Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

Sustainable Potato Production - Guidelines for - FAO.org

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74SUSTAINABLEPOTATOPRODUCTIONChallenge of a better functioning value chain<strong>Potato</strong> seed producers arguablyconstitute the most critical link inthe potato chain. For it is their roleto ensure that the chain hasaccess to sufficient quantities andqualities of planting material tomeet the needs of potato growers,processors and traders. In order<strong>for</strong> this group to successfullyparticipate in the value chain,they need yield-improving andinput-saving technologies to helpclose the persistent potato “yieldgap” and to reduce per tonneproduction costs. <strong>Production</strong>initiatives can be strengthenedgreatly by germplasm researchfocused on specific end uses,tissue culture, rapid multiplicationof planting material, insect pestand disease resistance (includingenhancing resistance to prevalentdiseases such as late blight bycombining conventional plantbreeding techniques withbiotechnology) and the <strong>for</strong>mationof producer groups to shareexpertise and to strengthenbargaining power. The continuousgeneration and diffusionof improved varieties is importantif the potato subsector is toflourish. The expansion of potatocultivation will also be facilitatedby improved irrigation supply,chemical fertilizers, cold storagefacilities, and transportinfrastructure. In addition,the market price of potato is oftensubject to very limitednegotiation and is often decidedat the farm gate. Inefficientand unfair pricing often resultsin producers failing to respondto market incentives, stiflingef<strong>for</strong>ts to increase productivityand undermining the necessaryon-farm investments inproduction.ASSEMBLINGTHE POTATOHARVEST, INDONESIA.(PHOTO:FERNADIE LILI)

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