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General Conditions of Contractd) The Contractor shall also arrange suitable insuranceto cover damage, loss, accidents, risks etc., inrespect of all his plant, equipments and machinery,erection tools & tackles and all other temporaryattachments brought by him at site to execute thework.e) The Contractor shall take out insurance policy in thejoint name of EMPLOYER and Contractor from oneor more nationalised insurance company from anybranch office at Project site.f) Any such insurance requirements as are herebyestablished as the minimum policies and coverageswhich Contractor must secure and keep in forcemust be complied with, Contrator shall at all timesbe free to obtain additional or increased coveragesat Contractor’s sole expenses.vii)ANY OTHER INSURANCE REQUIRED UNDER LAWOR REGULATIONS OR BY EMPLOYER:CONTRACTOR shall also carry and maintain any andall other insurance(s) which he may be required underany law or regulation from time to time without any extracost to EMPLOYER. He shall also carry and maintainany other insurance which may be required by theEMPLOYER.102 Damage to Property or toany Person or any ThirdParty102.1 i) CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for making good tothe satisfaction of the EMPLOYER any loss or anydamage to structures and properties belonging to theEMPLOYER or being executed or procured or beingprocured by the EMPLOYER or of other agencies withinin the premises of all the work of the EMPLOYER, ifsuch loss or damage is due to fault and/or thenegligence or willful acts or omission of theCONTRACTOR, his employees, agents,representatives or SUB-CONTRACTORs.ii)The CONTRACTOR shall take sufficient care in movinghis plants, equipments and materials from one place toanother so that they do not cause any damage to anyperson or to the property of the EMPLOYER or anythird party including overhead and underground cablesand in the event of any damage resulting to the propertyof the EMPLOYER or of a third party during themovement of the aforesaid plant, equipment ormaterials the cost of such damages including eventualloss of production, operation or services in any plant orestablishment as estimated by the EMPLOYER orascertained or demanded by the third party shall beborne by the CONTRACTOR. Third party liability riskshall be Rupees One lakh for single accident andlimited to Rupees Ten lakhs.iii) The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and keep theEMPLOYER harmless of all claims for damages toproperty other than EMPLOYER's property arising61

General Conditions of Contractunder or by reason of this agreement, if such claimsresult from the fault and/or negligence or willful acts oromission of the CONTRACTOR, his employees,agents, representative of SUB-CONTRACTOR.SECTION-VIIILABOUR LAWS103 Labour laws: 103.1 i) No labour below the age of 18 (eighteen) years shall beemployed on the WORK.ii) The CONTRACTOR shall not pay less than what isprovided under law to labourers engaged by him on theWORK.iii) The CONTRACTOR shall at his expense comply withall labour laws and keep the EMPLOYER indemnifiedin respect thereof.iv) The CONTRACTOR shall pay equal wages for menand women in accordance with applicable labourlaws.v) If the CONTRACTOR is covered under the Contractlabour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, he shall obtaina licence from licensing authority (i.e. office of thelabour commissioner) by payment of necessaryprescribed fee and the deposit, if any, before startingthe WORK under the CONTRACT. Such fee/depositshall be borne by the The CONTRACTOR shall employ labour in sufficientnumbers either directly or throughSUB- CONTRACTOR's to maintain the required rate ofprogress and of quality to ensure workmanship of thedegree specified in the CONTRACT and to thesatisfaction of the ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE.vii) The CONTRACTOR shall furnish to theENGINEER-IN- CHARGE the distribution return of thenumber and description, by trades of the work peopleemployed on the works. The CONTRACTOR shall alsosubmit on the 4th and 19th of every month to theENGINEER-IN-CHARGE a true statement showing inrespect of the second half of the preceding month andthe first half of the current month (1) the accidents thatoccurred during the said fortnight showing thecircumstances under which they happened and theextent of damage and injury caused by them and (2) thenumber of female workers who have been allowedMaternity Benefit as provided in the Maternity BenefitAct 1961 on Rules made thereunder and the amountpaid to them.viii) The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions ofthe payment of Wage Act 1936, Employee Provident62

General Conditions of Contractd) The Contractor shall also arrange suitable insuranceto cover damage, loss, accidents, risks etc., inrespect of all his plant, equipments and machinery,erection tools & tackles and all other temporaryattachments brought by him at site to execute thework.e) The Contractor shall take out insurance policy in thejoint name of EMPLOYER and Contractor from oneor more nationalised insurance company from anybranch office at Project site.f) Any such insurance requirements as are herebyestablished as the minimum policies and coverageswhich Contractor must secure and keep in forcemust be complied with, Contrator shall at all timesbe free to obtain additional or increased coveragesat Contractor’s sole expenses.vii)ANY OTHER INSURANCE REQUIRED UNDER LAWOR REGULATIONS OR BY EMPLOYER:CONTRACTOR shall also carry and maintain any andall other insurance(s) which he may be required underany law or regulation from time to time without any extracost to EMPLOYER. He shall also carry and maintainany other insurance which may be required by theEMPLOYER.102 Damage to Property or toany Person or any ThirdParty102.1 i) CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for making good tothe satisfaction of the EMPLOYER any loss or anydamage to structures and properties belonging to theEMPLOYER or being executed or procured or beingprocured by the EMPLOYER or of other agencies withinin the premises of all the work of the EMPLOYER, ifsuch loss or damage is due to fault and/or thenegligence or willful acts or omission of theCONTRACTOR, his employees, agents,representatives or SUB-CONTRACTORs.ii)The CONTRACTOR shall take sufficient care in movinghis plants, equipments and materials from one place toanother so that they do not cause any damage to anyperson or to the property of the EMPLOYER or anythird party including overhead and underground cablesand in the event of any damage resulting to the propertyof the EMPLOYER or of a third party during themovement of the aforesaid plant, equipment ormaterials the cost of such damages including eventualloss of production, operation or services in any plant orestablishment as estimated by the EMPLOYER orascertained or demanded by the third party shall beborne by the CONTRACTOR. Third party liability riskshall be Rupees One lakh for single accident andlimited to Rupees Ten lakhs.iii) The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and keep theEMPLOYER harmless of all claims for damages toproperty other than EMPLOYER's property arising61

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