Turkey Season Summary - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Turkey Season Summary - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Turkey Season Summary - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission


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2007-08 fall turkey regulationsFall turkey seasons <strong>and</strong> the turkey planThe Strategic Wild <strong>Turkey</strong> Management Planguides turkey management in <strong>Arkansas</strong>. Fallarchery/crossbow hunting is mentioned brieflyin this plan:“Because fall archery/crossbow seasons havehad minimal if any impact on populations in<strong>Arkansas</strong>, these seasons should be allowablestatewide, except under special circumstances tobe determined on a case-by-case basis.”123Three criteria are included in the plan for fallfirearms seasons:The previous year’s spring season harvestshould be used to determine openseasons. <strong>Turkey</strong> zones recommended foropen seasons should have maintaineda harvest more than 0.5 turkeys persquare mile of forest for the twoprevious spring turkey seasons.Combined fall harvests should notexceed one-third of the previous springharvest during any year in any giventurkey zone.A majority of hunters (greater than 50percent) should indicate that their fallturkey season satisfaction level wasexcellent or good <strong>and</strong> the majority ofspring <strong>and</strong>/or fall turkey hunters shouldsupport fall turkey seasons as determinedby hunter opinion surveys.Preliminary recommendationsInitially, only turkey zones 2, 3, 6 <strong>and</strong> 17 wererecommended for open fall gun turkey seasonbased on spring harvest. All turkey zones metcriterion two, with 2005-06 fall turkey harvestranging from 0 to 7 percent of 2006 springharvest. No hunter opinion surveys have beenmade since 1998, so no data were available todetermine if the third criterion above was beingmet.T U R K E Y C O N S E R V A T I O N I N A R K A N S A SPublic meetingsMeetings were held Jan. 9, 2007, at 11 sites in<strong>Arkansas</strong>, <strong>and</strong> had very poor attendance. Only ah<strong>and</strong>ful of comments on fall turkey seasons – afew for <strong>and</strong> a few against – were received at thismeeting, or later as season recommendationswere being made, distributed by the media <strong>and</strong>reviewed by the public.Final recommendations <strong>and</strong>season approvalWildlife Management Division staff met<strong>and</strong> reviewed public comments <strong>and</strong> preliminaryseason recommendations Jan. 11-12.Additionally, a meeting was held with U. S. <strong>Fish</strong><strong>and</strong> Wildlife Service refuge managers to coordinateseasons on national wildlife refuges.The final season recommendations weremade by the chief of the Wildlife ManagementDivision to the <strong>Commission</strong> at the Februarymeeting. A re-analysis of forested acreage byturkey zone was completed, <strong>and</strong> resulted in somecorrections to data that had been used previously.The new data resulted in turkey zones1, 2, 3, 5B, 6, 7 <strong>and</strong> 17 meeting the minimumspring harvest per forested acre criterion. A fallgun turkey season was proposed for Oct. 22-28,2007, in turkey zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 <strong>and</strong> 17. Thisseason was passed by the <strong>Commission</strong> at itsMarch meeting.Illegal kills <strong>and</strong> crippling losses around cornfeeders from archery season were discussed in anopen <strong>Commission</strong> meeting during fall 2006. Inthe final analysis, the recommendation for thisseason was left unchanged. The <strong>Commission</strong>approved a statewide season for Oct. 1, 2007-Feb. 29, 2008.2 0 0 6 - 0 7 T U R K E Y S E A S O N S U M M A R Y 2 5

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