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7General Information & requirements :-• LPG Plant Gail Usar is located at a distance of 125 Kms fromBombay. You can reach the site by public conveyance during dayhours. Location is adjacent to HPCL bottling plant at Usar on Alibag–Roha Highway at 15 Kms distance from Alibag.• All Bidders are advised to visit the site for nature & quantum ofworks, inspection of building, working heights, risk associated & forproper estimation of their offers.• LPG Usar is a continuous process plant & accordingly all works areregulated by work permits system. Contractor is responsible fortaking safety precaution for it workforce & overall safety at site.• The work force provided by the contractor must be physically fit,healthy,experienced for the works to be performed Gail Usar.• Contractor is responsible for transportation of its men & material ondaily basis for execution of works at Gail Usar.• No boarding or lodging arrangements will be made by Gail for thecontractors work force while execution of works, however Canteenfacilities can be availed on payment basis.

8SCOPE OF WORK.The scope of work shall include but not limited to items mentionedin bill of quantities, drawings and instruction & direction of EIC.Taking of work permits from EIC shall be the responsibility of theContractor and the contractor has to make his own arrangementsfor the same. Meeting quality is of paramount importance.SlITEM DESCRIPTION REMARKSno1. Surface preparation : Scrapping & cleaning of surfaces withautomated tools & tackles including opening of panel joints/ cracksin V shape & removal of dust, dirt, oily / grease , algae, looseconcrete/ plaster, bitumen tar felt,, earth strips & washing / cleaningthe surface with High Pressure water jetting. Complete cleaning.Building Height up to 15 mtr.Location / Area of works.Roof + All Wall surfaces +All Parapets, of Buildings.Pls note. Works at height needsscaffolding building for safeworking. Max Ht 15 mtrs.2.Dismantling loose plaster: Removal / dismantling all loose plaster,damaged/ cracked/ hollow plaster & carting away the debris to adesignated place from site, all inclusive & complete.Building Height up to 15 mtr.3. Scaffolding works: Providing steel scaffolding, Erection &dismantling of scaffolding in & around buildings for safecleaning/coating/repair works. Building Height up to 15 mtr. Oncethe scaffolding is erected it shall be removed only after completionof all works .( Unless approved by EIC as specific requirement.)Location / Area of works.Roof + All Wall surfaces +All Parapets, of Buildings.Pls note. Works at height needsscaffolding building for safeworking. Max Ht 15 mtrs.Location / Area of works: In &around buildings up to height of15 mtrs.4. Making Gola / Batas 75 mm thick & 175mm wide at the junctionof roof & parapet wall in cement concrete 1:3, with neat cementpinning & mixed proportionately with Masterproof IWP-1 orPidiproof LW and prior to that a coat of Mastercrete / Pidicrete MPBon the base as bond coat.5. Waterproofing of roof surface by application of modified acrylicemulsion polymer with cement mortar. (White cement +Armourcrete/ Indofil MC-76) in 2 coats after proper surface finish, crack filling& curing for 3 days. Application as per Manufacturersrecommendation & as per DSR 2002 item no. 25.5, refer annexureattached with tender document.Location / Area of works. Roof ofbuildings.Location / Area of works. Roof ofbuildings. (FWPH, LCR & ADMBLOCK Building roof.)

8SCOPE OF WORK.The scope of work shall include but not limited to items mentionedin bill of quantities, drawings and instruction & direction of EIC.Taking of work permits from EIC shall be the responsibility of theContractor and the contractor has to make his own arrangementsfor the same. Meeting quality is of paramount importance.SlITEM DESCRIPTION REMARKSno1. Surface preparation : Scrapping & cleaning of surfaces withautomated tools & tackles including opening of panel joints/ cracksin V shape & removal of dust, dirt, oily / grease , algae, looseconcrete/ plaster, bitumen tar felt,, earth strips & washing / cleaningthe surface with High Pressure water jetting. Complete cleaning.Building Height up to 15 mtr.Location / Area of works.Roof + All Wall surfaces +All Parapets, of Buildings.Pls note. Works at height needsscaffolding building for safeworking. Max Ht 15 mtrs.2.Dismantling loose plaster: Removal / dismantling all loose plaster,damaged/ cracked/ hollow plaster & carting away the debris to adesignated place from site, all inclusive & complete.Building Height up to 15 mtr.3. Scaffolding works: Providing steel scaffolding, Erection &dismantling of scaffolding in & around buildings for safecleaning/coating/repair works. Building Height up to 15 mtr. Oncethe scaffolding is erected it shall be removed only after completionof all works .( Unless approved by EIC as specific requirement.)Location / Area of works.Roof + All Wall surfaces +All Parapets, of Buildings.Pls note. Works at height needsscaffolding building for safeworking. Max Ht 15 mtrs.Location / Area of works: In &around buildings up to height of15 mtrs.4. Making Gola / Batas 75 mm thick & 175mm wide at the junctionof roof & parapet wall in cement concrete 1:3, with neat cementpinning & mixed proportionately with Masterproof IWP-1 orPidiproof LW and prior to that a coat of Mastercrete / Pidicrete MPBon the base as bond coat.5. Waterproofing of roof surface by application of modified acrylicemulsion polymer with cement mortar. (White cement +Armourcrete/ Indofil MC-76) in 2 coats after proper surface finish, crack filling& curing for 3 days. Application as per Manufacturersrecommendation & as per DSR 2002 item no. 25.5, refer annexureattached with tender document.Location / Area of works. Roof ofbuildings.Location / Area of works. Roof ofbuildings. (FWPH, LCR & ADMBLOCK Building roof.)

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