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Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for PharmacistsSept <strong>2011</strong>PSA Your voice.

ensuring healthy and competent pr<strong>of</strong>essionals; andcontributing to the development <strong>of</strong> other healthpractitioners.The PBA has indicated that the PSA Code wouldbe implemented as the pharmacy pr<strong>of</strong>essionspecific<strong>code</strong> in addition to the overarching <strong>code</strong>for registered health practitioners. The PSA Codewill, most likely, form an appendix to the healthpractitioners’ <strong>code</strong>. The PBA, in its role <strong>of</strong> publicprotection, may use or refer to the PSA Code in casesinvolving the conduct or behaviour <strong>of</strong> pharmacists.Purpose and scope <strong>of</strong> this CodeThe PSA Code must be read in conjunction withother relevant documents such as: Federal and state/territory legislation; standards, <strong>code</strong>s and guidelinesissued by the PBA; and guidelines and standardsissued by pr<strong>of</strong>essional organisations. Nothing in thePSA Code is to be construed as permitting breach<strong>of</strong> any law, or interpreted in any way which woulddiscourage any pharmacist from complying with anylegal obligation.The PSA Code articulates the values <strong>of</strong> the pharmacypr<strong>of</strong>ession and expected standards <strong>of</strong> behaviour<strong>of</strong> pharmacists to consumers and society. It isdesigned to guide and support pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice<strong>of</strong> all pharmacists. Note that the PBA’s definition <strong>of</strong>“practice” (adapted below) applies here.To practise as a pharmacist means undertakingany role, whether remunerated or not, in whichthe individual uses their skills and knowledge as apharmacist. Practice is not restricted to the provision<strong>of</strong> direct clinical care. It also includes working ina direct nonclinical relationship with consumers;working in management, administration,education, research, advisory, regulatory or policydevelopment roles; and any other roles thatimpact on safe, effective delivery <strong>of</strong> services in thepr<strong>of</strong>ession and/or use their pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills.Structure and content <strong>of</strong> this CodeThe PSA Code consists <strong>of</strong> nine principles coveringfive main areas <strong>of</strong> focus which are core topharmacists and pharmacy practice. The principlescapture philosophical concepts and form thefoundation <strong>of</strong> the Code.The Summary <strong>of</strong> Principles (p. 4) provides anoverview <strong>of</strong> the entire Code, the nine principlesaligned to areas <strong>of</strong> focus, and sub-text supportingeach principle. The areas <strong>of</strong> focus associated withthe principles are intended to promote a betterunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the context and application <strong>of</strong>the principles to everyday practice. Although theprinciples are numbered and associated with aspecific area <strong>of</strong> focus, they are <strong>of</strong> equal importance.Following the Summary <strong>of</strong> Principles, the mainsection <strong>of</strong> the document further articulates each<strong>of</strong> the principles. A set <strong>of</strong> more detailed statements(Obligations) outline the standards <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalbehaviour expected <strong>of</strong> a pharmacist.Where warranted, the PSA Code will also besupported by separate documents providingadditional detail and which can be updated asrequired. These will be referenced in the Additionalguidance section.Application <strong>of</strong> this CodeThe principles contained in this Code apply to everypharmacist irrespective <strong>of</strong> the role, scope, level orlocation <strong>of</strong> practice. Clearly there will be instanceswhere some principles may not be directly relevantto an individual pharmacist’s usual practice, forexample, where the area <strong>of</strong> focus is on businesspractices. However, it is expected that all pharmacistswill embrace the underlying tenet <strong>of</strong> each principleand be responsible for propagating the pr<strong>of</strong>ession’score values.Intern pharmacists and pharmacy students will beexposed to the PSA Code and learn about various‘<strong>code</strong>s’ <strong>of</strong> <strong>ethics</strong> relevant to their chosen pr<strong>of</strong>ession.It is expected that intern pharmacists and pharmacystudents comply with the PSA Code during periods<strong>of</strong> supervised practice (clinical placements).All non-pharmacist personnel engaged in thepharmacy pr<strong>of</strong>ession are strongly encouragedto comply with the principles <strong>of</strong> the PSA Code.Employers are encouraged to include the PSA Codeas part <strong>of</strong> the employee induction process andregularly promote aspects <strong>of</strong> the Code. This willenhance rigour and promote confidence inthe pr<strong>of</strong>ession.Additional guidanceThe PSA will provide additional guidance topharmacists on an ongoing basis to cover specificprinciples, areas <strong>of</strong> practice or issues as they ariseor are identified. These may be provided as pointsor referenced (if substantial documents) in theAdditional guidance section.Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.3

Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists –Summary <strong>of</strong> PrinciplesArea <strong>of</strong> focusThe consumerThecommunityThe pharmacypr<strong>of</strong>essionBusinesspracticesOtherhealth carepr<strong>of</strong>essionalsPrinciple and supporting text1. A pharmacist recognises the health and wellbeing <strong>of</strong> the consumer as theirfirst priority.A pharmacist will utilise expert knowledge and provide care in a compassionate andpr<strong>of</strong>essional manner.2. A pharmacist pays due respect for the autonomy and rights <strong>of</strong> consumers andencourages consumers to actively participate in decision-making.A pharmacist will, through informed consent, pay due respect to the dignity and privacy <strong>of</strong>the consumer including: respecting the consumer’s individuality; respecting their right torefuse advice or treatment; and ensuring the privacy and confidentiality <strong>of</strong> the consumerand information provided.3. A pharmacist upholds the reputation and public trust <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession.A pharmacist will not abuse the trust and respect <strong>of</strong> individuals and society.4. A pharmacist acknowledges the pr<strong>of</strong>essional roles in and responsibilities to thewider community.A pharmacist will ensure responsible and accountable control and supply <strong>of</strong> therapeuticgoods and contribute to public health and enhancing the quality use <strong>of</strong> medicines.5. A pharmacist demonstrates a commitment to the development and enhancement<strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession.A pharmacist will commit to advancing the pr<strong>of</strong>ession through involvement in activitiesincluding: training staff; engaging in teaching; acting as a preceptor; mentoring students,interns and colleagues; engaging in discussions and participating in initiatives to developthe pr<strong>of</strong>ession; and showing pr<strong>of</strong>essional leadership.6. A pharmacist maintains a contemporary knowledge <strong>of</strong> pharmacy practice andensures health and competence to practise.A pharmacist will recognise the importance <strong>of</strong> lifelong learning and self-development andtheir impact on pr<strong>of</strong>essional competence. Further, a pharmacist is responsible for ensuringpersonal health to practise and supporting health pr<strong>of</strong>essional colleagues in this regard.7. A pharmacist agrees to practise only under conditions which uphold thepr<strong>of</strong>essional independence, judgement and integrity <strong>of</strong> themselves or others.A pharmacist will exercise pr<strong>of</strong>essional autonomy, objectivity and independence andmanage actual and potential situations <strong>of</strong> conflict <strong>of</strong> interest.8. A pharmacist conducts the business <strong>of</strong> pharmacy in an ethical andpr<strong>of</strong>essional manner.A pharmacist will ensure business practices are conducted primarily in the best interest <strong>of</strong>the consumer, paying due respect to colleagues, while upholding the reputation <strong>of</strong> thepr<strong>of</strong>ession.9. A pharmacist works collaboratively with other health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to optimise thehealth outcomes <strong>of</strong> consumers.A pharmacist will consult and work cooperatively with other health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals toachieve expected or optimal health outcomes for the consumer.4 Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.

Principles, obligations andadditional guidanceIn this section, each Principle is further articulatedthrough Obligation statements which outline thestandards <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional behaviour expected<strong>of</strong> a pharmacist.In addition, points to guide the application <strong>of</strong>the PSA Code to everyday practice are provided.This Additional guidance section will be developedfurther over time as issues arise or are identified.Principle 1 – Consumer First PriorityA pharmacist recognises the health and wellbeing <strong>of</strong> the consumer as their first priority.It is important to reiterate that this principle applies to all pharmacists, even when not involved in providing directcare to consumers.ObligationsA pharmacist must:1.1 Consider their duty <strong>of</strong> care to theconsumer first and foremost.1.2 Utilise expert knowledge andprovide care in a compassionateand pr<strong>of</strong>essional manner.1.3 Recognise consumers who areparticularly vulnerable and tailorthe provision <strong>of</strong> care accordingly.1.4 Act to prevent harm to theconsumer.1.5 Promote good health andwellbeing.Additional guidanceWhen recommending a therapeutic product, any new evidence orlack <strong>of</strong> rigorous information must be carefully balanced with theconsumer’s choice and health status.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional judgement must be exercised to prevent the supply <strong>of</strong>products likely to constitute an unacceptable hazard to health orthe supply <strong>of</strong> unnecessary and/or excessive quantities <strong>of</strong> medicinesor products, particularly those which have a potential for abuse ordependency.It is important to ensure consumers understand both risks andbenefits associated with the chosen options <strong>of</strong> medicationmanagement and care. Clear directions and contacts should beprovided for actions to be taken in the event <strong>of</strong> an adverse event oroutcome.As the consumer’s health care management may extend over morethan one health/pharmacy sector/provider, it is important thatpharmacists consider their liaison role and appropriately facilitatecontinuity <strong>of</strong> care for the consumer.Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.5

Principle 2 – Informed ConsentA pharmacist pays due respect for the autonomy and rights <strong>of</strong> consumers and encourages consumers toactively participate in decision‐making.Participation by consumers in health care decisions is a core principle <strong>of</strong> the Australian Charter <strong>of</strong> Healthcare Rights.Consumers have the right to be informed about the choices available in health care and to be involved in makingdecisions based on these choices. Optimal health outcomes will depend on consumers being made aware <strong>of</strong>available options and expected outcomes (both positive and negative).ObligationsA pharmacist must:2.1 Respect the dignity <strong>of</strong> theconsumer.2.2 Recognise and respect consumerdiversity, culture, beliefs, values andcharacteristics, and not discriminateon any grounds.2.3 Through informed consent,encourage consumers toparticipate in shared decisionmakingand assist by providinginformation and advice relevantto the consumer’s clinical needs inappropriate language and detail.2.4 Respect the consumer’s choiceincluding the right to refusetreatment, care or advice, or towithdraw consent at any time.2.5 Ensure compliance with theconsumer’s right to privacy.2.6 Ensure confidentiality <strong>of</strong> theconsumer’s information.Additional guidanceInformed consent is based on provision <strong>of</strong> sufficient informationto enable the consumer to make an informed decision aboutthe medication or service. Coercion or lack <strong>of</strong> transparencyare unacceptable.Provision <strong>of</strong> information must be tailored to the consumer’s needsand purpose and in non-judgemental language.The consumer has a right to be <strong>of</strong>fered and to acquire all relevantinformation regarding their medication. However there may beexceptions to this consumer right; any legislative requirements andpr<strong>of</strong>essional privilege represent two examples.Protecting the consumer’s right to privacy and confidentialitymust occur not only in any interaction with the consumer butalso in all communication between health practitioners regardingthe consumer.A pharmacist has a right to decline provision <strong>of</strong> care based on aconscientious objection. However, this right should not preventthe consumer from accessing health care that they are entitled to.Therefore in these circumstances the pharmacist should inform theconsumer <strong>of</strong> the objection and appropriately facilitate continuity <strong>of</strong>care for the consumer.Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.Australian Charter <strong>of</strong> Healthcare Rights.6 Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.

Principle 3 – Public TrustA pharmacist upholds the reputation and public trust <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession.Pharmacists are regarded as role models and are granted certain pr<strong>of</strong>essional privileges. In return, individualmembers <strong>of</strong> the community and the whole <strong>of</strong> society expect pr<strong>of</strong>essional behaviour which warrants trust andrespect.ObligationsA pharmacist must:3.1 Demonstrate accepted standards<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional and personalbehaviour.3.2 Respect the trust that individualsand society place in the pr<strong>of</strong>ession.3.3 Provide accurate, truthful, relevantand independent information in aform that is appropriate for and notmisleading to consumers.Additional guidanceConsumers place a high level <strong>of</strong> trust in pharmacists and expectsound and objective advice. Pharmacists should ensure they andtheir staff are not susceptible to inappropriate marketing influencethat may adversely impact on their primary obligation to providethe most appropriate product, care or advice to meet consumerneeds.Pharmacists should carefully consider how information providedto consumers has been received and interpreted. Informationprovided should not exploit a person’s lack <strong>of</strong> knowledge orunderstanding.Principle 4 – Quality Use <strong>of</strong> MedicinesA pharmacist acknowledges the pr<strong>of</strong>essional roles in and responsibilities to the wider community.Pharmacists commit to responsible and accountable control and supply <strong>of</strong> therapeutic goods and to contribute topublic health and enhancing the quality use <strong>of</strong> medicines in partnership with individuals and the wider community.All aspects <strong>of</strong> pharmacy practice are underpinned by quality use <strong>of</strong> medicines principles and evidence-basedpractice.ObligationsA pharmacist must:4.1 Ensure responsibility andaccountability in the control,procurement, manufacture,handling and supply <strong>of</strong> therapeuticgoods.4.2 Promote the roles andresponsibilities <strong>of</strong> pharmacists tothe community.4.3 Consider the use <strong>of</strong> and accessto health resources in a fair andequitable manner.Additional guidanceAll reasonable care must be taken when disposing <strong>of</strong> medicinalproducts and chemicals. Medicines awaiting disposal must besecurely stored.Timely reporting <strong>of</strong> suspected adverse events or reactionsto therapeutic goods is also a pr<strong>of</strong>essional responsibility andexpectation.Pharmacists must be cognisant <strong>of</strong> the nature and level <strong>of</strong>responsibility the community expects <strong>of</strong> the pharmacy pr<strong>of</strong>ession.Pharmacists have a responsibility to contribute to the achievement<strong>of</strong> the objectives <strong>of</strong> Australia’s National Medicines Policy which are:timely access to the medicines that Australians need, at a costindividuals and the community can afford; medicines meetingappropriate standards <strong>of</strong> quality, safety and efficacy; quality use <strong>of</strong>medicines; and maintaining a responsible and viable medicinesindustry.Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.7

Principle 5 – Enhance the Pr<strong>of</strong>essionA pharmacist demonstrates a commitment to the development and enhancement <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession.All members <strong>of</strong> a respected and privileged pr<strong>of</strong>ession have a role in the development, advancement and evolution<strong>of</strong> that pr<strong>of</strong>ession. There are a range <strong>of</strong> activities and opportunities available to fulfil this responsibility whichpharmacists may undertake to different extents at different stages <strong>of</strong> a pr<strong>of</strong>essional career.ObligationsA pharmacist must:5.1 Commit to advancing thepr<strong>of</strong>ession through involvement inappropriate activities.5.2 Encourage and support theongoing development <strong>of</strong> staff andcolleagues.Additional guidanceExamples <strong>of</strong> activities to be involved in include: pr<strong>of</strong>essionaldevelopment and training <strong>of</strong> staff; engaging in teaching; acting as apreceptor; mentoring students, interns and colleagues; engaging indiscussions and participating in initiatives to develop the pr<strong>of</strong>ession;developing and promoting pr<strong>of</strong>essional roles and responsibilitiesto consumers, other health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals and governments; andshowing pr<strong>of</strong>essional leadership.A preceptor pharmacist must act as a role model and activelyengage in teaching and mentoring intern pharmacists andpharmacy students, not leaving these responsibilities solely to otherstaff members.A preceptor pharmacist must not compromise or manipulate time,effort or vulnerability <strong>of</strong> intern pharmacists.A preceptor pharmacist must demonstrate fairness in theinteraction between preceptor and intern, and in the allocation <strong>of</strong>learning opportunities.Principle 6 – Lifelong LearningA pharmacist maintains a contemporary knowledge <strong>of</strong> pharmacy practice and ensures health andcompetence to practise.All pharmacists should understand and accept the concept <strong>of</strong> lifelong learning and must commit to continuouslearning and pr<strong>of</strong>essional development as a means <strong>of</strong> advancing their practice and pr<strong>of</strong>essional role in thecommunity. Pharmacists also have a responsibility to identify impairment and ways to address the issues and seekor provide support.ObligationsA pharmacist must:6.1 Recognise the importance <strong>of</strong> lifelong learning and selfdevelopmentand their impact on pr<strong>of</strong>essional competence, andcommit to this concept in their current role, responsibility andscope <strong>of</strong> practice.6.2 Recognise the benefits <strong>of</strong> self-assessment, or appraisal orreview by others, <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional performance and respondappropriately to the outcomes.6.3 Be responsible for ensuring personal health to practise andsupporting health pr<strong>of</strong>essional colleagues in this regard.6.4 Recognise signs and behaviour in self and colleagues whichmay indicate a need for intervention in pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice andreferral for advice and support.Additional guidancePharmacy Board <strong>of</strong> Australia. Guidelineson continuing pr<strong>of</strong>essional development.1 July 2010.Pharmacy Board <strong>of</strong> Australia. Guidelinesfor mandatory notifications. 1 July 2010.8 Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.

Principle 7 – Pr<strong>of</strong>essional AccountabilityA pharmacist agrees to practise only under conditions which uphold the pr<strong>of</strong>essional independence,judgement and integrity <strong>of</strong> themselves or others.A pharmacist is responsible for the pr<strong>of</strong>essional decisions and contributions he or she makes in pr<strong>of</strong>essionalpractice. Most practice settings involve working as part <strong>of</strong> a health care team which involves a pharmacist: workingalongside pr<strong>of</strong>essional pharmacist colleagues; supervising and being accountable for interns, students and supportstaff; or reporting to managers. Pr<strong>of</strong>essional service delivery depends on successful team work derived from respect,good communication and cooperation.ObligationsA pharmacist must:7.1 Exercise pr<strong>of</strong>essional autonomy,objectivity and independence,and manage actual and potentialsituations <strong>of</strong> conflict <strong>of</strong> interest.7.2 Behave in a manner which makesit clear that he or she is responsibleand accountable for all decisionsmade and actions taken inpr<strong>of</strong>essional practice.7.3 Communicate with team membersregarding each person’s sphere <strong>of</strong>responsibility and line <strong>of</strong> reporting.7.4 Ensure that the workingenvironment and conditions areconducive to the optimal delivery<strong>of</strong> health care services and do notpresent a risk to the safety and care<strong>of</strong> consumers or colleagues.Additional guidanceA pharmacist must not override the pr<strong>of</strong>essional autonomy <strong>of</strong>pharmacists in his or her employ unless consumer safety may becompromised.It is advisable to refuse employment where a pharmacist’spr<strong>of</strong>essional autonomy or judgement is denied or integrity iscompromised in any way.Pharmacists engaged in research must appropriately considerresponsible research practices and research <strong>ethics</strong> principlesincluding any declaration or disclosure <strong>of</strong> interests (eg. grants fromindustry or shareholdings).National Health and Medical Research Council, the AustralianResearch Council and Universities Australia. Australian <strong>code</strong> for theresponsible conduct <strong>of</strong> research. 2007.National Health and Medical Research Council, the AustralianResearch Council and Australian Vice-Chancellors’ Committee.National statement on ethical conduct in human research. UpdatedSeptember 2009.Pharmacists who employ other health practitioners should sightand authenticate credentials and be confident the activities andservices provided complement the role <strong>of</strong> the pharmacist. Thepharmacist shall maintain the pr<strong>of</strong>essional role in the provision<strong>of</strong> quality use <strong>of</strong> medicines, dispensing <strong>of</strong> medications andcounselling.Pharmacists are responsible for actions <strong>of</strong> staff under theirsupervision and arrangements must be made to ensure appropriatepr<strong>of</strong>essional indemnity insurance coverage.It is recognised that sub-optimal working conditions may beunavoidable in some emergency situations (eg. following floods,fires or cyclones). Pharmacists should make their best efforts tosafeguard consumers and colleagues under such circumstances.Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.9

Principle 8 – Ethical Business PracticesA pharmacist conducts the business <strong>of</strong> pharmacy in an ethical and pr<strong>of</strong>essional manner.Pharmacists are part <strong>of</strong> a diverse pr<strong>of</strong>ession where contribution to health care service delivery occurs in many waysand through a variety <strong>of</strong> settings. In many cases, the contribution <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional expertise occurs in a health caresetting involving business practices.ObligationsA pharmacist must:8.1 Ensure business practices areconducted primarily in the bestinterest <strong>of</strong> the consumer.8.2 Consider and recognise whenpotential conflicts <strong>of</strong> interestshould be declared.Additional guidanceExamples <strong>of</strong> ‘pharmacy health care service’ models include (but arenot limited to): operating a hospital pharmacy department; runninga community pharmacy in a retail environment; or providinga consultant pharmacist service through the delivery <strong>of</strong> HomeMedicines Reviews.The premises or location from which pharmacy health care servicesare delivered to consumers should reflect the pr<strong>of</strong>essional characterand health-related nature <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession.When considering service or product availability from a pharmacy,the pharmacist will need to carefully balance issues such asconsumer demand and commercial factors with quality, safetyand efficacy.Vigilance over business practices may be particularly warranted bypharmacists in community pharmacies due to their existence in theretail environment where factors such as competitive prices andvolume are key business drivers.Irrespective <strong>of</strong> the setting or model through which pharmacistspractise, it is important to reiterate that the consumer’s interestsare always paramount while recognising the duality <strong>of</strong> interest <strong>of</strong> apharmacist who may conduct a pharmacy business in the provision<strong>of</strong> a health care service.Parameters which guide any competitive marketing <strong>of</strong> therapeuticgoods or health care services are: having the best interest <strong>of</strong> theconsumer (Principle 1); upholding the reputation <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession(Principle 3); and respecting colleagues (Principles 7 and 9).A pharmacist must refrain from inappropriate advertising, cognisant<strong>of</strong> the fact that pharmacy is a health care pr<strong>of</strong>ession.Pharmacy Board <strong>of</strong> Australia. Guidelines for advertising <strong>of</strong> regulatedhealth services. 1 July 2010.Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2007 provides that the marketingand advertising <strong>of</strong> therapeutic goods to consumers is conductedin a manner that promotes the quality use <strong>of</strong> therapeutic goods, issocially responsible and does not mislead or deceive the consumer.10 Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.

Principle 9 – CollaborationA pharmacist works collaboratively with other health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to optimise the health outcomes<strong>of</strong> consumers.The provision <strong>of</strong> care by means <strong>of</strong> multidisciplinary teams aims to produce synergies and efficiencies through thecontribution <strong>of</strong> respective health pr<strong>of</strong>essional skills and expertise. Collaborative care implemented through goodcommunication and cooperation can deliver enhanced efficiencies and better health outcomes for consumers,particularly in the context <strong>of</strong> an increasing demand for and complexity <strong>of</strong> health care.ObligationsA pharmacist must:9.1 Exercise pr<strong>of</strong>essional independenceand judgement and be cognisant<strong>of</strong> own scope <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalpractice when providing supportand advice to other healthpr<strong>of</strong>essionals.9.2 Respect and understand theexpertise <strong>of</strong> other healthpr<strong>of</strong>essionals.Additional guidanceA pharmacist must ensure no conflict <strong>of</strong> interest encroaches onthe relationship with any other health care provider (eg. sharing <strong>of</strong>financial gain from a referral or sale <strong>of</strong> a product or medication).A pharmacist must at all times refrain from expressing defamatoryor unpr<strong>of</strong>essional complimentary remarks in public about anyconsumers, colleagues or other health care providers.Working within your own scope <strong>of</strong> pharmacy practice andrecognising the expertise <strong>of</strong> others should also facilitate appropriatereferral processes thereby enhancing the multidisciplinary approachto optimising health outcomes for consumers.9.3 Consult and work cooperativelywith other health pr<strong>of</strong>essionals toachieve expected health outcomesfor the consumer.9.4 Establish good workingrelationships and promote agreedcommunication paths with otherhealth pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to enable thedelivery <strong>of</strong> best possible outcomes.Endorsed by PSA Board September <strong>2011</strong>Scheduled for review September 2016Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics for Pharmacists <strong>2011</strong> I © Pharmaceutical Society <strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.11

PSA3307pharmaceutical Society<strong>of</strong> Australia Ltd.ABN 49 008 532 072National OfficePharmacy House44 Thesiger CourtDeakin ACT 2600PO Box 42Deakin West ACT 2600P: 02 6283 4777F: 02 6285 2869E: psa.nat@psa.org.auwww.psa.org.auBranch Contact DetailsP: 1300 369 772F: 1300 369 771AustralianCapital TerritoryPharmacy House44 Thesiger CourtDeakin ACT 2600PO Box 42Deakin West ACT 2600E: act.branch@psa.org.auNew South Wales82 Christie StreetSt Leonards NSW 2065PO Box 162St Leonards NSW 1590E: nsw.branch@psa.org.auQueenslandPACELevel 3, West Wing20 Cornwall StreetDutton Park QLD 4102PO Box 6120Buranda QLD 4102E: qld.branch@psa.org.auSouth AustraliaSuite 7/102Greenhill RoadUnley SA 5061E: sa.branch@psa.org.auTasmania161 Campbell StreetHobart TAS 7000E: tas.branch@psa.org.auVictoriaLevel 1, 381 Royal ParadeParkville VIC 3052E: vic.branch@psa.org.au

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