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118. The offer for the works must be inclusive of all taxes + overheads+ profit etc. No escalation of any nature is permissiblethereafter. However the bidder may claim the taxes partseparately.9. Payment shall be made on following basis:-a). Payment 75% of material cost on receipt of material at GailUsar.b). Balance payment on running bills on weekly basis (RA Bills).10. All the works are to be completed in a period of 4 monthsduration i.e. from the date of commencement ofcontract.(Preferably before start of monsoon.)11. Tax invoice for availing benefit of VAT to be provided in thename of Gail India Limited Usar.12. The contractor has to provide system warranty of 5 years(minimum 4 monsoons) for Acrylic Elastomeric coating & 7 yearsfor APP membrane from the Principal manufacturer / supplieri.e. from M/s Pidilite Industries or M/s Choksey Chemicals alongwith the test certificate for quality& conformance to properapplication thru periodic inspection during the progress &after completion of works. However defect liability period shallbe 2 years (2 monsoon seasons) for the works. The contractorshall guarantee all the work executed by him as per systemwarranty from the date of completion of work. If during thisperiod any defect occur, the same shall be made good by thecontractor at his own cost. Failure to comply with thisrequirement may result in the forfeiture of security deposit.13. The Contractor shall not sublet the contract, except with thewritten permission of GAIL.14. The contractor deemed to have inspected the site thoroughly andacquainted himself with the site conditions, availability of storagefor materials, work areas available for construction, disposal /stacking of debris etc acquainted himself with the general nature

12of the site , and its other features likely to affect his tender and theconstruction of the works. No claim/ extension of time whatsoevershall be entertained on account of prevailing site conditions.15. PENALTY CLAUSETime is the essence of CONTRACT. In case the CONTRACTORfails to complete the work within the stipulated period, thenunless such failure is due to Owner’s defaults, theCONTRACTOR shall be penalized at the rate of Rs 2000/- perinstance. The decision of the Engineer-In-charge in regardto applicability of penalty for delay shall be final and binding onthe CONTRACTOR.16. SUPERVISION OF WORK:Contractor or his authorized representative shall be available atsite all times, during the progress of the work. The contractorshall deploy 02 experienced supervisors at site for jobsupervision at his own end. The supervisor shall be availablethroughout the execution of job. Communication & Conveyancefacility is a must with the supervisor.17. In case if the works schedule are not met Gail reserve right tocarry out the works thru other parties at contractor’s risk & costbasis.18. CARE OF WORKSFrom the commencement to completion of the work, the contractorshall take full responsibility for the care of all works including alltemporary works. In case any damage, loss or injury happens to thework or to a part thereof or to any temporary works for any cause,the same shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost.19. SAMPLES FOR APPROVALThe contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-In-Charge for approvalsamples of all material to be used in the item/work. Such samplesshall be submitted before item/work is commenced in advance. It isthe responsibility of the contractor to arrange for tests as requiredby Engineer-In-Charge at his own cost. The material representing

12of the site , and its other features likely to affect his tender and theconstruction of the works. No claim/ extension of time whatsoevershall be entertained on account of prevailing site conditions.15. PENALTY CLAUSETime is the essence of CONTRACT. In case the CONTRACTORfails to complete the work within the stipulated period, thenunless such failure is due to Owner’s defaults, theCONTRACTOR shall be penalized at the rate of Rs 2000/- perinstance. The decision of the Engineer-In-charge in regardto applicability of penalty for delay shall be final and binding onthe CONTRACTOR.16. SUPERVISION OF WORK:Contractor or his authorized representative shall be available atsite all times, during the progress of the work. The contractorshall deploy 02 experienced supervisors at site for jobsupervision at his own end. The supervisor shall be availablethroughout the execution of job. Communication & Conveyancefacility is a must with the supervisor.17. In case if the works schedule are not met Gail reserve right tocarry out the works thru other parties at contractor’s risk & costbasis.18. CARE OF WORKSFrom the commencement to completion of the work, the contractorshall take full responsibility for the care of all works including alltemporary works. In case any damage, loss or injury happens to thework or to a part thereof or to any temporary works for any cause,the same shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost.19. SAMPLES <strong>FOR</strong> APPROVALThe contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-In-Charge for approvalsamples of all material to be used in the item/work. Such samplesshall be submitted before item/work is commenced in advance. It isthe responsibility of the contractor to arrange for tests as requiredby Engineer-In-Charge at his own cost. The material representing

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