HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex


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A i r F o r c e S t a n d a r d P r o c u r e m e n tS y s t e m ( S P S )<strong>HIB</strong>The SPS team is responsible to SAF/AQCI for the testing, deployment andmaintenance of the base-level Standard Procurement System used at 99 sitesworldwide with more than 4,000 base contracting users to purchase suppliesand services.M I S S I O NI n s u r e s e v e r y o n eo f t h e 9 9o p e r a t i o n a lc o n t r a c t i n gs q u a d r o n sw o r l d w i d e h a v et h e t o o l s t os u p p o r t t h e A i rF o r c e m i s s i o n( o v e r $ 1 1 Bo b l i g a t e d i n F Y 1 0 )PROGRAM CAPABILITIES• Develops and maintains a dynamic testing environment to thoroughly test all new SPSsoftware prior to deployment• Plans and directs the deployment of the new software• Prepares automated tools; develop installation instructions; prepare sites with pre-installtelecons; provide assistance via phone during install• SPS Program Management Office (PMO) will travel (TDY) to install software (Tiger Teams)for some sites• Conducts regular security reviews• Interfaces with Air Force Network Integration Center (AFNIC), obtain Action TakenCodes (ATCs), conduct DIACAP reviews, etc.• Assists SAF/AQCI: Expectation Management Agreement (EMA), SPS Integrity focal point,conduct special studies as requested, communications weekly• Assists SPS Functional Requirements Board (FRB): Action items (help desk tickets,interfaces, Sample Data Collections (SDCs) and workarounds, SLAs, coordinatecommunication through them to the field, etc.)• Maintains the Air Force Contracting Information System (AFCIS) web-site (latest versionlistings, downloads, training materials, etc.)• Develops tools to support SPS system administrators (e.g., dashboard to assess databaseand adapter server health, adapter tools, develop/review contractor scripts, as TV videos,etc.)• Operates the SPS help desk to resolve base SPS problems (average 300 calls/month)• Assists follow-on contracting system development as required (i.e., hardware, adapter, etc.recommendations for regions; provide testing support)• Coordinates and cooperates with new and legacy financial and reporting systems (i.e.,Enterprise Resource Plans (ERPs), AFWay, etc.) to ensure SPS compatibility and interoperability31

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