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1711. DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD1) The defect liability period of this work will be 12 months from thedate of completion of work . If during this period any defect occur,the same shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost.Failure to comply with this requirement may result in theforfeiture of security deposit.12. SECURITY DEPOSIT12.1 A sum of 10% of the accepted value of the tender or the actualvalue of work done whichever is applicable due to anyadditional work or any other reasons shall be deposited by theperson/person (here after called the CONTRACTOR) asSecurity Deposit with the GAIL which will be refunded as perdetails contained in clause If the CONTRACTOR /SUB-CONTRACTOR or their employeesshall damage, break, deface or destroy any property belongingto the OWNER or others during the execution of theCONTRACT the same shall be made good by theCONTRACTOR at his own expenses and in default thereof theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE may cause the same to be made goodby other agencies and recover expenses from the CONTRACT(for which the certificate of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE shallbe final).12.3 All compensation or other sums of money payable by theCONTRACTOR to the OWNER under terms of this CONTRACTmay be deducted from or paid by the on encashment or sale ofa sufficient part of his security deposit or from any sumswhich may be due or may become due to the CONTRACTORby the OWNER of any account whatsoever and in the event ofhis security deposit being reduced by reason of any suchdeductions or sale of aforesaid the CONTRACTOR shall withinten days there after make good in cash, bank drafts asaforesaid any sum or sums which may have been deductedfrom or realized by sale or his security deposit or any part

18there. No interest shall payable by the OWNER for sumdeposited as security deposit.13. SCHEDULE OF WORKThe extent and nature of work has been given in Bill ofQuantities/Schedule of Rate to be read in conjunction with drawings/specifications (if any) and the contractor shall quote their ratesclearly in figure and words. The rates quoted shall be for completed inall respect and shall include all taxes duties, material, transportationof material, labors all overheads and profits, and nothing extra shallbe paid except the rate quoted.14. MATERIAL TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTORAll materials, manpower, equipments and consumables shall be in thescope of supply of contractor and the quoted rates shall be inclusiveof all necessary input to complete the job.15. CONTRACT AGREEMENTIf the work is awarded, the contractor shall enter into an agreementwith GAIL in the prescribed Performa. The cost of stamp paper shallbe borne by the contractor.16. SUPERVISION OF WORK:Contractor or his authorized representative shall be available at siteall times, during the progress of the work. The contractor shall deploy01 experienced supervisor at site for job supervision at his ownend. The supervisor shall be available throughout the executionof job.17. CHANGE IN QUANTITIES OF ITEMS DURING EXECUTIONIf the quantities of any item(s) change to any extent due to any reasonwhatsoever, the contractor shall be bound to execute them at therates quoted by him. GAIL also reserves the right to split theitem/work in full or in part during its execution (depending uponexigencies of work) without assigning any reason thereof. The decisionof Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor inthis regard.

18there. No interest shall payable by the OWNER for sumdeposited as security deposit.13. SCHEDULE OF WORKThe extent and nature of work has been given in Bill ofQuantities/Schedule of Rate to be read in conjunction with drawings/specifications (if any) and the contractor shall quote their ratesclearly in figure and words. The rates quoted shall be for completed inall respect and shall include all taxes duties, material, transportationof material, labors all overheads and profits, and nothing extra shallbe paid except the rate quoted.14. MATERIAL TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTORAll materials, manpower, equipments and consumables shall be in thescope of supply of contractor and the quoted rates shall be inclusiveof all necessary input to complete the job.15. CONTRACT AGREEMENTIf the work is awarded, the contractor shall enter into an agreementwith <strong>GAIL</strong> in the prescribed Performa. The cost of stamp paper shallbe borne by the contractor.16. SUPERVISION OF WORK:Contractor or his authorized representative shall be available at siteall times, during the progress of the work. The contractor shall deploy01 experienced supervisor at site for job supervision at his ownend. The supervisor shall be available throughout the executionof job.17. CHANGE IN QUANTITIES OF ITEMS DURING EXECUTIONIf the quantities of any item(s) change to any extent due to any reasonwhatsoever, the contractor shall be bound to execute them at therates quoted by him. <strong>GAIL</strong> also reserves the right to split theitem/work in full or in part during its execution (depending uponexigencies of work) without assigning any reason thereof. The decisionof Engineer-In-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor inthis regard.

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