GE : imagination at work - General Electric

GE : imagination at work - General Electric

GE : imagination at work - General Electric


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人 物 Our PeopleNo Shortcuts to Success— An Exclusive Interview with Ma Mingming, Winner of the<strong>GE</strong> ECLP Growth AwardIn order to train employees and cultiv<strong>at</strong>e a diverse talent pool inmarketing and sales for <strong>GE</strong>, Jeff Immelt, Chairman and CEO of <strong>GE</strong>,launched the Experienced Commercial Leadership Program (ECLP)in 2002. This first-r<strong>at</strong>e program has already recruited nearly1,000 potential marketing and sales talents. In 2011, standing outamong 200 candid<strong>at</strong>es, Ma Mingming has won the Growth Awardof <strong>GE</strong> ECLP.In 2009, <strong>GE</strong> ECLP changed its recruiting requirements whenselecting candid<strong>at</strong>es, hoping to find talent with <strong>work</strong>ingexperience in government affairs, especially people who have<strong>work</strong>ed for the Chinese and American governments in theenergy and electric sectors. At th<strong>at</strong> time, Ma Mingming <strong>work</strong>edfor the US Embassy in China as a senior commercial expert inthe Department of Commerce, making her a perfect candid<strong>at</strong>efor <strong>GE</strong>’s program. She also discovered her career goals m<strong>at</strong>chedECLP’s training purposes. When she finally joined the ECLP, shewas the only Chinese ECLP trainee in <strong>GE</strong> Energy th<strong>at</strong> year.During her first rot<strong>at</strong>ion after joining the ECLP, Ma Mingming becameinvolved in the <strong>GE</strong> China Sustainable City program. To choosesuitable cities as pilot examples, she put in a considerable amount oftime collecting <strong>GE</strong>’s internal resources and formul<strong>at</strong>ing ideas for theproject. To streamline and expedite <strong>work</strong> flow, Ma Mingming readlarge volumes of inform<strong>at</strong>ion and set up a portal th<strong>at</strong> integr<strong>at</strong>edinform<strong>at</strong>ion about sustainable cities, including special definitionsand background inform<strong>at</strong>ion on government policies, each cityin the project and <strong>GE</strong>’s line of green products. The portal gave hercolleagues quick and easy access to the inform<strong>at</strong>ion.While <strong>work</strong>ing for the program, Ma Mingming maintained openand active lines of communic<strong>at</strong>ion with government staff fromdifferent regions to get insight into how to better integr<strong>at</strong>e<strong>GE</strong>’s products into the planning phase to make each city trulysustainable. After the first rot<strong>at</strong>ion wrapped up, Ma Mingminghad completed a 58-page feasibility report on the <strong>GE</strong> ChinaSustainable City program, comprehensively analyzing all thecollected internal and external inform<strong>at</strong>ion. The report hasestablished a solid found<strong>at</strong>ion for other colleagues to continuethe next step of the program.Ma Mingming’s second rot<strong>at</strong>ion started in marketing for <strong>GE</strong> Energy.During this time, she was involved in various projects, but researchingcombined he<strong>at</strong> and power gener<strong>at</strong>ion of China’s airport constructionwas the highlight. At first, Ma Mingming thought the <strong>work</strong> was easybecause she could utilize <strong>GE</strong> Avi<strong>at</strong>ion’s experience and connectionsto complete the project. It was l<strong>at</strong>er th<strong>at</strong> she learned th<strong>at</strong> although<strong>GE</strong> Avi<strong>at</strong>ion had cooper<strong>at</strong>ed with each airline and formed specialconnections, the business division barely had any ties in the energyplanning field. In other words, airport construction was a newfrontier for <strong>GE</strong> Energy. <strong>GE</strong> has already multiple cutting-edge energyproducts and devices including aero gas turbines and Jenbachergas engines. The Chinese government embraces combined he<strong>at</strong> andpower gener<strong>at</strong>ion and energy consumption reduction technologies,and plans to build a number of new airports in the near future,presenting <strong>GE</strong> with a gre<strong>at</strong> opportunity to promote its products andtechnologies th<strong>at</strong> are able to meet the energy needs of these newairports.By learning about <strong>GE</strong>’s advantages, Ma Mingming utilized heraccumul<strong>at</strong>ed experience and former <strong>work</strong>ing rel<strong>at</strong>ionship tocommunic<strong>at</strong>e with China Airport Construction Group Corpor<strong>at</strong>ionof CAAC (CACC), helping <strong>GE</strong> jumpstart the airport constructionproject. “CACC undertook 70% to 80% of the airports’ design andplanning, but their staff knew little about combined he<strong>at</strong> andpower technologies and gas turbines. We discussed the projectin depth and found th<strong>at</strong> CACC and the local airport constructiongroup were interested in <strong>GE</strong>’s energy products and technologies,which facilit<strong>at</strong>ed cooper<strong>at</strong>ion between the two sides. Due todiffering business philosophies and the complexity of <strong>GE</strong>’stechnology, we couldn’t share all our technology with them <strong>at</strong>once; but we were able to introduce <strong>GE</strong>’s energy products andtechnologies, such as the Jenbacher and aero gas turbines, tothe designers of the airports. We sincerely hope <strong>GE</strong> and CACC’scooper<strong>at</strong>ion will come to fruition in the construction of the secondBeijing capital airport.” Ma Mingming said.Ma Mingming started her third rot<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the headquarters ofRenewable Energy in the United St<strong>at</strong>es. With the rapid developmentof China’s wind energy market, foreign wind turbine manufacturershave less advantage as domestic sellers domin<strong>at</strong>e the market.Chinese enterprises have been able to continuously lowertheir prices and save on costs, causing manufacturers to faceunexpectedly tough competition. To cre<strong>at</strong>e a viable marketingstr<strong>at</strong>egy, it was essential to accur<strong>at</strong>ely assess the competitiveenvironment and learn more about the upper industry chain marketfor wind turbines. To do this, Ma Mingming conducted a survey onthe upper industry chain market, and analyzed the competitionto help her American colleagues understand China’s wind powermarket through geographical perspectives and cultural differences,verifying the necessity of building joint ventures in China. This surveyalso demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed th<strong>at</strong> the joint venture can reduce the cost as wellas improve <strong>GE</strong>’s competitiveness in China’s wind power market. Also<strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> time, Ma Mingming coordin<strong>at</strong>ed the planning of the GrowthPlay Book (GPB), which indic<strong>at</strong>es <strong>GE</strong>’s business str<strong>at</strong>egy and longtermoutlook process.The rot<strong>at</strong>ions motiv<strong>at</strong>ed Ma Mingming to continue growing andmake daring moves to boost her career, which eventually wonher the Growth Award. Her experience <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> proves the saying,“no pain, no gain”. When she found out she had won the GrowthAward, Ma Mingmingwas surprised with the result;there were more than 200 excellent candid<strong>at</strong>es and she was thefinalist among them. She believed she was selected for the awardbecause of her excellent performance and went beyond theprogram’s expect<strong>at</strong>ions during her three rot<strong>at</strong>ions.When asked about the secrets to her success, Ma Mingming said:“There are no shortcuts to success, only gre<strong>at</strong> efforts can lead youto your goal. During my rot<strong>at</strong>ion, I tried my best to devote myselfinto the projects I was put in charge of. My hope was th<strong>at</strong> when myrot<strong>at</strong>ion finished, I would be able to provide something valuable formy team members and leaders. The project development I achievedduring my two-year ECLP life, all the training and practice, has pavedthe way for my career <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong>. Thanks ECLP for giving me a pl<strong>at</strong>formto grow and challenge myself.”After finishing her job rot<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> ECLP in July 2011, Ma Mingmingreceived a number of job offers from different <strong>GE</strong> departments.Apart from her hard <strong>work</strong>, she <strong>at</strong>tributed her success to leadersin the Business Program and HR Department who helped heralong the way, including three leaders on her job rot<strong>at</strong>ion - ScottSitu, Hans Chia, Kevin Jerwann - and the two Business ProgramManagers, Lyne Girard and Dean Park. ECLP is a pl<strong>at</strong>form for<strong>GE</strong> to cultiv<strong>at</strong>e future leaders, so <strong>GE</strong> leaders from HR and theProgram Management department has devoted their time andenergy to make this program a success. After two years in ECLP,Ma Mingming has grown into a m<strong>at</strong>ure employee with a strong<strong>work</strong>ing spirit and leadership abilities. Ma is proud of her quickrise during the ECLP program and believes ECLP can <strong>at</strong>tract moretalented individuals who can make contributions th<strong>at</strong> ensure <strong>GE</strong>’sprosperous future.43 LIFE <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong>LIFE <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> 44

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