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General Conditions of Contractof this agreement, the CONTRACTOR shall at hisown expense arrange for all the safety provisions asper safety codes of C.P.W.D., Indian StandardsInstitution. The Electricity Act, The Mines Act andsuch other acts as applicable.ii)The CONTRACTOR shall observe and abide by allfire and safety regulations of the EMPLOYER. Beforestarting construction work CONTRACTOR shallconsult with EMPLOYER's safety Engineers orENGINEER- IN-CHARGE and must make good tothe satisfaction of the EMPLOYER any loss ordamage due to fire to any portion of the work done orto be done under this agreement or to any of theEMPLOYER's existing property.111 First aid and industrialinjuries:111.1 i) CONTRACTOR shall maintain first aid facilities for itsemployees and those of its SUB-CONTRACTOR.ii)ii)CONTRACTOR shall make outside arrangements forambulance service and for the treatment of industrialinjuries. Names of those providing these servicesshall be furnished to EMPLOYER prior to start ofconstruction and their telephone numbers shall beprominently posted in CONTRACTOR's field office.All critical industrial injuries shall be reported promptlyto EMPLOYER, and a copy of CONTRACTOR'sreport covering each personal injury requiring theattention of a physician shall be furnished to theEMPLOYER.112 General rules: 112.1 Smoking within the battery area, tank farm or dock limits isstrictly prohibited. Violators of the no smoking rules shallbe discharged immediately.113 Contractor's barricades: 113.1 i) CONTRACTOR shall erect and maintain barricadesrequired in connection with his operation to guard orprotect:-a) Excavationsb) Hoisting Areas.c) Areas adjudged hazardous by CONTRACTOR's orEMPLOYER's inspectors.d) EMPLOYER's existing property subject to damageby CONTRACTOR's Operations.e) Rail Road unloading spots.ii) CONTRACTOR's employees and those of hisSUB- CONTRACTOR's shall become acquainted withEMPLOYER's barricading practice and shall respect theprovisions thereof.iii) Barricades and hazardous areas adjacent to, but notlocated in normal routes of travel shall be marked byred flasher lanterns at nights.114 Scaffolding: 114.1 i) Suitable scaffolding should be provided for workmen forall works that cannot safely be done from the ground orfrom solid construction except such short period workas can be done safely from ladders. When a ladder is67

General Conditions of Contractused an extra Mazdoor shall be engaged for holding theladder and if the ladder is used for carrying material aswell, suitable footholds and handholds shall be providedon the ladder and the ladder shall be given aninclination not steeper than 1 in 4 (1 horizontal and 4vertical).ii) Scaffolding or staging more than 4 metres above theground or floor, swing suspended from an overheadsupport or erected with stationary support shall have aguard rail properly attached, bolted, braced andotherwise retarded at least one metre high above thefloor or platform of such scaffolding or staging andextending along the entire length of the outside andends thereof with only such openings as may benecessary for the delivery of materials. Suchscaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as to preventit from swaying from the building or structure.iii) Working platform, gangway and stairway should be soconstructed that they should not sag unduly orunequally and if the height of platform of the gangwayor the stairway is more than 4 metres above the groundlevel or floor level, they should be closely boarded,should have adequate width and should be suitablyfastened as in ii) above.iv) Every opening in the floor of a building or in a workingplatform shall be provided with suitable means toprevent the fall of persons or materials by providingsuitable fencing of railing whose minimum heights shallbe 1 metre.v) Safe-means of access shall be provided to all workingplatforms and other working places, every ladder shallbe securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall beover 9 metres in length while the width between siderails in rung ladder shall in no case be less than 30 cmsfor ladder upto and including 3 metres in length. Forlonger ladder this width should be increased 5mm foreach additional foot of length. Uniform steps spacingshall not exceed 30 cms. Adequate precautions shallbe taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment.No materials on any of the sites or work shall be sostacked or placed to cause danger or inconvenience toany person or public. The CONTRACTOR shall alsoprovide all necessary fencing and lights to protect theworkers and staff from accidents, and shall be bound tobear the expenses of defense of every suit, action orother proceeding of law that may be brought by anyperson for injury sustained owing to neglect of theabove precautions and pay any damages and costswhich may be awarded in any such suit or action orproceeding to any such person or which may with theconsent of the CONTRACTOR be paid to compromiseany claim by any such person.115 Excavation and trenching: 115.1 All trenches 1.2 metres or more in depth, shall at all timesbe supplied with at least one ladder for each 50 metreslength or fraction thereof.68

General Conditions of Contractused an extra Mazdoor shall be engaged for holding theladder and if the ladder is used for carrying material aswell, suitable footholds and handholds shall be providedon the ladder and the ladder shall be given aninclination not steeper than 1 in 4 (1 horizontal and 4vertical).ii) Scaffolding or staging more than 4 metres above theground or floor, swing suspended from an overheadsupport or erected with stationary support shall have aguard rail properly attached, bolted, braced andotherwise retarded at least one metre high above thefloor or platform of such scaffolding or staging andextending along the entire length of the outside andends thereof with only such openings as may benecessary for the delivery of materials. Suchscaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as to preventit from swaying from the building or structure.iii) Working platform, gangway and stairway should be soconstructed that they should not sag unduly orunequally and if the height of platform of the gangwayor the stairway is more than 4 metres above the groundlevel or floor level, they should be closely boarded,should have adequate width and should be suitablyfastened as in ii) above.iv) Every opening in the floor of a building or in a workingplatform shall be provided with suitable means toprevent the fall of persons or materials by providingsuitable fencing of railing whose minimum heights shallbe 1 metre.v) Safe-means of access shall be provided to all workingplatforms and other working places, every ladder shallbe securely fixed. No portable single ladder shall beover 9 metres in length while the width between siderails in rung ladder shall in no case be less than 30 cmsfor ladder upto and including 3 metres in length. Forlonger ladder this width should be increased 5mm foreach additional foot of length. Uniform steps spacingshall not exceed 30 cms. Adequate precautions shallbe taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment.No materials on any of the sites or work shall be sostacked or placed to cause danger or inconvenience toany person or public. The CONTRACTOR shall alsoprovide all necessary fencing and lights to protect theworkers and staff from accidents, and shall be bound tobear the expenses of defense of every suit, action orother proceeding of law that may be brought by anyperson for injury sustained owing to neglect of theabove precautions and pay any damages and costswhich may be awarded in any such suit or action orproceeding to any such person or which may with theconsent of the CONTRACTOR be paid to compromiseany claim by any such person.115 Excavation and trenching: 115.1 All trenches 1.2 metres or more in depth, shall at all timesbe supplied with at least one ladder for each 50 metreslength or fraction thereof.68

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