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PDF, 7mb - Arizona Game and Fish Department

PDF, 7mb - Arizona Game and Fish Department


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<strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>Fish</strong> IdentificationBass <strong>and</strong> Sunfish FamilyLargemouth BassDescription: Large mouth with upper jaw ofadults extending beyond rear margin of eye.Dark olive-green on back, green sides shadingto white belly. Dark horizontal b<strong>and</strong> on eachside. Deep notch in dorsal fin. Soft dorsal finwith 12 to 13 rays. Length: 10 to 25 inches.Weight: up to 15 pounds.BluegillDescription: The bluegill has blue coloring onthe chin, a solid black opercle flap, a smallmouth <strong>and</strong> a dark spot at the rear of the dorsalfin. The body is very compressed or flat <strong>and</strong> hasfrom five to nine dark vertical bars on the sides.Length: 4 to 12 inches. Weight: up to 3 pounds.Green SunfishDescription: Large mouth with blue-green striationson the cheeks. Opercle flap is black withreddish or orange border. Body olive-greenin color, dark vertical bars on sides. Pectoralfin short <strong>and</strong> rounded. Caudal fin <strong>and</strong> lowerfin margins are white or yellowish with duskyspots at rear of dorsal <strong>and</strong> anal fins. Length: 3to 10 inches. Weight: up to 1.5 pounds.Smallmouth BassDescription: Smallmouth bass most often arebronze to brownish green in color, with darkvertical bars on sides. In contrast to the largemouthbass, the upper jaw does not extendbeyond rear margin of eye. Eye reddish incolor. Shallow notch in dorsal fin. Soft dorsalfin has 13 to 15 rays. Length: 12 to 20 inches.Weight: up to 6 pounds.Redear SunfishDescription: The “Red-ear” sunfish has a blackopercle flap which is bordered with a reddishor orange color on the rear of the flap. Sidesof head have olive-brown speckling. Body iscompressed or flat with an olive-green cast,light speckling on sides. Pectoral fin long <strong>and</strong>pointed, usually extends far past eye whenbent forward. Length: 6 to 14 inches. Weight:up to 5 pounds.Black CrappieDescription: Head <strong>and</strong> back heavily <strong>and</strong> irregularlyspotted with black blotches on asilver-olive background; Tail, dorsal <strong>and</strong> analfins are spotted. Seven or eight spines ondorsal fin. Body is compressed. Length: 6 to15 inches. Weight: up to 4 pounds.Temperate Bass FamilyStriped BassDescription: Body has six to nine black horizontalstripes on silvery-white sides. Dorsalfins are distinctly separate, unlike yellowbass, which are joined at the base. Pelvic finsin large adults, white with anal fin edged inwhite. Lower jaw protrudes beyond upperjaw. Generally two patches of teeth on tongue.2nd anal spine distinctly shorter than the 3rd.Tail is slightly forked. Length: 10 to 50 inches.Weight: up to 60 pounds.White BassDescription: Body silver-white, 4 to 7 dark horizontallines; Lines below lateral line often faint<strong>and</strong> broken. Dorsal fins are distinctly separate,unlike the yellow bass, which are joined at thebase. 2nd anal spine distinctly shorter thanthe 3rd. Lower jaw protrudes beyond upperjaw; Generally a single patch of teeth at baseof tongue. Length: 8 to 18 inches. Weight: upto 4 pounds.Yellow BassDescription: Body has golden-yellow sides with5 to 7 horizontal lines; Lines appear broken<strong>and</strong> offset about midway on the lower side.Dorsal fins are connected. 2nd anal spine isabout as long as the 3rd anal spine. No patchesof teeth on tongue. Length: 6 to 13 inches.Weight: up to 1.5 pounds.<strong>Fish</strong> identification,tips <strong>and</strong> resources2014 <strong>Arizona</strong> <strong>Fish</strong>ing Regulations 35

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