HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

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HIBA i r F o r c e K n o w l e d g e N o w( A F K N )AFKN enables Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) A8/A9s Knowledge ManagementVision and Mission for AFMC by providing the technology to deliverthe four distinct Knowledge Management (KM) activities: Connect, Collect, Learn andInnovate.Available on both classified (SIPRnet) and unclassified (NIPRnet) networks, AFKNsupports 400,000 users across the Air Force and Department of Defenseworldwide, enabling knowledge sharing and collaboration to support missions through19,000 on-line Communities of Practice (CoPs).M I S S I O NC o n t i n u o u s l y g r o wk n o w l e d g e a n d e m p l o y i t a sa s t r a t e g i c a s s e t :• CONNECT: S e e kc o m m o n a l i t i e s t h r o u g hs h a r i n g• COLLECT: G a t h e r l e s s o n s ,p r a c t i c e s a n d e x p e r i e n c e s• INNOVATE: I n t r o d u c e n e w o ri m p r o v e t h e e x i s t i n g• LEARN: I n c r e a s e k n o w l e d g eo r t h e a b i l i t y t o p e r f o r mPROGRAM CAPABILITIESAFKN Communities of Practice (CoPs) includes a variety of application modules. Most haveindependent access control that is decentralized to meet specific mission needs. AFKN CoPfeatures enable the KM objectives of collecting explicit knowledge/information, connecting totransfer knowledge, learning and innovating:• Discussion boards/forums• Web logs (a.k.a Blogs)• Wiki• Learning management• Real-time alert/notification• Expertise locators• Calendaring and scheduling• Event management• Action item tracking• Searching and indexing• Centralized document management• Online surveying/questionnaire• Validated practices and examples• Mass mailing• Metrics18

A i r F o r c e K n o w l e d g e N o w( A F K N )HIBBENEFIT/VALUE TO THE WARFIGHTERThe AFKN system supports the warfighters ability to build social, structural, intellectualand human capital to enhance mission outcomes, thus enabling behaviors to treatknowledge as a strategic asset.AFKN also enables knowledge to be created, captured, shared and applied to improvedecision-making to increase efficiency and effectiveness for mission outcomes.CONTRACT VEHICLESFA8604-10-D-7045 (Triune Group)CONTACTAFKN Program Office: AFEPEO/HIBJMr. Lenny Getts, leonard.getts@wpafb.af.milAFKN Functional Management Office: HQ AFMC/A8C/9L19

<strong>HIB</strong>A i r F o r c e K n o w l e d g e N o w( A F K N )AFKN enables Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) A8/A9s Knowledge ManagementVision and Mission for AFMC by providing the technology to deliverthe four distinct Knowledge Management (KM) activities: Connect, Collect, Learn andInnovate.Available on both classified (SIPRnet) and unclassified (NIPRnet) networks, AFKNsupports 400,000 users across the Air Force and Department of Defenseworldwide, enabling knowledge sharing and collaboration to support missions through19,000 on-line Communities of Practice (CoPs).M I S S I O NC o n t i n u o u s l y g r o wk n o w l e d g e a n d e m p l o y i t a sa s t r a t e g i c a s s e t :• CONNECT: S e e kc o m m o n a l i t i e s t h r o u g hs h a r i n g• COLLECT: G a t h e r l e s s o n s ,p r a c t i c e s a n d e x p e r i e n c e s• INNOVATE: I n t r o d u c e n e w o ri m p r o v e t h e e x i s t i n g• LEARN: I n c r e a s e k n o w l e d g eo r t h e a b i l i t y t o p e r f o r mPROGRAM CAPABILITIESAFKN Communities of Practice (CoPs) includes a variety of application modules. Most haveindependent access control that is decentralized to meet specific mission needs. AFKN CoPfeatures enable the KM objectives of collecting explicit knowledge/information, connecting totransfer knowledge, learning and innovating:• Discussion boards/forums• Web logs (a.k.a Blogs)• Wiki• Learning management• Real-time alert/notification• Expertise locators• Calendaring and scheduling• Event management• Action item tracking• Searching and indexing• Centralized document management• Online surveying/questionnaire• Validated practices and examples• Mass mailing• Metrics18

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