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96. Providing & Laying APP Bituminious Membrane: APPmembrane 4 mm thick manufactured / supplied by M/s Pidilite,Choksey to be laid on roof as per Manufacturers recommendationincluding bituminous primer ( 2 coats) & finish coat by Aluminumpaint by brush application ( 2 coats). For specs & application detailsrefer annexure attached. (System warranty 7 years.) (ExcludingScaffolding).Pidilite product:- TORCHSHIELDChoksey Product:- TORCHMASTER-P7. Application of Primer / Sealer coat: Subsequent to surfacepreparation of building walls, applying 1 coat of primer/ sealer coatcompatible to acrylic highly elastomeric water proof paints/coatings. For specs & application details refer annexure attached.(Excluding Scaffolding)8. Application of Acrylic elastomeric waterproof coating/ paint. 2coats to be applied on primed surface. For specs & applicationdetails refer annexure attached. (System warranty 5 years.) For specs& application details refer annexure attached. (ExcludingScaffolding) Pidilite product:- PROOFCOTE ELASTOMERICChoksey Product:- FUTURA-5Location / Area of works. Roof ofbuildings. (FWPH, LCR & ADMBLOCK Building roof.)APP Membrane to be supplied byM/s Pidilite Industries or M/sChoksey chemicals.AluminiumPaint of M/s Shalimar/ Burger/Asian/ICI Dulux, 1 st qualitypaint.Location / Area of works. Allbuilding walls. Primer / sealer tobe of M/s Pidilite Industries orM/s Choksey chemicals brand.Location / Area of works. Allbuildings walls. Acrylicelastomeric coating to be of M/sPidilite Industries or M/sChoksey chemicals makes.9. Application of Acrylic washable distemper (1 st quality readymade) of approved brand & shade 2 coats, including cleaning,scraping, filling cracks with wall putty all inclusive excludingscaffolding.Location / Area of works. InsideFWPH & El Sub stn, Adm Bldg.From Product of Burger / Asian /ICI Dulux.10. Injection grouting with cementious based plasticizingadmixtures.(Till saturation & arrest of leakage.) For specs &application details refer annexure attached. (Excluding Scaffolding).Pidilite product:- PIDICRETE AMChoksey Product:-Mastergrout CPG-1.11. Redoing sand face plaster in 2 coats: 15-25 mm thick Cementplaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) + adding integral water proofingcompound IWP-1 or PIDIPROOF LW, equivalent as permanufacturers recommendation. (Excluding Scaffolding)12. Letter Writing: Painting of building names in appropriate sizesshapes & colour with Acrylic elastomeric coatings. (ExcludingScaffolding)All buildings.Products of Pidilite or chokseymake.All building on need basis. Forproviding slopes for rain water &repairs of existing plaster.All buildings.13. Filling of cracks on Wall & Parapet surface with Acrylic latexcaulk. ( Paintex or equivalent )All Buildings wall & parapetsurfaces.

10Special Conditions of Contract- Part-I.1. The quantities as mentioned in price bid are tentative in nature &in no way binding on Gail to execute it in full or part. The actualexecution of application shall vary in accordance to company’srequirement.2. If the number of contract manpower exceeds 20, a labour licensefor the subject work is mandatory.3. Payment of Minimum wages, bonus, PF & insurance coverage, etcas applicable for working in a Petrochemical Industry under aFactory’s act is mandatory. In case the contractor fails to meet thewages,PF norms an amount of 10 % of the contract value may bedetained by EIC for adjustment / disbursement to concernedwork force as deemed fit. The decision of the Gail will be bindingon the contractor & no compensation will be paid for anyescalation & reasons.4. All tools & tackles including automated tools as required forsurface preparation like, water jetting machine, vacuum cleaner,various types of brushes. Scrapper, scalers, hoses, ropes,scaffolding materials, ladder etc as required for subject worksneeds to be submitted at works before start of works forinspection.5. Personal protective equipments / gears like cotton overalls,helmet, safety shoes, goggles, hand gloves, first aid box etc are tobe provided by contractor for its work force & no deviation isallowed. A muster roll register is to be provided for registeringthe manpower details .6. Water, Electricity, & Ambulance shall be available free of cost atworks.7. If contractor fails to perform works at par with the jobspecification Gail shall execute the same at the risk & cost ofcontractor& recoveries will be affected accordingly. The decisionof EIC shall be final & binding on the contractor.

96. Providing & Laying APP Bituminious Membrane: APPmembrane 4 mm thick manufactured / supplied by M/s Pidilite,Choksey to be laid on roof as per Manufacturers recommendationincluding bituminous primer ( 2 coats) & finish coat by Aluminumpaint by brush application ( 2 coats). For specs & application detailsrefer annexure attached. (System warranty 7 years.) (ExcludingScaffolding).Pidilite product:- TORCHSHIELDChoksey Product:- TORCHMASTER-P7. Application of Primer / Sealer coat: Subsequent to surfacepreparation of building walls, applying 1 coat of primer/ sealer coatcompatible to acrylic highly elastomeric water proof paints/coatings. For specs & application details refer annexure attached.(Excluding Scaffolding)8. Application of Acrylic elastomeric waterproof coating/ paint. 2coats to be applied on primed surface. For specs & applicationdetails refer annexure attached. (System warranty 5 years.) For specs& application details refer annexure attached. (ExcludingScaffolding) Pidilite product:- PROOFCOTE ELASTOMERICChoksey Product:- FUTURA-5Location / Area of works. Roof ofbuildings. (FWPH, LCR & ADMBLOCK Building roof.)APP Membrane to be supplied byM/s Pidilite Industries or M/sChoksey chemicals.AluminiumPaint of M/s Shalimar/ Burger/Asian/ICI Dulux, 1 st qualitypaint.Location / Area of works. Allbuilding walls. Primer / sealer tobe of M/s Pidilite Industries orM/s Choksey chemicals brand.Location / Area of works. Allbuildings walls. Acrylicelastomeric coating to be of M/sPidilite Industries or M/sChoksey chemicals makes.9. Application of Acrylic washable distemper (1 st quality readymade) of approved brand & shade 2 coats, including cleaning,scraping, filling cracks with wall putty all inclusive excludingscaffolding.Location / Area of works. InsideFWPH & El Sub stn, Adm Bldg.From Product of Burger / Asian /ICI Dulux.10. Injection grouting with cementious based plasticizingadmixtures.(Till saturation & arrest of leakage.) For specs &application details refer annexure attached. (Excluding Scaffolding).Pidilite product:- PIDICRETE AMChoksey Product:-Mastergrout CPG-1.11. Redoing sand face plaster in 2 coats: 15-25 mm thick Cementplaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) + adding integral water proofingcompound IWP-1 or PIDIPROOF LW, equivalent as permanufacturers recommendation. (Excluding Scaffolding)12. Letter Writing: Painting of building names in appropriate sizesshapes & colour with Acrylic elastomeric coatings. (ExcludingScaffolding)All buildings.Products of Pidilite or chokseymake.All building on need basis. Forproviding slopes for rain water &repairs of existing plaster.All buildings.13. Filling of cracks on Wall & Parapet surface with Acrylic latexcaulk. ( Paintex or equivalent )All Buildings wall & parapetsurfaces.

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