GE : imagination at work - General Electric

GE : imagination at work - General Electric

GE : imagination at work - General Electric


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职 业 加 油 站 Career DevelopmentFrank Meng: FromAcademia to Corpor<strong>at</strong>eWorldFrank Meng’s reason for joining <strong>GE</strong>? Love for his wife. Today,11 years l<strong>at</strong>er, he is Senior Technical Program Manager for <strong>GE</strong>Corpor<strong>at</strong>e’s Licensing and Trading division.Both Frank and his wife are Hangzhou-n<strong>at</strong>ives but aftergradu<strong>at</strong>ion his wife secured a position in Shanghai while Franktaught <strong>at</strong> the University of Zhejiang in Hangzhou. Because theyboth wanted to live and <strong>work</strong> in the same city, in 2011, Frankjoined the Lighting business bringing his physics background withhim and he has been with <strong>GE</strong> ever since.After 29 months in Lighting, Frank transferred to <strong>GE</strong> Appliances in2003. Back then, employees could apply for an internal transferafter 18 months (note: th<strong>at</strong> time period is now 36 months beforebeing eligible for a transfer as a new employee). After sevenyears, Frank moved to Corpor<strong>at</strong>e to lead the licensing and tradingdivision as China Program Manager in September 2010.The <strong>GE</strong> culture of allowing and encouraging career p<strong>at</strong>hs acrossdifferent businesses is one of the many reasons why Frank hasMoreopportunitiesEarn RespectLearning CircleSelf-LearnAchieve Expect<strong>at</strong>ionstayed <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> for so long. The entire culture of change makesit easy for Frank to stay passion<strong>at</strong>e about his <strong>work</strong>. “Change isgood,” Frank repe<strong>at</strong>s the age-old adage of being flexible. And th<strong>at</strong>applies to everything - from being willing to change your position,business, role and responsibilities to constantly evolving on apersonal level.Another key aspect of <strong>GE</strong> th<strong>at</strong> has kept Frank here is the“personality” of the company. Wh<strong>at</strong> does he mean? ”Integrity,feedback, EMS review, openness, section D, opportunities andcareer p<strong>at</strong>hs,” he lists off in quick succession. The entire cultureof <strong>GE</strong> is set up for employees to continually develop themselves.There are endless opportunities if you are willing and flexible.Frank encourages employees to consider an internal transfer(same <strong>work</strong> but different people) before leaving <strong>GE</strong> for anothercompany.Congr<strong>at</strong>ul<strong>at</strong>ions to Frank for his long-time service <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong>! Thankyou for motiv<strong>at</strong>ing us to continue learning and improvingourselves.Frank’s Top 3 Keys to Success• Communic<strong>at</strong>ions Skills: you might be brilliant but if you can’tcommunic<strong>at</strong>e your ideas properly, no one will know!• Keep Learning: self-learning (use online resources, ask experts, etc.) iscritical; learn from every opportunity (nothing should be viewed as “toosimple”).• Own Your Expertise: not necessarily wh<strong>at</strong> you learned <strong>at</strong> school; in factgradu<strong>at</strong>ing from university is just the beginning of the learning process.Undeterred by the Dangers Ahead— Getting to Know Yang XuyongYang Xuyong joined <strong>GE</strong> China Healthcaretwo decades ago when computedtomography (CT) was a totally unfamiliarterritory to him. Undeterred, Yang wasdiligent and overcame innumeroustechnical difficulties through sheer hard<strong>work</strong>. He eventually became a specialistin the field of computed tomography (CT).In this issue of Life @ <strong>GE</strong>, we will bring youhis story <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong>.In 1993, Healthcare China was still inits explor<strong>at</strong>ory stage and was mainly incharge of assembling machines importedfrom other countries. With the goal ofproducing our own CT products in mind,<strong>GE</strong> launched its five-year CT localiz<strong>at</strong>ionproject.Yang described the period of implementingCT localiz<strong>at</strong>ion as a difficult but fulfillingtime. “It was difficult because we hadneither CT expertise nor m<strong>at</strong>erials.To understand the product structure,we disassembled machines importedfrom Japan to analyze their structuresstep by step, thereby accumul<strong>at</strong>ingprofessional knowledge on CT,” Yang said.“However, the s<strong>at</strong>isfaction we derived wastremendous when we obtained a betteridea of the CT.”The reason why Yang was able tofamiliarize himself with CT within a shortspan of time was because of the highstandards he had set for himself. “Theproblems would remain even if you simplypretended everything was a piece ofcake,” Yang said. “To familiarize yourselfwith a new field of knowledge takes a lotof time and effort. You should embraceevery opportunity to observe new thingsand put your knowledge into practice.”In 2000, Yang’s team designed a PDU2 fora Japanese company. The system wonhigh recognition and was soon put it intoproduction. It was the first global productfor <strong>GE</strong> Healthcare China.However, wh<strong>at</strong> struck Yang most was notthe success he achieved but an incidentth<strong>at</strong> occurred in Japan. “When the samplewas taken to Japan for testing, more thanseven Japanese engineers examined thesample carefully for around 40 minutes,and pointed out every minor problem. Iwas there and felt really embarrassed.I resolved there and then th<strong>at</strong> we shallstrive for excellence in our products, soth<strong>at</strong> experts from other countries couldfind no flaws in them.” To prove th<strong>at</strong> theChinese can excel in CT, Yang’s teamengaged in various product research anddevelopment projects, undeterred by thedifficulties th<strong>at</strong> lay ahead.Yang <strong>at</strong>tributed his long period ofservice <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> to the stable and friendlyenvironment cre<strong>at</strong>ed by the leaders ofthe CT Department and the strong teamspirit embraced by the CT team in itsdetermin<strong>at</strong>ion conquer all obstacles. Anexcellent team and passion for his jobmotiv<strong>at</strong>es Yang to continue to learn andcontribute to the company.Asked about his interests, Yang said, “Ihave always been interested in wirelesstechnology, but ever since the birth of mychild, I started learning photography torecord our child’s growing process.” Yang’shappiness was apparent when he talkedabout his child and this gave us a glimpseof another side of him -- th<strong>at</strong> of a gentleand kind f<strong>at</strong>her.We gre<strong>at</strong>ly appreci<strong>at</strong>e Yang’scontributions to <strong>GE</strong> in the past twodecades and we hope th<strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> HealthcareChina will continue to ascend to gre<strong>at</strong>erheights in the field of CT.Yang Xuyong’s Three Keysto Success:• Be diligent: Use your brain to think,move your legs to explore, use youreyes to observe, open your mouthto ask questions and use yourhands to put it all into practice.• Don’t be afraid of difficulties: Keepcalm under pressure and <strong>work</strong> outplans to solve problems.• Keep moving forward: Set yoursights high but keep yourselfgrounded <strong>at</strong> the same time andperform your job well.23 LIFE <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong>LIFE <strong>at</strong> <strong>GE</strong> 24

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