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27b) The contractor shall not be entitled to increase in prices or for anycompensation whatsoever on account of the extension of timeallowed.c) Any extension of time granted under the provision of this clauseshall be without prejudice to other conditions of contract and willnot absolve the contractor from the obligations of other clausesunder the contract.The decision of the owner in this regard will be final and binding onthe contractor.45. TERMINATION OF CONTRACTThe Owner / Engineer-In-Charge reserves the right to terminate thecontract on giving 7 days notice without assigning any reason.46. SUMMARY TERMINATION OF CONTRACT DUE TO SUBMISSIONOF FALSE DOCUMENT46.1 Bidders are required to furnish the complete and correctinformation/documents required for evaluation of their bids. Ifthe information/documents forming basis of evaluation is foundto be false/forged, the same shall be considered adequateground for rejection of the Bids and forfeiture of Earnest MoneyDeposit.46.2 In case, the information/document furnished by the contractorforming basis of evaluation of his bid is found to be false/forgedafter the award of the contract, GAIL shall have full right toterminate the contract and get the remaining job executed atthe risk & cost of such contractor without any prejudice toother rights available to GAIL under the contract such asforfeiture of Security Deposit, withholding of payments etc.46.3 In case the issue of submission of false document comes to thenotice after execution of the work, GAIL shall have full right toforfeit any amount due to the contractor along with forfeiture ofSecurity Deposit furnished by the contractor.46.4 Further, such contractor/bidder shall be blacklisted for futurebusiness with GAIL.

2847. MEASUREMENT OF WORKMeasurement of works shall be made in the units mentioned in theSchedule of Rates as per details given in Technical/Standardsspecifications.48. SCHEDULE OF RATES48.1 The quantities indicated in Schedule of Rates are just tentative.The rates quoted by the bidder shall remain firm for anyvariation and will be inclusive of all taxes & duties.48.2 No escalation of whatsoever nature shall be paid to thecontractor for the entire Contract Period.49. REBATE, IF ANYBidders are advised to include the Rebate / Discount, if any , inthe Schedule of Rates ( SOR) itself and NOT to mention the sameseparately.In case, it is observed that any of the bidder(s) has/have mentionedthe discount/ rebate separately, the same shall not be considered forevaluation. However, in the event of the bidder emerging as the lowestbidder, the discount/ rebate offered by the bidder shall be consideredfor Award of Work and the same will be binding on the bidder.50. AFFIDAVITThe bidder shall submit an affidavit duly notarized to the effect“that the document submitted by him are true and genuine andin case of any discrepancy noticed or observed at any stage thebidder shall be personally responsible not only for the damages orloss to GAIL, but also for criminal proceedings under the relevantlaws”.SIGNATURE AND SEAL OFTHE CONTRACTOR

2847. MEASUREMENT OF WORKMeasurement of works shall be made in the units mentioned in theSchedule of Rates as per details given in Technical/Standardsspecifications.48. SCHEDULE OF RATES48.1 The quantities indicated in Schedule of Rates are just tentative.The rates quoted by the bidder shall remain firm for anyvariation and will be inclusive of all taxes & duties.48.2 No escalation of whatsoever nature shall be paid to thecontractor for the entire Contract Period.49. REBATE, IF ANYBidders are advised to include the Rebate / Discount, if any , inthe Schedule of Rates ( SOR) itself and NOT to mention the sameseparately.In case, it is observed that any of the bidder(s) has/have mentionedthe discount/ rebate separately, the same shall not be considered forevaluation. However, in the event of the bidder emerging as the lowestbidder, the discount/ rebate offered by the bidder shall be consideredfor Award of Work and the same will be binding on the bidder.50. AFFIDAVITThe bidder shall submit an affidavit duly notarized to the effect“that the document submitted by him are true and genuine andin case of any discrepancy noticed or observed at any stage thebidder shall be personally responsible not only for the damages orloss to <strong>GAIL</strong>, but also for criminal proceedings under the relevantlaws”.SIGNATURE AND SEAL OFTHE CONTRACTOR

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