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General Conditions of ContractSECTION- I DEFINITIONS1. Definition of Terms: 1.1 In this CONTRACT (as here-in-after defined) the following wordsand expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to themexcept where the context otherwise required.1.1.1 The EMPLOYER/COMPANY/GAIL means GAIL (INDIA) LTD., apublic limited company, incorporated under the Company’s act1956 and having its Registered office at 16, Bhikaji Cama Place,New Delhi 110066 and includes its successors and assigns.1.1.2 The "CONTRACTOR" means the person or the persons, firm orCompany or corporation whose tender has been accepted by theEMPLOYER and includes the CONTRACTOR's legalRepresentatives his successors and permitted assigns.1.1.3 The ENGINEER/ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE" shall mean the persondesignated from time to time by the GAIL and shall include thosewho are expressly authorized by him to act for and on his behalffor operation of this CONTRACT.1.1.4 The "WORK" shall mean and include all items and things to besupplied/ done and services and activities to be performed by theCONTRACTOR in pursuant to and in accordance withCONTRACT or part thereof as the case may be and shall includeall extra, additional, altered or substituted works as required forpurpose of the CONTRACT.1.1.5 The "PERMANENT WORK" means and includes works which willbe incorporated in and form a part of the work to be handed overto the EMPLOYER by the CONTRACTOR on completion of theCONTRACT.1.1.6 "CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT" means allappliances/equipment and things whatsoever nature for the use inor for the execution, completion, operation, or maintenance of thework or temporary works (as hereinafter defined) but does notinclude materials or other things intended to form or to beincorporated into the WORK, or camping facilities.1.1.7 "CONTRACT DOCUMENTS" means collectively the TenderDocuments, Designs, Drawings, Specification, Schedule ofQuantities and Rates, Letter of Acceptance and agreed variationsif any, and such other documents constituting the tender andacceptance thereof.1.1.8 CONSULTANT: means ------------------------------- who are theconsulting engineer to the Employer for this project and havingregistered office at --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.9 The "SUB-CONTRACTOR" means any person or firm orCompany (other than the CONTRACTOR) to whom any part ofthe work has been entrusted by the CONTRACTOR, with thewritten consent of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE, and the legalrepresentatives, successors and permitted assigns of suchperson, firm or company.1

General Conditions of Contract1.1.10 The "CONTRACT” shall mean the Agreement between theEMPLOYER and the CONTRACTOR for the execution of theworks including therein all contract documents.1.1.11 The "SPECIFICATION" shall mean all directions the varioustechnical specifications, provisions attached and referred to theTender Documents which pertain to the method and manner ofperforming the work or works to the quantities and qualities of thework or works and the materials to be furnished under theCONTRACT for the work or works, as may be amplified ormodified by the GAIL or ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE during theperformance of CONTRACT in order to provide the unforseenconditions or in the best interests of the work or works. It shallalso include the latest edition of relevant Standard Specificationsincluding all addenda/corrigenda published before entering intoCONTRACT.1.1.12 The "DRAWINGS" shall include maps, plans and tracings or printsor sketches thereof with any modifications approved in writing bythe ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE and such other drawing as may,from time to time, be furnished or approved in writing by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.1.1.13 The "TENDER" means the proposal along with supportingdocuments submitted by the CONTRACTOR for consideration bythe EMPLOYER.1.1.14 The "CHANGE ORDER" means an order given in writing by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE to effect additions to or deletion fromand alteration in the works.1.1.15 The "COMPLETION CERTIFICATE" shall mean the certificate tobe issued by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE when the works havebeen completed entirely in accordance with CONTRACTDOCUMENT to his satisfaction.1.1.16 The "FINAL CERTIFICATE" in relation to a work means thecertificate regarding the satisfactory compliance of variousprovision of the CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR issued by theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE/EMPLOYER after the period of liabilityis over.1.1.17 “DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD” in relation to a work means thespecified period from the date of COMPLETION CERTIFICATEupto the date of issue of FINAL CERTIFICATE during which theCONTRACTOR stands responsible for rectifying all defects thatmay appear in the works executed by the CONTRACTOR inpursuance of the CONTRACT and includes warranties againstManufacturing/Fabrication/ Erection/Construction defects coveringall materials plants, equipment, components, and the like suppliedby the CONTRACTOR, works executed against workmanshipdefects.1.1.18 The "APPOINTING AUTHORITY" for the purpose of arbitrationshall be the CHAIRMAN and MANAGING DIRECTOR or anyother person so designated by the EMPLOYER.1.1.19 "TEMPORARY WORKS" shall mean all temporary works of everykind required in or about the execution, completion ormaintenance of works.2

General Conditions of Contract1.1.10 The "CONTRACT” shall mean the Agreement between theEMPLOYER and the CONTRACTOR for the execution of theworks including therein all contract documents.1.1.11 The "SPECIFICATION" shall mean all directions the varioustechnical specifications, provisions attached and referred to theTender Documents which pertain to the method and manner ofperforming the work or works to the quantities and qualities of thework or works and the materials to be furnished under theCONTRACT for the work or works, as may be amplified ormodified by the <strong>GAIL</strong> or ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE during theperformance of CONTRACT in order to provide the unforseenconditions or in the best interests of the work or works. It shallalso include the latest edition of relevant Standard Specificationsincluding all addenda/corrigenda published before entering intoCONTRACT.1.1.12 The "DRAWINGS" shall include maps, plans and tracings or printsor sketches thereof with any modifications approved in writing bythe ENGINEER- IN-CHARGE and such other drawing as may,from time to time, be furnished or approved in writing by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.1.1.13 The "TENDER" means the proposal along with supportingdocuments submitted by the CONTRACTOR for consideration bythe EMPLOYER.1.1.14 The "CHANGE ORDER" means an order given in writing by theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE to effect additions to or deletion fromand alteration in the works.1.1.15 The "COMPLETION CERTIFICATE" shall mean the certificate tobe issued by the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE when the works havebeen completed entirely in accordance with CONTRACTDOCUMENT to his satisfaction.1.1.16 The "FINAL CERTIFICATE" in relation to a work means thecertificate regarding the satisfactory compliance of variousprovision of the CONTRACT by the CONTRACTOR issued by theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE/EMPLOYER after the period of liabilityis over.1.1.17 “DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD” in relation to a work means thespecified period from the date of COMPLETION CERTIFICATEupto the date of issue of FINAL CERTIFICATE during which theCONTRACTOR stands responsible for rectifying all defects thatmay appear in the works executed by the CONTRACTOR inpursuance of the CONTRACT and includes warranties againstManufacturing/Fabrication/ Erection/Construction defects coveringall materials plants, equipment, components, and the like suppliedby the CONTRACTOR, works executed against workmanshipdefects.1.1.18 The "APPOINTING AUTHORITY" for the purpose of arbitrationshall be the CHAIRMAN and MANAGING DIRECTOR or anyother person so designated by the EMPLOYER.1.1.19 "TEMPORARY WORKS" shall mean all temporary works of everykind required in or about the execution, completion ormaintenance of works.2

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