CCGPS Standards Based Assessment Rubric Second Grade ...

CCGPS Standards Based Assessment Rubric Second Grade ...

CCGPS Standards Based Assessment Rubric Second Grade ...

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<strong>CCGPS</strong> <strong>Standards</strong> <strong>Based</strong> <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong><strong>Second</strong> <strong>Grade</strong> InformativeIdeasELACC2W2ELACC2W5Exceeds Expectations4A. Clearly presents topicand focus/controllingidea. Explainssomething more aboutthe topic OR aconnection is madebetween topic andbroader idea(s)Meets Expectations3A. Clearly presents topicand focus/controllingidea.Approaching Expectations2A. Has a topic andattempts afocus/information, butfocus may shift or notbe relevant to thetopic chosenExpectations Not Met1A. Attempts to identify atopic but lacks a focusor may have more thanone topic or topic isconfusing as statedTeacher/Peer CommentaryB. Has a depth ofinformation/insightful.Elaborates using avariety of relevantdetails, definitions,examples, quotes, textevidence to supportfocus/conceptsC. Includes accurate,relevant, anddeliberately placed textfeatures in an effort tofurther the intent of thepieceMay include:D. Student participates inteacher and/or peerrevision and editingconversations that arehighly effective instrengthening thewriting pieceB. Some authenticdetails, definitions,facts, text evidencesupport focus/conceptsC. Includes text featuresthat are accurate andrelevant.May include:D. Student participates inteacher and/or peerrevision and editingconversations thateffectively strengthensthe writing pieceB. Ideas may not be fullyelaborated or detailsmay be insufficient tosupport focus/conceptsC. Includes text feature/swith accurateinformation but maynot be relevantMay include:D. Student participates inteacher and/or peerrevision and editingconversations;however, the resultwas unproductive instrengthening thepieceB. No details provided orthe attempts to adddetails to drawings/writing may berandom, inaccurate, orirrelevantC. Attempts to include atext feature/s or textfeature used includesmisinformationMay include:D. Student participates inteacher and/or peerrevision and editingconversations;however, no changeswere made to the pieceAdds labels or captions toillustration, drawing, visuals,charts/tables, or diagram toenhance details, facts andideas (elaboration)E. Revisions and editingare highly effective instrengthening the pieceE. Revisions and editingare effective instrengthening thepieceE. Revisions and editingshows little effectivenessin strengtheningthe pieceE. No revision or editingis attempted or attemptwas not relevant tostrengthen the pieceAssess “E” if student revisedand edited independently.Hall County Schools 8/10/12

OrganizationELACC2W2A. Introduction, body, andconclusion support thefocusA. Introduction, body,and conclusionsupport the focusA. Introduction, body,and conclusion areevident but may lackclarity or coherenceA. Attempts introduction,body, and conclusionbut one or more partsare missingB. Provides a satisfyingsense of closureB. Provides a sense ofclosureB. Attempts to provide asense of closureB. Does not provide asense of closureC. Temporal words areused consistently andeffectively to connector group ideasC. Includes sometemporal words toconnect or group ideasC. Attempts to connectideas with temporalwords but may not belogical or make senseC. Temporal words areused improperly or notused at all to signalevent orderStyleELACC2L1ELACC2L3ELACC2L5ELACC2L6A. A wide variety ofsentence structures areusedB. Uses effective, precisevocabularyA. Different types ofsentences are usedB. Appropriate use ofvocabulary (nouns,plurals, verbs,pronouns, adjectives,adverbs, contentspecific)A. Mostly simplesentences or patternsentences are usedB. Vocabulary use hasminor errors/someword choices matchtopicA. Sentences are repeated,consistentlyincomplete, or do notmake senseB. Uses basic, incorrect,or below-levelvocabularyC. Shows an awarenessthat others will bereading the piece tolearn and usesconversation, orknowledgeableteaching tone to relateto the reader—maydirectly address thereader—understandswhen to useformal/informallanguageC. Shows an awarenessthat others will bereading the piece tolearn and uses someconversation orknowledgeableteaching tone in anattempt to engage thereader/some attempt todirectly address thereaderC. Shows an awarenessthat others will bereading the piece tolearn and uses someteaching toneC. No sense of audienceHall County Schools 8/10/12

ConventionsELACC2L1ELACC2L2A. Writing is free ofcapitalization errorsB. There are no endingpunctuation errors.Punctuation useenhances the storyC. Words using commonspelling patterns andhigh frequency wordsare spelled correctly.Other words are spelledphonetically.A. Writing has only acouple of errors incapitalizationB. Only a couple ofpunctuation errorsC. Most words usingcommon spellingpatterns and highfrequency words arespelled correctly. Mostother words arespelled phoneticallyA. Writing has severalerrors in capitalizationB. Several punctuationerrorsC. Paper has manyspelling errors whichat times interfereswith understandingthe pieceA. Errors in capitalizationmake writing difficultto readB. Punctuation errorsmake paper difficult toreadC. Many spelling errorsmake paper difficult toread and interfere withunderstandingthroughout the pieceD. Subjects and verbsalways agreeD. Subjects and verbsconsistently agreeD. Subjects and verbsoften do not agreeD. Subjects and verbs donot agreeELACC2W6: With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including collaboration withpeers. Yes__________ Tool Used_________________________________________ No__________ELACC2W7: Participates in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record scienceobservations). Yes _________ Topic ________________________ Type of product ____________________________________ No _________ELACC2W8: Recalls information from experiences or gathers information from provided sources to answer a question.Yes ________ No ________Adapted from: ELA rubrics for assessing CCSS writing standards ---- Developed by Karin Hess, National Center for <strong>Assessment</strong> using several sources: CCSS for writing; the VT analytic writing rubrics; Biggam &Itterly, Literacy Profiles; Hill, Developmental Continuum; Exemplars Young Writers rubrics; and input from NYC K-5 performance assessment pilot <strong>Assessment</strong> Development Leaders --- (6/2011) version TCRWPInformational Reading And Writing <strong>Rubric</strong>s--‐2 nd <strong>Grade</strong>Hall County Schools 8/10/12

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