Time Off In Lieu Policy

Time Off In Lieu Policy

Time Off In Lieu Policy


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17 How have the Core Human Rights Values of:Fairness;Respect;Equality;Dignity;AutonomyBeen considered in the formulation of thispolicy/strategyIf they haven’t please reconsider the documentand amend to incorporate these values.18. Which of the Human Rights Articles does thisdocument impact?What existing evidence (either presumed orotherwise) do you have for this?The Core Human Rights Values underpin this policy, which has been formulated with theseunderlying principles in mind and in line with the Organisation’s commitment to equality, diversityand human rights as set out in its Equality and Diversity <strong>Policy</strong> and the Equality, Diversityand Human Rights Scheme 2009-2012.All staff members that accrue TOIL will have their individual needs taken into accountand will be treated with dignity and respect.The right:Yes No To life;X Not to be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading way;X To be free from slavery or forced labour;X To liberty and security;X To a fair trial;X To no punishment without law;X To respect for home and family life, home and correspondence;X To freedom of thought, conscience and religion;X To freedom of expression;X To freedom of assembly and association;X To marry and found a family;X Not to be discriminated against in relation to the enjoyment of any ofXthe rights contained in the European Convention;XX To peaceful enjoyment of possessions and education;X To free electionsXThe policy is underpinned by a commitment to protect the rights of individuals in respect oftreating staff fairly and equitably in the accrual and taking back TOIL.How will you ensure that those responsible forimplementing the <strong>Policy</strong> are aware of the HumanRights implications and equipped to deal withthem?Through management updates via the staff intranet and guidance/best practice informationfrom HR11

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