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13approved samples shall only be used for the construction andinstallation. Contract shall procure materials as indicated in list ofapproved makes (if given).20. Most of the job is related to work at height & safety precautionsis a must, In case of any accident, injury, death caused to the anyemployee of contractor while executing the work under thecontract, the contractor shall solely be responsible to pay theadequate compensation, insurance money etc. to the next kith &kin of that injury or dead taken. The contractor undertakes andIndemnify owner from such liabilities.21. The contractor also undertakes to obtain insurance cover policiescovering all risks which may arise out of the execution of workunder the contract. The contractor will pay the insurancepremium to the insurance company from time to time against theinsurance cover policy taken for his employees including thirdparty.

141. GeneralSPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT-PART-II1.1 The special conditions shall be read in conjunction with Generalconditions of contract. Where the provisions of these specialconditions are at variance with the provisions of the generalconditions of contract, the provisions of these special conditions shalltake precedence.1.2 ORDER OF PRECEDENCEIn case of ambiguity in schedule of rates, general conditions ,specifications, drawings the following order of precedence will prevail:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Telex/Telegram/Fax of intent, detailed letter of intent along withstatement of agreed variations and its enclosures and anycorrigendum/addendum.Schedule of rates.Special /Additional conditions of contract.Specifications/Special notes regarding specifications / drawings inconjunction with each other.General conditions of contract attached.2. The work is required to be done inside GAIL plant Usar. The bidderis advised to see the site conditions and nature of job before quotinghis rates . It shall be taken that bidder has seen the site conditionsand no claim on this account shall be entertained at a later date. Jobshall be done in strict compliance with tender specifications.The various items to be operated has been dealt in schedule of ratesattached with tenders documents. The rates should include supplyof all materials, man power, equipments, consumables, taxes,duties, royalties, profits and overheads like Labour License,Insurance etc. required for the job as per specifications and BOQ.

141. GeneralSPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT-PART-II1.1 The special conditions shall be read in conjunction with Generalconditions of contract. Where the provisions of these specialconditions are at variance with the provisions of the generalconditions of contract, the provisions of these special conditions shalltake precedence.1.2 ORDER OF PRECEDENCEIn case of ambiguity in schedule of rates, general conditions ,specifications, drawings the following order of precedence will prevail:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Telex/Telegram/Fax of intent, detailed letter of intent along withstatement of agreed variations and its enclosures and anycorrigendum/addendum.Schedule of rates.Special /Additional conditions of contract.Specifications/Special notes regarding specifications / drawings inconjunction with each other.General conditions of contract attached.2. The work is required to be done inside <strong>GAIL</strong> plant Usar. The bidderis advised to see the site conditions and nature of job before quotinghis rates . It shall be taken that bidder has seen the site conditionsand no claim on this account shall be entertained at a later date. Jobshall be done in strict compliance with tender specifications.The various items to be operated has been dealt in schedule of ratesattached with tenders documents. The rates should include supplyof all materials, man power, equipments, consumables, taxes,duties, royalties, profits and overheads like Labour License,Insurance etc. required for the job as per specifications and BOQ.

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