43

HIGA i r F o r c e H u m a n R e s o u r c e sS y s t e m s D i v i s i o nOur 275 military, civilian and support contractor personnel acquire new applicationsand sustain 79 software capabilities to automate personnel management processes.This portfolio of Air Force legacy and developmental systems supports the totalforce – military and civilian, active duty, guard and reserve. Capabilities include thecentral data system for all Air Force military personnel systems used to promote,assign, support training and retire military personnel. We also maintain the AirForce unique civilian systems that complement support the Department ofDefenses (DoDs ) civilian personnel data systems. In addition, we develop newHuman Resource (HR) applications based on AF/A1 requirements.M I S S I O NA c q u i r e s , f i e l d sa n d s u s t a i n se f f i c i e n t , w o r l dc l a s s a u t o m a t e dh u m a n r e s o u r c e sb u s i n e s s p r o c e s sc a p a b i l i t i e s … o nt i m e , o n c o s tPROGRAM CAPABILITIESWe maintain and develop software needed by AF/A1 to:• Manage the Air Force military and civilian workforce• Automate the assignment and promotion processes for Air Force military personnel• Support military HR systems used by the active duty force plus the Air National Guard andAir Force Reserves• Support a consortium of 10 separate DoD agencies by providing them common systems formanaging civilian benefits and entitlements• Enable self-service personnel transactions on-line vs. standing in-lineBENEFIT/VALUE TO WARFIGHTER• Deliver the software needed by military personnel managers to automate the militarypersonnel life cycle, including accessions, pay data, education and training data, assignmentsand promotions, separations and post-retirement transactions, and tracking and support offamily services• Save time for all personnel by providing on-line software tools for military personnel toupdate their information 24/7, avoiding time consuming visits to military personnel offices onbase• Enable more efficient on-line self-service by our civilians for completing benefits andentitlements training, benefits selection and other civilian personnel transactions• Provide on-line access to personnel records and career development tools for military andcivilian personnel42

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