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PDF, 7mb - Arizona Game and Fish Department

PDF, 7mb - Arizona Game and Fish Department


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<strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>Fish</strong> IdentificationCatfish FamilyChannel CatfishDescription: Scattered black spots on a silveror gray colored back <strong>and</strong> sides with a whitebelly. Few spots on large adults. Smooth,scaleless skin. 8 barbels or “whiskers.” Shortbase on small adipose fin. Deeply forkedtail. Anal fin has 24 to 30 rays <strong>and</strong> is slightlyrounded. Length: 10 to 35 inches. Weight: upto 30 pounds.Flathead CatfishDescription: Back <strong>and</strong> sides mottled,dark-brown to yellow-brown; belly is yellowish-white.Head is broad <strong>and</strong> flat with smalleyes. Large mouth, lower jaw projecting beyondthe upper jaw. Adipose fin is large; Tailfin is flat or slightly notched. Length: 12 to 50inches. Weight: up to 70 pounds.Bullhead (black, yellow, brown)Description: Body is yellow-olive to brown onback with yellowish sides, <strong>and</strong> yellow to whitebelly. Slight to no mottling. Chin barbels arealways light in color, either white or pale yellow.Anal fin is moderately long with a straightprofile; Tail fin is rounded. Length: 6 to 16inches. Weight: up to 3 pounds.Pike <strong>and</strong> Perch FamilyWalleyeDescription: Back is yellow-olive with a brassycast. Sides brassy-yellow with dark mottling.Belly is white. Dark spot at rear of spiny dorsalfin. Anal fin <strong>and</strong> lower lobe of tail fin are white.Eyes are opaque-silver in color. Length: 12 to28 inches. Weight: up to 14 pounds.Northern PikeDescription: Back <strong>and</strong> sides, dusky olive-greenwith rows of light oval spots. Dorsal, anal <strong>and</strong>tail fin have round to oblong darkened spots.Dorsal fin located far back on an elongatedbody. Large canine-like teeth. Cheeks completelyscaled, only upper half of the gill coveris scaled. Length: 12 to 45 inches. Weight: upto 30 pounds.Yellow PerchDescription: Back olive-green; sides brassyyellowwith 6 to 9 dark vertical bars; Belly iswhite. Anal fin, pectoral <strong>and</strong> pelvic fins areamber-orange tinted. Small teeth, not caninelike.Soft (rear) dorsal fin has 12 to 13 rays.Length: 4 to 12 inches. Weight: up to 1 pound.Minnow FamilyCommon CarpDescription: Back olive-yellow with yellowishgold sides. Scales on back <strong>and</strong> upper sides aredark-edged, with a dark spot at the base. Thedorsal fin has 17 to 22 rays. One saw-toothedspine at front of long dorsal <strong>and</strong> anal fin. Twobarbels at each corner of the mouth on the upperjaw. Large adults have reddish-orange anal<strong>and</strong> tail fin. Length: 10 to 40 inches. Weight:up to 40 pounds.Roundtail Chub (native)Description: Body is thick <strong>and</strong> streamlined,dark olive-gray above with silver sides. Mouthextends to front of eye. Dorsal fin <strong>and</strong> analfin usually have 8 to10 rays. Large forked tailfin. Breeding males develop red or orangecoloration on lower half of cheek <strong>and</strong> basesof paired fins. Length: 8 to 18 inches. Weight:up to 3 pounds. neW: Catch-<strong>and</strong>-releaseonly, statewide.White Amur or grass carpSimilar to common carp only in general color(brassy yellow) <strong>and</strong> large scales. Notable differencesinclude no barbels on bony mouth,no spine on a short dorsal fin or anal fin, moreelongated body, less yellow in color, tail darker<strong>and</strong> more deeply forked. These fish are highlyeffective weed eaters <strong>and</strong> are stocked to controlnuisance weeds <strong>and</strong> algae. Length: 12 to 42inches. Weight: up to 40 pounds. neW: 1 fish,30 inch minimum statewide.36 <strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>Game</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Fish</strong> <strong>Department</strong> • www.azgfd.gov

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