HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex

HIB - Maxwell Gunter Annex


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A u t o m a t e d C o n t r a c t P r e p a r a t i o nS y s t e m ( A C P S ) / F A R S i t e W e b s i t e<strong>HIB</strong>ACPS is the contract management system used by the Air Logistics Centers' logisticscontracting community. ACPS streamlines and automates the contracting process.ACPS systems and subsystems gather data that is usedin the acquisition process, only requiring one-time entry of data. Documentscan be transmitted to web servers in PDF and displayed on the sites' web page oruse data transmittal in X12, XML, or proprietary formats. Document forms are alsodisplayed and printable in PDF. ACPS supports Air Force, and other DOD agenciesproviding contracting solutions to the acquisition community.M I S S I O NE n a b l e s a c q u i s i t i o np r o f e s s i o n a l s t oe x e r c i s e s o u n d b u s i n e s sd e c i s i o n s t h r o u g hd e p l o y m e n t a n d s u p p o r to f s u p e r i o r , a g i l e ,i n t e g r a t e d s o f t w a r es o l u t i o n s t h a t p r o d u c ee s s e n t i a l s t r a t e g i c a n do p e r a t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o nPROGRAM CAPABILITIES•Conduct procurement process from PR to Award, including modifications and orders.•Contract reporting to congress•Interface with relevant business systems.•Provide FAR research and clause logic to users.MAJOR INTERFACESPRPS, CCaRs, FedBizOpps, CCR, CBIS, J041/18R, EDA, FPDS-NG, industry (EDI)BENEFIT/VALUE TO THE WARFIGHTERACPS:Legally sufficient, complete, and timely contractsData captured and shared to support strategic logistics decisionsApproximately $14B via 30,000 transactions awarded annually.FARSite:Top FAR research capability in Federal government, supporting, contractingofficers/administrators, legal offices, foreign governments, and industry at home and abroad!10+million hits per monthCONTACTMr. James Soderquist, james.soderquist@hill.af.mil11

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