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General Conditions of Contractfrom the items in this CONTRACT will be final andbinding on the CONTRACTOR.c) If the rates for the altered, additional or substitutedWORK cannot be determined in the manner specifiedin sub-clause(s) and (b) above, then theCONTRACTOR shall, within 7 days of the date ofreceipt of order to carry out the WORK, inform theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE of the rates which it is hisintention to charge for such class of WORK,supported by analysis of the rate or rates claimed,and the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall determine therate or rates on the basis of the prevailing marketrates, labour cost at schedule of labour rates plus10% to cover contractor's supervision, overheads andprofit and pay the CONTRACTOR accordingly. Theopinion of the ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE as to currentmarket rates of materials and the quantum of labourinvolved per unit of measurement will be final andbinding on the CONTRACTOR.d) Where the item of work will be executed throughnominated specialist agency as approved by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, then the actual amountpaid to such nominated agency supported bydocumentary evidence and as certified byENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall be considered plus10% (ten percent) to cover all contingencies,overhead, profits to arrive at the rates.e) Provisions contained in the Sub-clause (a) & (d)above shall, however, not apply for the following:-Where the value of additions of new items togetherwith the value of alterations, additions/deletions orsubstitutions does not exceed by or is not less thanplus/minus (+_)25% of the VALUE OF CONTRACT.The item rates in the Schedule of Rates shall holdgood for all such variations between the abovementioned limits, irrespective of anyincrease/decrease of quantities in the individual itemsof Schedule of Rates.Where the value of addition of new items togetherwith the value of alterations, additions/deletions orsubstitutions reduces more than 25% of the contractvalue but is within the following limits the tenderershall be paid compensation for decrease in the valueof work, as follows:S.No. Range of VariationPercentagecompensation fordecrease in the value ofwork in the respectiverange.a) Beyond (+) 25% No increase and/orupto & inclusive of decrease shall be(+) 50% applicable for theSchedule of Rates35

General Conditions of Contract(The rates quoted forthis increase shall bevalid).b) Beyond (-) 25% upto & For reduction beyondinclusive of (-) 50% 25%contractor shallbe compensated byan amount equivalentto 10% of thereduction in value ofthe contract asawarded. Forexample if the actualcontract value is 70%of awarded value thencompensation shallbe 10% of (75-70) i.e.0.5% of awardedcontract value.II. For Lumpsum ContractsCONTRACTOR shall, within 7 days of the date of receiptof order to carry out the WORK, inform theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE of the rates which it is hisintention to charge for such class of WORK, supported byanalysis of the rate or rates claimed, and theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall determine the rate or rateson the basis of the prevailing market rates, labour cost atschedule of labour rates plus 10% to cover contractor'ssupervision, overheads and profit and pay theCONTRACTOR accordingly. The opinion of theENGINEER- IN-CHARGE as to current market rates ofmaterials and the quantum of labour involved per unit ofmeasurement will be final and binding on theCONTRACTOR.61 Drawings to be supplied bythe employer61.1 The drawings attached with tender are only for the generalguidance to the CONTRACTOR to enable him to visualizethe type of work contemplated and scope of work involved.The CONTRACTOR will be deemed to have studied theDRAWINGS and formed an idea about the WORKinvolved.61.2 Detailed working drawings on the basis of which actualexecution of the WORK is to proceed, will be furnishedfrom time to time during the progress of the work. TheCONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have gone through theDRAWINGS supplied to him thoroughly and carefully andin conjunction with all other connected drawings and bringto the notice of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGEdiscrepancies, if any, therein before actually carrying outthe Work.61.3 Copies of all detailed working drawings relating to theWORK shall be kept at the CONTRACTOR's office on thesite and shall be made available to theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE at any time during theCONTRACT. The drawings and other documents issuedby the EMPLOYER shall be returned to the EMPLOYER oncompletion of the WORK.36

General Conditions of Contract(The rates quoted forthis increase shall bevalid).b) Beyond (-) 25% upto & For reduction beyondinclusive of (-) 50% 25%contractor shallbe compensated byan amount equivalentto 10% of thereduction in value ofthe contract asawarded. Forexample if the actualcontract value is 70%of awarded value thencompensation shallbe 10% of (75-70) i.e.0.5% of awardedcontract value.II. For Lumpsum ContractsCONTRACTOR shall, within 7 days of the date of receiptof order to carry out the WORK, inform theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE of the rates which it is hisintention to charge for such class of WORK, supported byanalysis of the rate or rates claimed, and theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shall determine the rate or rateson the basis of the prevailing market rates, labour cost atschedule of labour rates plus 10% to cover contractor'ssupervision, overheads and profit and pay theCONTRACTOR accordingly. The opinion of theENGINEER- IN-CHARGE as to current market rates ofmaterials and the quantum of labour involved per unit ofmeasurement will be final and binding on theCONTRACTOR.61 Drawings to be supplied bythe employer61.1 The drawings attached with tender are only for the generalguidance to the CONTRACTOR to enable him to visualizethe type of work contemplated and scope of work involved.The CONTRACTOR will be deemed to have studied theDRAWINGS and formed an idea about the WORKinvolved.61.2 Detailed working drawings on the basis of which actualexecution of the WORK is to proceed, will be furnishedfrom time to time during the progress of the work. TheCONTRACTOR shall be deemed to have gone through theDRAWINGS supplied to him thoroughly and carefully andin conjunction with all other connected drawings and bringto the notice of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGEdiscrepancies, if any, therein before actually carrying outthe Work.61.3 Copies of all detailed working drawings relating to theWORK shall be kept at the CONTRACTOR's office on thesite and shall be made available to theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE at any time during theCONTRACT. The drawings and other documents issuedby the EMPLOYER shall be returned to the EMPLOYER oncompletion of the WORK.36

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