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General Conditions of Contractviii) None of the materials supplied to the CONTRACTORwill be utilised by the CONTRACTOR formanufacturing item which can be obtained assupplied from standard manufacturer in finishedform.ix) The CONTRACTOR shall, if desired by theENGINEER- IN-CHARGE, be required to execute anIndemnity Bond in the prescribed form for safecustody and accounting of all materials issued by theEMPLOYER.x) The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE sufficiently in advance astatement showing his requirement of the quantitiesof the materials to be supplied by the EMPLOYERand the time when the same will be required by himfor the works, so as to enable theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE to make necessaryarrangements for procurement and supply of thematerial.xi)xii)Account of the materials issued by the EMPLOYERshall be maintained by CONTRACTOR indicating thedaily receipt, consumption and balance in hand. Thisaccount shall be maintained in a manner prescribedby the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE along with allconnected papers viz. requisitions, issues, etc., andshall be always available for inspection in theCONTRACTOR's office at SITE.The CONTRACTOR should see that only therequired quantities of materials are got issued. TheCONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to cartage andincidental charges for returning the surplus materials,if any, to the stores wherefrom they were issued or tothe place as directed by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.xiii) Materials/Equipment(s) supplied by EMPLOYER shallnot be utilised for any purpose(s) than issued for.68 Material procured withassistance ofemployer/return of surplus:68.1 Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in anyor all the clauses of this CONTRACT where any materialsfor the execution of the CONTRACT are procured with theassistance of the EMPLOYER either by issue fromEMPLOYER's stock or purchases made under order orpermits or licences issued by Government, theCONTRACTOR shall hold the said materials as trustee forthe EMPLOYER and use such materials economically andsolely for the purpose of the CONTRACT and not disposethem off without the permission of the EMPLOYER andreturn, if required by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, shalldetermine having due regard to the condition of thematerials. The price allowed to the CONTRACTOR,however, shall not exceed the amount charged to himexcluding the storage charges, if any. The decision of theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall be final and conclusive insuch matters. In the event of breach of the aforesaid41

General Conditions of Contractcondition, the CONTRACTOR shall, in terms of thelicences or permits and/or criminal breach of trust, be liableto compensate the EMPLOYER at double rate or anyhigher rate, in the event of those materials at that timehaving higher rate or not being available in the market, thenany other rate to be determined by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE and his decision shall be finaland conclusive.69 Materials obtained fromdismantling:69.1 If the CONTRACTOR in the course of execution of theWORK is called upon to dismantle any part for reasonsother than those stipulated in Clauses 74 and 77hereunder, the materials obtained in the WORK ofdismantling etc., will be considered as the EMPLOYER'sproperty and will be disposed off to the best advantage ofthe EMPLOYER.70 Articles of value found: 70.1 All gold, silver and other minerals of any description and allprecious stones, coins, treasure relics, antiquities and othersimilar things which shall be found in, under or upon theSITE, shall be the property of the EMPLOYER and theCONTRACTOR shall duly preserve the same to thesatisfaction of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE and shall fromtime to time deliver the same to such person or personsindicated by the EMPLOYER.71 Discrepancies betweeninstructions:72 Action where no specificationis issued:71.1 Should any discrepancy occur between the variousinstructions furnished to the CONTRACTOR, his agent orstaff or any doubt arises as to the meaning of any suchinstructions or should there be any misunderstandingbetween the CONTRACTOR's staff and theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE's staff, the CONTRACTOR shallrefer the matter immediately in writing to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE whose decision thereon shall befinal and conclusive and no claim for losses alleged to havebeen caused by such discrepancies between instructions,doubts, or misunderstanding shall in any event beadmissible.72.1 In case of any class of WORK for which there is noSPECIFICATION supplied by the EMPLOYER asmentioned in the Tender Documents such WORK shall becarried out in accordance with Indian StandardSpecifications and if the Indian Standard Specifications donot cover the same, the WORK should be carried out asper standard Engineering Practice subject to the approvalof the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.73 Inspection of works: 73.1 The ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE will have full power andauthority to inspect the WORK at any time wherever inprogress either on the SITE or at the CONTRACTOR'spremises/workshops wherever situated, premises/workshops of any person, firm or corporation where WORKin connection with the CONTRACT may be in hand orwhere materials are being or are to be supplied, and theCONTRACTOR shall afford or procure for theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE every facility and assistance tocarry out such inspection. The CONTRACTOR shall, at alltime during the usual working hours and at all other time at42

General Conditions of Contractcondition, the CONTRACTOR shall, in terms of thelicences or permits and/or criminal breach of trust, be liableto compensate the EMPLOYER at double rate or anyhigher rate, in the event of those materials at that timehaving higher rate or not being available in the market, thenany other rate to be determined by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE and his decision shall be finaland conclusive.69 Materials obtained fromdismantling:69.1 If the CONTRACTOR in the course of execution of theWORK is called upon to dismantle any part for reasonsother than those stipulated in Clauses 74 and 77hereunder, the materials obtained in the WORK ofdismantling etc., will be considered as the EMPLOYER'sproperty and will be disposed off to the best advantage ofthe EMPLOYER.70 Articles of value found: 70.1 All gold, silver and other minerals of any description and allprecious stones, coins, treasure relics, antiquities and othersimilar things which shall be found in, under or upon theSITE, shall be the property of the EMPLOYER and theCONTRACTOR shall duly preserve the same to thesatisfaction of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE and shall fromtime to time deliver the same to such person or personsindicated by the EMPLOYER.71 Discrepancies betweeninstructions:72 Action where no specificationis issued:71.1 Should any discrepancy occur between the variousinstructions furnished to the CONTRACTOR, his agent orstaff or any doubt arises as to the meaning of any suchinstructions or should there be any misunderstandingbetween the CONTRACTOR's staff and theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE's staff, the CONTRACTOR shallrefer the matter immediately in writing to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE whose decision thereon shall befinal and conclusive and no claim for losses alleged to havebeen caused by such discrepancies between instructions,doubts, or misunderstanding shall in any event beadmissible.72.1 In case of any class of WORK for which there is noSPECIFICATION supplied by the EMPLOYER asmentioned in the Tender Documents such WORK shall becarried out in accordance with <strong>India</strong>n StandardSpecifications and if the <strong>India</strong>n Standard Specifications donot cover the same, the WORK should be carried out asper standard Engineering Practice subject to the approvalof the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.73 Inspection of works: 73.1 The ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE will have full power andauthority to inspect the WORK at any time wherever inprogress either on the SITE or at the CONTRACTOR'spremises/workshops wherever situated, premises/workshops of any person, firm or corporation where WORKin connection with the CONTRACT may be in hand orwhere materials are being or are to be supplied, and theCONTRACTOR shall afford or procure for theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE every facility and assistance tocarry out such inspection. The CONTRACTOR shall, at alltime during the usual working hours and at all other time at42

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